A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 917: Spirit Beast "Part 1"

"Chairman Cook, I have accepted a sect mission." Daoist Zhusheng replied.

Cook nodded, and then brought Taoist Song Tao and Zhu Sheng to Cook's office. Cook asked, "What level are the spirit beasts this time?"

"Our Quanzhen Sect has thirty-two types of earth-level spirit beasts, and 11 types of sky-level spirit beasts, but there are six types of earth-level spirit beasts with cubs, and there is only one type of sky-level spirit beast," Song Tao said.

When Cook heard this, he shook his head and said, "Too few. As far as I know, Earth-level spirit beasts generally only have one or two births, and heaven-level spirit beasts have only one. You can't do this at all. ?"

"Chairman Cook, maybe you need to wait a little bit. Our school is trying its best to search for spirit beast cubs." Taoist Songtao also replied very embarrassedly. The higher the level of spirit beasts, the longer the childbirth time, some guardian spirits. A beast, tens of thousands of years may not be able to produce a baby.

When Cook heard this, he asked angrily: "Your time in the big world can be compared with ours. In this way, this time is your suggestion from Song Tao. I will sell you 500 more Five Elements Spirits. Fruits, sky-level spirit beasts, and cubs of rank 4 and above are all given a price, or how many spirit fruits are exchanged?"

"Cook, what are you?" Song Tao asked.

"Hehe, the big world is not just your sect, and you can continue to search for spirit beast cubs. By the way, take out the spirit beast illustration book, and I will go back to count and see which spirit beasts are needed." Cook smiled. Said.

Taoist Songtao wanted to say something, but there was no way. After all, the big world collects spirit beast cubs, even if it takes a month, the small world may be years old.

"Cook, the spirit beasts of the fourth rank and above you mentioned have golden-eyed spirit cranes and two cubs. They are the second-grade spirit beasts of the foundation. The price of a spirit beast cub is 1 million high-grade spirit stones. , There are three-eyed spirit apes, the third rank of the earth, the price is 600,000 high-grade spirit stones, and the sky-level spirit beast Thunder Spirit Horse, the price is 1.5 million high-grade spirit stones. The price of flying spirit beasts is generally higher than that of flying spirits. The price of the beast is about twice as high. The sky-level spirit beast depends on the species. The Thunder Spirit Horse is the ninth-rank of the heaven level, and it is the bottom of the heaven level. Moreover, it is very troublesome to cultivate the Thunder Pegasus and needs to absorb a lot of thunder, so the price It's relatively low." Songtao quoted a price to Cook.

Cook heard the price and nodded and said, "Well, what kind of spirit fruit do you need, and how much?"

"I have to go back to report to the head to make a decision." Song Tao didn't dare to make a decision. The distribution of high-level schools involved, after all, the attributes of the Five Elements Spirit Fruit are different, and the people who use it are also different.

Cook nodded: "Well then."

Zhusheng went back with Cook. As for feeding spirit beasts, there are detailed instructions. Quanzhen Sect does not dare to cheat on it. After all, Quanzhen Sect is just a super sect of Taoism. There are also immortal gates. , Buddhism, every school has spirit beasts, so cheating on this is completely embarrassing.

"Cook, you want to exchange spirit beasts. You must know that spirit beasts need to be cultivated for many years. The higher the quality, the slower the growth." Leng Feng reminded him when he heard that Cook was about to exchange spirit beasts.

Cook waved his hand and said, "I'm not doing this for the sake of all of you. After all, the Five Elements Spirit Fruit is a bit wasteful for people in our small world."

Of course Leng Feng doesn't know that there are so many elemental fruits in Cook's natural ring. What is the total number? Cook estimates that there are at least hundreds of thousands. The rich life energy contained in the natural ring makes these elemental fruits bloom all over the floor. You must know that the elemental fruits will burst into countless spores at a certain time. According to the truth, this Elemental fruits are not mushrooms and do not have spores, but they happen to be. After an elemental fruit bursts, as long as something like spores falls on the ground or on the tree, small elemental fruits will grow. An elemental fruit that resembles spores has How many? At least it is hundreds of millions. Outside, maybe one of these billions of spore-like things can't grow out, but inside the natural ring, tusk, it just blooms everywhere.

There are also some elemental fruits that transform into human form. These elemental fruits treat other elemental fruits of the same family as food, otherwise there will be more, and each elemental fruit of each family is transformed into only one, which seems to be the leader, the others As long as they grow up to a certain time, the elemental fruits of these transmogrified humanoids will directly eat those who seem to be transmogrified. Of course, in Cook’s natural ring, these guys are just a command from Cook and they will not eat. These things were ordered by Cook to collect all the large elemental fruits.

After processing, these elemental fruits can no longer be cultivated for the city elemental fruits, and the leaves of the tree of life are also processed, otherwise these things may be reborn as long as they have sufficient conditions.

So whether it’s the elemental fruit or the leaves of the tree of life, Cook has many, many, many. Cook did not take it out before, mainly because the big world did not have enough things for Cook. Cook can’t say let the big world These hundreds of sects owe a large sum of spirit stones, which is not good for Cook.

The spirit beast made Cook's eyes shine brightly. The spirit beast is the most important thing in the big world. The spirit beast has a high IQ and is definitely a good partner in battle. It can be said that the spirit beast is more trustworthy than the human partner.

However, it is more difficult to raise spirit beasts in the big world. It is generally a big family within the sect, and only the strong can raise them, because spirit beasts need a lot of spirit stones and spirit pills. For ordinary cultivators, it is fundamental There are not so many resources for spirit beasts.

In addition, the spirit beast needs to communicate with the spirit beast frequently, otherwise the spirit beast will go out to make trouble in the future, and the spirit stone for compensation still needs the owner to come.

In the process of growth of spirit beasts, it is necessary to cooperate with cultivators to form certain combat skills. Spirit beasts can also use equipment, magic weapons, magic weapons, etc., so raising a spirit beast is not as good as raising a talent son.

Leng Feng shook his head and said, "Whatever you do, there are not many spirit beasts in our Yijian Sect."

"If you are willing to trade it out, just trade. If you don't want it, forget it." Cook knows that people in the big world value their own combat power. As for spirit beasts, some schools don't value it at all.

Qing Zhu said, "Cook, there are many spirit beasts in the mountain of Shu, and there are also powerful mountain guard spirit beasts. I will report to the head, but the mountain guard spirit beasts are all Heavenly Grade 3 or higher, and the price is very high. expensive."

"No problem, we can exchange the price. You can choose the five-element spirit fruit, the leaves of the tree of life, and I still have some millions of years of the five-element spirit fruit." Cook also knows that the inheritance of Shushan is very powerful. There are not only spirit beasts, but also some descendants of **** beasts. What do **** beasts mean? Suzaku, black dragon, white tiger, unicorn, etc. are called **** beasts.

The sects of the Great World were originally very annoyed that Cook did not trade. As for the exchange of spirit beasts, most of the sects passed unanimously.

Someone asked, why did it pass unanimously? Because the spirit beast has a limited number of individuals, and it is not enough to be allocated to each elder. This is why most elders are unwilling to see others have one. Powerful spirit beasts, especially other people who are also in the position of elder, have strengthened the strength of others since then.

So even if some elders of some schools are unwilling, but most of the elders agree, there is no way. Just like Quanzhen, there are nearly 30 elders, there are leaders of various peaks, and there are commandments and so on. The elders of, and the person in charge of the outer door, etc., there are nearly 30 elders, but the spirit beast cubs that can be allocated, but only a few, so a huge part of the elders agreed to take the spirit beast. Trading, the five-element spirit fruit that has been traded, how can you allocate some in your own hands?

"Qingzhu, we can trade spirit beasts in Shushan, and spirit beasts with the blood of divine beasts can also be traded. This is the list of trades. Whatever Cook chooses, he will give it to him. All the spirit fruits of the five elements are required." Shu Shan's head directly Said to Qingzhu.

"Yes, the head." Qingzhu hurried to the small world to talk to Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Qingzhu left, more than sixty elders looked at the head, and one of them asked, "The head Spirit beasts with the blood of sacred beasts are extremely rare, why should we trade them out?"

"We Shushan was originally the leader of all the big sects, but our strength has hardly increased over the years. The other competing sects, whether in recruiting disciples or recruiting talents, have paid more than us. , I think this time the Five Elements Spirit Fruit is an opportunity for our Shushan to rise." The head said.

Shushan is indeed one of the oldest super sects in the big world. However, as time goes by, the Shushan sect is stuck on this bottleneck. Of course, there are also institutional reasons. The more the sect, the more internal competition. It is fierce, and this kind of competition has evolved into a contradiction. Among other things, there are more than 60 elders, and when certain interests are involved, the competition is even more fierce.

Although this is conducive to the improvement of the strength of the sect, internal friction is often the biggest reason for the stagnation of the sect.

"Head, I still feel a pity, after all, our spirit beasts in Shushan are famous." An elder said.

However, some elders disagreed: "It sounds good and famous. It's not that some people want to get a spirit beast."

"That's right, some people can't take a long-term perspective. How many disciples of the Celestial Spiritual Root can be created by the five-element spirit fruit? Isn't this better than the spirit beasts. Although the spirit beasts are good, but to put it bluntly, they are not beasts?" The elder agreed.

"Huh, Tianlinggen, I think some people's offspring may not be able to ascend to Tianlinggen even if they use the Five Elements Spirit Fruit." The elder who spoke just now sarcastically said.

PS: There is a problem with the notebook keyboard, and the desktop codewords are not adapted slowly. I will update it today, sorry.

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