A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 940: Controversy between Buddhism and Taoism (21)

Taoist Songtao looked at Cook and said: "No one stipulates that only one natal magic weapon can be sacrificed. Generally speaking, there is only one natal magic weapon, but there are more than one. This mainly depends on the quality of each person’s soul and natal magic weapon. Of course, if it is a magic weapon of the immortal weapon level, it is estimated that one piece is enough, but there are so many immortal tools and so many cultivators, so sometimes when the magic weapon is sacrificed to a peak, someone will choose to practice second. The magic weapon of the natal life, but the magic weapon of the natal life should be the intergeneration of the five elements."

Cook understood it, and said embarrassingly: "I still think there is only one magic weapon for my life?"

"Haha, take the practice clone as an example. Buddhism has a magical power called Avalokitesvara, which can incarnate thousands of people. Although this is not a real clone, there are also several clones." Song Tao's knowledge has to be said to be very broad. On the one hand, it is because of the profound background of Quanzhen Sect. On the other hand, Songtao's Dao number can be seen.

In Daomen, pine and cypress is synonymous with evergreen, and the word tao has a very deep meaning, which means that the person who named Songtao has high expectations of Songtao.

Expectations are high, so you will naturally cultivate it with your heart. So the Dao name of the big world is not that simple. When the super martial artist listens to the other’s Dao name, they know the approximate status of this person in the other side, just like Leng Feng, Xianmen practice emphasizes unfeeling, because if you want to move forward, you have to abandon all your feelings. Leng means unfeeling.

Feng also has a sharp edge, meaning unstoppable, and the name Leng Feng is not simple.

Cook nodded and asked, "Then how can I find out how the magic weapon is right for me?"

Song Tao said: "The general magic weapon depends on the attributes. Your soul is very easy to enter those unowned magic weapons, and after the soul enters, the magic weapon will get benefits, then the soul will also be fed back, just like you are of wood attributes. Then you need the magic weapon of soil attributes, native wood, which is very beneficial to your spirit."

"Not wooden?" Cook asked in astonishment.

"Bullshit, you are of wood attributes, and magic weapons are also of wood attributes. It is like a tree parasitizing another plant. Are you good to this tree?" Song Tao said.

"Doesn't it mean that our small world's magical tool, the use of magical tools..." Cook found that he actually understood it halfway through the speech.

Songtao did not forget to strike at Cook: "The artifacts of your small world can become the magic weapon of your life, it is only the lowest level magic weapon. Those that can be used as the magic weapon of your life are all above the treasure level."

"I understand." Cook did understand.

"Ordinary magical weapons do have to be consistent with their own attributes, but their destiny magic weapons are different." Leng Feng did not forget to add.

Cook fully understood that the equipment used in ordinary situations is fundamentally different from the magic weapon of his life.

"What if it's a fairy?" Cook asked

"The fairy weapon is different, as long as it is a fairy weapon, after all, the power of the fairy weapon is huge, even if there are many restrictions when using it, the power it exerts is enough to let the enemy know what a fairy weapon is." Leng Feng said.

Leng Feng looked at Cook and asked, "Do you want to use this..."

"After all, it is an immortal weapon, the small world probably only can use the immortal weapon that is about to be broken in this way." Cook only has this for me.

"Why don't you have any immortal artifacts in Quanzhen Sect? Let's exchange... Don't stand up... I will trade the Five Elements Spirit Fruit..." Cook saw himself saying this, and Leng Feng actually stood up and wanted to leave. .

Leng Feng looked at Cook and said angrily: "Cook, even if our Quanzhen Door has fairy artifacts, your tattered goods are not enough, even if it is the Five Elements Spirit Fruit, fairy artifacts are the foundation of every school. So don’t say such ignorant things in the future."

"Okay." Cook nodded. Of course Cook knew that Cook did it on purpose.

At this point, everyone was gone, but after Cook left, Songtao closed his eyes for a while, then opened his eyes: "How do I feel that Cook had said something on purpose in the end?"

"Of course it was deliberate. The small world is also huge, and it's not just broken celestial artifacts, maybe there will be celestial artifacts that have lost the aura of the celestial spirit. As the number one person in the small world, Cook has neither Strange, but this pill furnace is indeed broken." A man walked out. It seemed that the man was very ordinary, but the pace of walking gave people a very natural feeling.

"Master." Song Tao said respectfully.

"Well, continue to maintain friendly contact with Cook. Once it is determined that Cook has immortal instruments in his hands, even if it is Buddhism, he must be drawn to him. There are not many immortal instruments in the big world. If the small world has them, even if they are With enough fragments of fairy artifacts, what is the bald donkey of Buddhism?" The man said with a hmm.

"Yes, Master." Song Tao couldn't say more at all, just do what Master said.

After Cook left, he went back to his laboratory. There was no need to test. Cook knew that the broken bell was suitable for him. As for the pill furnace full of cracks, this is Cook used a little trick, because Ku Ke knew that Song Tao couldn't get started with these things, just take a look, if it is a complete pill furnace, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble.

"Just this broken thing..." Cook looked at the broken clock and was really depressed. You must know that Cook has no good things in his hands, binds the monsters, and pill furnaces. You can see that these things are not ordinary products, but this A clock full of cracks, to be honest, Cook doesn’t know how useful this thing is. If it’s a pill furnace, he might get some help from the pill. Although the clock is very popular in Buddhism, Cook doesn’t want to be there. Is there any breakthrough in Buddhism, after all, does Cook still have his own family?

Barry can't talk at this time, because Barry's flying sword is much better than Cook's clock. Of course, Cook also gave the flying sword to Barry by default. After all, Cook can't use it alone.

"Forget it, the magic weapon is the magic weapon of life, I don't believe this is a waste product." Cook did not recruit in the end. Cook wanted to continue to use life essence and spirit stone for this clock, but there was no sacrifice for life. Before the magic weapon, the more Cook gave, and the magical artifact was restored, the difficulty that Cook needed to sacrifice would greatly increase.

Cook didn't dare to take the risk, if the essence of life could restore this fairy, wouldn't it be that Cook did all useless work?

"If you are a trash, don't ignore me." Cook gritted his teeth, and then began to sacrifice his life magic weapon. The method of sacrificing his life magic weapon is similar to a blood contract, just like a graft.

Cook cut open his fingers, but the blood did not come out. This is Cook's strong physique. The wound heals very quickly, and the blood will not be affected by the surrounding environment, and the blood will not flow out at all.

After Cook cut his finger, he directly put the finger on the broken clock, but what made Cook depressed is that the absorption power of the broken clock was actually not enough to absorb his own blood.

"Oh." Cook instigated the spirit to force the blood out. Once the blood came out, it was absorbed by the broken clock. The blood began to spread along the lines of the broken clock. Within a quarter of an hour, the whole clock glowed red. .

"Hey." Then Cook slammed into the broken clock, and the sacrifice of the magic weapon was completed.

Cook didn't feel like it was struggling, Cook thought about it, guessing that the broken clock was too broken, and then Cook directly threw the broken clock into the lake of the water of life in the natural ring.

"I'm going." When the broken clock unscrupulously absorbed the water of life, Cook saw that the entire lake of the water of life had dropped by a large amount, and then a powerful soul power fed back from the broken clock. Cook almost fainted, fainted by the powerful spirit power.

Cook quickly took out the broken clock, without induction, Cook knew that the broken clock had recovered about one-hundredthousandths, and then looked at the consumed water of life.

"This thing is not easy?" Cook is not sure, because Cook doesn't know how much water of life is needed to transform such a huge divine soul into the water of life, but it does, but it also proves that this fairy tool It is self-repairing. As for the extent of self-repair, it is not known.

"Do you want another one? Didn't it mean that you can practice more natal magic weapons?" Cook looked at the demon-binding rope in his hand, as well as the pill furnace, the three-color compass, and the stick of the spirit banner, and Cook was very hot in his heart.

"Forget it, I will give them to West Asia ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Cook thinks of his family, so he has no such plan. After all, Cook already has a lot of celestial objects in his hands. This magic weapon, Cook It is necessary to increase the magic weapon of the soul, the lowering the magic pestle, this is the Buddha artifact of the eight classics, and the natural ring, and the grade is definitely not low, and there is a sword embryo, which is probably a spiritual weapon.

Now that you have a good thing, you must learn to share it with your family. Cook put the things away, and the broken clock was directly taken into the soul by Cook, that is, the soul space. This is the artifact equipped by the big world. In the big world, as long as If the equipment is of sufficient quality, it can be included in the soul space, which is the soul space. In the small world, even the main artifact dare not to enter the soul space, and the souls of the god-level powerhouses are in the godhead, so the soul space is impossible. .

The fact that the small world possessed fairy artifacts began to spread in the Quanzhen Sect. The disciples of the Quanzhen Sect wandered all over the world in the Gods Council trading market. As long as they saw something similar to the style of the big world, they would carefully identify it. .

Of course, the actions of the Quanzhen Sect can’t be said to make others ignorant, since Cook personally went to the gate of the Quanzhen Sect in the small world, some people have followed it.

The Quanzhen Sect had only acted for a long time, and all the gates of the Great World had been dispatched. As long as it was something that the Quanzhen Sect disciples liked, it would be snapped up immediately. This made the Quanzhen Sect very annoying.

But other sects ignored them, and plausibly said that the disciples of Quanzhen Sect are really going to vomit blood when buying and selling freedom. Freedom is a ghost.

Not to mention, these people actually discovered a piece of fairy artifact, which was discovered by a small sect, and then sold it to the Shushans. As for the price, hehe.

PS: Going down to the grave, so update first. If there is no notice, there will be another update. The notice will be at 7 o'clock at the latest. If there is no notice at 7 o’clock, there will be a update at 10 o’clock at the latest.

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