A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1001: Wonderful world

"If you don't want to say it, just say it clearly. There are several meanings for a face black, but then again, are you sure I still have flat peaches in my hand?" Cook looked at the black-faced Song Tao and asked.

Cook still feels very interesting to molest Songtao on his intelligence. Songtao is really smart. Such a person can climb very fast in the early stage, but after the later stage, it becomes difficult to move. .

In the heart of this kind of person, the most important thing is only himself, no one else, even if there is, it is just a passer-by.

"Okay, just pretend I'm talking too much, so do you want flat peach now or later?" Cook asked.

Song Tao shook his head and said, "No need now, Speaker Cook, can I go now?"

"Go, go." Cook waved his hand and accidentally squeezed the barrier-breaking pill from Songtao. Cook was in a good mood.

Of course, in Songtao’s view, this account is also very cost-effective. To Songtao, the pill is just a pill, and it has no practical value. Now the pill is still there. Songtao not only has no loss, but also Also earned.

It can be said that this is a win-win outcome. Cook looked at the barrier-breaking pill and did not intend to refine it at all, because Cook knew that the strength was not good, and reluctantly refined the pill, only wasting the elixir. For waste, Cook As a qualified businessman, there is absolutely no waste. Of course, if you can refine the pill, failure is another way of saying it.

There are only nine kinds of elixir involved in the pill-breaking pill, but all of them require ten thousand years of elixir.

The barrier-breaking pill relies on the potency of the eternal elixir and the huge spiritual power to attack the bottleneck, and as the user's level increases, the age of the elixir will increase, and the barrier-breaking pill is not a panacea. It only increases the chance of breaking through the bottleneck, and the timing of use is also very important.

"This is simply to break the bottleneck with elixir, but if you forcefully break the bottleneck like this, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the cultivation base to make progress." Cook thought to himself.

But this is only Cook's guess. As for the actual situation, who can tell it clearly, unless it is a monk who has taken the barrier-breaking pills.

Opening the passage of the Primordial World, disciples of the great world sects shuttle back and forth. These disciples of the great world sect have nothing to gain except for eating special food in the Primordial World. As for the medicinal materials of the Primordial World, I have never seen them at all. Even if I saw it, I wouldn't know it, because these medicinal materials are too big.

Even so, the disciples who had the honor to have been to the prehistoric world. Still looking forward to the second time, because everyone found that after the overall improvement in physical fitness, the speed of cultivation will increase a lot.

And in terms of response, it has to be much faster.

"Little Junior Brother, are you okay every day?" Cook came to the big world, and the monkey asked angrily when he saw that Cook was coming again.

Cook actually feels embarrassed about the problem of the monkey, because every time he comes, he has to open the space channel in the big world so that he can come over. It is like having people open the door frequently. .

"Big brother, I'm here to find you." Cook said.

"Look for me, what's the good thing?" The monkey heard that Cook was looking for him, and he was relieved. You must know that the Great Sage let the Great Monkey and the Two Monkeys block Cook. The Great Sage didn't want to see a question that would make Master difficult. disciple.

So as soon as they met, the monkey had a bad tone to Cook. This was to prevent Cook from going to the Great Sage.

"Some guys in the small world are not satisfied with me. I suspect that those guys are hiding in another continent, so I want to find some little monsters to enter the small world and help me find those guys." Cook said.

When the monkey heard this, he was puzzled: "There are other guys who are not satisfied with you, just pinch to death?"

"The person who attacked me died, but the people behind these people are still there, but these guys are hidden." Cook said.

"Give you a thousand little demon?" The monkey said very generously.

"Yes, they don't need to do anything, just find these guys, and I suspect these guys are these..." Cook took out the guy with the blue body.

"Huh, half-demon?" The monkey looked at the guy with the blue body and said in surprise.

"I don't think it's a human, either." Cook said with a smile.

"It's not a monster." The monkey stared and said.

"What race is the half-demon?" Cook asked curiously.

"The half-demon is the product of the combination of the monster clan and other races. It does not belong to the monster clan, and the fighting power of these half-demons is not weak. It is just that the character of the half-demon inherited the cold blood of the monster and the wisdom of other races. Basically it is hard to deal with, cunning." The monkey said.

Cook didn't feel much about this statement. Cook just asked, "Can you find it?"

"Of course, these guys are thirty miles away, and our monster race can smell the smell of these guys." The monkey nodded and said.

"There are still these." Cook released the images of the thirty-two source powers one by one.

"Bull demon, chicken demon, that's not right, this bull demon's half demon shouldn't inherit such a forward horn." The monkey pointed to a dwarf with a pair of horns and said.

The dwarf’s head had two horns facing forward, and Cook could not see anything wrong. Before Cook could continue to ask, the monkey said, "Go, follow me to see Master."

"Master." The monkey brought Cook to the front of the Great Sage's cave and shouted loudly.

When the Great Sage saw the situation outside, he almost caught fire. The Monkey continued to shout, but the Great Sage simply ignored it.

The great sage ignored himself. Of course, the great monkey knew the reason. The great monkey shouted: "Master, someone is creating new lives."

"Shout, what to shout, all day long, so that people are not allowed to practice?" The Great Sage shouted angrily when he heard this.

"Look, Master, this was discovered by the younger brother in the small world. This half-demon should be formed by forcibly fusing the blood of a certain bull monster and a certain deer monster." The monkey hurriedly signaled to Cook to release The image of the bull demon just now.

"These gangsters went to the small world?" The Great Sage looked at these weird-looking guys released by Cook, and said in surprise.

"Yes, there is also this blue-skinned guy, with the blood of the snake demon and the mantid." The monkey pointed at the blue-skinned guy and said.

"It's possible, Cook, do you have news about these people?" The Great Sage looked at Cook.

Cook hurriedly told what had happened, and the Great Sage shook his head and said: "The half-demon was actually accepted by your human race before. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Of course, Cook wants to ask why. If you don't ask, I'm sorry to the Great Sage. The reason why the Great Sage wants to ask why is to ask you why, so people should be more interesting, especially if the boss speaks like this, you have to ask. Of course, your colleagues may think you are an idiot with this question, but in fact, being a boss likes such a person the most.

The Great Sage opened his mouth and said: "Because at that time the half-monsters of the demon clan were also allowed to enter, the various human clans flicked these half-monsters into the clan, and then sent these half-monsters into the demon clan’s land to collect elixir. After the demon entered the territory of the demon race, these demon were also driven out by the human race, and finally they were gathered by a demon, and finally a war was fought against the demon race and the human race. These demon were used by the demon head. After the secret method, not only can they practice like humans, but also the powerful body of the monster race. Countless lower-level disciples of the human race were killed by these half-monsters. After these half-monsters were transformed by the secret method, they became very tyrannical and even more slaughter. Dozens of city-states were destroyed. In the end, the four major sects sent more than 30 ancestors to hunt down this demon. In the end, the demon escaped and killed nine people from the four major sects. The sect where the nine people belonged launched a massacre on the demon, but the demon still disappeared."

"Oh, it should be the descendant of this demon who came to the small world." Cook nodded and said.

"I don't see it. It should be these half-monsters who obtained the secret method of this demon. These people don't seem to be controlled by others, but some kind of secret method they cultivated." The Great Sage shook his head and said.

"I will send you five thousand little demons. These half demons cannot stay in the world. These half demons and demons can give birth to offspring and humans can give birth to offspring, and they have strong fertility, but this is a pollution to the bloodline." Sheng said.

Cook nodded: "Just because these guys want to move me, I won't be polite."

"Go, come to me if you have news." The Great Sage waved his hand, and then closed the cave without waiting for Cook to react.

On the way back, Cook asked the monkey: "Brother, how do I feel that Master is a little weird?"

"Master thinks of the sins caused by half-monsters, and he definitely doesn't like it in his heart." The monkey replied.

Why does Cook think that this is wrong, but before Cook can continue to think deeply, the monkey asked: "Little brother, what kind of little demon do you want to choose."

"I won't show up anymore. Big Brother, you directly open the space channel. I will go to the mainland first, and you will directly issue missions to the little demon." Cook will not show up. Who knows after seeing those little demon, these little demon Will you talk nonsense with your mouth open in the future.

When the monkey heard that it actually fell on his head, he quickly refused: "Little Junior Brother, there are still many things on my side..."

"Then I'm looking for the second brother, I'm going to just find the trail of those guys, I will take out ten bottles of life water as a reward, and it is a big bottle." Cook waved his hand and left to look for the two monkeys.

"You're rewarded, don't you say it early!" The monkey doesn't mean anything at all, but the world glares and asks Cook.

Cook curled his lips and took out two bottles of water of life: "This is fixed money."

Then the monkey opened the space channel. After Cook returned to the world, he directly teleported to the border of a certain empire of the Council of Gods. Here you can see a huge, wide, deep canyon. Ordinary people don’t know whether this canyon is there. How deep.

And because of the problem of the airflow below this gorge, the birds are difficult to get through, but for Cook, who has the origin of the wind system, it is not the same thing at all.

"The energy of the wind system here is very abundant." After Cook entered the sky over the canyon, he found that the speed had increased by 30%. And the energy supplemented by the origin of the wind system has also increased a lot. This is a world of wind.

This kind of world is a uniquely good place for the origin of the wind system, but Cook saw a bird being rushed to the sky by the air current, and then being thrown to the side severely, and then the strong wind turned the bird directly Wring to smash.

I can clearly know that the airflow here is chaotic, upward, downward, and entangled with each other.

"It really is a terrible place." Ku doesn't care if he sees it, no matter what airflow or wind is, it is a powerful boost for Cook.

Why doesn't Cook directly use the space projection ability to reach the green continent directly?

Of course, in order to hide his traces, Cook has the ability to monitor spatial fluctuations, who knows if there is also on the other side?

Cook will not take risks, nor can he take risks, not only because Cook is smart enough, but also because of the analysis model in the wizard model.

After flying for a full month and a half, Cook finally saw a black rock. On the rock was a long green, hair-like thing, that was the forest.

A huge forest, with thousands of meters high trees growing, Cook's figure flashed into the forest.

"There are no traces of human activities." Cook looked at the virgin forest all around, his face turned pale, because the power of the origin of Cook's wind system was too severe.

Had it not been for Cook to have an energy wizard model, and to borrow the thrust of the air current outside as much as possible, Cook would have already fallen into the canyon.

Who knows what dangers there are in the deep, dark places below the canyon.

After hundreds of kilometers deep into the jungle, there were still no people. Cook was completely relieved. Cook was afraid that the enemy he would encounter was too powerful and would occupy the entire continent. That was for Cook. It's not a good thing.

In a big tree with a thickness of more than ten meters, there is a tree hole. Cook took out an animal skin after cleaning it, and then sat down, a wind system crystal core about half the body of Cook was covered. Cook holds.

Recovery, this is what Cook has to do the first time, no matter what he faces, as long as he recovers from crying, it will be enough to make Cook invincible.

What Cook didn’t know was that thousands of kilometers away, on a big tree, a semicircular house made of vines was like a bird’s nest. There were hundreds of them on this big tree. , These vines woven houses are covered with huge leaves, from the top, there is no trace at all.

And on a big tree dozens of kilometers away, two dwarf-like creatures with wings on their backs were looking around with a pair of big green eyes, a bronze spear gleaming in their hands.

"Tweet!" One of the dwarves screamed, and then leaped his body and flapped his wings. The monster flew up and drew a graceful arc in the sky towards a big one dozens of kilometers away The tree rushed over.

"Tweet!" Another monster followed.

"I was discovered." On a big tree like a birdhouse made of countless vines, one with green hair, a body of only 1.2 meters, and a wrinkled face, but with pointed ears and a pair of green wings, These people have wooden spears in their hands.

"Leave, head north, continue north." Another white-haired man said with a green cane in his hand, pointing in one direction.

"Yes, a lot." The wrinkled guy replied with a bow, and then yelled quickly.

Countless people like this rushed out of these bird’s nest-like houses. There were men, women, and children. These people jumped from the trunk of this tree with wings to the trunk of another tree. , Hundreds of people disappeared in the dense woods in a blink of an eye.

Soon, two gnomes with wings on their backs and bronze spears fell from the sky.

"Found it, send a signal." One person looked at the hundreds of bird nest-like things, grinned, and could see that the mouth was filled with fine teeth, like toothpicks.

"Bang." A thing was thrown up, exploding a green smoke in the air, and the green smoke lasted for a long time.

Soon, two dwarfs with wings flew into the air and saw a red smoke, a yellow smoke, and a black smoke in the distance.

Ten minutes later, dozens of winged dwarfs came here. The difference is that the feathers of these winged dwarfs are of different colors. The green feathers are the ones that release green smoke, and there are red and yellow ones. Black.

"Chasing." Among the dozens of winged gnomes, a guy with silver feathers on his head looked at the bird's nest-like house on the big tree below and waved.

So dozens of flying dwarfs flew over the treetops, looking down with big eyes, carefully searching for some traces.

Cook was still recovering in the tree hole. Of course, Cook didn't know what happened in the distance. The distance was too far.

"Quick, quick, drop everything." The man with pointed ears and wings jumping around the tree immediately called out when he saw the long-lasting green smoke in the sky behind.

As a result, backpacks and other things made of vines were thrown away. Whether it was adults or children, there were tears in their eyes.

"Witch, I will fight with them." A young voice said.

"Go, our hope is in the north." Wu is the old man with the green cane.

"Witch, let's stay, those guys will catch up soon." Another man with a broken bronze spear also said.

"Patriarch, let's go, I feel there is a powerful force in the north, and last night, a star rose in the north, this is our savior." Wu said, looking at the man.

"Yes." When the patriarch heard Wu say this, he nodded immediately.

"Wind, go!" The witch was holding a green scepter and his face was pale. A green light was released from the green scepter and applied to each tribe. The speed of these tribes immediately increased a lot.

"Witch." The patriarch saw that the witch's hair kept falling.

"It's okay, go quickly, it can only last a quarter of an hour." Wu shook his body, swallowed a mouthful of blood, and shouted.

Hundreds of people kept jumping on the branches in the jungle, one by one, and soon screams came from behind.

"Found it, just ahead, I saw it." In the sky, there are hundreds of gnomes with colorful feathers. These are all holding bronze spears and looking at the people with pointed ears that keep jumping below, excited. Screamed.

Puff puff!

Suddenly from under the woods, a dozen wooden spears were shot.

Bang, bang, bang.

However, those holding the bronze spears directly interrupted these wooden spears, and the hundreds of people hardly suffered any harm.

"Go ahead and stop, pay attention to the guy holding the green cane, God said, I want to live." Now the dwarf with three silver feathers is giving orders.

"Yes." The two guys wearing a silver feather each took dozens of colorful flying gnomes and flew directly to the front to stop the people below.

"Witch." From below, the patriarch clearly saw some people flying towards the front, looking at Wu with a pale face.

"I'm already calling the witch, I can feel that this is a witch, a powerful witch." The witch closed his eyes, a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, obviously using some secret method.

"Ah!" a voice screamed, a mother carrying a child was pierced by a bronze spear that fell from the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The smooth tip of the bronze spear was piercing into the body. After that, they separated immediately, forming the shape of four barbs.

"Bead!" Beside the woman, a man screamed and hurriedly helped the woman, but the woman was no longer able to do so, the woman turned hard to look at the child behind her, the child was gone. Any response.

"Mighty witch, please help us." Wu saw dozens of bronze spears falling from the sky, his eyes widened suddenly, and then the witch deducted one of his eyes, and suddenly squeezed.

The people around were taken aback, and a strange voice suddenly sounded: "Who, noisy..."

"Witch, powerful witch, save us, save us." Cook jumped up from below and saw this group of dwarves, who are exactly smaller than dwarfs, and those with wings on their bodies, Cook was stunned. Up.

"Are you a witch?" Cook asked in big world language.

"Yes, yes, I am a witch, I am the witch of the Lushao tribe, save our tribe, we are chased by the tribe ruled by the devil." The witch hurriedly replied in the language of the world, although the words were a little vague. , Just like a dialect, but Cook heard it, this is the language of the world.

"Oh." Cook said.

Then Cook saw the bodies of the mother and the child who were tied together, his eyelids jumped, and he saw several more pierced through the body. These bronze spears can be said to be very vicious. After being pierced in, there is no way. Take it out, unless it cuts the body apart.

"Take it to death." An extremely arrogant voice said through the leaves, and at the same time hundreds of the same bronze spears were pierced at the people below, including the unknown guy Cook.

"Humph, wind, inverse." Cook snorted coldly and spit out two words.

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