A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 943: Controversy between Buddhism and Taoism (24)

Two chapters in one!

"Stop!" Cook said immediately when he saw the two groups of people struggling.

Jingkong looked at Cook and asked, "Cook, who do you believe?"

"I don't believe anyone." Cook didn't show any face, don't think that Buddhism is a good person with a kind eyebrow? Nothing, and from Cook's point of view, it is not appropriate to believe anyone.

Jingkong was very speechless for such an answer, but he couldn't do anything with Cook. Song Tao said, "Speaker Cook, in fact, this thing is not suitable for people with physical bodies."

"I don't sell what is good for the soul, can't be used as a magic weapon?" Cook shook his head and said.

Clearing his hands together, he said, "As a magic weapon of life, this is more than enough, even if it is a spirit weapon level thing, it is very beneficial to the spirits. This is the right for our Buddhists to speak. We Buddhists have overwhelmed many ghosts. .

"Chaodu, you are killing, persecuting, and you are also going to be superb. Where has the superb degree gone?" Song Tao shouted.

Jingkong squinted his eyes: "Song Tao, you are slandering our Buddhism."

"Slander, haha, haha, just like your Buddhism, do you still need me to slander?" Songtao laughed loudly, full of contempt.

Cook stood up and said, "Whoever makes any more quarrels, just let me out."

"Speaker Cook, I will use the Buddhist supernatural powers to identify this piece of equipment for you to see what it is." Jingkong heard Cook say this and said.

"Really, bald donkey, I also use Taoist magical powers, let's see who has the accurate result?" Song Tao said with a smile, Song Tao can't be strong, there is no way not to fight against the clear space, because otherwise, the clear space would not be there. How likely is it to enter the honorary appraiser of the Mageweave Association that Cook said.

"Hehe, our gods also have some research on these." A Taoist of the gods said, the appearance of the gods and the Taoists looks exactly the same, but the Taoists have all the equipment. The gods only have swords.

This is because the ancestors of the gods have four immortal swords. As for immortal gates, they are usually flying swords, and the back is usually a sword box. If the flying sword can be incorporated into the body, then it will be nothing and the clothes of the fairy gate. Basically they are white and gold. Daomen are cyan, black, and gray. The gods are like Daomen carrying a sword.

"We Xianmen also have secret methods." Leng Feng was not to be outdone either.

"Pop! Okay, if one of you is accurate, then you can be the first to enter the Mageweave Association as an honorary appraiser. Let me reveal one point. Our Mageweave Association has already received more than 30,000 unidentified items. And they all have the style of the big world. Everyone knows that in the ancient heaven, there were many heavenly soldiers and generals, and although I have relatives, after all, there are only a dozen relatives, so most of the things will still be taken out. It was auctioned." Cook’s trick is ruthless. In fact, these people are vying for this place. For what, not for this, Cook wants fairy tools, yes, but Cook only has such a few people after all. Enough is enough, the small world is tens of millions, there may be how many fairy artifact fragments, fairy artifacts, and spiritual artifacts. It's not that everyone has a chance.

When Cook said so clearly, everyone at the scene looked at each other, and someone immediately spoke.

"We Shushan also have a say in identification."

"Our Qingcheng faction is not weak."

"We are happy to send..."

"Our Matsuyama faction..."

"Our dry bone temple..."


The disciples of the gods, Taoism, immortals, and Buddhism were unwilling to show weakness, and shouted one after another, for fear that they would fall, and enter it, although they said they were doing coolies for Cook, but Cook had something in his hands, just This news is enough. As for what Cook is going to auction, everyone has the bottom line. It is not a bad thing to prepare in advance.

"Well, you will come one by one. Once the appraisal is complete, you will tell me the content of the appraisal. In the future, the appraisal will be done separately. Once someone cheats and wants to lower the price of the item, I'm sorry, where is the door, go out by yourself. "Cook's move is ruthless enough, there is no collusion and fraud.

Cook entered the room and was ready to go. Hundreds of martial elites from the Great World were watching each other vigilantly. Songtao wanted to connect, but the Quanzhen Gate was very large, but the Qingcheng Sect and Shushan were not the same. Weak, and if Cook has any ideas, it will be even worse.

After Cook entered the door, Barry swayed beside Cook with a fiery red flying sword, and a voice came out: "Cook, can't you stand firm on the fairy?"

"Hey, if you want to auction, you have to put the wind out in advance. No, you think, these people are now the honorary appraisers of the Mageweave Association. Then the sect of these people is in the eyes of other sects, and that is colluding with me Together, this is what I want, and now these people's sects have to speak for me in order to continuously obtain fairy artifacts or spiritual artifacts from the small world. Those sects who can't get news and these sects are definitely contradictory. Even bigger, over time, I became one of these sects. If I go to the big world, there will be a group of people standing behind me. Whether it’s establishing a sect or a chamber of commerce, it will be much easier. As for Speaking of fairy tools, you think I will take out all the fairy tools. Of course I keep the good things. In addition, I look for this group of people to let the big world. The school knows that I don't have many good things in my hands." Ke Hehe smiled divinely speaking.

"What if there is a good thing?" Barry asked.

"If there is something that cannot be dealt with by an artifact, it is a set of artifacts. If you think about it, immortal artifacts lose their faerie spirit and are waste products in the small world. Who wouldn't want to exchange such waste products for a set of artifacts? As for those who dare to be blind, huh, how many people will the Council of Gods die every day?" Cook replied with a smile, but he was murderous. Cook doesn't mind fair dealing with you, but if you are too greedy, don't blame others for being cruel.

"Oh, Cook, your calculations are too good. Those guys are still staring at each other." Barry had to admire Cook's calculations.

"Hey, there is no way, the strength is too weak, it is not good to calculate, if I have enough strength, what can I do, in the face of strong strength, calculation is just a trail." Cook also sighed.

Then Cook called people in one by one. Cook didn’t look at these people’s magical powers. Everyone’s magical powers are extremely secret things, but Songtao and other talents have magical powers at their level. This is the innate magical power, no wonder Those who are cultivated as seeds by the super sect are all dragons among people.

After everyone came out, they handed Cook a piece of paper. The technology of the big world of paper is better than that of the small world, and it is convenient. Of course, Cook is used to it. The above records are related results.

It took a full day and more than 300 people gave their own appraisal results.

"Well, I have read everyone's appraisal results. More than 90% of them said they were hoisting flags and immortal artifacts used by the underworld. I don't deny or be sure about this, but 90% The above people are sure, that must be it. As for the remaining 10%, it's just nonsense. I'm sorry, please go out by yourself." Cook didn't name it.

"Speaker Cook, since you don't know the answer, you think it's a soul-raising flag..." a Taoist person questioned loudly.

"Go away." Before Cook could speak, the Qingcheng faction disciple interrupted with a cold call.

"..." This man's school was a medium-sized school of the Qingcheng school. Hearing his boss drink to himself like this, this man knew that he was wrong, and immediately turned around and left.

The rest of the other people also went out one after another. There is no way. If you don't go out, you will offend others. There are many martial arts and super schools present, and no one is a fool who wants to offend so many people.

"With so many people, how do I choose? More than 200 people." Cook looked at the remaining 200 people. Although there were more than 500 people, there were only more than 300 people who dared to identify. Some of them were wrong, and there were more than two hundred people left.

Everyone stared at each other, Song Tao said, "Speaker Cook, I think we should choose according to the size of the school and the status of the disciples in each school."

"Speaker Cook, this is your freedom." Jingkong originally wanted to speak, but seeing Cook smiling, Jingkong thought of something inexplicably in his mind, and immediately changed his mouth.

"Hehe, Daoist Songtao's proposal is very good, but I, Cook, has the final say, since everyone has passed, then all enter." Cook took a look at the clearance, Cook originally wanted these guys to talk to each other. , And then admitted them all at once, so that these people have a grudge against each other.

"Uh..." Hearing Cook's words, Song Tao snorted. Seeing the contempt in the eyes of everyone around him, Song Tao knew that he had been pitted by Cook.

Leng Feng and the others were sweating even more. Fortunately, they heard the words of Jingkong just now and didn't speak, otherwise they still don't know how many people will be offended.

"Speaker Cook is a man of great wisdom." Jing Kong smiled.

In this way, 283 people joined the Mageweave Association. For this reason, Cook also specially asked the Mageweave Association to hold a grand welcome reception. As for the people who were not selected, what kind of heart will they have in their hearts, Cook You can know without thinking.

Once some interests do not take care of these unselected schools in the future, then the fun will be great.

Cook's face smiled like a flower, but Cook was in the reception, that was a super presence, and the waves of drinking with Cook were almost in line.

Cook is also unwilling to come. Cook originally planned to lay out in the big world bit by bit, but knowing that there are such good things as fairy pieces in the small world, Cook has a lot of right to speak instantly.

And what Cook proposed, the super schools in the big world can’t see this, of course they can see it, but Cook’s this is a conspiracy, and a conspiracy is the calculation that the other party can see you, but it cannot be changed. Yangmou, even if you say it everywhere, you can’t change it, unless the big world has the ability to directly put Cooke and even the top of the Council of Gods in a pot, and then the big world rules the small world. This is of course unrealistic.

After the two hundred and thirty-eight people of the Great World were in place, the protracted treasure appraisal activity of the Council of Gods finally began.

With a large number of unknown items, the primary election is a very troublesome thing, but Cook makes full use of resources, that is, the remaining people of the Great World School who are not selected form several groups for the primary election. Of course, these items belong to These people don't know who or what origin, because these things were handed over to the Mageweave Association by others, and then the Mageweave Association gave them to the people in the Great World for identification.

Of course, for safety's sake, every person who participates in the primary selection or appraisal has four brave knights around him, and two mageweave apprentices do other tasks. The brave knights will rotate from time to time to ensure that each All unidentified items are safe and will not be taken away by some people. Of course, those who want to take them away forcibly have to face not only the four brave knights, but also the guards outside the room.

The safety issue is a big one, and Cook cannot ignore it.

"This batch can be handed over to the appraisers." In the warehouse of the Mageweave Association, Cook checked thousands of items and confirmed that there were no complete immortal artifacts or spirit artifacts, and he ordered.

In the cognition of the people of the big world, it is impossible for Cook to identify whether it is an immortal tool, but Chacha Cook can identify, as long as it is given to the sect of the big world to appraise things, it is Cook's purpose.

Of course there are fragments of immortal artifacts and spirit artifacts, these things Cook needs or not, of course they need them, but if the other schools of the big world have no benefit at all, what will these people think in their hearts.

For some selections, of course you must choose a good one. As for the future, of course, it is to update the collection.

"After choosing tens of thousands of items, there is not a complete immortal artifact. This thing is considered complete. It is very likely to be an immortal artifact." Cook looked at something like a jar in his hand, but without a lid. It’s only the size of a fist, and the shape of the device is very complete, but Cook doesn’t know what exactly it does. Cook’s method of testing the fairy is very simple. The lower-grade spirit stone is directly close, and it can basically be tested. Of course This test method is not very comprehensive. Even if the temple occasionally has a fish that slips through the net, Cook does not care. Cook does not believe it. There are not a few fairy artifacts in such a big and small world. You must know that Heavenly Court had many fairy artifacts at that time. Yes, even if 1% is in the small world, there are at least hundreds of thousands of pieces.

The open jar was collected by Cook, and then Cook gave the rest to the Mageweave Association. An adventurer of a lower **** received a set of inferior artifact suits. For this adventurer, it also needs to be kept secret. Yes, because if a lower **** with no background is known to hold a lower grade artifact suit, it is very dangerous.

Even if the artifact cannot be transferred, it is robbed and cannot be used, but forcing you to do things you don't want to do, many people can do it.

"Cook, Cook, spiritual tool, complete spiritual tool." At the end of the first day, Songtao saw Cook and rushed up immediately. In fact, this guy has been waiting here for a long time.

"Why, it's your door?" Cook asked.

Spirit artifacts are a kind of equipment lower than immortal artifacts. In fact, there are many types of immortal artifacts mentioned by the Great World. The lowest level is spiritual artifacts, then spiritual treasures, innate spiritual treasures, these levels, and according to the use of Immortals have different levels, such as Lingxian, Jinxian, Luo Tianshangxian, Daluo Jinxian and so on. In addition, from the position, there are fairy soldiers, fairy officers, fairy generals, and heavenly kings. They use different weapons and equipment, but Even a spiritual weapon is a very advanced thing. As the name suggests, a spiritual weapon is a weapon with a sense of intelligence, which is equivalent to a fully intelligent weapon, and the difference between a fully manual weapon can be imagined.

In addition, if the spirit is still there, you may be able to obtain the exercises used by the original master, or some other related things. In addition, whether it is a spirit weapon or an immortal weapon, the more complete, the greater the probability of existence of the spirit. The greater the integrity of the spirit.

"Yes, it's a whisk." Song Tao said.

"Wait and see, I will put it out for auction after others estimate the price." Cook knows why Song Tao is here, and Cook knows the whisk.

Songtao got the promise from Cook, and he became even more anxious: "Cook, can you..."

"Song Tao, you despicable villain, what are you going to do with Speaker Cook in private? Do you want to make a shameful deal with Speaker Cook?" But before Song Tao finished speaking, the Qingcheng disciple appeared, loudly Scream.

"That's right, isn't it just a spiritual weapon?" Leng Feng said in an angry tone.

All of a sudden, the people responsible for the appraisal of the Great World came. There was no way. A nearly complete spiritual weapon was very valuable. If it was auctioned, everyone would have the opportunity, but it was not necessarily private.

Cook stretched out his hand and pressed down and said: "Don't worry, I will let everyone appraise, that is, monitor each other. I Cook is fair and just. As long as I decide to put out the auction, I will never trade it privately, and I will not auction it. Things will not be traded privately."

"Well, Speaker Cook, the completeness of this whisk is more than ninety-nine percent, and the price is estimated to reach millions of high-grade spiritual stones." Jingkong said loudly, after all, this is something of a Taoist school, and Buddhism has little effect. Of course, Buddhism would definitely be willing to ask for it to be disgusting.

"Clearance, cause and effect..." Song Tao was angry, and Jingkong said this, obviously raising the price.

Jingkong said with a smile: "This fellow Taoist, I'm telling the truth. If you don't pay this price, we Buddhism can definitely get it at this price."

Clearance is also correct. Although the Taoist spiritual weapon does not have much benefit, the Taoist can't get it. If the strength of the Taoist is not increased, even if it is bought at a large price, it is not at a loss.

"You...wait..." Song Tao gritted his teeth, meaning it was obvious, even if there were things for Buddhism, Daomen would not let it go.

Jingkong shook his head and said nothing. Jingkong thought very clearly, even if he didn't raise the price, then Buddhism has good things, waiting for Daomen to take away the things that Buddhism needs with a big price?

When Cook saw this, he was still very happy, just like that.

"However, in order to thank everyone for your appraisal, I only accept nine achievements in the martial art auction you are in." Cook said with a smile.

"Thank you." Everyone present said to Cook.

In fact, Cook’s trick is also a hidden evil, because the auction is external, and the discounts given by Cook give these schools here a great advantage in price, and other schools that are not here will be because of this difference in price. Without competitiveness, these schools that get preferential treatment will naturally be divided by other schools on Cook's side. This is very beneficial for Cook to go to the big world in the future.

"I took a look. Today, more than 300 items were identified, including a fragment of a fairy artifact, and a more complete spiritual artifact. In this way, we can make up 50 pieces~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The big world holds an auction." Cook saw these people very happy, Cook continued.

"Well, Cook, let's continue to work hard, make up 50 pieces and then rest." Leng Feng immediately suggested.

"I think it will work."

Everyone agrees. Of course, Cook will not stop it. You must know that there are many unidentified items. Of course, the first batch of items was selected by Cook. There are dozens of spiritual weapons among tens of thousands of unknown items. Immortal artifact fragments, this is to give sweet dates, let the big world know that the small world has such good things, so that these participating schools will more closely cooperate with Cook.

One and a half month and a half of the small world time, I had enough for 50 auction items. Cook looked at the fifty items and was very happy, while the eyes of other people were golden.

"Speaker Cook, the most precious thing here is this immortal artifact with a completeness of 80%. The price is almost invaluable. We suggest to exchange it with something of equivalent value." Song Tao said to Cook, pointing to a wooden fish. This wooden fish is complete, but there is nothing to knock on the wooden fish. This is a set, but this thing is a Buddhist treasure, that is, a fairy. Cook is a little resistant to Buddhism. If you use these things, who knows if you end up? Want to become a monk? Besides, Cook has a pestle for lowering the devil, which is a complete fairy tool, so Cook doesn't like it. As for making Cook's woman knock on wooden fish, Cook thinks about it.

"Daoist Songtao is right. This should be the Buddha treasure used by the Arhat in front of him. The value is immeasurable. However, this broken flying sword is of great value, at least tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones." Very irritating, immediately pointed to a flying sword and said.

"Some of our immortal gates are spirit stones." Leng Feng said angrily.

PS: More than five thousand nine hundred words, more than nine hundred words are counted as the welfare for everyone.

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