A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 926: Controversy between Buddhism and Taoism (7)

When Yuan Zhenzi heard this, their expressions became unhappy: "Of course it is a conspiracy of Buddhism, otherwise you don't know yet."

"Nonsense, you guys are a lot of age, don't think about the problem so simply, okay, do you really think that some of your sects can draw Cook into your own sect?" Sanqingmen ancestor shouted, no way. Whoever makes this old guy almost the highest strength and a Lingbao-level weapon in his hand, everyone has to avoid three points.

Hearing this, Yuan Zhenzi said unconvincedly: "Will it be allowed to Buddhism, or Xianmen, the gods?"

"You, idiot, there are so many good things in Cook's body. I really want to join your Quanzhen Sect. Believe it or not it is for you Quanzhen Sect to invite disaster?" Sanqing Sect ancestor shouted angrily when he heard this.

Tomako's face collapsed when he heard this, and the others were also thoughtful when they heard this.

"The bald donkeys of Buddhism made an announcement only when they saw this. As for the guys talking about the immortals, those guys have a tendon in their minds, thinking that Buddhism is going to come true." Sanqingmen ancestor said.

"Then let's give up?" Yuan Mako asked still unconvinced.

When the other ancestors of the Dao Sect heard this, some people spoke: "Of course they will not give up, but what we say here is not counted. We mean let Cook join your Quanzhen Sect, and he will really join, Xiao In a unique environment like the world, can we forcefully start?"

"Listen, listen. Other people's minds are more sober than you. Whatever we do about this matter has no effect on this matter. The final decision is in the hands of that Cook." Sanqingmen ancestors Several people accused Yuan Mako.

"Then Buddhism's announcement?" Yuan Zhenzi asked.

"Of course it is to fight back. Although Cook has the right to choose, the scope of this choice must be on our side." Sanqingmen ancestor replied domineeringly.

The other Taoist ancestors nodded one after another. In fact, although Taoist sects are numerous, they are of the same origin after all. Take these ancestor-level figures as an example. They fought with each other and fought side by side when they were young. After so many years of development, the relationship between the various sects is extremely complicated, although it is said that from time to time in the door Some sects are destroyed, but they are definitely small and medium sects. These small and medium sects have to pay tribute to the big sects. Once these small and medium sects are somewhat disobedient, then they have to be educated. Behind the destruction of each sect is not very simple. , There is no martial art, the super martial art participates in the ghost, of course, some small and medium martial art get the treasure hidden without reporting, and they are properly destroyed.

"The Buddhism guys made an announcement to let us fight inside the Daomen and cause civil turmoil, and to make others think that Cook is a living Buddha reincarnated by Buddhism. Even if Cook joins us in the Daomen in the future, these guys can also be said to be our Daomen. "A Taoist ancestor said.

"These buddhist guys, don't give me some color, I don't know how powerful they are. I suggest holding a Fa conference." An ancestor said.

Fa conferences in the great world are not debates. The Fa here refers to Dao Fa, Buddhism, that is, to see whose strength is high.

"We will use Cook to persecute Buddhism. Whoever loses will automatically withdraw. If you don't participate in this matter, I want to see if these Buddhism bald donkeys can still watch the fun?" Sanqingmen ancestors Said coldly.

Numerous Taoist ancestors have expressed their agreement. There is no way to disagree. The Buddhist announcement made the Taoist people very disgusting. If you want to say that the door also issued an announcement, wouldn't it be a fight with the Buddhist priest for Cook? If you can compete, then the door is not Will give up, but the fundamental thing about this matter still depends on Cook. No matter how fierce the big world is, it will be of no use to let people watch the excitement. Therefore, there is only a Fa conference, and it does not mean fighting for Cook. In other words, , Whoever loses gives up.

I have to say that none of these old guys have a simple one, and then the Dao Sect uttered, to the effect that it is not up to us to decide who Cook belongs to, but if you want to fight for it, come to compete with our Dao Sect. If you lose, you will automatically give up.

After the Dao Sect uttered its voice, what made Dao Sect unable to imagine was that the first echo was actually the Xianmen, the expression of the Xianmen, the Fa conference, the fight, we Xianmen like it very much, the boss of the Dao Sect, you said it yourself, if you lose If we exit, we count as one of Xianmen.

The voice of the fairy gate makes the old guys of the Dao sect angry. Who doesn’t know that the guys of the immortal door are basically the best at the same level. Dao Fa and Buddhism have a certain casting time, and Fei Jian, biu’s It's coming in a moment.

But the Dao Sect can't refuse, and the Buddhism has also spoken out. Of course, the Buddhism will participate. Although it is said that it is likely to lose when facing the Dao Sect, it cannot be defeated by the Dao Sect in terms of momentum.

The Buddhism had just finished speaking, and the religious sect also responded, "Well, there is such a fun thing, I also participate in one, I will take a look, I will play soy sauce or something, the bosses will be merciful when the time comes.

The four major sects came out one by one to let more people in the big world know. Oh, there is such a person in the small world, and several major sects value it. What is this person?

After some understanding, these people suddenly realized that they were guilty of their crimes. It could also be the reincarnation of ancient immortals or ancient arhats. This is incredible. What, dozens of high-grade spirit stones were also painted by this person. There is samādhi spiritual fire, tusk, this person is going to suffer.

Fa conferences, Fa conferences in which the four major sects participate, this is a big deal, just after the four major sects gave their voices.

A great sage of the monster race directly announced to the world, the human world's Fa conference, we the monster race also want to watch the ceremony.

As the main humanity gate, no one has the courage to reject the great sage of the demon race. Although humans also have saints, no one of the human saints speaks. The great sage of the demon race speaks, in terms of strength and generation, the saints are older than these. There are more than one generation of ancestors, besides, whoever dares to refuse, whoever stands up to refuse, is not afraid of being remembered by the great sage of the demon race. The demon race does not like to reason with people, but likes to speak directly with his fist, being remembered by the sage, tusk.

Daomen then uttered a voice, saying that we welcome the Yaozu to come and observe the ceremony.

This time the Fa conference became even more famous. What made the Taoist ancestors annoyed most was that Buddhism then gave a list of more than 100 people participating in the Fa conference.

"These **** bald donkeys, bald donkeys, all of them are old guys." The ancestor of Sanqingmen almost overturned the main hall after seeing the Buddhist personnel involved.

"Tsk tusk, this Buddhist bald donkey is a good excuse. The juniors are not proficient in Dharma, so we might be on the court by then."

"Yes, shameless." Daomen's ancestors were all annoyed.

Buddhism comes from the ancestor level of each sect, and it is right to say that the juniors are not proficient in the Dharma. Everyone knows that the more you practice, the more proficient the Buddhism is, just like the monks at the ancestor level, one to one. If it were, Dao Sect ancestors couldn't help it at all, but the Dao Sect's Taoism is easy to cultivate, of course, it is easier to practice in comparison, and it is very powerful at low-level.

"The most hateful thing is that Buddhism's bald donkey is a public list of personnel." Yuan Zhenzi felt really disgusting. Originally, Buddhism's announcement was disgusted by Buddhism. Finally, Daoism counterattacked and proposed to hold a puja, but this time he was disgusted by Buddhism. The door became disgusting, and now I was disgusted by Buddhism again. You can't say, our old fellow, we lose face and lose face.

"Haha, those arrogant people of Dao Sect, ok, okay, the bald donkeys of Buddhism are so pleasing to my eyes for the first time. The juniors are not proficient in Buddhism. Tsk tsk, it seems that this time is the opportunity for our immortals to come out. I am arrogant, I use a flying sword to let them all know what facelessness is." The immortal door originally participated in the puja, because of his strong offensive power, the chance of winning is not impossible. Now I see the Buddhist method, the immortal door Only then did he know that there is something shameless than himself, of course the flying sword of the immortal gate is also stronger as it gets older and stronger.

The number of Dao Sect ancestors is not that many in the other three sects combined, so the strength is the first.

As for the strength of a single ancestor, even the gods are not as good as the gods. If it wasn't for a certain Daoist boss who came out from time to time to bully the minor, or lent his weapons to his juniors, he would have been taught by gods. The person who hit did not know the last name.

It was not only the immortal door who clapped and laughed, but also the godsect. Why didn't the boss of the gods take action at the beginning? It's because the boss of the gods was the brother of the gods. As for the specific reasons, perhaps only the gods’ boss himself knew.

The sect immediately said that the juniors are indeed not good at spells, and you should compare them with the older ones to see who is the least promising.

Dao Sect did not expect that when Buddhism made a move, both the immortal door and the gods would respond to it. Can Dao Sect say no? Of course not. The Dao Sect boss has been self-proclaimed for so many years, but he did not expect that the younger brothers would fall into the limelight at this time, and the Dao Sect himself gave this opportunity.

The ancestors of Dao Sect are very depressed. These old guys know their own affairs, Buddhism, they are particular about being able to be beaten, the most can withstand the beating, the immortal door, the strongest attack power, a flying sword breaks ten thousand magic, the gods teach The cultivation of the ancestors of the gods is no worse than that of Taoism.

Of course, Cook knew what happened in the big world. Not to mention the Western dragon, the monkey came back very quickly. Cook looked at the big monkey questioningly: "You should know that the big world is different from the small world. "

"Haha, I run errands for the Great Sage, and I can't walk on my own. It's easy to find a walker in the Yaozu, and the Great Sage has taught me a little bit of Taoism, and there is no problem in a few thousand miles." The monkey laughed. Among the demon clan, the monkey demon is the most unique, because the monkey demon can use human Taoism. It is said that the Great Sage started to learn Taoism from a human sage.

"So what's the result?" Cook asked. Cook is still very concerned about solving the monkey demon king. Anyway, it is best to have friendship with a strong man. And Cook himself owes a favor to the Great Sage.

"Our great sage wants to invite you to the big world." The monkey said.

When Cook heard this, he asked in a daze: "It's not that I don't want to go, but..."

"My great sage said, he guarantees your safety, and the great sage doesn’t like the things on your body, Cook, don’t you know that the place where our great sage lives is that there are many spiritual fruits and celestial grasses, and only The guys on the human side have no knowledge, and they will break their heads." The monkey said with contempt.

Cook pondered for a moment. For the big world, Cook is still looking forward to it. After a while, Cook nodded: "Okay, but one thing, how do I know if what you said is true or false?"

"Haha, the Great Sage has long known you would say that. This is a token of the Great Sage to you." The monkey opened his palms.

"This..." What Cook saw was a golden hair, three inches long. This golden hair gave Cook a suffocating feeling, yes, it was like facing a huge Like the bomb.

"This was left behind when the Great Sage was transformed. With this thing in his body, you will not dare to move you except a few Great Sages in the Yaozu." The Monkey saw Cook's reaction and explained. .

"I'll go." Of course, Cook knows that this breath can't be faked. For this great sage, Cook is even more looking forward to what kind of existence it is. A single hair can emit such a majestic breath. ?

"Well, I'll wait for you, we will go quietly this time, and we will go directly to the holy land of our monkey demon clan, Huaguo Mountain." The monkey nodded and said.

Cook stood up; "You wait for me one day, I will arrange it."

Temporary changes have left Cook with a lot of things to deal with. First of all, his whereabouts, and in case the monkey and demon clan have other thoughts, Cook has to make arrangements. In addition, Cook has to prepare something to be able to Something that satisfies the Great Sage.

Lina and others were very worried about Cook's going to the Great World. Xia even directly said to Cook: "Cook, don't go."

"West Asia, it's not that I want to go. This is an invitation from a great sage of the monster race. If you don't go, you can't go, and I owe this great sage a lot of favor." Cook said, shaking his head.

"Actually, I think you want to see it in your heart." Mickey said angrily.

Cook nodded: "Yes, and I will also verify what kind of thunder disasters I will suffer if I enter the big world."

"Why don't you let others try it first?" Xia even had such a suggestion.

"Others are always others, and it is really hard to tell without personal experience." Cook said, shaking his head.

Seeing that Cook had decided to leave, Connie said, "Cook, then you go and come back quickly. We are in the God Realm, and nothing will happen."

"In fact, there is nothing, the dragons, the bear city, and the tiger city will be on our side. It is impossible for anything to happen." Cook continued. The dragons must not be careless. After all, a big monster Holy, what it means, no one knows better than the dragon clan, and the tiger city and the bear city are very longing for the cultivation techniques of the monster clan.

"Now that you have arranged everything, what else do you tell us to do?" Mickey asked angrily when she heard this.

"Okay, don't be angry." Cook said comfortingly.

Xia asked, "Cook, what's the matter with this great saint, are you sure?"

"To solve one thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it needs to be considered from many aspects, just like opening a lock. I can start with the key or the lock. It really doesn’t work. I opened the door and opened the door. No, there are windows. There are no windows. I dig holes in the ground or open the wall directly. There is nothing I can't do, only unexpected." Cook replied with a smile.

"Let's see if you can." West Asia and the others heard Cook say this, and said immediately.

Cook prepared a lot of things, filled with more than a dozen Nazhu bracelets. This is the space equipment of the big world. What can be installed in it is the thing that can be brought into the big world without being destroyed by thunder. Those who don't go in cannot be taken to the big world.

The next day, Cook brought the monkey directly to the city of the sky.

"Cook, be careful, Lei Jie is very powerful, try to fight it with strength," said the monkey.

"I understand." Cook nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the monkey felt a piece of hair. Yes, it was shorter than the great holy token given to Cook. Then the monkey bit the hair directly with his teeth.

"Okay. The Great Sage will be able to sense, and will directly open the passage of the small world." The monkey said.

What Cook looked at was shocked, but Cook had no expression on his face.

"Rumble." With a sound, just over a meter above Cook's head, a two meter-diameter hole appeared. Cook only felt a vibration in his soul, and there was no sound in his ears.

"Cook, please." The monkey said to Cook.

"Little friend Cook, come up." Immediately there was a trace of divine thought in the passage, and the meaning of this divine thought radiated out, making Cook have an urge to rush in immediately.

"Yes, Great Sage." Cook suppressed the impulse in his heart, his body jumped into the mirror-like passage.

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