A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 973: The prehistoric world (9)

Cook's demonstration made these brave knights eager to try.

"Do you want to try?" Cook asked, looking at the way these people were.

"Can we?" The leader was a squadron leader.

"Why not, come, here you are." Cook threw the whip to the squadron leader.

The crowd dispersed again, and then a training metal puppet was activated. The squadron leader raised the whip in his hand, feeling a little light, and saw the training metal puppet rushing towards him.

"Ouch." The squadron leader slammed the whip fiercely. The metal spears used by these people were dozens of times the weight of the whip. The squadron leader slammed too hard. The whip hit the puppet, but he had been fighting with spears for a long time. , So that the squadron leader did not retreat, the whip hit the right side of the puppet, and was blocked by the puppet with a mechanical arm, and then the whip bent back and hit the squadron leader himself. Not to mention, the training metal puppet rushed to it. In front of him, the mechanical arm smashed down severely.


"The leader can use it, so can you."

"Yes, I smoked myself, tsk tsk."

When the surrounding members saw this scene, they all laughed. The squadron leader kicked the metal puppet away and said angrily: "This whip is too light."

The squadron leader wanted to wave the whip again, and someone immediately disagreed: "No, no, how long you want to use it alone, let's try it."

So everyone around came forward and tried, but they found it very difficult to control the whip. They drew their own. The speed was slow and the whip was caught by the metal puppet. The strength was reduced, and the whip was light and weak, etc. .

However, some are good at using whips, and they still look decent in their hands. Cook also watched with relish while chatting with the surrounding audience. There are more and more people here. After all, they can communicate with Cook. Meeting is not easy, let alone chatting.

"Head, we have to continue." Just now there were four groups of people left. After watching for a while, and personally playing in the battle, I finally had confidence and immediately found Cook.

"Okay, bring me the whip." Cook nodded and agreed, seeing the eight people eager to try.

Without waiting for other people to act, one of them stepped forward and took the whip back from one person's hand. Without waiting for any response from the other person, he immediately gave it to Cook.

"Sample." Cook took the whip and pointed at the man.

"Hey, what do they guys know, holding it in your hand is just a fresh picture, or the leader, you are the real move." This person smiled and flattered.

Cook shook his head. The people around him immediately dispersed. The two of them were also fully armed. Looking at Cook, he said, "Head, we are ready."

"Come on." Cook nodded.

This time, one of the two held a one-handed sword and shield, and the other held a bow and arrow. After Cook nodded, the archer on the opposite side shot two straight arrows.

"You have chosen the wrong one at all." With a wave of the whip in his hand, Cook hit the arrow with two consecutive hits and was directly shot out. The other one was behind the arrow. Ke's whip could hit three times, so he couldn't stop and block it with a shield. At this time, the person behind shot again three arrows.

Cook pulled his wrist up a circle, the whip hit the person below it all at once, and then it flew up, rolling up two of the arrows, and the remaining one was swept away.

Immediately after Cook shook his wrist, the two arrows on the whip pierced at the advancing guy holding a one-handed sword.

"Puff puff." The shield was pierced directly, and the man turned pale when he saw the pierced training shield.

"I lost." The guy with a one-handed sword knew that if Cook tried to pierce another place just now, he would be injured.

The archery behind was also helpless. Cook's whip was too weird.

"It's just a long spear, it's the kind that can be moved." The people around later exclaimed.

"Long spear, you haven't seen the first time that even a spear was holding a spear. The leader was beaten up by the head." Someone said immediately.

"That's right, that's the classic, this soft whip shot the spear away in a few combos."

The fourth group is also ready, but this time, the two are not standing together. They are preparing to attack Cook one after another, all with long spears.

After the start, the two rushed towards Cook together, instead of piercing Cook with their long spears, they used them instead, and the people around them became energetic.

With a wave of the whip in Cook's hand, it immediately entangled a knight's spear. The knight saw the whip entangled his spear and immediately swung it back.

"Okay." But what the two of them didn't expect was that Cook directly borrowed this power, flew directly over the knight, and fell behind the knight.

"Bang." And when Cook crossed over, he gently moved his feet back and directly touched the real head. The knight was thrown to the ground by Cook, and he passed out. There is no way, the training helmet can only prevent sharp weapons, not heavy weapons. Of course, there is no shockproof thing inside the artifact helmet.

The people around were dumbfounded. This whip could still be used like this. The remaining knight had to stop. If he rushed up at this time, he would probably be abused.

The remaining two groups will not challenge Cook directly. According to these people, it is boring.

After Cook left the training ground, what he didn't know was that many people started training with whips. Of course, many people would accidentally injure themselves at the beginning.

After returning, Cook began to accumulate a few things in his hand, a sword fetus, a small bell, and a magic pestle and a **** rope. Cook now found that the energy released by the wizard model can contain these weapons. , Start to inject energy into these things.

However, others generally can only keep one magic weapon, Cook has four, and the quality is not low. Of course, Cook needs more time to keep it, almost half a day, half a day here is the day and night. of.

"It's not the same with energy." Cook sighed, Cook's mind moved, and the sword fetus directly hit the target one kilometer away, hitting the center of the target accurately, and then the sword fetus returned quickly. .

"The 30-centimeter-thick composite metal target was pierced by the sword fetus at once. Tsk tsk, it is something of the big world." Cook saw the pierced target. Of course, the sword fetal attack consumes energy. .

"But the wizard model has this advantage. It can replenish energy at any time without deliberately doing it. However, absorbing the energy of the gods will only perform a sword fetal attack a day. It seems that preparing the star core is the king." Cook closed Close your eyes and you get the result of this attack, which of course is not that precise.

Apart from a slight change in color, the sword tire has no special changes.

Immediately afterwards, Cook took out the lowering magic pestle. The lowering magic pestle actually looked like a unique short sword. After the energy in the wizard model poured in for the first time, Cook heard a sound like nothing. , But Cook didn’t listen carefully at all. Maybe it had something to do with Buddhism.

With regard to Buddhism, Cook keeps a long distance. He still has a big family. Who wants to be a skinhead. Of course, Cook is not willing to be a fake skinhead. The Buddha said that the cause and effect, who knows when will come? Then, if someone really has reincarnation when they die, wouldn’t it be a huge disaster? Cook didn’t believe in these things before, but after so many experiences, who would dare to say or not, and who would say what people are like after death? Clear.

Even if it is death, what about spirit and soul. Some people say that there is no life without a soul. What about vegetative people?

After the cultivation was over, Cook began to use these weapons, and the demon-binding cord was not used for the time being. Cook didn't want to be laughed at by an artifact, Cook took out the small clock and began to shake it.

There is vitality in this little bell. After a part of the vitality is released, Cook takes it back. The magic weapon is actually similar to improving proficiency, and the vitality is constantly accumulated, just like nourishing the magic weapon. The longer one's vitality is stored, the more convenient it is to use it.

Containment also allows weapons to have spirituality. This Cook is a bit puzzled, but since everyone in the big world does this, Cook does just that.

After the little bell was released some energy, Cook put it back in the dantian. The dantian is a very magical place. These immortals are also very magical. The sword fetus, the demon-binding cord, and the little bell are all in the dantian. However, Xiao Zhong is a magic weapon of life, occupying the middle part, and the demon-binding rope occupying the secondary part, and the sword fetus is squeezed on the corners.

Due to the operation of the wizard model, the absorbed energy rushed into the Dantian this time, and most of it was absorbed by these three guys, and the rest was kept in the Dantian.

After the cultivation is over, Cook begins to run the exercises, and the exercises are a process of childbirth.

However, I have to say that the practice of the great world is more advanced than the meditation of the gods. The meditation of the gods relies on spiritual power to absorb certain elemental energy, and then bring it into the body, and then these energies become magic power, divine power, these The magic power will continue to refine the physique.

The exercises of the great world rely on breathing to absorb spiritual energy. Of course, the absorption rate of breathing is fast, and it does not consume mental energy like meditation, and then exercises in the Dantian to temper the body.

The wizard model used by Cook directly absorbs the surrounding heaven and earth vitality through the veins and acupuncture points. In this process, the body has been tempered once, and then these vitality enters the dantian to form the vitality, and perform the exercises. At that time, temper it again.

If one day is a unit, the God Realm uses mental power to absorb energy as 1, because mental power can only consume so much, and the rest must be warned, magic power, magic power, there is no special tempering of the body, just magic power, magic power for a long time In the body, these elements slowly change the body, so the energy of 1 may only be used to temper the body.

Then use breathing and don’t consume other things. The big world generally absorbs energy, so it will absorb as much as 10, basically as much as it can absorb. When these auras become spiritual elements, at least one third is used Tempering the body, that is, tempering the body consumes 3.

As for the wizard model, since the wizard model absorbs energy from the entire body and runs continuously, the energy absorbed in a day is about 30, but when it is absorbed, one third of the energy is absorbed by the body, because of these When energy enters the wizard model through acupuncture points and veins, the body has already been tempered once, and there are 20 units left to reach the dantian. When the exercise is running, the body will absorb one third of these 20 units, which is 7.

Taken together, the energy absorption rate of the God Realm is the lowest, because the short board of mental power cannot absorb sufficient energy. As for the body that is used to temper the body, even less is absorbed by the body.

Although ordinary exercises in the gods only rely on breathing, they must absorb spiritual energy when performing exercises, and they must be incorporated into the dantian immediately. Therefore, this time is also limited. After all, performing exercises consumes spiritual thoughts, and spiritual thoughts are also limited. of.

The wizard model has a utilization rate of about three times higher than that of the general exercise method. The energy for coaxing and tempering the body reaches 17, and the general exercise method is only 3, which is more than five times, not to mention the energy remaining in the Dantian. There is 13 left, which is twice as much as the 7 of ordinary exercises.

There is also another feature of the wizard model, that is, it can run all the time and can absorb vitality all the time. Of course, this moment is actually limited, because the capacity of a person's body is limited, not infinitely absorbable .

But when the wizard model is in battle, the endurance is quite powerful. As long as there are enough spirit stones and star cores, it can be said that Cook must consume his spiritual thoughts before he loses.

After understanding this, Cook was speechless: "In the past, mental power was short-board, but now divine mind is short-board."

Cook used to be in the realm of the gods and was very strong. Although he has a talent for a mage and a hunter career, his mental strength made Cooke have to pick up melee weapons. Now it seems that Cook is still on the path of melee weapons. Go far up.

Someone would like to ask, why doesn’t Cook use the fairy tools and get rid of them. Cook now has the fairy tools to use. It is probably a one-second brother. What is enough of the spiritual energy stored in the small body of Cook?

Even the sword fetus can only attack the target about a kilometer, and then it is about to stop. When encountering a fierce battle, Cook takes out the sword fetus, that is, he is looking for death, let alone restraining the demon. Cook is just holding it in his hand and drawing people. The flying sword of the great world is the first level of people thousands of miles away. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is a magic weapon attack during the refining period, even the lowest low-grade magic weapon, the attack range It won't be less than one kilometer, let alone magic weapons such as flying swords.

Just like Cook, who is three feet three feet three feet tall, that is ten meters, who do you smoke?

As for lowering the magic pestle, Cook’s greatest role is to transform the beast soul into a beast soul. As for what kind of magical power the beast soul transforms into is a Buddhist power, Cook doesn’t know. Of course, it is impossible for Cook to ask. Those bald heads are not. fool.

"It looks like you have to fight in the small world. Going to the big world is looking for abuse." Cook thought about his disciples of the Shanda World and found that he was only for abuse.

Cook took out a star core, then closed his eyes, and started to continue his cultivation. This is a fifth-order star core. Now Cook's exercises are not increasing his spiritual mind, but are consuming it.

At the beginning, Cook only performed the exercises, which did increase the spiritual mind, but once the spirit element was added, it was equivalent to walking with a heavy object on his back. It was not exercising, but wasting physical strength.

Running the exercises and adding the spirit element is equivalent to human training. The amount of spirit element is continuously increased, and then the spirit element is continuously consumed. After consumption, the spirit element will be restored again, and it will increase, just like training.

After the divine consciousness is consumed, Cook can give up. After all, Cook does not rely on divine consciousness to eat, nor does he rely on spiritual power to eat. Cook relies on his chest, no, he relies on his body to eat. Nine times the superimposed madness, and then there is a giant transformation.

"Hmm, it's better to use the Star Breaker." Cook weighed the Star Breaker, and this thing was as easy as ever.

He collected the remaining two-thirds of the energy of the fifth-order star core, and then Cook walked out of the retreat. Cook looked at the time. This retreat took ten days.

Just when he came to the office, Leng Feng came: "Aha, Daoist Cook, just came out of retreat?"

"Huh. How do you know?" Cook asked.

"I guess, I heard that you are practicing whip recently, so I won't find you a secret book of whip technique." Leng Feng's answer left Cook speechless, but then Leng Feng took out the things that Cook liked very much.

"Is this a tier secret book?" Cook looked around and asked.

"Come on, the whip itself is an unpopular weapon. One is a good one. It took us a lot of effort to find it." Leng Feng said angrily.

"Thank you, then." Cook looked through it and didn't see any words. Cook knew that these cheats had to reach a certain level before they were revealed. As for the name, the whip method, Cook didn't know the specifics. Power size.

"Cook, when will the transmission of the Primordial Plane be opened next time?" Leng Feng asked.

"There are still twenty days, only once a month." Cook said.

"Is there a way to send more people over?" Leng Feng asked.

"This is possible, but you also know that with one more person, this consumption will increase exponentially." Cook hesitated and said.

"If we increase it, we will increase. We have **** crystals. Actually speaking, we are in this small world, and no amount of **** crystals can be collected. What's even more annoying is that some guys say they are sold to us. I'm sure, but I didn't sell it to us, and said that there was no contract." Leng Feng said.

Cook chuckled: "Since you have a crystal, well, thirty places, the most."

Cook knew what Leng Feng's last sentence meant, that is, Cook had pitted himself and others, but he and others would not be held accountable, but the **** crystal in his hand would always be used, right?

"Thirty, besides five, there are twenty-five?" Leng Feng asked, the news must be confirmed.

"No, plus those five are thirty-five. Do you want to buy immortal artifacts?" Cook shook his head and replied.

"Buy, but since we want to make a sound, we have to have an excuse. This time, Friends of Taoist Cook, you want to increase the quota by fifty, so we Xianmen can speak better." Leng Feng flashed a flash of light in his mind and said. .

"Fifty. It's not that there is no way." Cook looked at Leng Feng and said.

"Did you agree?" Leng Feng couldn't believe his ears. After the news of the prehistoric world came out, everyone was even more sure that there were good things over there. The guys in the five refining stages could not deal with an ant. You said this The world is not what the Primordial Plane is, and it also says that people’s physique is increased there. In one month, the strength of these people’s muscles has increased a lot. The increase of the strength of the muscles means that the number of exercises has increased, which means Increase in repair.

"Of course I agreed. Although it will be opened once a month, thirty-five people will go in and thirty-five people will come out. Together is not seventy people. You can continue to increase the number of people like this." Cook said angrily.

"Uh, it's really a good way." When Leng Feng heard Cook's method, there was nothing to say.

"Friend Cook, Dao friend Cook, we have heard that you are practicing the whip technique at Quanzhen Sect. We have found a fairy-level whip technique, the magic whip technique." Song Tao broke in directly without waiting for the library. What Ke said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ immediately said loudly.

"God whip technique?" Cook asked in surprise when he heard this.

"Yes, but there is only one broken page." Song Tao nodded and replied.

Then he handed Cook a pair of broken pages, and Cook took it in his hand and found that the broken pages were not gold, stone, leather, paper, wood, jade, or crystal.

"This is?" After Cook opened it, it seemed to be a little bit left in the middle of a scroll. The scroll was one foot three inches wide, and the length was unknown.

There is a person above, with a bald head, with a long whip in his hand. The painting of this person is lifelike, and it looks like a living person is inlaid on it.

"Friend Cook, how is it?" Song Tao asked.

"There's no magic whip technique on this?" Cook nodded, then said.

"Hehe, this is our martial art collection. The head told me so, and I told you so." Song Tao answered very well.

Cook said that, Song Tao continued to ask: "What did you just say?"

"It's just adding some places." Leng Feng cast a glance at Song Tao and said.

"Okay, how much more. It would be better if there are 20 people together." Song Tao looked at Leng Feng's appearance and said, this is actually using a radical approach.

"Seventy," Cook said.

"What, why can it increase so much at once?" Song Tao asked in astonishment.

"In fact, there are only 30 more. When you open the portal in the future, you can go in first and come out again. Otherwise, the prehistoric world is so big, when will the detection be completed, but the subsequent increase in the number of places will cost more than you started. Quite a lot, because the number of people increases, the consumption of **** crystals will increase exponentially." Cook explained.

"Then can we buy a quota for Quanzhen?" Leng Feng asked tentatively.

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