A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 994: Discovery (on)

Cook is not very proficient in alchemy, but there are many similarities between alchemy and magic potions.

The first is to take out all the data on refining pills. This is a good habit of Cook. When the data is taken out, Cook has integrated it and he can see the problem.

"The year of the elixir." There are two major aspects that affect the quality of the elixir. One is the quality of the elixir, and the other is the technique of alchemy.

Needless to say, the technique of alchemy is a problem, and it won't be changed for a while.

Then the rest is the quality of the elixir. There are many qualities of the elixir, including appearance, age, aura, medicinal properties, etc., but the most important one is the year.

The data shows that Cook has refined the elixir of Zhujidan for two hundred years. The elixir of two hundred years is not good at all, it can be regarded as very bad, but this is for other elixir. , The elixir for refining Jidan is simply in short supply, so two hundred years have been considered relatively good.

Of course, it can't be the best. The martial arts of the big world will keep all the good things for themselves, and will not sell it to others, even Cook.

"Try it." Cook tried to make alchemy with an attitude of experimenting. Experimenting is like this. The elimination of a doubtful point requires experimentation.

At this time, Cook has realized the benefits of digitization. This is still a habit that Cook developed when he refines pharmaceuticals. However, Cook does not have a panacea that is more than two hundred years old.

Cook is not in a hurry, the two monkeys are already buying the elixir, but this may take three to five months, after all, the time axis of the world is different.

The data comparison is not over here. There are other aspects. Needless to say, the success rate of alchemy after the elixir is warmed up, but the elixir of life spirit water is the same as the elixir made from ordinary spirit water in the great world, although there are What's different, but after all, they are all five products.

This is also what puzzles Cook. The main factors affecting alchemy are elixir, alchemy furnace, alchemy techniques, elixir is no problem, alchemy techniques are no problem.

Then the remaining pill furnaces, although they are all five grades after refining, one is an ordinary pill furnace, the other is a Taiji Bagua furnace, of course one is manual for the whole process, and the other is automatic for fools. Cook still has doubts in his mind.

"Is there a problem with this Tai Chi Bagua furnace?" A question appeared in Cook's mind.

But this Tai Chi Bagua furnace Cook is still in its infancy, and it will take a long time to visit the specific situation inside.

Speaking of the fairy weapon in Cook’s hand, you can’t control it if you understand it, but you can control it if you don’t understand it. Cook doesn’t understand it very well. The understanding here is not simply that it can be manipulated, but the source of the sword. Material, what level is it after growth.

The lowering of the magic pestle, Cook knew that it was a Buddhist artifact of Buddhism, but who owns it, refined it, and what origins, Cook does not know, but Cook can use it.

Bound the demon cable, this thing Cook knows the roots, the ancient saints specializes in the innate spirit treasure of the demon race, but Cook did not dare to use it, there is the existence of the spirit, and the natural ring, Cook does not know the origin, but can also You can use this Tai Chi Bagua furnace, but Cook doesn't know exactly what it came from.

Cook thought of this weird phenomenon and shook his head a little. Cook set aside the problem of alchemy furnace. Don't think about the results of alchemy in a short time. The limitation of materials made Cooke have to wait for a while.

Cook wanted to plant the elixir of the big world in the natural ring, but Cook felt it was a bit wasteful. The fairy grass spirits in the natural ring were all very high-end. Although the elixir of the Jidan is not bad, after all, Jidan is only needed during the refining period, and the others beyond the foundation period are not very needed.

So Zhu Jidan has a great influence, but don't think too much, because the strength of the affected people is very weak, even if Cook draws millions of Qi-refining monks in the big world, what is the use?

In addition, there are many pill that are as influential as Zhuji Dan. Ningdan Pills are the best pill needed to assist in building the foundation and condensing the elixir. The quality of the Jindan is directly related to Daojin. The strength of the pill period, and the Jindan that has advanced to the Nasal Infant Stage of the Huaying Pill. In comparison, the influence of a Huaying Pill can be worth tens of thousands of Jidan Pills, because a Nasal Infant stage can be What's the point of keeping a middle school of peace for tens of thousands of years, and the longest life span of tens of thousands of disciples in the Qi refining period is only two hundred years?

"Ning Dan Pill." Cook looked at the pill of Ning Dan pill in his hand, and looked at the Tai Chi Bagua furnace in his hand.

"There is no elixir. The 36 elixir needed for Ningdan Pill, and the 108 elixir needed for Huaying Pill. These one hundred and forty-four elixir can be planted in the natural ring." Cook He had the pills of Ning Pill and Huaying Pill in his hand, but these were all popular products.

It is not the improved pill formula used inside the school. The improved pill formula is the secret of each school.

Of course, the price unit of this kind of mainland goods is one hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones, which is the top mainland goods.

"I don't know if this Taiji Bagua furnace can automatically refine Ningdan Pills and Huaying Pills." Cook looked at the Taiji Bagua furnace and lowered his head in thought, but he was worried that there would be a problem with the Taiji Bagua furnace.

Thinking of the problem, Cook felt a little in his heart: "This immortal tool must absorb the qi of the immortal spirit. The reason why this Taiji Bagua furnace refining the five-grade base building pill is..."

"Finally understand." A woman's voice rang.

"Do you know what I think?" Cook knew the woman's voice, the voice of the spirit inside the **** cord.

"Why don't you know, the spirit of the instrument and the master's mind are one, I don't know what you think in your mind, if it were me, I would not use the broken alchemy furnace to make alchemy, and now you think that it is worthwhile to build a foundation alchemy. But once in the later stage, you will find that everything will be consumed by this thing, and you will only be poor with this alchemy furnace." The demon-binding cable device spirit said.

Cook didn't say a word, and the Demon Bound Device Spirit said: "It's not your own, it's best not to rely too much on it."

"I agree with this point very much." Cook nodded, no matter when, his own strength will not lose its value, and the external force he relies on is not his own after all.

"There is also the lowering of the magic pestle. The evil spirit is too big, and you should use it as little as possible. The bell does not matter. All the spirituality has been broken up. You'd better practice the sword fetus. The sword fetus is cultivated by yourself. Question." said the demon-bound cable device spirit.

Cook was puzzled: "Why did you tell me this?"

"I don't want to change the owner anymore." Qi Ling's words made Cook feel very reasonable.

Cook continued to ask: "What do you think of Yaozu?"

"Hehe, what is a demon clan, a demon clan is a demon, and a demon is inhuman. If you have to deal with the demon clan for a long time, you will know what a demon is." The demon-binding cable device spirit also knows and smiles.

Cook continued to ask: "Then what do you think of the Great Sage?"

"He is not a demon at all, but a spiritual creature. The monkey demon pops out of the stone, but only looks like a monkey demon." The demon-binding cable device spirit replied.

Cook also agreed with this answer, and Cook continued to ask: "Then what about my natural ring?"

"You will naturally understand in the future, but whether this natural ring brings you disaster or good luck, I don't know." Regarding the natural ring, the Demon-Bound Stroke Spirit gave a cautious answer.

"So is it bad for me?" Cook continued to ask.

"I don't know, no matter what, you won't be able to see the true face of the matter until the end." The answer of the demon-bound cable device spirit made Cook a little hesitant.

What is Cook hesitating about? Can this natural ring be reused? Cook finds that he can't do without this natural ring?

"Then what do you say I should do?" Invisibly, Cook regarded the demon-binding spirit as a knowledgeable old man.

"For self-cultivation, foreign objects can be used, but they cannot be reused." The demon-bound cable device spirit gave Cook an answer.

When Cook heard this answer, he felt a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, isn't this just the practice of witchcraft?

"The way of witch cultivation is correct, otherwise so many saints will not be born in witches. The original intention of witch cultivation is to fight against the heaven and the earth. The current Taoism is actually against the heaven and the earth. That is to say, the way of heaven. What is the way of heaven? Reincarnation, and monks strive to get rid of this kind of reincarnation, so in fact, witches and monks are the same, but it is more and more difficult for monks to escape from reincarnation. This involves the cause and effect of Buddhism, every life, whether it is a tree , The elixir, all have their own reincarnation, and the monks taking the pill, hunting the monster race, the spirit beast, destroys this cause, then these causes must be transferred to these monks, and these monks have to bear more Therefore, the harder it is to get rid of reincarnation, this is the real cause and effect." The spirit of the demon-binding cord is very profound.

And after finishing speaking, he fell silent again. Cook carefully figured out what the demon-binding device spirit said, and found that it made sense. It was like an elixir that had to survive for tens of thousands of years, but was picked by a monk. The elixir can be said to be reincarnation, but early reincarnation is the cause, then the fruit of this elixir will fall on the monk, plus the fruit of the monk himself, the fruit wine is too much.

"But man is the spirit of all things, and the law of nature is the weak and the strong, which seems to be the opposite of this causal relationship? Is it necessary to practice against the way of nature?" But Cook also has doubts. The monk does not pick the elixir, it is the monk. .

Then Cook thought about some releases. It is good to release, but after the release, these released creatures eat other creatures, whose cause and effect should be counted?

The one who releases may release a snake, but this snake will eat hundreds of lives a year, then the cause and effect of these hundreds of lives will fall on whose head, on the head of the snake, on the person who released it?

Cook was a little confused. Faced with Cook's thoughts, the spirit that bound the demon cable did not speak. Cook was very disappointed. Cook also knew that the more in-depth thinking about these things, the more complicated.

"I don't want to." Cook was confused and suddenly startled in his heart. Could it be that the spirit of the demon chain was right?

What nature is, nature is the weak and the strong. Even in a civilized society, it is the same. The powerful and powerful have the right to speak or the direction of development of the entire civilized society. Those who have no rights and no power are only exploited. .

As for reincarnation, this is just a Buddhist saying. As for whether there is any, Cook is not sure, but Cook also dare not say that there is no.

"Be yourself." After Cook's surprise, his heart became more determined. Anyway, as long as it is beneficial to himself, he can do it, and he cannot stop doing it because of cause and effect.

"Haha." Cook laughed and laughed a little after he figured it out. Cook didn't expect that he would be easily affected when he reached this level.

As for what the Demon Tethering Device Ling said, Cook would think and consider it. As for whether he will do it, it depends on the development of the situation. Just like in the arid desert, you have two bottles of water and two bottles. There are poisons. One is chronic poison and the other is highly toxic. Then how do you choose? If you don’t drink it, you will die of thirst. If you want to drink highly toxic, you will die immediately. According to the personality of the person, there are three choices. Choose, but if you change Cook to choose, Cook will choose the chronic poison. It will take some time to live longer. Maybe there are opportunities later?

But the undeniable demon-binding tool spirit said some of the previous words are still correct, people still rely on their own strength, but in Cook's view. Whether it's equipment or medicine, as long as it can help you achieve your goal, you can use it.

It's the same as on the road. You can walk, fly, use the sword, use the flying magic weapon, use the spirit beast mount, or ask someone to carry it, no matter what the method is, as long as you finally reach the destination, you can.

Cook felt that his irritability was no longer irritable after he figured it out. The discomfort of the recent period of time disappeared immediately.

"Is it past the heartbeat period?" Cook muttered in his heart.

Cook just murmured like this. Cook figured it out, he was in a good mood, and he didn't feel troubled to deal with things. Before, nothing was pleasing to the eye, and there seemed to be a pressure in his heart.

After dealing with the affairs of the God Realm for a few days, Cook came to the prehistoric world, but this time when he came to the Qingshan tribe, Cook got good news.

"Prophet Locke, in the territory of our Cedar tribe, there is a strange place where the water boils all year round, just like boiling water. Any creature that falls into it will be scalded to death by the high temperature. The old man inside said that there is a strange red plant growing somewhere in this place. There is no definite news before. Last time our tribe got two giant armors, and the tribe prophet and I personally entered this place. Sure enough, I found a red plant with no leaves. There were a dozen flowers on the bare branches. It was growing on a dark smooth stone, but it was not very big, just the size of a palm." See the chief of the Cedar tribe. When I arrived at Cook, I was very happy to report.

Cook immediately took out the map and asked, "Chief, where is it?"

"How do you look at this map?" The other chiefs all came up and looked at the map in Cook's hands.

"You tell me how to go?" Cook asked.

The chief of the Cedar tribe said, "Walking from our tribe towards the place where the sun sets, passing three rivers, over eleven high mountains, you can see a swamp, which is near the bare mountain on the right hand side where the sun is setting. There is a swamp that has been walking for half a day. It is shrouded in white fog all year round. The temperature of the fog in West Zhejiang is also very high. As for how to go in the fog, I can’t describe it. You have to turn three times, bypass a few big tumbling quacks, and then just You can see a two-person tall rock. Walk thirty steps toward an edge of the rock, and you can see a tumbling pool. In the pool, there is a pitch-black stone, as black as the bottom of a pot. The above is the plant I am talking about."

After listening to Cook, he still understood very well. There is no way. Although the giant tribe is powerful, but in other aspects, it is still very backward. Cook followed the direction said by the chief of the Cedar tribe, and finally spotted the suspicious area on the map.

"It turns out to be here. It is shrouded in dense fog all year round and has a lot of heat rays, so it has not been detected." Cook looked at the map and found that the floating platform is not omnipotent, although the floating platform can detect the depth of tens of meters underground. It is hundreds of meters deep, but if you want to detect the real giant tribe, needless to say for the time being, the time needed is enough for Cook to wait.

But with the information provided by the giants, it was much easier for Cook to find it.

"Prophet Locke, shall we help you dig together?" The patriarchs of several other tribes looked at Cook and said.

"No need, just this chief will follow me." Cook shook his head and said.

"Prophet Locke, my name is Delaixi, you can call me Lacey." The chief of the Cedar tribe saw Cook pointing at himself and said immediately.

"Okay, I'll go take a look first." Cook's figure disappeared in a flash, and also Chief Delaisi.

"Ah!!!" Chief Delaisi felt the sky spin and immediately exclaimed.


After that, Chief Delaisi was unsteady and hit the ground. The pain made Chief Delaisi wake up.

"This is?" Looking at the basin in front of him, the white mist loomed under the basin, Chief Delaisi was shocked.

"Let's go, this is the armor of the giant for you." Cook threw a set of armor to Delaisi.

"Prophet Locke..." Delaisi was still in shock.

"Let's get to the place, let's go." Cook patted Delaisi's ass, no way, Cook's height is a pity, Cook wants to shoot up some, but the waist and the butt, Cook feels similar.

"Yes, yes." Looking at the giant armor on the ground, Chief Delaisi said quickly.

After Chief Delaisi put on the armor, he said: "This seems to be better than the one sold to us?"

"This is attributed. The weapon in your right hand can release fire spells, and the shield in your left hand can release snow spells, and the number of releases is determined according to the crystal core placed." Cook explained.

"This... for me?" Chief Delaisi asked nervously.

"If I find what I want, but I will give you this set, and I will give you the same set. If not, then I will take it back." Cook said with a shrug.

"Yes..." Chief Delaisi's heart was nervous, melancholy, and hopeful.

When Cook saw that Chief Delaisi was not leaving, he said angrily: "Hurry up."

"Yes, this way." Chief Delaisi rushed towards the basin below.

Cook is still dressed up, but two wizard books were taken out by Cook, one is the ninth-order wizard book of the wind system, one is the fire wizard book, and the broken star hammer.

"Chief Rock, when you follow me, there are some monsters in it that are very difficult to deal with." Chief Delaisi came to the edge of the swamp and said.

Cook shook his head and said: "Don't care about the others, just lead the way, I'll see what monster it is."

"This... okay." Chief Delaisi wanted to say something, but looking at the two big books in Cook's hands, he was a little uncertain.

What Chief Delaisi didn’t know was that at the height of the white mist, a warning floating fortress was flying over quickly. Although nothing could be detected from this place, as long as Cook locked the target, the transport spacecraft installed by Cook on the floating fortress The secondary artillery will attack.

Chief Delaisi spared one after another tumbling quagmire, which spewed hot mud from time to time, and could feel extremely high temperature from a distance. There is also a strong rancid smell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The ground in the swamp is black, the soil here is very hard, some mud pits are hundreds of meters wide, and some are only a few meters wide. Above, you can occasionally see some plants, but these plants are ordinary plants.

Occasionally, you can see exposed rocks. I don't know how big it is below. In some places, high-temperature water jets of hundreds of meters high are sprayed out. The fog spreads from these places.

Some are directly sprayed out of white steam. Cook looked at this strange place without any feeling of surprise, but Cook’s energy wizard model felt that there was a distinctive energy fluctuation.

"It seems that there are powerful creatures in this place." Cook felt it carefully. There were life fluctuations in this energy fluctuation, and Cook increased his vigilance.

Walking in the swamp is a detour. Cook doesn't want to make a detour, but the giant chief doesn't know how to go if he doesn't make a detour, so Cook will forget it.

"Kacha." Cook shook his body and drew away. A big mouth deep in the mud directly bit where Cook was standing.

"Beast." Delaisi roared when he saw this scene in front, but then was dumbfounded.

I saw that the black hammer in Cook's hand slammed down at the monster. The hammer suddenly became hundreds of times larger, and the monster's head comparable to the size of a giant was directly hit on the ground by this hammer.

That's not counting, the monster's head is like a meatloaf, flat, red blood, white, and a large area around it.

"Let's go." Cook walked over indifferently and said to Delaisi.

"Go... yes... go... oh." Delaisi replied incoherently, then turned his head and left, as if he didn't believe what he saw, constantly looking back at the monster whose head was squashed.

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