A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 904: Started alchemy (middle)

There is a saying in the big world, which is called refining and transforming qi, practicing qi to transform the spirit, and refining the spirit to return to the emptiness. The essence refers to energy. The specific manifestation of energy is that the body is strong, and there is enough energy to refine into qi, but only Relying on food to replenish energy is really too slow for cultivators, so there is a refined essence pill made from low-level elixir. The essence pill is to increase physical strength, strengthen the essence, and speed up the pace of cultivation.

"The formula is no problem. Basically, they are all elixir for about 20 years." Cook read the elixir again. There are many types of elixir, but there are only thousands of elixir that can be used in large quantities. Different grades of elixir have different years of use.

The essence of essence pill needs to be taken for a long time, and the people who take it are just beginning to cultivate, and the elixir for twenty years is already the maximum. If the one who just cultivated uses the elixir for a hundred years, then the fate of this person is Exploded and died.

The spiritual energy contained in the twenty-year-old elixir is extremely rare, and it is at this stage of developing the Qi Hai, which is the stage before the Qi training period. Spiritual energy, the so-called heaven and earth vitality, cannot be directly absorbed, and can only be slowly absorbed in a small amount from the body, so the essence of essence pill is barely regarded as a pill.

Pills are also divided into several stages. Human pill. Those who have not entered the Qi training period are all human-level pill. Human-level pill, earth-level pill, and sky-level pill. There is also a kind of pill on the sky level, called a pill, the effect of the pill is extremely abnormal, it can bring back the dead, and there is a saying that a panacea.

"That's right." Cook thought about it again, and then combined with the alchemy process of the alchemy, he found that his steps were not wrong at all.

Afterwards, Cook took out the spirit stone inlaid under the universal alchemy furnace, and took a closer look, but found nothing unusual.

Alchemy furnaces generally use fire from the ground to make alchemy, unless some special ammunition, such as the body tempering pill made by thunder fire, is very rare. Cook took the pill again: "Heiye Polygonum, one point. Purple seven, two. One point, black ginseng. Star horse head, two points. Green beard, three points."

There is actually more than one kind of pill for Jingyuan Pill, but Cook chose the one with the least amount of medicinal materials. Cook took the pill to find the alchemist sent by the dragon.

"You have no problem with the alchemy." The alchemist answered honestly.

"Is there a problem with my refining method? I use low-grade spirit stones..." Cook said the process of his refining.

After the alchemist listened, he slapped his lips and said, "There is a problem with the refining method."

"Method of refining?" Cook came to the spirit. This method of refining is commonly used. How can there be problems? Is there a secret.

"This pill is correct, and the method of refining is correct, but the refined essence pill is refined, the universal alchemy furnace is used, and the lower-grade spirit stone is used, then the number of the elixir must be at least fifty, because the lower-grade spirit stone contains The spiritual power of yours is very huge. You, the elixir, will be directly refined into ashes by the spiritual fire created by the huge spiritual power." The alchemist explained.

"Oh, isn't it refined one at a time?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"No one knows how to refine one pill. There are even five earth-level pill, because one cannot grasp the process of refining. After all, the fewer the elixir, the more difficult it is to refine. All you use are medium-sized alchemy furnaces, and the minimum for medium-sized alchemy furnaces is 20 pills. This one..." the alchemy master patiently explained that there is no way to be impatient and fall into the hands of others. , There must be awareness in the hands of others.

Cook went to ask the alchemist sent by Xianmen again, and the result was almost the same. The number of elixir was too small, the temperature of the spiritual fire was too high, and the furnace was too large. Someone asked whether the temperature of the alchemy could be adjusted?

Yes, but the quantity of a pill is less than one or two. In a pill furnace that is more than one meter high, the temperature of the pill furnace is higher before the elixir has a reaction. After all, the temperature of the pill furnace is A minimum, just like an electric stove, several grades, but it is impossible to say that I open the electric stove to a temperature of ten degrees.

Even if the temperature is ten degrees, it is useless to reach the melting temperature of the elixir.

After Cook returned to the alchemy room, he carefully pondered that the alchemy and the refining technique are both a general description, such as how much the elixir is integrated and what needs to be done, as for the specifics, you need to grasp it yourself.

In addition, the refining of the pill is very different from the magic potion. The pill must not only ensure the efficacy, but also ensure that it has spiritual power in it. For the potion of the Council of the Gods, it is just as simple as mixing the medicinal materials after purification.

Just like the injections of traditional Chinese medicine and the torment, no one knows how many chemical reactions will occur between these medicinal materials during the torture process, and finally form the medicine. However, the number of traditional Chinese medicine medicines in the injection is not much. The medicinal effect is refined, but it is difficult to simulate the chemical reaction with the medicinal materials during the cooking process. Moreover, the water preparations boiled by traditional Chinese medicine are absorbed through the stomach and intestines, which is very different from direct injection. No one knows what these boiled medicines will react with gastric acid in the stomach and intestines.

So there are still a lot of traditional Chinese medicine brewing, and pill refining is like that. It doesn't mean simply refining the medicinal properties of the elixir, but also combining the spiritual power and the properties of the elixir to form a pill.

"Complex." Cook ended up with just two words, complicated.

But no matter how complicated it is, Cook also has to practice his hands. Cook put fifty elixir into the pill cauldron, and then he started to refine the pill with his spiritual thoughts.

Cook’s divine mind closely followed the changes in the elixir in the Danding. Under the flame formed by the spirit stone, the elixir in the Danding began to slowly melt, and the elixir in the Danding was also controlled by Cook’s divine mind. Under Dan Ding's situation, he kept rolling.

The degree of melting of the elixir is not the same, because the type of elixir is different, the essence of essence pill does not need to be put in the middle of the elixir, which is the simplest refining method.

However, in the process of refining, Cook also discovered the similarities between alchemy and refining pharmaceutical agents. For example, they must be heated evenly. It cannot be said that some have melted, and some are still the same.


There was a huge voice, the alchemy failed, and the elixir turned into a black and lacquered thing. This is the waste alchemy. No one knows the attributes of this thing.

After cleaning the elixir, Cook again delivered the elixir, but this time, after Cook put the large elixir into the elixir, he manipulated the spirit and directly made some elixir smaller, because the green beard just now The grass melts quickly, because the green beard is just long, thin leaves on a thin grass stem. These leaves are as thick as a beard, so it is called green beard, and the purple seven is different in size. For the same block, fifty copies are needed, and there are all sizes, so Cook failed just now. The temperature has been increasing. It should be kept at a certain temperature for a while, but Cook made alchemy for the first time, so he ignored This led to the failure of some of the merged elixir's spiritual power and medicinal properties, eventually leading to failure.

"There is also a time gap for this divine mind to control the Danding, so there must be an advance amount. This is one of the reasons for the failure, and the elixir is different in year, size, time and temperature. It's not the same. It depends on continuous practice. After all, it is impossible to say that they are all elixir of exactly 20 years." After Cook was ready, he summarized the mistakes made during the last alchemy process, and then continued to refine.

This time Cook did a good job in temperature control. The elixir is basically integrated. After the elixir is fused, there is a process of pill formation. This process is like reconciling the properties of the medicine, just like the cooking is cooked. , Put the seasoning the same, if it is slightly wrong, then it is a failure.


In the process of becoming a pill, he failed again, and there was a bang inside the pill furnace, which shocked Cook.

"The temperature of Cheng Dan is a bit high, and the one in Cheng Dan is controlled by the pill furnace, and the input of spiritual power is a bit large, which leads to failure in Cheng Dan." After several failures, Cook was not discouraged. In Cook's view, success Of course it is good, but failure should not be depressed. It is necessary to find the reason from the failure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only in this way can we continuously improve the success rate.




Failure, failure, continuity of failure, Cook watched and recorded a book of problems, and various problems continued to occur.

"The biggest problem is the control problem. The divine mind controls the Danding, and Danding controls the elixir. The delay is not easy to grasp, and the other is the elixir. It seems that the origin of the elixir is different, and the properties of the elixir are somewhat different, the same size. Purple Seven, some have a higher density, some have a lower density, some have more spiritual power, and some have less spiritual power. This is problematic during the refining process, and there is the spiritual power of low-grade spiritual stones. Conveying is just a few grades. If you want to be suitable, you must constantly adjust the gears. No wonder this universal alchemy furnace is given to me. It is simply a toss." Cook looked at the reasons for his failure, and the biggest problem was the control.

"How about powdering the elixir?" Cook had an idea. According to the prescription, powdering would lose spiritual power and reduce the quality of the elixir.

Cook then worried: "But if the powder is used, will the quality of the pill be reduced? If only the powder can be powdered in the Danding"

"It doesn't matter, let's talk about it first." Cook can't manage that much, he just made the elixir into powder, but Cook grew a mind, put the elixir in the Danding, and then used tools to break the elixir. , Although some spiritual power was lost, but fortunately not much.

"Ignition." Cook thought of ignition in his heart, so the flame inside the pill furnace rose. The structure of the pill furnace is a bit like a boiler. It is not the direct fire outside the pill furnace that everyone sees, but there are countless fire-breathing arrays in the pill furnace. Dharma, inside is the inner tank that contains the elixir, the inner tank rotates and other actions. Danding is a very complicated magic weapon with many functions.

"Boom!" Less than ten seconds after the ignition, the entire furnace exploded, and the whole room was in a mess.

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