A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 920: Buddhism and Taoism (1)

PS: 6000 words plus!

When Cook heard La Milan's words, he said depressed: "It's better than you, it can't be tested at all."

"Hmph, that's their thing." La Milan snorted proudly.

Cook smiled, and La Milan reacted. Cook was talking about himself. Cook meant that he was not a Taoist instrument, and he said the same now.

"Cub, go to your father." Ramlan said, turning his child toward the ground.

"Go, baby, let's go, let's go play." Cook took the cubs and other children. Although he doesn't take time to accompany his children every day, Cook takes the children to go shopping every other day.

For the cultivation of offspring, Cook adopts a Western-style education method, which allows children to become independent early and to start planning early.

Cook regularly gives the children pocket money. Needless to say about clothing and the like, this is what Cook should give, but Cook will not directly give money for toys that children want and what they want to buy. Or publish some small tasks, such as remembering the shape and attributes of a magic herb, and how many crystals will be obtained.

There are also various knowledge about the big world. A certain period of time will be given, and a certain reward will be given after the assessment is passed, so that the children can adapt and plan for themselves.

At the beginning, some children didn’t plan at all. Once the allowance was given out, it was spent in an instant. But after three or five times, these children also knew the plan. After the allowance was issued, how much time should be saved. , What can be purchased.

Eastern education means that the parents plan everything well so that there is no problem when the parents are around, but the parents are not around.

Of course, Cook is also different from Western education methods. Hobbies and interests are certainly one aspect, but as a person, at least he must have the skills to ensure life, so Cook is constantly cultivating various skills for his offspring. Who If you like a certain aspect, Cook will release various tasks in a targeted manner, and use material rewards to further enhance the child's hobby, instead of Eastern parents who think that their children should learn what they should learn.

The soul in Cook's bones is the Easterner of the earth, but in this world for hundreds of years, he has abandoned the Eastern style of thinking, and it won't work if you don't, because there is no room for that kind of thinking to develop.

It took more than ten days for the women of Cook to remember the two truths. Fortunately, the various schools in the big world are not in a hurry. The small world takes more than ten days, and the big world only takes more than ten days.

"Friend Cook." Jingkong heard that Cook wanted to test his comprehension, and immediately rushed over. Although Buddhism emphasizes comprehension, it is undeniable that cultivation is the first in the big world. Moreover, Cook's Samadhi true fire's concentration attributes are of great help to Buddhism. Buddhism practice has a saying of entering concentration, which is the term of extreme concentration. Depending on the attributes, things can make entering concentration faster.

Buddhism's entry into concentration is to concentrate your body and mind on one thing.

"Trouble you, fellow Jingkong Daoist." Cook also answered very politely.

"Then that fellow Daoist will come first?" Jingkong didn't talk nonsense. In fact, understanding has another name in Buddhism, Huigen.

Buddhism values ​​the roots of wisdom very much. Buddhism's Buddhist scriptures need to be comprehended by themselves. It is said that a certain Buddhism great sage sits for decades and becomes a sage directly after enlightenment.

Of course, there is no way to verify whether it is true or not.

"I'll come first." Ramlan said.

"This fellow Daoist is a monster..." Jingkong looked at La Milan and whispered to Cook.

Cook waved his hand and said, "La Milan, stop making trouble."


Ramlan hated Jingkong by gritting his teeth. If you talk about the whole world, those who have hatred with the monster race are Buddhism. Of course, some of them are true disciples of Buddhism, but more disciples of Buddhism are just looking for a powerful refuge. Under the banner of subduing demons and demons, these people are doing shameful deeds. For example, some beautiful demons will be suppressed by these Buddhist disciples as an excuse.

Of course, these people did not realize the true meaning of the Buddha. The average high monks would not show up. Those who showed up were those who did not have much accomplishment. These guys do not have the purity of the six roots that Buddhism said. That's it.

Of course, Cook also knows this, but Buddhism occupies one area, and it is impossible to say that all talents are assigned to other sects, so it just turns one eye and closes one eye, causing Buddhism's reputation in the big world to become more and more foul.

"Friend of Daoist Lina has Huigen to reach the second level of the prefecture level." Lina was the first to come to test, and immediately got a high number.

According to Jingkong, the root of wisdom, or IQ, of a normal person is probably the ninth-rank human-level, and the first-rank human-level is the dragon among humans, one in ten thousand.

As for the prefecture level, this has reached the level of a cultivator, at least the level of a Buddhist inner disciple. The second rank of the prefecture level is enough to compete with core disciples. The reason why it is said to be sufficiently competitive is because Huigen only represents pureness. With this thing, it doesn't necessarily matter if you use it or not. If you don't work hard at the first rank, then the human level may exceed the first rank.

"However, Daoist Lina has not cleaned the six roots and has no relationship with Buddhism." Jingkong said afterwards.

Cook pursed his lips and said angrily: "Kingkong, don't talk nonsense, be careful to go out and stumble."

Clearance was threatened by Cook in this way, and the corners of his mouth twitched before asking someone to do something. If the next sentence was wrong, he would punch someone. Does Nima still have the right to do?

"The West Asian Taoist Fellows have the prefecture-level third-grade wisdom root."

"Friend Miqi Daoist possesses a prefecture-level fifth-grade wisdom root."

"Felder Luo Li has the third-rank wisdom root, but she has too much greed."

"Friend Connie has a heavenly eighth-rank wisdom root, but he is too murderous."

One-by-one measurement of the clearance is actually looking at it with the eyes. As for the Dharma used, Cook does not know.

After testing one by one, Jingkong is a little regretful, because there is no one who has a relationship with Buddhism. If the six roots are not clean, you can't feel at ease in the Dharma, but the wisdom roots of these women are indeed outstanding.

Of course, Buddhism is dismissive of the orcs, as well as Lamyra, Ivys, etc. In fact, in the big world, the real Buddhism monk subduing the demons and demons is generally a surrender to the demons, but it is said that a certain Buddhism This ancestor surrendered to the Great Sage of the Monkey Demon, and as a result, the Monkey Demon escaped. It is said that he even took revenge on Buddhism. In the end Buddhism wanted to kill directly, but because of Buddhism's philosophy, he eventually came up with something like an exam. Eleven difficulties.

Originally, according to the plan of Buddhism, it was to kill the monkey demon great sage, but the Daomen did not know how to blend in and gave a lot of support, so in the end the monkey demon completed the exam, so Buddhism became opposed to the demon clan. enemy.

However, Buddhism disciples pay attention to causation, so under normal circumstances, they don't have any contact with the monster race, so as not to be affected by causation.

"Ah, my eyes." In the end, it was Cook's turn. Jingkong used the Dharma and looked at Cook, but then Jingkong screamed.

"What happened?" Cook hadn't reacted yet, and someone outside immediately rushed in.

When Cook saw Leng Feng and others, he waved his hands and said, "I don't know what's going on, but Jingkong screamed out, and then fainted."

Others looked at Cook suspiciously, and then at Cook's concubine, and they were all muttering in their hearts, is there something wrong with the clearance, and Cook was violently beaten?

"It seems to have suffered an internal injury?" Song Tao checked and said.

A Buddhist disciple said, "It is the damage caused by the Dharma, it is estimated that it is Senior Brother Jingkong himself..."

The Buddhist disciples don't know how to explain it. If you say that Cook knows the Dharma, no one believes it, but it is really difficult to say that Jingkong releases the Dharma by himself and faints himself.

"Ba!" Another Buddhist disciple leaned closer to Clearance, and then whispered into Clearance's ear.

"Ah!" Jingkong woke up all at once, but two blood stains came out of his eyes.

"Friend Jingkong, what are you?" Song Tao hurriedly leaned forward and asked.

Jingkong was stunned, and didn't say anything, because at the moment of seeing it, the golden light in his eyes pierced the spirit of Jingkong like countless dori arrows, Jingkong fainted with a scream, and at the time of fainting, Jingkong looked It’s a huge pestle, which is commonly used in Buddhism. It is said to be a pestle, which is actually like a dagger, but behind the dagger is a vajra. There are many vajra in the Buddha gate, and the front is a Mitsubishi thorn. Powerful.

However, the higher the cultivation base, the higher the Dharma blessed on the lowering demon pestle. The full name of the lowering demon pestle is called Jingangjiang demon pestle, but only the true lower demon pestle used by the vajra can be fully referred to. The lower demon pestle used by other low-level Buddhist disciples. There is no King Kong in the back, there is only a round ball. If you have cultivated to a certain level, there will be the image of King Kong behind the Demon Peel, which represents your identity.

As for taking a look, you can see the golden light of the descending demon pestle. Jingkong has only heard a certain legend, that is, there is a secret hidden inside the seven buddha gates, and there is the descending demon pestle. The golden light was directly wounded, and it is said that there are things from the Heavenly Court era in this secret.

"Friends of Jingkong?" Leng Feng asked when he saw Jingkong's reaction.

"It's okay, it's okay, there are some small problems in the Dharma practice." Jingkong suppressed the horror in his heart, but when he looked at Cook with Buddha's eyes, he was stunned by the golden light. You can imagine how mysterious the things on Cooke are. .

However, Jingkong did not see the statue behind the Demon Pestle in the rich golden light, otherwise it would be easier to judge.

"Daoist Cook, you have a root of wisdom, and you have a relationship with me." Jingkong struggled to stand up, bent over to Cook, and said with his head down.

Jingkong is a sect that makes others exclaimed. It’s almost a courtesy to the elders of the teacher’s elders to know the etiquette of Jingkong. Generally speaking, Buddhist disciples just bow their heads. As for bending over, it’s not easy. , And now Jingkong actually bends down, the things in it are worth remembering.

"Friends of Jingkong, the monks don't stop talking, what happened to you just now?" But there were other Buddhist disciples who seemed to guess something, and said immediately.

When Taoist Songtao heard this, he glanced at Cook suspiciously, and then said: "Yes, Daoist Jingkong, just say anything."

Jingkong's face flushed, of course it is impossible to say, but if I don't say it before, it doesn't involve any cause and effect, but now it is clearly said that there is no cause and effect.

Leng Feng and others are not stupid either. Clearance is usually incompetent. Now, with such a constipated expression, the people present exclaimed that there were problems and problems.

"What the younger brother wants to know, you might as well look at Cook with Buddha's eyes." Jingkong didn't say, but didn't want to be contaminated with some cause and effect. It is not a good thing to know that the vajra and the magic pestle can appear, although the thing is Good things, but there is no blood flow behind a good thing in the big world, and the dead pretentious genius is even harder to count. Why do so many sects recruit so many geniuses every five years, and finally grow up. It is because most of these geniuses did not look in awe and eventually fell.

"Ah..." Just after Jingkong finished speaking, some Buddhist disciples really opened the Buddha's eyes. The Buddha's eyes are not so profound in the Dharma. Of course, the deeper you practice, the more detailed the goal you will know.

Several Buddhist disciples fainted with a horrible cry. Taoist Song Tao and others looked at Cook subconsciously, while Cook shrugged with a look of doubt. In fact, Cook also had a guess in his heart. You must know that Cook knew that Feng Mozhu was a magic pestle. After that, he didn't stand up. Now that Jiang Mochu responded, then Cook could make Jiang Mochu smaller and put it on his body, and no longer need to carry it on his back as before.

"Should I be seen clearly?" Cook muttered in his heart, but there was a look of doubt on his face.

"Humph." Jingkong snorted as he watched a few who did not look at Cook with Buddha eyes.

"Huh!" Several other Buddhist disciples hurriedly shouted into the ear of the fainted Buddhist disciple.

After these Buddhist disciples woke up, they didn't say a word, no matter how others asked, they just didn't say anything, but they looked at Cook with eager eyes.

When this happened, the test of Huigen was over, and a dozen Buddhist disciples left the small world one after another.

Leng Feng and Song Tao gathered together for the sects, the immortals, and the gods. Song Tao asked annoyedly: "What happened? Why are the bald heads of Buddhism not opening their mouths? Are they practicing closed mantras?"

"There must be a big thing. According to the truth, the release of Buddha's eyes on the target should not have such a result. Is Cooke a demon?" A Taoist guessed.

"Isn't it because the blood demon Taoist seized the house?" A Taoist followed.

"Shut up, the body of the person who seizes the small world in the big world, don't want to live anymore?" Qing Zhu said angrily.

Leng Feng was very calm, and said, "According to their response, they should have been hurt by the Dharma. Only Buddhist monks with a cultivation base much higher than the clearance can do this. But Cook is a Buddhist monk?"

"This joke is not funny at all, should we try it with a Buddhist talisman?" Mei Rui asked.

Song Tao said: "How to release the talisman, what if Cook knows that the five elements are broken?"

"Hey." The people present all sighed. If there is any big secret in this Buddhist school, it is not a good thing for the other major sects.

"Or let's just vote and tie someone up directly. If something is really big, I don't think the martial art will punish us." Qingzhu said.

When Leng Feng heard this, his eyes lit up and said: "Maybe Cook wants to figure it out too..."

"Why don't we discuss with Cook, so that Cook will deny it and use the code of the Council of the Gods to deal with us?" Song Tao said.

"What are you afraid of, a few fellow daoists, in the Code of the Council of the Gods, kidnapping can be used as a ransom, hehe, as long as we don't kill..." A Taoist stood up and said immediately.

So on the second day, a certain disciple of Buddhism disappeared and disappeared in his own Buddhist room. This makes people very puzzled. Almost all the schools of the Great World are in an area, although there are brave knights in this area. , But that is only on the periphery, the interior is occupied by these sects, and each sect is responsible for security.

After Cook got the report, he was also puzzled, but after thinking about it carefully, Cook knew who did it. When he asked, Song Tao, Leng Feng and other leading guys returned to the big world, and Cook confirmed his guess. .

In the Seven Buddhist Schools, after the Jingkong report was completed, the abbot of the Seven Buddhist Schools asked in confusion: "Jingkong, you really didn't read it wrong, it is the Vajra Fumochu?

"Yes, I can feel the powerful Dharma of Dao, but I can't clearly see the image of Vajra behind Fumochu, it is too dazzling, and I seem to see a huge giant behind the Vajra Fumochu. But like a shadow."

"Brother, how come?" another Buddhist elder asked in astonishment.

The abbot waved his hand and said: "There are countless diamonds in the ancient heavenly court, as well as the Buddha, and the powerful people use the vajra and magic pestle, but according to the truth, there can be no such thing in the small world, unless it loses mana, but loses After the mana, it should have no effect on the clearance?"

"Could it be that Cook got it unintentionally, and then the Vajra Fu Mo pestle recovered?" An elder asked.

"Could it be that Cook knows Buddhist scriptures, and what the Vajra Demon Pestle needs is the Vajra Enchantment Sutra? Does Cook have the true scriptures?" the abbot asked.

The other elders shook their heads, joking, the Vajrayana Sutra, which is the most powerful sutra of Buddhism, and one of the most powerful Dharma. It is for Cook, and Cook may not be able to understand it.

"Is it because Cook has great wisdom?" A Buddhist elder finally asked a little reliable.

"Perhaps, Jingkong, do you think Cook has compassion?" the abbot asked.

Jingkong shook his head and said: "It should be. After Cook became the speaker of the Council of the Gods, among other things, the orcs would at least starve to death by millions of people every year, and..."

"What!" Hearing this, the elders present all exclaimed.

"Jingkong, why didn't you report this before, and tell the relevant things about Cook carefully." The abbot yelled at Jingkong.

Jingkong was stunned, and then suddenly realized that what Buddhism pays attention to is to save one's life and build a seventh-level buddha. It is to cut meat and feed eagles, and is to save all living beings. Cook's practice, there is a saying called the ten thousand Buddhas.

"Originally, the orcs were very poor in the Council of the Gods. Most of the old people in the orcs would go to the wilderness by themselves after the late autumn every year. That was because there was not enough food..." Jingkong took the things he knew about the orcs. Said it.

When the abbot and the others heard this, their expressions changed. An elder stood up and said excitedly: "Head, head, Cook, this is a person with great compassion and great wisdom, a Buddha of ten thousand families, what if In the ancient times, this was a proper living Buddha. If such a person gets a broken Buddha artifact, it can really be repaired. In the ancient times, the Buddha's vajra, Duma, and Bodhisattva all needed this kind of aspiration, I It is seriously suspected that Cook has the Vajra Vortex ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and if it is the weapon used by the Eight King Kong, it is comparable to the existence of a high-level fairy."

"Kingkong, you take this thing and approach Cook, and you will immediately report your reaction." The abbot took out an irregular cylinder from his arms and handed it to Jingkong.

"Oh rice tofu." Jingkong saw this cylinder, and immediately kowtow respectfully. This is a Buddha bone relic. The origin is unknown, but the Buddha bone relic on the head is comparable to a Lingbao. Level stuff.

Jingkong hurriedly left and went to the small world. After other Buddhist disciples reported that some Buddhists had the same views as the Seven Buddhists, but some Buddhists were still wondering, after all, some things are not known to anyone.

As for the gate, the immortal gate, the leaders of the gods will vomit blood.

"What's the matter with this Cook? Recently, I have been making troubles all the time." The head of Yi Jianmen complained after entering the barrier. There is no way. The time ratio of the big world and the small world is different, and the time axis is also different. It's not the same. The head means that if you go out for a meal, something will happen to the small world.

"Let's talk." The head of Yi Jianmen saw Leng Feng and said

Leng Feng opened his mouth and said: "The clearance of the seven Buddhist monks fainted directly when he showed the Buddha's eyes to Cook, and blood was dripping from his eyes. Later, several other Buddhist disciples did the same. We asked, but they didn't say so, so we immortal The sects and the sects of the Dao sects united and directly kidnapped an injured Buddhist disciple. According to the Buddhist disciples, they looked at Cook with Buddha’s eyes, and it was a golden light. Inside the golden light, there was a vajra and a magic pestle. King Kong, they can't see clearly. It is said that there is a figure of ten thousand feet high behind the King Kong Demon Pestle, but only the shadow can be seen."

"What!" Hearing this, the head was no longer calm, and the other elders also looked at each other.

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