A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 954: 8 Secrets of Fangshan (7)

Cook's eyes widened, and the monkey was embarrassed by Cook's look, and said: "At that time, the heaven was already collapsed, and the master was kind enough to not break the whole thing. There was time to collect other things."

"Then those waste artifacts were also snatched by the master?" No wonder the great sage would be **** than the demon-binding rope. This great sage was obviously taking advantage of the fire to rob and fall into trouble. I don't know how many people were sapped.

"Those guys laughed at Master before, and Master just taught them." The monkey plausibly said.

"Then what good things are there on Master?" Cook was moved. Didn't his cheap master collect a lot of good things?

"Shut up." The voice of the Great Sage rang out of thin air.

Cook just felt that someone put a huge clock on his head, and then it rang suddenly, and he almost vomited.

The monkey laughed. The monkey looked at the fairy jujube tree and was shocked. The fairy jujube tree seemed to have been so big for tens of thousands of years.

"Come on, little brother, Master’s things will not be ours from now on. After Master is sanctified, immortal artifacts will be useless. Come, let’s continue." At the urging of the big monkey, there are dozens of kinds of fairy grass. Lingguo seeds have been urged to germinate, and there are also good things such as Zijin gourd, Zizhi, flat peach, fairy apricot, vermilion fruit, etc. Some special-purpose fairy grass Lingguo has been upgraded.

Fortunately, Cook was opened by the Great Sage in the big world, and Cook returned to the small world without much time, just over two days.

After Cook left, the monkey was itchy. There are hundreds of species of fairy grass and peach trees. There are now more than 500 trees. There were only a dozen before. There were also ginseng fruit trees. There were only a few before, but now dozens. Needless to say, Basho, the Bull Demon clan has one tail up to the sky, and holds a fruit tasting meeting every millennium, like a sigh.

There are also top fairy grass spirit fruits such as fairy jujube, fairy apricot, zizhi, purple golden gourd, etc. After planting these fairy grass spirit fruits around Huaguo Mountain, the concentration has increased even more, but Huaguo Mountain originally It is the top-level cave world, and outsiders are not easy to detect. There are millions of monkeys in the surrounding area. Whoever refuses to accept it, even the tiger demon will have to hide away from the monkey demon clan.

"Big Monkey, go and invite the twelve great monsters, the four-sided monsters, and other demon kings. They said that I am going to hold the flat peach conference, and the time is set in three years." The voice of the great saint came.

"Yes, Great Sage, I will go now." When the monkey heard this, he immediately jumped up. In fact, all monster races have a virtue and show off. What good things do they say is what Pingguo Conference is. When the time comes, Just take a look, you think you really want to give it to you to eat, you dream, of course, as long as you can come up with good things, then exchange is not impossible.

When Cook returned to the small world, he quickly checked the natural ring. There were a large piece of fairy grass spirit fruit in the natural ring, and there were more than a dozen purple gold gourds. The purple gold gourd is actually just the term for the fairy gourd. The different colors represent the magical power of the gourd. It is also different. The most famous one is the purple gold one. A certain old gentleman installed the elixir of purple gold gourd. There are also gourds on the back of the birthday star. Why are there more than a dozen of them? Of course, Cook asked for the monkey. It is a whole When the gourds were planted, hundreds of them popped up densely.

There are also more than a dozen flat peach trees, including 6,000-year-old trees and 9,000-year-old trees.

There are as many as six or seven fairy apricots, and there is no need to stick to two of each kind. The monkey also opens one eye and closes one eye. After all, there are too many, and two are just a spoken word by the great sage, like Some people say that waiting for two minutes means waiting for a while.

"This thing is too long, sell some." The thing that left Cook speechless is that Cook got a dozen of Zizhi this thing. It is said that this thing is resurrected, but now a large number of them are. The trunks of the largest dozen trees of life are basically overgrown. Although they are much smaller, it is predictable. Here, these things are the same as elemental fruits. There is no way, this kind of fungus-like plants. , There are too many spores, almost trillions of seeds, one percent of the survival is terrible.

The flower elves are also very interested in the fairy grass spirit fruits that Cook has planted. What makes Cook even more unbelievable is that the flower elves can communicate roughly with these fairy grass spirit fruits.

Of course it is not the meaning of communication, but to know what the plant needs. Cook seriously doubts whether the flower elves also have any heavenly blood on him.

What the flower elves eat in the natural ring is pollen and nectar, but what the flower elves eat is superfluous, and of course it also eats fruits. Cook doesn’t mind this. At least under the management of the flower elves, the spacing of all plants is something. Both are the most suitable.

The other is the extra plants, old branches, and the flower elves will tidy up, just like the spiritual tea made from the leaves of the tree of life, which is the fruit of the flower elves. Otherwise, Cook will pick them one by one. When.

Cook came out of the natural ring, and Ka Ka jumped on Cook's hand easily. Ka Ka is a magic spider. He is often fed magic fruits and other things. It is palm-sized and has a black body. There are golden lines on it, and these colors can change with the surrounding colors. Normally, the kaka is in the natural ring. When Cook wants to enter the natural ring, the kaka will come out, because the natural ring needs a main body , Otherwise who knows what will happen.

Cook came to the Council of the Gods and checked the latest progress on the ancient battlefield.

"Speaker." After Cook came, the staff inside stood up to greet Cook.

"How about the ancient battlefield?" Cook nodded as a greeting, and then asked.

"Progress is not very smooth." A staff member quickly handed over a piece of information.

After taking a look, Cook frowned and said, "The situation is not optimistic."

"The main reason is that the situation is too responsible, and some permanent magic arts have changed each other..." What this staff member knows is also what others have reported.

"I'll check it out." Cook interrupted without waiting for the man to finish.

When Cook went to the ancient battlefield, in Bafangshanfang City, Silver Fox looked at the people below and asked, "Is this consumption of spirit stones a bit abnormal?"

"Madam Report, these conditions are indeed a bit abnormal. The consumption of spirit stones has increased by 20% than expected, but we have not fully understood the formation method together. Do you want to let the formation mage of the big world take a look?" Follow the silver fox. The people have all kinds of professions, and there are also people who are gifted with the great world formation. These people pass through the thunder tribulation in the passage of the big and small worlds. The energy in the body has been transformed into the vitality of the great world, so the formation is also cultivated.

"The formation has already been activated. Now let others check it out. Doesn’t it mean that others know our fictitiousness? If 20% is consumed, 20% is consumed. Let’s go down and check carefully to see if the sects who set up the formation deliberately do this. "The Silver Fox frowned.

After the formation master of the Great World arranges the mountain gate formation, it will not be activated. The right to activate is given to the employer. The employer activates the formation in a different order. The formation changes are different, even if the formation is arranged, it is also It can't be opened easily. After all, there are many changes in the formation, but once the formation is activated and others can check it, it will be easy to break the formation.

Silver Fox is definitely a strong woman, so she did not notify Cook of this abnormal situation, because Cook confessed that Silver Fox is the master here, so Silver Fox wanted to find out the reason before telling Cook. Look at Silver Fox. Now, 20% more is not a big problem.

But if those mages knew it. I can't do it anymore. The formation consumes 20% more. What are you kidding about, the formation master and its strict things, the consumption of spirit stones is too fast, there must be a problem with this formation, once there is a problem with the formation, it will be a big problem, and the destructive power is even more incomparable. of.

And because the formation was opened, the people of the various sects living in Bafangshanfang City were not aware of it, because if you want to check the formation, maybe it will touch the formation. It's okay to check the formation of others. In the big world, then It is hostile behavior, so these people are not aware of it either.

In addition, there are a lot of spirit stones on the silver fox, so there are some who have not paid attention to it. As for the novices who have just taken over the formation, it may be difficult to find out the reason.

Cook came to the ancient battlefield. This is not the first time Cook has come, but he is not particularly familiar.

Hundreds of kilometers away from the ancient battlefield, a city in the sky is suspended in the sky tens of thousands of meters. It can be said that the exploration of the Council of the Gods has been equipped to the extreme. Who can say that a city in the sky is used as a camp.

The strong anti-jamming ability in the Sky City can make the transportation of the portal smooth, and it is very convenient to come here from the mountains of the gods.




The arrival of Cook made everyone around him stand up.

"Let me take a look, I heard that I was in trouble?" Cook asked.

"President, there is a strong energy interference in front, otherwise it will interfere with the spirit, and even the divine arts will interfere." A vice president of the Mageweave Association is in charge here. The huge sky city wants to run, and the Magewen Master is Absolutely indispensable.

"No attack?" Cook asked.

"Speaker, we are here to find things, not to destroy things." A member of the Council of Gods explained.

Cook nodded and understood. This is like archeology. It requires a little bit of cleaning. If it is reckless, it will be a big deal.

"Go, go to the scene to see." Cook said.

It's not that Cook doesn't want to ask a lot, but the situation reported by others is definitely different from what you saw in person, let alone the complex environment of the ancient battlefield.

Volley flight is not a difficult task for Cook, but in this ancient battlefield, due to the fierce battle conditions, countless permanent magic arts continue to tear each other apart, and the air is very dangerous.

The ground on the ancient battlefield was very hard rocks. These rocks were pitch black and very smooth. You can know how much damage this earth has suffered.

"It's this one. We got people trying to force it in, but we encountered a powerful anti-gravity technique. In this anti-gravity technique, there was a magnetic storm jet, which also carried fire damage. The magnetic storm jet caused golden light in the surrounding area. A series of magic techniques, ice storms, wind blade storms, and so on. We guess that this should be one of the most intense battles." The member in charge of the expedition reported.

"Is it a constant magic, or the automatic reaction of the artifact, or is it caused by the kingdom of God?" Cook asked.

"This is not clear. We just came into this place not long after, and there are already three high-level god-level powerhouses who have been seriously injured. Fortunately, they have artifact-level armor, otherwise they will definitely fall." The congressman said.

Cook looked at it carefully for a while, and in the absence of other energy fluctuations, the area in front of him looked abnormally calm. Of course, it was only visible to the naked eye, and his mental power was disturbed by powerful interference, and he knew that this place was dangerous.

"What do you think?" Cook continued to ask after watching for a while.

"Whether it is a constant magic or other circumstances, from an elemental point of view, there will be a day of exhaustion. The main reason is that if there is a similar kingdom of God, it will be troublesome." The member said.

Cook looked at the congressman and asked, "So there is no way?"

"Yes." The congressman replied helplessly.

"Do you need my help?" Cook asked directly.

When the congressman heard this, he was pleasantly surprised: "Of course it is the best that the Speaker can take action."

"Well, you guys wait." Cook said to the congressman when he heard this.

The congressman asked, "Speaker, what do I need to prepare?"

"No need." Cook shook his head.

Cook holds the Devil-Down Club. In the small world, the Devil-Down Club consumes physical strength, which is the meaning of energy in the big world. It doesn't need other energy to activate.

I walked in this way step by step, and everyone else in the back was dumbfounded. The current scene was very shocking to those watching.

At a distance of kilometers, Cook arrived soon, and suddenly, a majestic and huge reaction force directly acted on Cook.

"It appears to be an anti-gravity magical technique carried by a certain artifact." Cook was full of blood and energy, and instantly became a ninefold superimposition.

Perhaps everyone has forgotten that there is a law for casting magical magic, that is, if the target of magical magic is higher than that of the caster, the probability of failure is very high.

However, this kind of situation is very rare in the magic arts, because the release of the magic arts is generally ranged, and there are few single ones. Because the battle between the gods is not only the magic, the most important thing is the close body. In combat, I haven't heard of anyone who smashed an opponent to death with a magical technique, but the opponent is hurt, which means that the magical technique is basically not fatal.

Just look at how powerful Cook's physique is. Just look at this magical technique. The anti-gravity magical technique has no effect at all on Cooke. Cook has stepped into the magical technique step by step.

"Immunity!" When the people watching behind saw this scene, they took a breath, and someone exclaimed even more.

"We have all forgotten that when the opponent's strength is too much higher than the caster, then the magical spell released by the caster has a high chance of failing." A mage sighed and said.

"Is the speaker so powerful already?" Everyone asked themselves, the range of this anti-gravity magical technique is at least tens of kilometers. The minimum magical attack in this range is the powerhouse of the **** emperor, and of course it may be low-level. The ultimate divine technique released by the god-level powerhouse at the expense of life or soul.

But no matter what, if you can make the divine arts invalid on yourself, then Cook's strength at least surpasses the main **** level too much.

Bang bang bang.

Golden lights wreak havoc in the anti-gravity magic. This is Golden Light, one of the ultimate magic of the gold system. Golden Light is something like countless golden lightsabers. It looks like a golden light, but this thing is It was very fatal. The magic pestle in Cook's hand swung up all at once, directly smashing a large piece of golden light and directly dispersing it.

"It looks like a huge matrix." Cook had a guess in his heart.

Matrix is ​​an arrangement of magic patterns. It is formed by countless magic patterns. Of course, the arrangement of this kind of matrix is ​​extremely difficult, because the matrix can not only release attacks, but also recover most of the energy, as well as various attacks. They must be compatible with each other. Here, the difficulty of the matrix is ​​compatibility. If one is not good, the entire matrix will burst.

The magic matrix is ​​almost one of the ultimate achievements of magic, but this kind of matrix is ​​only passed down in a few words in the small world, even Cook knows not much.

The biggest advantage of the magic matrix is ​​compatibility. Within the scope of the gravity spell of the earth system, the magical arts of the gold system can be released. This is a strange phenomenon in itself.

Cook's footsteps are firm and stable. Although the steps are not large, they give people a sense of security.

The people in the Council of Gods watching from the back saw that every time Cook wielded the magic pestle, there was a large gap in the golden light.

Suddenly, a large cyan storm appeared in the golden light. The cyan storm swept towards Cook like a huge vortex.

"Wind, haha." Cook can't perceive it, but it doesn't mean that Cook can't see it.

These cyan storms are large blades of wind. These blades are constantly rotating, like a huge windmill, but the leaves of the windmill are a large piece of huge cyan wind blade with a diameter of more than one meter.

Although the people behind had confidence in Cook, after all, the triple magic arts made everyone stare.

When the windblade storm approached Cook, these cyan windblade storms shrank a lot. In a few blinks, the huge windblade storm with a diameter of more than ten kilometers disappeared completely.

After the wind blade storm disappeared, there was a burst of clarity in the whole world, and all the magical arts disappeared.

"As long as one link in the magic matrix is ​​broken, the whole will be unlocked. This looks a bit like the formation of the big world." Cook muttered in his heart, but Cook didn't know much about the formation of the big world, so he didn't dare Draw conclusions easily.

Moving on, nothing happened. After ten minutes later, Cook saw a flag with five colors on it.

"This is something of the big world, okay?" Cook looked at the five-color flag that was only one foot high, and at first glance confirmed that it was something of the big world.

Cook had a lot of questions in his heart, but Cook was not in a hurry. When Cook walked past the five-color flag, when he moved his mind, the five-color flag came into Cook's hands, and then Cook continued to move forward.

The reason Cook did this was because Cook didn't want others to know that he got this kind of thing. The five-color flag reminded Cook of something powerful.

Then Cook saw a huge camp-like building. The camp was surrounded by huge stone walls. The walls were densely covered with magic patterns, but these magic patterns had lost their function. The walls were 100 meters high. However, some places have collapsed. Behind the stone walls are dilapidated camps.

"Come here." Cook turned his head and greeted.

With a bang, hundreds of people behind rushed over at once. It took Cook nearly an hour to walk, and these people arrived in less than ten seconds.

"This..." Seeing the huge camp, everyone was stunned. There were magic patterns on such a rough city wall, which was simply incredible.

"Bone, the bone of an angel!"

"Beimon, it's Bemun, and the bones are like jade."

"That's Titan!"







The camp is densely packed with bones, and people's scalp is numb.

"These bones are a little weird."

"Yes, there are imprints on these bones, which look like humans."

"It looks like a human."

"This was killed. It seems that the wound was caused by the arrow of the elves stabbing the sword with one hand."

Everyone looked carefully, and found strange marks left on these bones, as if they were killing each other.

"It is said that in the last battle, the Allied Forces of the Council of Gods lost dozens of main gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hundreds of **** kings, thousands of **** kings, and hundreds of thousands of upper gods." Someone said.

"Is it here?"

"This weapon is still intact?"

"Let it go, that's something from our dwarves."

"Go away, I discovered this first."

When the first piece of equipment appeared, everyone's eyes were different.

"All the gains here are handed over to the Council of the Gods, and distributed according to the merits. If anyone dares to hide themselves, kill them." Cook said in a cold voice when he saw the guarding eyes of these people.

"Come on, everything belongs to the Council of Gods. Everyone supervises each other. Reporting the true Gods Council rewards a medium-grade artifact armor." The member in charge here was very excited when he heard this. You must know that this time it is the Council of Gods. Take the lead, but everyone who participated, but Cook spoke up, who would dare to say no? Moreover, the Council of Gods is now extremely rich, and the price of a medium-grade artifact armor can still be paid.

So everyone’s eyes are different when they look at each other. I hope someone hides their privates. Although the things here are not necessarily low-level, but if you hold it in your hand, it’s yours. No, who would dare to say that they will not be discovered when they take things.

The entire camp was hundreds of kilometers in diameter, and the equipment found was tens of thousands, most of which were damaged.

"President, the people in this camp seem to be fighting each other." However, the Council of the Gods is counting the spoils, and is also looking at the causes of these people's deaths.

Cook's face was solemn: "I have seen it too, so why do so many people kill each other?"

PS: When I opened this website with UC browser on my laptop, it showed that DNS failed. After doing it for a long time, cleaning and restarting were all useless. Finally, I saw Baidu on my mobile phone and knew that a certain netizen said that it was opened with 360 browser.

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