A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 970: Prehistoric World (6)

The old prophet asked this, mainly because he didn't want to make a mistake. Although Cook mentioned the exotic flowers and plants, rare treasures, and Bekalin period items, the old prophet did not dare to be sloppy about what it was.

"The items from the Bekalin period are used to exchange these weapons. Crystal nuclei can also be used. Exotic flowers and weeds, rare treasures, at least very rare, ordinary ones have no value." Cook said.

"Okay, then." The old prophet nodded and understood.

Cook stayed in the Qingshan tribe for one night, and during the day he explained some forging knowledge to Keshu. In fact, forging is a laborious task. Of course, casting is easier, but casting involves metal smelting, especially composite metals. It is more advanced, and the toughness of armor and equipment forging is better. The casting process is not good. Weapons and equipment have no effect. For example, the proportion of bubbles and impurities in the casting process. If you do not master it, it will be scrap. Forging Although it is a bit time-consuming, after all, as long as the number of forgings reaches the standard, there will be basically no huge flaws.

Then Cook left the Qingshan tribe, came without a trace, went without a trace, the patriarch of the Qingshan tribe Lien, and Ke Shu, the old prophet, gathered people who knew Cook's whereabouts.

"No one should say anything about this time. This is related to the continued growth of our Qingshan tribe. Have you heard of it?" Chief Lien came up and said very majesticly.

In the giant tribe, what the patriarch relies on is the force value. The patriarch who has the first force value is the patriarch. As for the wisdom, it is the matter of the prophet.

Giant tribes such as the Qingshan tribe are just one word to manage, and those who are not convinced, fight, and those who are disobedient, fight.

After Lean finished speaking, the old prophet spoke up: "As for you, everyone chooses a weapon, and next time we will customize a weapon with attributes. You know what happened to Prophet Locke. Even your own woman can't Say, you know?"

"Yes." A dozen people immediately replied in unison.

But the tree also said: "If anyone tells you, don't blame me for being cruel, no matter which tribe you are in, I will take out ten weapons to reward his head, and if ten is not enough, twenty will be given."

Ke Shu’s words made these a dozen people feel nervous. If Lean and the old prophet only ruled the tribe, Ke Shu, who has forging technology, is now well-known among the giants. He really wants to kill someone who is not his tribe. If you can have weapons, it is estimated that many people are willing to do it.

"Well, one person chooses one, but a dozen of you are going to be stationed outside for half a year, otherwise what will others think of you holding a new weapon?" Lien said.

"Yes, patriarch." When the people below heard this, they were all excited. You must know that this is an all-metal weapon. Such a weapon only needs to be stationed at patrol points around the territory for half a year. Who doesn't want it.

The Qingshan tribe covered up the news of Cook’s appearance. As for the weapon that Cook took out, it was privately used by the Lien of the Qingshan tribe. The prophet first used it in the tribe, and did not trade it at all. In the opinion of Lien and others , When there is a good weapon in the future, just replace it again.

People from other tribes in the Qingshan tribe did not find out at all, because Lien and others gave their weapons directly to the hunting team and patrol team. Most of the time these people hunted or patrolled outside, or they did hunting patrols together. See you outsiders. Only a few people arrived.

Things are going well on Cook's side, but Songtao and the others are a little unsustainable.

"Damn it, the bird just now has at least the peak cultivation base of the foundation stage, and can release spells." Song Tao and others were chased by a big bird. As for how big the bird is, it should be at least two hundred meters in size. In the eyes of the stars and others, that was a sparrow.

In fact, Songtao and others are not to blame. Although Cook said this place is a safe area, the first-order star beasts will not trigger the defense system, and will not be taken seriously by the red fox. The first-order star beasts are only small The world, that is also a perverted existence, that is, the ants that Song Tao and others encountered are actually first-order social creatures, so Song Tao and others have nothing to do.

That is to say, this rank is also tenth, and the sage association is below the first rank, and Cooke has nine times the superimposed frenziedness, plus his own physical strength, plus the transformation of the beast soul, it is less than the third rank.

No matter how awesome Song Tao and others are, they are just cultivators at the bottom of the Great World Cultivation World's Qi Refining Period. How could they be opponents of Tier 1 creatures, not to mention that the creatures in the Star Realm, the Primordial World, are physically strong.

Of course, Songtao and the others didn't know that a bird or a bug would make Songtao and the others fled in embarrassment. As for exploring the surrounding environment, there are rare treasures, it is really difficult.

Cook walked around in the star realm and then returned to the **** realm. As for the troubles Songtao and the others encountered, Cook was not prepared to take care of it for the time being, and he had not experienced difficulties. The various sects in the big world couldn't afford a big price.

After returning to the God Realm, Cook had the opportunity to inquire about the situation of Bafang Mountain. The Silver Fox saw that Cook came to Bafang Mountain and was surprised.

"Cook, you, why are you here?" Silver Fox knew that the process of coming to the Great World was very uncomfortable.

"I just came to have a look, don't tell me." Cook said with a smile.

"Are you worried about me?" Silver Fox asked when he heard Cook say that.

"Of course." Of course, Cook nodded. Women are all emotional. A woman can think of a lot of a normal action. If a man is ignorant at this time, hehe... "

"Cook..." Silver Fox plunged into Cook's arms, and what was left was a fierce love action movie.

Cook put his arms around the silver fox and asked, "How about it, are there any difficulties here?"

"There is no difficulty, these big sects are here to help." Yin Fox shook his head and said.

"So in other respects, I know that operating an auction house is a very hard thing. There are countless things to consider by yourself, and you need to supervise the people below to complete it. It's hard work for you." Cook said the truth. No matter what you do, it is not easy

In the case of an official, it is actually not so good. Not only must the boss be satisfied, but the people below must also be satisfied, at least not against oneself. Some things know that they can’t be handled, but the people who come to handle the things rely on too much. Hard and so on.

After Cook said this, Silver Fox was very moved and said, "Cook, these are what I should do."

"Haha, okay, is there any trouble?" Cook asked, and Cook couldn't ask clearly, is there anything strange about Bafang Mountain?

Silver Fox shook his head and said: "There is no trouble, that is, the formation mage who builds the auction house can't do it. The consumption of spirit stones is a third more."

"Oh? That might be that the formation mage is too low-level." Cook was very surprised, but there was no expression on his face.

"Cook, I want to hire some casual repairs from the Great World, what do you think?" Yinhu asked when he heard Cook didn't say anything.

When Cook heard this, he thought about it and asked: "Why do you want to find a casual repair?"

"In fact, casual cultivators are very pitiful, being bullied by those sects, and risking their lives to earn spiritual stones. I think if these people have a support, they will definitely work hard." Yinhu explained.

When Cook heard this, he thought for a while and asked: "Then Silver Fox, why are these people a casual cultivator? The martial arts can't get in, and the small martial arts can't get in. Although the big world pays much attention to the inheritance of martial arts, But that is only for the medium and large schools. Those who want to enter the small schools, but it is very easy, why not enter?"

"Why?" Silver Fox also asked.

"In fact, on the one hand, this is everyone’s preference. Some people don’t like to be restrained. Of course, on the other hand, some casual cultivators have no bottom line at all. They may be pitifully bullied in front of other cultivators, but facing Ordinary people, in fact, I think you should hire ordinary people. These ordinary people are more grateful to you than those casual cultivators for getting such a job." Cook is not saying that he has a prejudice against casual cultivators. , If you find some masters who have a dark heart and a bitter heart, then the trouble will be no small, and there are some exercises for casual cultivation, you don't know, some exercises have a great impact on people.

"But these formations..." Silver Fox hesitated.

"Haha, idiot, you dare to hand over the formation to those casual cultivators. If something goes wrong, the world is so big, you might as well look for those big sects, if something goes wrong, you can get it back." Cook haha Smile.

"Huh..." Yinhu snorted when he heard this. It was because Yinhu was too impatient to have such an idea. He thought that the casual cultivator would be grateful to him, but he didn't expect these without roots. Please be more troublesome if something goes wrong.

"Lightly, lightly." The silver fox directly bit something on Cook's chest, and Cook was irritated.

After the passion again, Cook finally relaxed, and the silver fox basically has no ability to move. Cook stroked the silver fox's smooth body while playing with its furry tail.

"When you consume spirit stones, you consume spirit stones, and no one knows the formation. Anyway, we earn a lot of spirit stones, and there is nowhere to use it. Buy more formation materials to cultivate our own people. "Cook said while enjoying his hand.

"It's light, I can't learn the formation, let alone the others, it's too complicated." Silver Fox has a headache thinking of the formation. The formation involves moving the whole body. That's it. A position depends on different positions. The topography, different mountains, different rivers, etc. are divided into different functions. The formation is also related to the astrology, which is too complicated anyway.

"Come slowly, no one can learn the formations all at once, but before learning the formations, it is best to have a deep understanding of the various histories and legends of the big world, and then you will understand it, it will be much better. "Cook said, in fact, there is no good way for Cook to do this.

Silver Fox sighed: "It's so complicated."

"Haha." Cook smiled.

After that, Silver Fox carefully reported the situation of Bafang Mountain to Cook. Cook knew that there were more than two dozen bull monsters actually guarding Bafang Mountain. Cook was also very surprised.

Now Bafang Mountain is really stable. On the one hand, there are ancestor-level powerhouses stationed by more than a dozen super sects of Immortal Buddha and Shinto. Basically, people of these major sects dare not presumptuously here.

To say that there were people who dared to do it before. After more than two dozen bull monsters joined, no one dared to move at all.

The relationship between the human race and the demon race is very complicated, even in the four major sects, no, plus the demon door, among the five major sects, there are demon races, but these demon races are called spirit beasts.

No school dared to bully the Monster Race blatantly. The Monster Race's combat power is very powerful, and the Monster Race possesses the innate and supernatural powers that do not need to be practiced at all to have supernatural powers.

The human race has to practice continuously, not to mention the fierce-tempered Niu King's tribe.

"Cook, when do you think I can see Master?" Silver Fox asked.

Cook shook his head and said, "It's impossible for the time being."

When the silver fox met the Great Sage, it was just a real name. You must know that Cook's other women are there.

After Cook learned about the situation of Bafang Mountain, he returned to the God Realm. Basically, almost a month passed. After Cook opened the portal, Songtao and several others returned.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Don't mention it, Cook, that place is really not the place where people should go, it's too dangerous." Songtao and the others looked tired, and they obviously suffered a lot in the star realm.

"Don't you make a confession to the guardian beast?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Go on, not the guardian beast, but other animals." Another person replied.

"Well, you go back to the martial arts first. Next time, twenty people will pass." Cook waved his hand and said. In fact, Cook had expected it a long time ago. If Cook would not superimpose madness, he would not transform into beast soul , Then Cook is in the star realm, it is also difficult to move an inch.

Song Tao and others hurriedly reported back to the Great World, and after a month, they also knew what to prepare.

After Song Tao and the others left, Cook came to the star realm. Cook teleported directly to the alert suspended platform above the Qingshan tribe from the control center, although it is said that the giants live in Outland.

But it is still in the space of the star realm, and Cook only now knows that the so-called distinction of space is the difference of the size of the magnetic field. Obviously, the range of the magnetic field of the star realm is very wide.

"It really didn't leak." Cook observed on the alert suspension platform, and found no abnormality in the Qingshan tribe. Cook had to be careful.

"Patriarch Lien." Cook landed directly outside the back mountain cave where Lien lived. For Cook, who has the origin of the wind system, it was too easy to land slowly without being noticed.

"Prophet Locke!" Lean heard a familiar voice and hurried out of the cave where he lived.

Giants like caves. On the one hand, caves give people a sense of security. After all, giants hunt for a living. Besides, the caves are strong and durable. The caves are warm in winter and cool in summer. Therefore, most giants like to live in caves. , Is not recognized in the astral world.

"Haha, Chief Lean." Cook smiled and said hello.

"Please come in, please come in." Lien said excitedly.

Walking into Lien’s cave, after Cook sat down, Lien directly took out a lot of dried meat: "Prophet Locke, you used to like to eat the meat of high-level star beasts, which I personally selected. The best meat of high-level star beasts is then grilled according to the method you said."

"Thank you, then." Cook grabbed a piece of dried meat, and to be honest, Cook only ate other meat, and it didn't feel like meat.

The smoked jerky does not need to add anything else, it is directly marinated with salt, and then baked with charcoal. Although it is very hard, it tastes special.

There is no need to add any other spices at all. When the charcoal temperature is roasted to make the grease, it will naturally be delicious and have a special wood fragrance.

"Yes, not bad." Cook took a bite, and Cook felt that his entire taste buds were active, and Cook couldn't help but praise.

"If you like it, Prophet Locke, this is the weapon you took out last time. We exchanged part of it. This is a high-level star core above Tier 5, and this bunch is a special item from the Bekalin period. We can only Judging the special shape, there are two peculiar plants on it. One is in the territory of the Sun Tribe, Luoxia Mountain. It is said that there is a very huge mushroom on the top of the mountain, but there are countless poisonous insects around the mushroom. Most people can't get close. As long as someone approaches this mushroom, countless poisonous insects will appear. According to the prophet of the Sun Tribe, a very powerful star beast once died on this mountain. As for whether it is true, we cannot verify it." Said.

"Yeah." Cook nodded.

"The second is the Baishi River Beach. It is said that there is a strange flower in this river beach. It is said that people who see this strange flower will harvest a lot in a long time." Lien continued.

After listening to Cook, he said: "I need detailed information on these two places, Baishihe Beach, and I can send a few tribesmen. I will pay them enough remuneration. In addition, this time you count, I will cast five for you. Ten attribute weapons, any attributes can be recorded."

"Thank you, thank you Prophet Locke, we must clarify these news." Lean almost jumped up when he heard Cook say this. In fact, the star cores given to Cook this time are all the inventory of the entire tribe. , It was only half of it. Of course, the ones that weren't sold on the surface are actually in the hands of the tribesmen of the Qingshan tribe. Cook knew all about it on the alert floating platform.

"Well, this time I brought a hundred pieces of armor, but it's a half-length armor, just a helmet and upper body." Of course, Cook won't put it through. In fact, Cook got the Bekalin period items and broke them down. Cook also needs rare metals.

Lien watched Cook fly directly into the sky, and then disappeared. Lien pinched himself hard, then quickly returned to the cave and saw the equipment inside, only to realize that it was not a dream.

"Father, prophet, prophet." Lean yelled at the entrance of the cave. The object of the call was a prophet who lived at least a few kilometers away. Because the prophet would make various movements, the distance was relatively far.

The guard in the back mountain saw his patriarch's stupid appearance, standing at the entrance of the cave and shouting, and he was a little confused, why didn't he walk over and shout.

How did these guards know that the place where their patriarch lived was a treasure? After Lean shouted for a while, there was no response.

Lean took a few steps and saw a stone, so his eyes lit up, then he picked up the stone and threw it towards the prophet's cave.

"Ah!!!" When they were young, the giants relied on throwing stones and sticks to hunt. Even if they grow up, they will continue to increase this skill, so they are very accurate.

A fist-sized stone directly hit the cave on the opposite side of the mountain, and many people heard the howling of the old prophet.

People who live in mountainous areas generally don’t live in the center of the cols. Many people live on both sides, especially the high mountains. Needless to say, the low cols are mainly because when it rains heavily, the cols are basically where water flows. Building in the col, it is easy to cause some unnecessary troubles, so the giants live on both sides of the col in the back mountain.

"You brat, see if I won't smoke you." Before the old prophet arrived, the guy in his hand was raised.

The prophet wielded his weapon and rushed into the patriarch’s cave. People watching the crowd thought that his patriarch would be severely beaten, but when the patriarch and the prophet came out, they found that they were all okay.

"What's going on?" Everyone wondered.

"You kid did a good job~www.wuxiaspot.com~ next time you do this, I will go to the Evergreen Tribe first." Before leaving, the prophet patted the patriarch on the shoulder and praised.

The other giants are even more dumbfounded. What rhythm is this? The place where I lived was smashed, and it was still doing well. Later, when a clan member looked for the prophet, he also made such a trick, and was beaten by the patriarch and the prophet.

It didn't take long for the tree to appear, but the tree was among the giants with the best casting technique. The tree walked into the cave and said anxiously, "Patriarch, show me quickly."

"Tsk tusk. It's not a shame that the master cast it, it's too smooth, I can actually see myself, like a mirror." Kashu stroked the armor, Cook used a plate armor, and the chest was a whole piece, and There are also some bumps, these bumps are for the enemy's weapons to hit the armor, this bump will slide these weapons to one side, thereby reducing the armor's bearing strength.

Of course, the bulge's bearing strength is much better than that of a whole piece. The bulge's bearing strength directly presses on the surrounding recessed parts, dispersing the force.

"Of course, you thought it was your level." Lean nodded and said.

"And this helmet, how it is cast, if it is forged, it definitely won't work." Keshu looked at the one-piece helmet again, wondering.

"Just look at it, you can do it quickly, you can quickly forge the three hundred plates the Sun Tribe needs." Lien said angrily.

But the tree rolled his eyes; "When the master did not show up, your patriarch dared to talk to me like this, following me like a puppy, but the tree. But the tree. Please..."

"Bah, I think you need to be sober." When Lean heard this, he stood up and started to attack Keshu.

"Lean, you are a bad guy." But the tree rushed to the entrance of the cave, then roared, and left as if to escape.

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