A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 937: Controversy between Buddhism and Taoism (18)

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"The price of potions, especially the healing potions, and the adventurous auxiliary potions like agile potions doubled. What do you say?” Cook asked the vice president of the Pharmacy Association.

"President, our Pharmacy Association has a lot of expenses, and the supply of medicines is in short supply, so I think the price increase is right." The vice president opened his mouth to defend himself.

Cook sneered and said: "Expenses, how big the expenses are, and who doesn't know the huge profits of the medicine? How did the medicine of the Pharmacy Association fall into the black market?"

Cook does not object to the existence of the black market, but these people in the black market have colluded with the senior officials of the Pharmacy Association through a third party, causing a shortage of medicines, and adventurers have to spend a huge price to buy them.

"President, we..." The vice president wanted to explain something else.

"Why can your nephew get so many potions?" Cook asked interruptedly.

Puff, as soon as the vice president heard this, he immediately fell to the ground with a puff, and Cook waved his hand and said, “Take it away, hand it over to the supervision department, and make another blow to all the black markets so that these guys with only money in their eyes will know. If I dare to reach into my Cook’s rice bowl, then there will be the result of being destroyed by humanity. No matter who is involved, it will be taken down for me, regardless of the killing of resistance."

On the black market, Cook has long wanted to rectify it, but the benefits involved in the black market in various places are really too great. Although Cook has the ability to crush everyone in the black market, Cook needs a reason to take action. When it started to flow into the black market, Cook did not intervene, and Cook was waiting for this excuse.

The black market has a huge impact on the stability of a region. If there is no black market in a place, then crimes such as theft, theft, and money robbery will rarely happen because it is not easy for these people to get the things they get. Will risk committing crime.

Of course, there are some powerful figures in the black market in every place. Even if they are not powerful figures, they are also related to the power figures. After all, the profits inside are too great.

The other vice-presidents of the Pharmacy Association were also taken away for review. If these people said that they did not participate, Cook would not believe it at all. They are all in the same group. Don't you know what you do, and it is such a big thing.

"The price of pharmacy is lowered for me. I Cook is not a profit-making person. If this is the case, the Council of Gods can have so many artifacts, and the Council of Gods can reach the heights it is today. The same is true for pharmacy. There is also the Mageweave Association. As managers, you must have responsibilities. What responsibilities? The responsibilities to the entire Council of Gods, do you understand?" Cook gave the newly promoted Vice Presidents of the Pharmacy Association back The vice president of the Mageweave Association and the Medical Association convened to give lectures.

This is actually Cook’s first official lecture. This is extremely abnormal for any association. But who is Cook, whether it’s strength, pharmacy, or refining equipment, who Dare to say that Cook can't do it. Who can surpass Cook? The Pharmacy Association was previously managed by West Asia, but West Asia has not been managed for nearly a year. It is more important to learn about the world.

"Understand." As the vice-chairman of several major associations, he knows deeply what is called Yiyantang, that is, what Cook is talking about is an order. There is no room for you to refute and no room for explanation.

Several vice presidents collapsed at one time, and many people were involved in the Pharmacy Association. As for the black market of the Council of Gods, it was hit once more strongly. There were countless people deeply involved in the black market. Directly tried.

It's not that no one has resisted. Although the Brave Knights have a great reputation, who are all in the black market? They are the black-hearted masters who want to be judged obediently, how is it possible?

So it seems that the small world is a bit chaotic, but compared to the big world, the small world is not worth mentioning.

The major religious sects in the big world hold Fa conferences. The news is still being fermented. The previous Fa conferences involved only two sects and dozens of sects. But this time, apart from the magic door, everyone else must participate. Moreover, this Fa conference is an ancestor-level participation, which is an opportunity not to be missed for countless people.

what chance?

Opportunities to observe and learn, to watch the excitement, and to be famous, as long as they are favored by a certain ancestor, wouldn't it be developed?

Of course, not only the human race thinks so, even the demon race also value this opportunity, why can’t you shame the demon race? So when the western dragon envoy found the twelve great demon kings in private, the twelve great demon kings paid back Very confused.

"What are you big four-legged snakes doing?" There are no twelve demon kings who really appeared. The demon king of the monkey demon clan is still the great sage, but the great sage does not come, who dares to say anything.

There is also the Bull Demon King. This servant is said to be a powerhouse at the level of a saint, but he still wants to be a Demon King without being shameless. It was the Rat Demon King, the Demon Chicken King, and the Pig Demon King who received the Western Dragon Messenger.

These three demon kings are almost the bottom among the twelve demon kings, so they came to see the messenger of the western dragon.

"Friends of Taoism, it would be bad if you export it to hurt people. I am here this time to send you spirit stones." The western dragon messenger was told to face to face that it was a four-legged snake. What is a four-legged snake? It’s okay. The thing that hides the roots of the wall and the cracks in the stone can be compared to the dragon, but the western dragon is completely different from the eastern dragon. The strength of the western dragon is not as strong as the eastern dragon. In terms of structure, the eastern dragon The shape of the giant dragon is more dexterous than the western giant, and its speed is more than one head higher than that of the western giant. Therefore, the eastern giant does not recognize the western giant as part of the giant dragon family.

Therefore, the western dragon has to leave the territory of the monster race and settle in the chaotic land.

"Send the spirit stone, let's talk about how to send it." The Rat Demon King asked grimly. Although the strength of the Western Dragon Envoy is not low, he can only be a junior in the face of several Demon Kings.

"All the great kings, please listen to me. This is our family's plan to grab spirit stones against the Buddha, Tao, immortal, and **** sects." The Western Dragon Envoy directly took out a thick plan.

"Oh, you four-legged snakes are so courageous, how dare you hit the idea of ​​these sects?" The Pig Demon King said jokingly when he heard this.

"They are voluntary. Every great king knows that human beings want to save face. We build a top ranking list. As long as we are on the ranking list, we can declare the world. The famous one does not want to come, but if you want to enter the top ranking list, you have to break through the barriers and enter the competition. The field, we all have to charge for these. After all, the formation of the formation requires spiritual stones. Think about it, how many sects, how many families, and how many spiritual stones are there in these major sects. If people want to come, we should worry about it. After all, there are so many arenas and test grounds that have been established." The Western Dragon Envoy said with a loud voice.

"After doing it for a long time, I came to us for alms." The Rat Demon King said angrily after reading it.

"That is, it is so nice to say, and we have to come out, besides, this is your own wishful thinking." The Pig Demon King also said angrily.

When the dragon messenger heard this, he said, "Are these great kings unwilling to invest?"

"Unwilling." The three demon kings saw the western dragon envoy stand up, and their hearts became even more proud. Are the three demon kings optimistic about this plan? They must be optimistic. Who doesn’t know that Daomen, Xianmen, and Buddhism can do everything to become famous, but since business talks are business talks, then the three demon kings Want to get more.

"Then... a few great kings, I will leave." The dragon messenger heard this and said the word "I", and then the next words surprised the three demon kings.

The three demon kings wanted to speak, but after all, the other party was a junior, and the three of them were full of words just now. Didn't you shamelessly call others to stop?

The dragon messenger sneered in his heart; "I know you demon kings certainly can't agree immediately, but our goal has been achieved, so there is no need to waste time."

What the Yaozu didn't know was that in several other sects, an operation plan for the arena and trial grounds had been circulated.

In addition, there is a gossip that the Yaozu is very optimistic about this opportunity and is in contact with the Western dragon. The ancestors of several major sects quickly got this plan. After seeing the content on the plan, these sects regretted it. If I knew it, I should accept it myself.

But then I thought, this is just my own wishful thinking, just like the immortal door holding a Fa conference, the one who dares to come may only be the Taoist school, but the Buddhist school may not dare to come, because this is an ancestor-level Fa conference, not a junior, there is no such thing. The ancestors were willing to take risks, and it is not easy to live today.

Therefore, there is an innate advantage on the western dragon, whether it belongs to any sphere of influence, and everyone can accept it, let alone that power is willing to enter its sphere of influence. The monster is lawless, let alone the level of the demon king. Yes, the destructive power is very scary.

The Yaozu wants to invest money, and things about getting profits are spread everywhere at once, and some ancestors of Daomen directly inquire about the Western dragon.

For this reason, the western dragon also specially sent an envoy to the Daomen to reply. As for what was said, the Daomen announced that it would contribute funds and accounted for 10% of the share. As for the amount of capital to be invested, there is no specific information on how to contribute.

The Taoist ancestors hate this movement. Can the Buddhists ignore the Western dragon? Yes, but the Taoist participates in it. Who knows if there will be any tricks in it? Of course, the Buddhists can protest, but is the protest effective? Maybe it will be laughed at by the Daomen.

So Buddhism immediately announced that it would invest in the construction of an arena and a trial area. As for the Western dragon family, if they agree or not, do they have the courage not to agree?

After Buddhism, the gods and immortals also joined in. After hundreds of super sects in these major sects paid a sufficient price, it was discovered that the demon clan did not take out anything at all, and these major forces knew that they were The trick of the western dragon clan is played.

The demon kings of the demon race are relatively slow to get news, and there are humans participating in the construction where they have to compete with the humans, and they immediately quit.

"If the Yaozu dare not face our Dao Sect, just say it, why make an excuse?" Dao Sect's ancestors said one after another, despising the Demon Clan. As for the Yao Clan's protest, you think it is unfair to not come. .

After the Dao Sect, Buddhism also had the same attitude: "If the demon clan does not come, our Fa conference will still be held, even if some people who claim to be the right way do not come, our Buddhist school will let people know the Dharma."

Buddhism is killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it despises the Yaozu, and on the other hand, it alludes to the Dao Sect. The meaning is very clear. It is fine if you do not come.

Shenjiao, Xianmen also said afterwards that we can play happily without your monster race.

When the demon kings saw this scene, they were even more resentful of the human face, and even the Rat King, the Pig Demon King, and the Chicken Demon King didn't have a good face. The Demon King Western Dragon was the first to look for the Demon Race.

Of course, the three demon kings were slobbered by other demon kings, and they were even more annoyed at the intentions of the western dragon.

"These four-legged snakes are really insidious. No wonder the little four-legged snake turned around when we disagree."

"That's right, it seems we have to teach these four-legged snakes a lesson, go, let's go to the Dragon King."

After the three big demon kings were sprayed by other demon kings, they told the story of the time. After the other demon kings heard it, they were all aggrieved. This was obviously a conspiracy, and they looked down on people too much.

Among the Twelve Great Demon Kings, the Shenlong King is undoubtedly relatively powerful. Of course, the Demon King is actually more than these twelve, but other demon races will not be with these twelve. There are many powerful races in the demon race. The Qilin, Phoenix, Qingluan and other races are very powerful, but what kind of stories are there between these monster races and these twelve demon kings? No one knows that the twelve great demon kings have not been there for a meeting. The Great Sage of the Demon Clan will not come here, and neither will the Bull Demon King. These are powerful saints, just like college students and elementary school students meeting together, very embarrassed.

The Shenlong King was cultivating in the cave, frowning, "He is restless, what is going to happen?"

The Dragon King pinched a finger and then understood, the Dragon King opened the cave and told the other little monsters to prepare food and drink, but within a quarter of an hour, a huge cloud fell under the Dragon King's cave.

"Meet the Dragon King."

"Meet Shenlong Lord."

"Meet Shenlong Grandpa."

These demon kings are called differently. Only the Snake Demon King calls the Shenlong King his grandfather. This is because it is said that the Snake Demon Clan was originally a Shenlong, but made mistakes and was punished by a saint and turned into a snake. Of course, it is true or not. But at the end of the snake's cultivation, it was not much different from the form of the dragon.

"Dear friends, please come in." Shenlong King said with a smile.

"Thank you Dragon King."

"Thank you, sir."

"I'm disturbing the Dragon King."

A group of demon kings followed behind the Shenlong King one after another. The Shenlong King was strong and had a high seniority, so he went ahead.

"I'm on a whim, and I know that there are noble guests here, and then I instruct the little demon to prepare to eat, fellow daoists, please." The cave house occupied by the Dragon King is the cave heaven and blessed land in Taoism. This place is full of aura, of course. Fruits, elixir, and products are also abundant.

"Thank you Shenlong King." The demon kings hurriedly thanked them, looking at the table full of spirit fruits and spirit medicine, and began to eat.

There are not as many courtesy among the demon kings as there are humans. Basically, they are almost straight. This is caused by the blood in the bones, not simply that they can be changed.

"Dragon King, we are here today to ask you to call us the shots." After eating, the demon kings drank a little wine and began to talk about business. Of course, the little wine here is also made from spirit fruit and spirit medicine.

"You fellow Daoists are visiting together, you might as well say something." The Dragon King didn't agree in one word. Although the twelve demon kings are on the surface together, they still have intimate relationships in private.

"Shenlong King, this time our Demon Race was humiliated by others..." said the Pig Demon King, and then said what happened.

After the Pig Demon King finished speaking, the Dragon King looked at the Pig Demon King and asked, "Then what are we going to do according to your wishes?"

"Of course it was to fight, let these four-legged snakes know that our monster race is not so easy to provoke." The Rat Demon King heard the words of the Shenlong King and immediately said.

"That's right, this is too much of a thing, we were actually taken advantage of." The Horse Demon King also said.

"That is, our Twelve Demon Kings must work together this time." The Demon Chicken King also stood up and said loudly.

Seeing the reactions of other demon kings, the Shenlong King sneered in his heart: I want Lao Tzu to come out, you dream.

"I very much agree with your views, but I have recently reached a critical juncture in my practice and need to retreat, but our dragon clan will not show weakness. I will send two demon generals to assist you at that time." The dragon king said very beautifully, but The content is not substantive at all.

"Shenlong King, you are not right..." Hearing this, the Pig Demon King loudly accused that the demon generals are not rare among the subordinates of the major demon kings, and everyone values ​​the Shenlong King. Combat effectiveness.

"Pig Demon King, you are telling me, what's wrong with me, you come here as a guest, and I will serve you with delicious food and drink. You have to teach those four-legged snakes. I also agree to send troops. What's wrong with me , If you don't explain clearly, don't even think about leaving here today." The Dragon King directly interrupted and shouted to the Pig Demon King.

Everyone saw that the Shenlong King was angry and stood up one after another: "The Shenlong King, the Pig Demon King didn't mean that."

"Yes, the Pig Demon King just missed his tongue for a while."

"Pig Demon King, you kill a thousand knives, what are you, dare to accuse the Dragon King, do you want to die?" The Snake Demon King loudly accused the Pig Demon King, after all, the Snake Demon and the Shenlong were better than the Snake Demon before. The relationship with the pig demon is much closer.

"Snake Demon King, there is nothing you do here." The Horse Demon King immediately said when he saw the Snake Demon King's reaction.

"Fuck off, Ma don't know the face length, what are you, dare to talk to me like this." When the Snake Demon King heard the Ma Demon King's tone, at least the tone of an order, the Snake Demon King immediately exploded his hair.

"You, what is your snake demon, should we go out and make gestures?" The Yang Demon King sneered.

The Dragon King saw the twelve monster kings opposing each other, but it was obvious that there were few people on his side, and the Dragon King shouted, "Don't make a noise."

"Just like you, do you still want to do something with the four-legged snake?" Shenlong King said with a sneer when everyone stopped.

"Dragon King, you give me a right word, you will not participate or not." Tiger Demon King spoke and asked the Dragon King to give the answer directly.

"I won't participate." The Dragon King doesn't give face at all. The Tiger Demon clan has the holy beast, the White Tiger, but what about it?

"Okay, let's go." The Tiger Demon King was too full of words just now. The Tiger Demon thought that the Shenlong King would definitely give face, but he knew that he would not give face at all.

The Shenlong King watched the seven or eight Demon Kings leave. Only the Snake Demon King and the Demon Chicken King remained here. The Shenlong King looked at the Demon Chicken King and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

"Lord Dragon King, those guys are just making trouble. Four-legged snakes are not very strong, but don’t forget that the four-legged snakes are going to hold a puja. If we do, other sects are willing to see it, I’m afraid it will really fight. , The damage to other monster races must have been serious. Besides, although we were negotiating at the time, I actually wanted to cooperate, but the Rat Demon King and Pig Demon King wanted to get some more benefits, so we have the situation today." The Demon Chicken King replied.

"Smart." The Snake Demon King said in admiration when he heard this.

"Involving several sects, I don't dare to participate in this small body, but I am very interested in what this four-legged snake is doing. Are you interested in participating in it? At that time, we will earn human spirit stones." Wang sent an invitation to the two.

The Snake Demon King asked; "The King really thinks that way?"

"That's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These human beings are not good things, what if the four-legged snakes pit us again?" The Chicken Demon King also reminded.

The Shenlong King shook his head and said: "You don't understand, and I don't understand it very well, but you can get hundreds of super sects to participate. You think there is no benefit here. The heads of these sects and the ancestors have problems in their brains? "

"But we refused?" Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the Snake Demon King agreed.

The Dragon King shook his head and said, "What do we monsters want to do with their faces? Those are things that only humans have. What do we monsters rely on, fists, besides, what we bring out are just something that is useless to us. Things, like these elixir, spirit fruit, can be sold at very good prices in several major sects. Anyway, our spirit fruit, the elixir will grow back hundreds of years later, we have nothing to lose, right? "

"We listen to you." When the Snake Demon King and Demon Chicken King heard this, he hesitated and nodded. There is no way. You are already on the side of the Shenlong King. If you are not obedient, see what happens?

ps: Five thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine words, more than 900 words are welfare. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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