A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 935: Controversy between Buddhism and Taoism (16)

Cook shook his head: "Think about it. Although it will cost a lot to build these trial sites, this site will be of great use in the future."

"Big role?" The Western Dragon Messenger and the Golden Dragon Grand Elder looked at Cook in wonder.

"Yes, do these people who conduct the Fa conference have a time to end? In the future, you Western dragons can open up all these trial types. As long as you give money, you can go in for the trial and get a time. Ranking, you think, will all those who want fame come?" Cook explained.

"But it's dangerous." The western dragon envoy understands what Cook said, but he still has to ask clearly. After all, this involves not one or two sects, but all sects.

"There will be no danger. You Western giants are kindly holding a Fa conference. Who dares to make trouble? Doesn't this mean that you don't give the big sects and the face of the demon race, but if you bear it, will other people bear it? That’s it?” Cook expressed concern about the brains of Western giants. Why don’t you understand such a simple truth?

Elder Golden Dragon understands that, because he has been in contact with Cook for a lot of time, he understands Cook's logic of thinking and Cook's behavior style very well.

"Cook, do you mean this is tantamount to fame and gathering popularity?" The Golden Dragon Grand Elder asked.

"Yes, this is a fact that any commercial activity has to face. Fame, popularity, and holding of Fa conferences have made all of this possible.

When the Western Dragon Messenger heard this, the Golden Dragon Great Elder immediately asked: "Tell me in detail."

The golden dragon elder explained: "To do business, you must first be famous, just like the Dandingmen in your big world, is it very famous? Everyone knows that this Dandingmen is the best alchemy. More people come to the Pill Refining Sect to ask for the pill. The more people there are, the price of the pill will rise. The more the Pill Ding Sect earns, and there are also trial rankings. I think many people who want to be famous will come here. As long as there are more people, you need to consume for food, clothing, and housing. In this way, we might be able to build a big market.

"That's it, Speaker Cook, then can we ask you to help us make a plan or something?" Hearing this, the emissary of the Western Dragon was also very moved. Fangshi is a place where money is collected in the big world. Western dragons used to trade to other people's market, and they own the market. Of course, the western dragon will not let it go.

Cook nodded and said, "Yes, wait a few days for me."

For Cook, it really doesn't have to be too much trouble to make such a plan. What is the core of business, popularity and fame, of course, is just the beginning, and what is more, people's comparison psychology.

The Western Dragon Envoy waited for two days and got two plans. One was relatively ordinary, and it was purely commercial. That is to say, it used this time almost to hold a commercial market like a treasure auction conference.

The other investment is relatively large. If you want to set up formations in these competition venues, the investment is massive, and of course the subsequent benefits are also massive.

The western dragon messenger Pi Dian Pi Dian returned to the big world with the plan. Cook watched the western dragon messenger leave, and smiled: "The big world is even more lively now."

After sending away the western dragon envoys, Cook would be a teacher for his women, teaching some things in the big world, alchemy, refining tools, and common sense such as formations.

To be honest, even the natives of the big world may not be able to fully understand things like the truth and scriptures, let alone people who have never come into contact with them like the small world.

"Cook, why is the West a white tiger?"

"Why did the white tiger kill?"

"Why are the five elements of the white tiger gold?"

"What is the basis for these, and what is Qinglong?"

In short, Cook's women asked Cook for these questions, so Cook couldn't explain it. As for the formation, life, death, destruction, army, Qian, Kun, Lu and the like are even more confused.

In fact, even Cook knows these things, not to mention the dense acupuncture points in the body, but the acupuncture points are easier to understand, because the acupuncture points can be directly tested on the human body, and then everyone understands it. As for the formation , And the like, are more abstract things, unless you see the real thing, but in the small world, what real thing is there?

So the formation is relatively weak on Cook and Cook’s women, but if you want to adapt to the laws of survival in the big world, you may not be able to form formations, but you absolutely need to know the formations, otherwise It's hard to move in the big world.

Then came the alchemy. The low-level pill, Cook, could do experiments himself, and then take out a large amount of low-level elixir to practice his hands. Learning alchemy is much faster than learning formation.

As for the truth, Cook’s women are very proficient, but proficient is proficient, and it is useless if you don’t understand the meaning. These words are not only awkward, but Cook can only tell the meaning of each word. As for the connection, understanding is basically Variety.

"What, the bird hears it during the day and the mouse at night?" Cook heard Mickey's words and was stunned.

"Mickey means that there are ears in the walls." Xia's explanation is somewhat reliable.

"The wall has ears. This is to describe that you must be careful when you speak to prevent others from hearing it unintentionally. There is also a meaning that you can't do anything so secretly..." Cook was speechless, and the idiom that the wall has ears was translated this way.

While Cook was teaching himself more women about the big world, the big world was fried again.

"We, the Western Dragon Clan, are willing to provide a place for you to participate in the Fa conference. In addition, our Dragon Clan is neutral with respect to the conflicts of all parties. We welcome all people to visit the Western Dragon Clan's territory. In addition, we The western dragon clan decided to build fifty arenas, ten large-scale trial sites, and twenty small-scale trial sites to serve everyone’s puja competitions. We have invited a large number of Bagua Sects, Nine Palaces Sword Sect, etc. The master of the formation, the grandmaster, who is good at the formation, came to build the arena, the trial field..." The announcement of the Western Dragon suddenly silenced other sects.

We must know that the Western dragons are disliked by the Daomen, so they have not lived very well, and the resources needed to build so many arenas and trial grounds are quite a lot. Maybe it is the savings of the entire Western dragon family.

"We Yaozu agree." The other sects did not speak, but the Yaozu spoke.

At the opening of the Yaozu, the Daomen also opened its mouth, and Daomen also promised to make some contributions to the establishment of the arena, and sent fifty formation masters to participate in the construction of the arena and the trial field.

The Yaozu agrees, but the Daomen disagree. Isn't it that Daomen is afraid of the Yaozu? As for the master of the formation, it is afraid of the Western dragon.

Dao Sect expressed its position, Buddhism immediately stated its position, joking, your Dao Sect is not afraid, if we do not speak, does it mean that our Buddhism is inferior to Dao Sect.

Of course, Buddhism also dispatched an array of masters, joking, the Daoist guys are not good things, they are broken behind, don't look at them, when the game is time, if it is overcast, wouldn't it be a shame.

The gods and immortals were not to be outdone. They sent Array Masters to participate in the construction. After hearing the responses from several major sects, the Western Dragon Clan immediately announced that they welcome everyone to come. In addition, the Western Dragon Clan also announced the establishment of a sky list. The ancestors who participated in the Fa conference will write directly on the sky list according to the ranking.

Tianbang means a list that announces the world. Tianbang is actually a high-quality magic weapon, and it is also a bit like a broadcast thing. However, if the information is accepted by such magic weapons everywhere, it will cost a lot. However, every change in the ranking list has to be broadcasted, and it needs a massive amount of spirit stones to support it, at least millions of top-grade spirit stones.

This trick of the Western Dragon has made more people unable to understand. It’s easy to build the rankings on this day, but it’s difficult to maintain them. The rankings are just spreading in one territory and consume a lot of money. The western dragon family is not enough?

"We, the Western dragon clan, are preparing to build a top-notch trial field. We are now collecting everyone. Anyone who has a good idea can give us the Western dragon for viewing. Once the plan is adopted, we will reward up to one million top-grade. Lingshi, in addition, the plan is divided into nine stars, with nine stars being the highest and one star being the lowest." The Western Dragon's announcement immediately made other sects dumbfounded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ nothing was done, which promised one million high-grade spirits. stone.

As for the content of the trial field, everyone remembered one after another, and the Western dragon received countless ideas immediately.

"Tsk tsk, it's the insidious guy Cooke, it really is the person inside the enemy who understands the enemy, look at the bad ideas of this guy, close the spiritual sense, and interfere with the demonic energy..."

"That is, there is also the trial of the demons proposed by this guy, which actually allows the Buddhist disciple to experience the illusion of being baptized by the Dharma. Isn't this what the Buddhist disciple pursues in his life?"

The Western dragons were shocked when they saw the creativity one by one. Who knew that these people were actually designing for the weaknesses of their own sects. Maybe it’s not difficult for one person’s creativity, but three, five, ten Several ideas form a series of levels and traps. These censored Western dragons feel that if they can pass the level, it will be very difficult.

"This idea is good, this idea is good, to form a phantom formation, simulate a battlefield, let the participants in the competition fight in this illusion with their spirits, this idea is good."

"I also have one, for the monster clan..."

"I also have..."

The Western dragons continue to receive all kinds of new ideas, and then these ideas are taken by the Western dragons and placed in the test field. The arena does not need anything, as long as it is strong enough, it is a test field. It’s more difficult to test under any circumstances, under any conditions, and all kinds of emergencies. This is more difficult. There are also various difficulties. There are more formations involved. The construction of a test field. Down, it is no simpler than building a city.

"I, want me to buy shares?" Cook looked at the western dragon messenger and asked incredulously. This dragon is very stingy, and this is nothing to do.

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