A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 928: Controversy between Buddhism and Taoism (9)

After being drunk by the Great Sage, Cook woke up soberly. Cook asked in astonishment: "The Great Sage, you said the ginseng fruit for me, but the five views..."

"You guy still knows this, it's not, it's just grown from a branch I broke from the mother tree." The Great Sage looked at Cook in surprise and said.

"Hey, as soon as you talk about this, these things suddenly popped up in my mind." Cook smiled.

"You are not honest, practice quickly." The Great Sage yelled angrily when he saw Cook like this.

Cook hurriedly closed his eyes and digested the divine passage method taught by the Great Sage just now. The changes are divided into the heavens and the earth. The Great Sage changes the Tiangang changes, the seventy-two changes, and the same is taught to Cook.

"Oh, the beast soul transformation I used turned out to be from the change in this day." Cook realized that this change is just a change of appearance, and the substantive things still cannot be changed.

Especially the divine channel method used by the changed, it can’t be changed at all, but there is nothing in the astral body. Speaking of which, it is similar to the transformation method that Cook got from the diamond descending magic pestle, but the inside of the diamond descending magic pestle The method requires a primer, which is the spiritual guide stored in the descending magic pestle. This spiritual guide is a trace of the original creature’s spirit, or one of the three souls and seven souls. It’s just that after countless years have passed, these things have slowly mutated and changed. Becoming a spirit body, that is, an independent conscious life, not the soul of a certain creature.

The spirit body is also known to Cook from the big world.

"I'm done." Cook said in a few minutes.

"You...you change a look first." The Great Sage originally wanted to scold Cook, but then he didn't do so, so he spoke.

"The Great Sage?" With a movement of his mind, Cook became a person exactly like the Great Sage, but with different clothes, but almost the same face.

"..." The Great Sage was shocked in his heart. You must know that although Tiangang changes are not good in combat, it is definitely the best way to assist, and this way is very profound, and Cook has achieved it in such a short time.

"Great Sage, how?" Cook asked. In fact, Cook comprehensively used the transformation of the beast soul and the transformation of the sky. There are no restrictions on the transformation of the beast soul. Of course, the so-called seventy-two changes. It’s just a saying. There are definitely more than seventy-two types. In Taoism, nine is respected, that is seventy-two, not ninety-nine or eighty. Taoism emphasizes overfilling, and gains and losses. That’s why there are seventy types. statement.

"Okay, okay, hurry up, change an ant." The Great Sage woke up in shock and said, almost carrying Cook to change.

At this time, Cook was a little embarrassed: "Great Sage, I need primers for changes."

Cook was embarrassed when he finished speaking. Cook changed into a great sage, relying on the token of the great monkey, the great sage's hair, and the real change of the sky is free, so there is still a gap between Cook.

"Haha, did I just say, so, ants for you." The great sage heard Cook say so, he smiled, and he acted casually. The ants with the big fingers of Cook's little fingers were all blue. Of course, all things that can grow in this place are extremely rare spirit beasts.

After Cook received the blue ant, Shennian scanned for a while, and then put the blue ant into the pearl bracelet, but the Great Sage did not notice this.

"Change." Cook whispered.

Then a blue ant appeared in the place where Cook was sitting, and the Great Sage looked very happy.

"Come here, yes, pay attention, you are here, after I stretch it out a bit, you get in right away." The Great Sage stretched out his hand and recruited the ant that Cook had turned into, and then placed it on the five-flower bound demon Next to the cable.

"Yes, Great Sage." Cook replied to the Great Sage with divine reading.

The great sage summoned his strength, and the hairs on his entire body stood up all at once.

"Open." The great sage yelled, his body swelled immediately, and then in the middle of his chest, the muscles on both sides bulged up, the demon-binding cord was sunken deep in the flesh, and there was a trace of red flame on the demon-binding cord Come out, sizzle.

When Cook saw the muscles bulge, there was a little gap, and Cook's changing blue ant got in instantly.

"Bigger." The demon-binding cable plunged tightly into the muscles of the great sage. The skin of the great sage's body was red, and the place where the demon-binding cable touched was already blackened, and his face was even more painful.

"Change." Cook let out a low growl, and a giant several hundred meters high appeared all at once, filling half of the cave directly.

"Haha, haha, my old grandson has come out." Just as soon as it was replaced, the demon-binding cable was tightened by Cook. Not to mention, the demon-binding cable was on Cook's body without any red flames. , Just tightened, the Great Sage's body shrank rapidly, and he was out of trouble at once.

"Quick, run." But the great sage was not happy, he heard Cook's roar, this saw that the great sage disappeared at once, because the **** of the demon is like life, and he went directly to the great sage. In the past, it was obvious that the Great Sage had to be **** again. Cook's big hands tightly held the **** cord, and the flesh on his hands was also tightly strangled. Fortunately, Cook's physique was extremely good, but even In this way, Cook can't stand it either.

"Barry. Burn it for me." Cook was anxious when he saw that the demon-binding cable was about to run. This Nima is an innate spirit treasure, a good thing. In his own hands, can this thing run away?

"It's crackling." But Barry had just burned the demon-binding cord, and there was a burst of lightning on the demon-binding cord, and then it hit Barry severely.

"No, this thing is too evil." Barry slipped into Cook's body and never came out again.

"Damn it, nine-fold superimposition of madness, come on." Cook held the demon rope with both hands, and then pulled it hard, and Cook also gave it up. You want to run, I will break you first.

Cook is also dizzy. What kind of treasure is this **** rope? Is it broken when it is pulled?

"Ah!!!" Cook's eyes were red, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, don't let this thing run away.

"Dead!" Feeling the huge pull, Cook roared again, Cook's eyes were all red, and he was obviously in a frenzy.

There is only one belief in Cook's mind, pull off, pull off, pull off, and now Cook is irrational. Cook's body, which was originally several hundred meters high, not only did not increase after the violent rage, but it kept shrinking, hundreds of meters. It shrunk directly to a height of tens of meters, but what Cook did not pay attention to was that the natural ring released a green energy directly into Cook's violent blood. The powerful life energy made Cook's blood more boiling. , The muscles bulged even more, and even the golden bones that were originally a little bit of gold quickly all turned golden.

Half an hour. An hour. Two hours. After five full hours, Cook's bones all turned golden, and there was still a hint of white on the golden bones.

"Boom." Cook gave a sudden, and Cook hit the ground.

"Ouch." Cook woke up all at once.

Looking at his **** palm, there are several deep blood stains on the edge of the palm, but it is healing quickly, and there is a large pool of blood on the ground.

"Damn." Cook looked at the soft taming rope, then looked at the blood on the ground, thinking that he had just lost consciousness, Cook was terrified.

"I...fuck." Then the pain in his mind made Cook almost faint. This is the reason for the excessive consumption of divine consciousness, but with the consumption of divine consciousness too much, Cook found that he can actually stack up to nine times perfectly now. Bewilderment, you must know that the superimposed berserk is at least twice the combat power, the doubled berserk is at least four times, and the three times the berserk is sixteen times the combat power, and Cook’s initial A double-stacked frenzy is at least seven or eight times the combat power, which means that Cook’s double-stacked frenzy is at least fifty times the combat power, and a triple-stacked frenzy is 2500 times the combat power. What is the nine-fold stack?

Bewilderment is not the same as superimposed bewilderment. Several times berserk is multiple times the base of bewilderment, which is the combat power after bewilderment. Superimposition is not the same. Superimposition means repeated and overlapping bewilderment.

In the past, Cook’s nine-fold madness can only last for a certain period of time, but now Cook feels that he can perform ten-fold madness, but Cook does not dare to try it rashly. After all, the ten-fold madness is wrong, and the consequences are hard to imagine, just like Among the orcs, the triple superimposed madness is in the history of the orcs, and there is only that number of no more than one hand. If Cook had not greatly improved the physique of the astral realm, it is estimated that it would be at most three times the superimposed madness.

"My tree of life." Immediately after Cook wailed, the tree of life in the natural ring was dead. Even the lake of the water of life has dried up. You must know that the water of life there is at least Tens of thousands of tons.

"No, I have to get it back." Cook's spirit infiltrated the demon-binding cable, which now has no power to fight back. Cook left a trace of his spiritual thoughts abruptly by Cook, and Barry also came out to join in the fun and went straight in. Inside the demon-binding cable, looking for the guy who had put a black hand on him, then Cook put the demon-binding cable around his waist, holding it tightly with one hand.

"There must be good things in this cave." Cook looked at the cave. The cave was like a karst cave, with water, rocks, and some plants.

First of all, Cook directly opened the natural ring and let the water level in the cave drop by a full foot. Of course, some strange fish and shrimps were not let go.

Cook didn’t even let go of the few big rocks in the cave, especially the one where the Great Sage was sitting. It was very heavy. Cook threw it directly into the natural ring and put it in the water that was put in the cave. Are there any small red trees, green grasses, cook some for each kind.

"Ginseng fruit..." Cook suddenly remembered that there are countless spiritual fruits on Huaguo Mountain.

"Hehe, Dasheng must not dare to come back now, then..." Cook smiled in his heart.

"Great monkey, great monkey." Cook cried out directly out of the cave.

"Cook. You are out, where is the Great Sage?" the monkey asked.

"Of course the Great Sage is out of trouble. The Great Sage has devoted himself to cultivation, so don't bother you. However, the Great Sage said that he would give me some flat peach trees, ginseng fruit trees, and other spiritual fruits. Thank you." Cook said loudly.

"Oh, then come with me." The monkey did not expect that Cook was a lie because Cook said loudly outside the cave. As for Cook's persecution of the Great Sage, the monkey never thought about it. Knowing that the Great Sage had been refined by the gossip furnace for seven or forty-nine days, nothing happened, let alone a weak fellow like Cook.

"It's amazing." Cook stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. What you see is all kinds of spiritual fruits. Among them, there are a dozen peach trees on the top of the mountain. There are not many leaves, all of them are fruits, and there are a few more. Above the tree, one by one, pink baby-like guys dangling on it, giggling after seeing people.

"You choose it yourself." The monkey said, pointing to this mountain.

"I don't want a big one, but I have so many ladies, this flat peach..." Cook's heart is dripping blood, this big thing is a thousand meters high, and Cook's spirit is weak, if you hold it like this Throwing the big tree into the natural ring, the monkey next to it doesn't doubt it.

In the end, Cook chose a flat peach tree that was more than 30 meters high, with dozens of fruits and flowers on it. The fruits vary in size, ranging from cyan to red.

"Close." A little monkey next to the big monkey saw that Cook had selected the tree, and took out a bead bracelet, facing the flat peach tree, and the flat peach tree gradually became smaller and then absorbed into the bead bracelet Inside.

"Wait." Cook regretted seeing this scene.

But it was too late. A tree with a height of more than ten meters and two ginseng fruits was also collected, and then some other spiritual fruits.

"Okay." The monkey squinted at Cook. Obviously, the monkey also knew what Cook meant by shouting.

Cook was depressed. He had known that others would do it, why did he choose a small one.

"Twenty flat peaches, ginseng fruit and other great sages have come out, I will bring it to you then." Twenty flat peaches were picked and put in the jade box and stuffed into the pearl bracelet. The monkey said to Cook .

"Okay, but how can I go back." Cook breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that ginseng fruit is very valuable. If he chooses an adult ginseng fruit tree, the monkey might say that he will send it to himself later.

The monkey turned around and left. You must know that the top flat peaches and ginseng fruits of Huaguoshan have been cultivated for countless years. Cook took two of them at once. No one would like it.

Cook returned to the small world smoothly and breathed a sigh of relief: "It is estimated that the monkey will not come down to trouble me in decades."

When Cook returned to the small world, Cook’s women breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, it didn’t take long, only two months. When the Great Sage did not leave the cave, there was time for enchantment. After the Great Sage left, It's only half an hour for the big world and two months for the small world. This shows the time ratio.

No big things happened in the small world, but there were more people looking for Cook, and the big world was the most. Of course, after Cook came back, the election of the Council of the Gods would be held.

Ordinary people elect members of parliament. This is something that never happens at any time. Even ordinary people, as long as they are citizens of the Council of Gods, have the right to vote.

This caused the workload of the Council of the Gods to rise all at once. Of course, in order to let people understand themselves, hundreds of candidates for election must promote themselves and let ordinary people understand themselves. Hundreds of candidates elected 30 members. Five deputies, these hundreds of deputies spent more than half a year promoting themselves in various cities, of course some went in person, and some did not go in person.

"How is the election going?" Cook asked at the meeting of the Council of Gods.

"Sir, your idea is great. In the past six months, the tax revenue of our tax supervision department has doubled." A congressman said.

"That is, our team of hundreds of candidates for Dwarf Stoveborg is there to promote, but no one listens to it for free. After listening for half an hour, you can drink a large glass of ale for free~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The castle has been too lively for the past six months. It's okay for everyone to listen to it. Not to mention, everyone is very active. Sometimes in order to choose someone, the family will fight." The dwarf congressman said.

"Are you sure it wasn't your dwarves who got drunk and made trouble?" someone said jokingly.

"Haha, there are too."

"We orcs in major cities, hundreds of teams distributed free clothes and food."

"You also send clothes out there, and we give them to Shenjing directly."

The following congressmen spoke one after another, and Cook nodded and asked: "Is the propaganda in accordance with the regulations and cannot be deceived?"

"We have supervision on this point." Someone said immediately.

"Then make an announcement. On the first Sunday of next month, the election will begin." Cook nodded and then gave the order. There really isn't much to say.

As soon as the news was announced, it was boiling in the real council of gods. Tens of thousands of polling points were also announced one by one.

Cook set the rules and began to study the demon-binding cable. Cook kept strapping the demon-binding cable to his wrist, and Barry was still there.

"Barry, have you noticed anything?" Cook asked.

"No, the structure of this thing is too complicated." Barry conveyed a mental reply to Cook.

Of course Cook knew that things were not that simple. Innate Lingbao, that is, Cook heard the great saint saying that the saint dare not come out, otherwise Cook would dare to hit the saint's things?

And this demon-binding cable has not been commanded by the master for hundreds of thousands of years, so it was surrendered by Cook, otherwise it is the great sage, who has to bow his head in front of this thing. Of course, the great sage has been restrained for so many years, and the consumption is estimated to be almost the same. , It’s just that the **** of the demon is aimed at the demon race, and it is against the great sage, otherwise the great sage will be out of trouble long ago.

"I'll give it a try." After saying Cook's spirit, he entered the demon-binding rope.

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