A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 950: 8 Secrets of Fangshan (3)

"I can't see clearly, it's just a white figure, it's that trick that turns over and over." Cook shook his head and replied.

The monkey pondered for a moment and said, "If this is the case, then you should practice this technique. If my guess is correct, your sword fetus may not be a sword fetus, but a sword pill."

"You mean the kind of sword pill that specializes in releasing spells?" Cook asked.

"It's the kind of flying sword that kills people invisible and releases sword energy to attack. This kind of flying sword is extremely rare in the world, and from what you describe, it may be the fairy sword pill." The monkey continued, the monkey did not Let Cook take it out and take a look, which proves that the monkey has no prying heart for Cook.

Cook was surprised. He thought it was a sword embryo. What the sword embryo is, it is equivalent to the seed of an elixir. To become an elixir, it needs careful cultivation, but it is not a sword embryo, but a sword. Maru, the sword pill of the fairy weapon level is undoubtedly a finished product. For Cook, it takes a lot less energy to cultivate.

"But this sword fetus will swallow other things." Cook continued.

The monkey said with a smile, "Cook, then it proves that you may not only be an ordinary fairy. You must know that the fairy has spirit. Do you know what the spirit is here?"

"Lingzhi?" Cook replied.

The monkey nodded: "It can be said, but the accurate understanding should be instinct, but this is a good phenomenon. Just like a child is born again, he knows to take milk. This is instinct. It can also be said to be spiritual. Under the influence of instinct, children eat all kinds of things, and slowly give birth to spiritual wisdom, have their own unique thinking, unique cognition, and be able to survive independently. This is the true spiritual wisdom and the birth of this spiritual wisdom. Known as the Xiantian Lingbao, it can be said that you don't need to control the weapon, the weapon itself can attack and defend, and the demon chain is such a weapon."

"Then I will let the guy eat it?" Cook asked wonderingly.

"Of course, give what you want to eat, wait until the spiritual wisdom is born, tsk tsk..." the monkey sighed.

"Why don't you finish?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"You can’t expect to wait any longer. The birth of spiritual wisdom from artifacts is not the same as the birth of spiritual wisdom from life. It can be said that these dead objects give birth to spiritual wisdom and become life. This is a qualitative transformation. Very difficult." The monkey shook his head and continued to move upward.

Cook followed behind the big monkey, digesting what the big monkey said. What the big monkey said was different from what other schools of humans said. Song Tao and others said that you must pay attention to the five elements, and yin and yang, otherwise it may become a waste product, but the big monkey Speaking of death, the sword pill wants to swallow up cleverness. There are two completely different theories, and Cook doesn't know who to trust.

"But some people say that the five elements should be emphasized when the fairy sword fetus swallows things, and the yin and yang should be reconciled." Cook continued.

"That's right, but the five elements interact and restrain each other, and they will constantly change, and the immortal artifact is different from ordinary equipment, or the immortal artifact you can grow, even more different." The monkey called Cook.

Cook still didn't understand, the monkey continued to ask: "Then what is the attribute of your sword fetus?"

"Not sure." Cook shook his head.

"Since you don't know, what can you do? The instinct of this kind of fairy is actually the most reliable, just like you want to eat when you are hungry, and drink water when you are thirsty," the monkey said.

"But children sometimes have bad stomachs." Cook immediately retorted.

"It's not the same, good or not. After the master leaves the customs, you can find the master for some top-level materials, and then let the master find someone to show you." The monkey retorted, but he was not sure, so he said at last.

"Well, I won't come to the big world for the time being anyway." Cook only has this.

"Do you know how to use the waste artifact that Master gave you?" the monkey asked.

"I know. But I made that broken clock into a magic weapon of life." Cook nodded and continued.

"That broken clock, your boy's tone is so big, do you know what it is?" The monkey turned his head and stared at Cook with angrily.

Cook shook his head and waited for the monkey to explain. The monkey said, "The level of the broken bell is the same as the level of the demon-binding rope, but the demon-binding rope focuses on the monster race, and the bell is both offensive and defensive. It is a rare weapon that combines both offense and defense."

"So powerful!" Cook knew that there were too few weapons for both offensive and defensive. It could be said that there were almost none. He didn't expect this one to be such a weapon.

"You slowly figure it out, but the clock is broken like that. The level drop is probably very serious, but you are enough." The monkey is actually very envious of Cook. There are so many good things in his hand. How big is the big world? The ancestors of the martial art have no fragments of fairy artifacts, not to mention the authentic artifacts.

Cook nodded, of course Cook didn't say, the crack on the broken clock was slowly healing.

"By the way, it's okay to use flying swords with the samadhi spirit fire that lives with me?" Cook said.

"Tsk tusk, Cook, how is your kid's luck so good." The monkey was a little jealous.

"So so so." Cook grinned.

"Yes, but it requires spiritual practice. After a while, I will find a spiritual practice for you, so that you can cultivate your flying sword into a magic weapon of your life. In the future, when you face the enemy, there will be quite a lot of innate spiritual treasures. Weapons." The monkey is really jealous of Cook.

In a blink of an eye, Cook stepped onto a step, a small platform, and there was a cave near the cliff, but the gate was closed tightly. On both sides of the gate, there were two monkey monsters standing guard.

"Old ancestor." The two monkey demon standing guard saw the big monkey and cried respectfully.

"Well, this is my little brother." The monkey nodded.

"Little ancestor." The two monkey demon immediately saluted Cook respectfully.

"Cough cough, cough cough, call me little master ancestor from now on." Cook was almost **** to death by two monkey demon, little ancestor, that's how old people call children.

"Yes, Little Master." The two monkey demons changed their words quickly.

"Let's go." The monkey didn't understand why Cook said that. The monkey displayed a set of handprints on his hand, apparently opening the cave.

After entering the cave mansion, Cook clearly felt that the heaven and earth here are more aura than the outside. The monkey said with a smile: "The guard outside is very popular. This cave mansion has a spiritual vein, and the aura will continue to emit Standing guard here for ten years is better than doing 50 years of cultivation in other places."

Cook didn't say anything. After following the monkey, the monkey pointed and said: "This place used to be Master's residence. It was later remodeled. It is considered a place for hidden treasures. You can take away anything in it."

"Really?" Cook looked at the surrounding things, all shining extraordinary.

"Remember. You are going back to the small world." The monkey looked at Cook with a smile.

"Could it be deposited with you first?" Cook asked tentatively.

"No." The monkey stared, who was this.

Cook said helplessly: "I don't really lack anything, are there anything women use here?"

"Woman, no." The monkey shook his head and said.

"Is there anything to beautify and beautify?" Cook continued to ask, changing to look at the cave. This cave is not very big. There are seven or eight stone chambers. Inside the stone chambers are some simple things. Cook took the oil lamp and watched. Take a look, then put it down.

The monkey stared and said, "The flat peach is not good. Take a bite and stay young forever."

"What, is there such a benefit?" Cook's eyes came out.

"What do you think, the heavenly fairy spirits used to be full of energy, and eating a flat peach can make you immortal." The monkey said angrily.

Cook felt a little regretful about such a good thing, but thought that there are still flat peaches on the Huaguo Mountain, and he secretly wrote it down, and then calculated how many he needed to allocate.

"These are all things, futons, fans, wooden fish, clothes, they are all ordinary things." Cook looked around, they were all ordinary things.

"Then I can't help you." The monkey shrugged.

Cook looked at these various things and said, "This futon is useless. Master is not a material for meditation."

"This oil lamp doesn’t have a wick. Even if it’s useful, I don’t use it. Clothes and clothes may be good things, but I guess I can’t bring them into the small world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This wooden fish is also a good thing, but I don't want to be a monk."

"This is the fan." Cook stared at it for a long time with the look of a fan in his hand, and finally chose this one.

The monkey looked at Cook in surprise, and asked, "Why did you choose this fan?"

"This fan looks like it grows on some kind of plant. It might be fine for me to bring it into the small world. I originally wanted to bring futons, but the fans are not light and can hit people. Should I use the futons to hit people in the future?" Cook explained.

"Let’s go, little brother, the things in this room are all given to the master by the master, and the futon is also the clothes, including the oil lamp. Of course, there are some things master and brother. The master collects things at the level of immortality. The bottles and jars that you see in the hall are also fairy artifacts, but they have only one function and are beautiful. It is said that they are used during the heavenly banquet and will release rays of glow." The monkey and Cook left the cave. After that, he explained.

Cook heard the monkey say so. Something that the brothers don’t want was probably obtained by the Great Sage by other means.

"Let's go quickly, it's been a long time." Seeing that Cook didn't want to return to the small world, the monkey muttered in his heart, don't mess around with his identity, that would be troublesome.

"Well, the Bafang Mountain..." Cook wanted to do some private activities, but the monkey kept following, so Cook had to give up.

"Bafang Mountain, you let them do it first, but your kid is involved first, and your people don’t go. This Bafang Mountain may be changed. Don’t contaminate cause and effect. After they are established, it’s okay. You can accept it. You know. Is it?" the monkey exclaimed.

"Understand." Cook wondered, what is the secret of this Bafang Mountain?

PS: The mad dog mode is indeed fast. It is estimated that I will suffer from insomnia. I drank a cup of strong tea.

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