A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1005: Legal meeting

"After being appraised by several ancestors of Dandingmen, this kind of spiritual relic is of great help in opening up the Purple Mansion." Qing Zhu said.

In fact, most of the people present knew the news, but no one dared to hide it, because these people didn't know whether Cook knew or not the function of this spiritual creature.

The disciples of these sects were all staring at Cook and Zifu. This is the most critical part of Jindan level promotion to Yuanying. Zifu is also where Yuanying lives. Of course, Zifu also has Dantian and Niwan. Palace and other titles.

After the golden core is the Yuan Ying, the Yuan Ying period is basically the elder-level figure of each sect. Of course, it is not the kind of figure who leads a mountain. After the Yuan Ying is a distraction, this is the ancestor level. Called the true monarch, the distraction is called the Taoist monarch, above the Taoist monarch is the saint, in fact, in the past, it was the fairy, but now people confuse the fairy with the saint, the difference between the two is only truly reaching the Tao Only the monarch level will feel it.

Since the collapse of the Heavenly Court, the Daoist level has been the highest level of existence, and one step further, no one has seen it in the immortal class for many years.

Even now I don't know if there are immortals, but some old monsters from the Heavenly Court Era of the Demon Race have survived, but their strength has also dropped a lot.

The reason why Cook understands this is because of the relationship between the Great Sage. In the eyes of the Great Sage, the so-called Taoist monarch of human beings is nothing more than Xiao Xiami. Of course, the Great Sage also has such confidence.

"Really?" Cook still didn't believe it.

However, not many people believe this statement of Cook. Qingzhu said with a smile: "Friend Cook, if you can form an alliance with our Shushan, our Shushan will open the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to you."

When Cook heard this, he was also very surprised. The Cangjing Pavilion, this is where every sect collects classics, even the internal disciples of the sect, it is extremely difficult to enter here.

"Daoist Cook, our Quanzhen Sect can also open the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion to Taoist friends, and whether you join or not join Quanzhen Sect." Song Tao followed.

When Cook heard Song Tao's words, he glared at Qing Zhu. Qing Zhu was a little embarrassed. Yes, he must be a disciple of his own school to enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, which means that Shu Shan has a good idea and put Cook under his control.

Qing Zhu glared at Song Tao and explained: "I just said it is an alliance."

"No need." Of course, Cook knows the trickyness here, alliances, then alliances must be equal in strength, not equal in strength, even if it is an alliance, how much power do you have?

When the other disciples heard Cook say this, they stopped talking and looked at Dandingmen’s No. Jing Dao. When No. Jing saw Cook looking at him, he shrugged and said: “After the ancestors of the school have identified them, Did not tell anyone."

"Well then, what are you willing to offer in exchange?" Cook asked.

This problem is also embarrassed by various sects. The cornerstone of each sect is the disciples of the foundation building period. The backbone of the sect is the disciple of the Jindan period. The strategic force of each sect is the disciple of the Yuan Ying period. A deterrent force, that is, the Taoist monarch of distraction.

Among them, the disciples of the foundation stage played the role of a small soldier in the various conflicts of various sects, while the Jin Dan stage played the role of a general. The monks of the Yuan Ying period, as long as the monks of the Yuan Ying period are sent out, they are immortal. Endlessly, so the highest sect conflict is the Jin Dan stage.

Therefore, the disciples of each school of Jin Dan stage are the backbone. Of course, it does not mean that the Yuan Ying period is not important, but the general Yuan Ying period cannot be dispatched.

In other words, the disciple of the Golden Core Stage did not want to open up the Purple Mansion and become the Nascent Soul, which means that even if the sect loses in the war, a Nascent Stage monk is popular everywhere, but the Golden Core Stage Disciple, in all kinds of conflicts, that is the most dangerous.

Are there any elixir for opening up the Purple Mansion? Yes, not only there are, but there are many types, but the output is very low.

Of course, the higher the level of elixir, the more difficult it is to refine the elixir. The appearance of wisteria has brightened the eyes of many monks in the Golden Elixir period, especially those at the peak of the Golden Elixir period.

These monks can speak of a bottleneck state. Breakthrough means life, and no breakthrough means death.

How do you choose between life and death?

So when there is an elixir to open up the Purple Mansion, every sect's Golden Core monks have expressed their demands. Of course, the sect can ignore it. Then what kind of reaction will this group of backbone forces respond.

To say that the demands of the monks in the Yuan Ying period may be suppressed by the sect, because the demands of each monk in the Yuan Ying period are very high, and the number of monks in the Yuan Ying period is compared with that of the Jin Dan period. Not proportional at all.

The Yuan Ying period's anger quit, and the martial art can continue to operate, but once the Jin Dan period is picked up, the martial art is paralyzed.

Cook figured this out, so he waited calmly for these guys to make a price.

As for the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Cook does not intend to get infected at all. Do you think that the Quanzhen School is kind?

What is the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion? That is where the secrets of this school are located. Once you learn the secrets of a certain school, what are the consequences, of course, are also inherited. Even if you do not join this school, others will see you as People from this inheritance branch.

In addition, Zangjing Ge Kuk also knows something, not that you can look through all of them at will. These things are about chance. As for what chance is for you, you can see what the school wants you to see, but you don’t want you. If you see it, you won't see it.

"Friend Cook, we Tai Chi Sect can admit that you have the right to compete for the right to the rest of the world." Tai Chi Sect disciples were already prepared, and they released a big news.

This news sounds very shocking, but if you think about it carefully, isn’t this nothing? Do you dare to go to the other side of the world to do things in Tai Chi? Isn’t this trying to make immortals, Buddhas, gods, and Dao great? Sects fight?

Song Tao smiled slightly: "Our Quanzhen Sect is willing to take out the Dan Fang who opened up the Purple Mansion to exchange with Taoist Cook."

"Dan Fang." Cook repeated indifferently, unclear whether he agreed or disagreed.

The disciple of the Fei Xian Sect smiled and said, "Friend Cook, we can exchange the complete technique for the Fei Xian Sect."

This is almost the first time that Feixianmen's complete technique has been publicly traded. When Cook heard this, he nodded and said nothing.

Seeing Cook's attitude, the disciple of the Liangyi Sect asked: "Friend Cook, how many elixir can you trade?"

When Cook heard this, he gave a thumbs up and said: "Tai Chi is still the most sincere. What you said earlier is not very sincere. You don't ask me how much I'm willing to trade, and you offer a lot of conditions. , Who believes?"

"Friend Cook..." The Tai Chi Sect disciple asked eagerly when he heard this.

"Needless to say, the first is the exercise method, which is not in the exchange list. As for why, I think everyone knows." Cook waved his hand and said.

Hearing Cooke say this, Song Tao and others looked a little ugly. Cook followed up and said: "Secondly, about the rest of the big world, although I Cook has a peeping heart, I can’t be sure before , Will not take action, as for the issue of acknowledgment or not, you don’t need to worry about it."

In this regard, the disciples of the various martial arts of the Great World were very helpless, because no one dared to refute Cook's words, even if it was the Fei Xianmen with a city in the rest of the world, they did not dare to say.

Because the remaining world is a land of no owner, whoever wants to stand up against it is to represent the master of this world. Does that school dare to say that? Are you afraid of being attacked by the crowd?

The more he understands the relationship between the various schools in the big world, the more plans Cook has to deal with. Even if it is the same school, there are many contradictions. It can be said that the original benign competition between the various schools in the big world. The increase in the number of monks and the decrease in the allocation of resources have turned the healthy competition into a huge contradiction.

"Then Daoist Cook, what do you want?" Song Tao asked.

"Lingshi." Cook gave an answer that everyone did not expect. The whole world of Lingshi is lacking, lacking, but the elixir in Cook's hands is even more lacking, not anymore. Missing.

So many sects did not put the two in equal positions, but these monks were also smart people. After a little thought, Cook really lacks spirit stones.

If Cook wants to occupy this world, how many spirit stones will it cost?

Four words, countless.

"We have ample reserves of all true sect spirit stones, Taoist Cook, let's say, how many wisteria are you going to sell?" Song Tao felt more confident when he heard this, and the super sect is indeed a super sect.

"Ten thousand copies." Cook said a number.

Hearing this number, everyone present felt suffocated, yes, suffocated. , What does 10,000 servings mean? It refers to the amount of alchemy, which is usually one point as a unit.

Tens are equal to one or two, and twelve equals to one catty. Actually, it is only about one hundred catties. But this is an elixir that can be used to refine the elixir of the Purple Mansion. For the demand, it is certainly not much, but for a single elixir, that is enough.

"But so that everyone does not conflict with each other, I am going to give you the four major sects a chance to discuss how to distribute these ten thousand copies, and every 100 years, you will sell ten thousand copies again at a price not lower than the first one. Price once, and then sold once every 100 years, that is, the big world sells once every two months, so everyone can go back and discuss with the martial arts." Cook said with a smile.

The disciples of the martial arts present did not believe in Cook's condition at all. Qingzhu saw that Cook stopped talking and asked, "There are no other conditions attached?"

"No, sixty thousand copies a year, I hope you have so many spirit stones in each of your big sects." Cook said with a smile.

"Then what if our price is lower?" Song Tao asked in confusion after listening.

"The big world not only has martial arts, but also casual repair?" Cook said with a smile.

Speaking of casual cultivator, the disciples of the martial arts shook their hearts fiercely. Unexpectedly, Cook would actually stare at those casual cultivators. In the eyes of the cultivators, they were a group of unruly bandits. Xiu can survive under the strong pressure of the various martial sects, and he has very powerful abilities in his own right.

Regarding Cook’s approach, these disciples really wanted to see what was inside Cook’s head. The various sects wanted to unite to lower prices, but it was all in vain.

"Well, we all really agree." Song Tao immediately agreed. In fact, Song Tao knew that all the disciples here didn't dare to agree, because if they didn't agree, what would be the consequence of offending the old man of the Jin Dan stage , You don’t need to guess, a group of generals, a small soldier, even if this small soldier is the offspring of a certain marshal, it doesn’t matter.

The rest of the sect disciples expressed their opinions one after another, and then left quickly. Ten thousand panacea, it sounds like a lot of it, but for countless schools, this is simply a drop in the bucket.

Not to mention the success rate of refining these ten thousand elixir into a pill, no one knows.

The sects of the Great World reacted very quickly this time. The next day, Cook got the news that an elixir was one thousand high-grade spirit stones. It is said that many monks in the Golden Elixir period were not very satisfied with the price. As far as monks are concerned, a thousand high-grade spirit stones are not considered to be particularly huge.

But after the heads of many sects knew the total price of the 10,000 panacea, they took a vicious heartbeat. Cook made 10 million high-grade spirit stones?

Not reconciled, envy, jealous, hate!

This is the mentality of the heads of the various sects in the big world.

Of course there is another louder voice, the wild world!

An elixir in the Primordial World is 10 million high-grade spiritual stones, and 10 million high-grade spiritual stones are a particularly huge amount for the super school.

Not to mention the small and medium school.

So Cook received many invitations from disciples of the sect, asking Cook to participate in Taoist and Fa conferences.

Taoist and Fa conferences are actually Taoist, Buddhism and other sects internal exchanges on Taoism and Buddhism.

In the past, Cook did not accept the invitation at all, that is, from the bones. These sect disciples did not regard Cook as a person of the great world.

To be able to participate in the Fa conference, Taoist conference, Cook must go, but how to go, whether to go to the Taoist conference or the Fa conference first, all need to be considered, because dealing with people in the big world, you must pay attention to the face of others, if Cook goes to If you don't go to that one, then that one might hate Cook and cause some trouble.

Heming Temple, a small Taoist Temple, has only three disciples in the small world. It can be said that the popularity is very withered. Those who have contact with Heming Temple are all small schools.

"Friends of Taoist Linghe." On this day, Hemingguan held a Fa conference, disciples of other small schools who had contact with Hemingguan came one after another, and when they saw Taoist Linghe, they all said hello.

"Daoist Lingmu, please come inside." Taoist Linghe saw that it was Taoist Lingmu, and immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

"Please." Fellow Daoist Lingmu was polite, and then entered the mountain gate.

The school is small, and the mountain gate is naturally small. The mountain gate of Heming View in the small world was built by these disciples themselves. It is just a few wooden houses, and the wood is still logs.

But the surrounding environment is very clean, and the most common plants and flowers in the gods are planted.

"Good place, Daoist Linghe, I'm bothering you." Daoist Linghe was walking inside with Daoist Lingmu, and everyone was here. Of course Linghe was leaving. At this moment, a voice was heard. There was a ringing outside the door.

"Ku... Fellow Daoist Cook!" Linghe looked back, and there was a person outside in a Taoist robe, not who Cook was. Linghe didn't believe his eyes and stammered.

"No place, ordinary flowers and plants, ordinary wood, but after your fiddling, it gives me a feeling of being in nature. Heming Temple deserves to be the birthplace of Taoism." Cook pushed aside the wood. The door, looking at the layout inside, exclaimed.

In fact, the birthplace of Taoism has always been a controversy, but Cook believes that Zhang Daoling was established in Hemingshan, and Hemingguan is the only school of Hemingshan. Of course, the spiritual veins of Hemingshan have dried up, so the school has also declined. Up.

"Cook... Friends of Taoism, please." Taoist Linghe almost cried when he heard Cook's words. Although Heming Guan didn't have any thoughts on the birthplace of Taoism, every Heming The disciples of Taoism know the background of their school.

"Please." Cook also replied.

"Friends of Spirit Wood." Cook smiled and greeted when he saw Spirit Wood.

The Taoist names of the disciples of the little school are actually more random, and the disciples in the Qi training period are basically spiritual, which is equivalent to the meaning of the word school.

As for Leng Feng, Song Tao and other dao names, they cannot be randomized because these dao names are unique. If anyone wants to occupy these dao names, he must defeat other owners who own them.

"Friend Cook."

"Friend Cook." The people sitting in the wooden house saw Cook enter the wooden house and jumped up one after another to greet Cook.

"Excuse me, fellow daoists." Cook took out a bag of spiritual tea and handed it to the disciple Hemingguan standing by the door, smiling in return.

"Please." After some politeness, Cook was arranged on the left hand side of the host. Everyone sat on the futon. Since there is no futon in the small world, it is just a straw mat. The floor is made of wooden planks, the size and length are the same. , Very smooth, the color of the log looks very clean.

On the side of the hall, a few disciples of Heming Temple were making tea, using clay pots, copper pots, and stoneware tea cups.

The life spirit tea that Cook brought was put into a stoneware teacup, and then hot boiling water was poured into the teacup. The Fa conference is that everyone has tea together, and then expresses their opinions on certain things. Those who come to the Fa conference will bring some of their own. Specialties of the martial art, food, drink, or other things, but usually bring tea.

"This time, Daoist Cook attended, and it was brilliant. Daoist Cook brought out such a good spiritual tea. Thank you." After a sip of tea, a Taoist said to Cook.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Cook also bowed his hand in return.

"Ahem. Fellow Taoist Cook, I don't know if you are here to participate in the Fa conference?" Taoist Heming had to ask Cook's intentions.

Cook said with a smile, "I just brought my ears. It's the first time for me to participate in the Fa conference, so I, a newcomer, don't comment."

Hearing Cook's words, Taoist Heming and others were surprised. When they first attended the Fa conference, they came to Heming Temple?

"Daoist Lingmu, let's continue the topic of the last time, the cultivation of Lingzhi?" Daoist Heming asked.

"Good." Lingmu and others nodded immediately.

"Last time the spiritual wood taoist said that cultivating Wuti needs Lingsong powder. I think Lingsong powder is not enough. Wuti is yin, and Lingsong powder controls yang." A monk said.

"The lonely yin does not grow. The lonely yang does not grow." Lingmu Taoist said, while watching Cook's reaction.

Cook looked dumbfounded, and muttered to himself: "What is this Ooty?"

Daoist Lingmu was very pleased with Cook's bewilderment, because he didn’t understand it, wouldn’t it be an opportunity for himself to perform, so the Daoist Lingmu opened his mouth and continued: “I once did an experiment with one hundred Jinlingsong powder cultivated two kilograms of ooti, ​​and the growth period was shortened from ten years to eight years."

"Shortened to eight years, does this have no effect on alchemy?" Daoist Heming asked.

"Without much influence, my success rate in refining bigu Dan is still over 30%." Taoist Lingmu said, his tone a little proud.

Hearing Bigu Dan~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook immediately understood it. In fact, Strictly speaking, Bigu Dan is not a pill, it can only be regarded as an introduction to pill medicine, and Bigu Dan uses common fire to make pill. Moreover, the price of bigudan is very low. A low-grade spirit stone is about 20 bigudan, and the use of bigudan is not entirely an elixir. There are also some ordinary things. This outi is only eight years old. It can barely be regarded as the lowest and lowest level elixir.

With this knowledge, Cook became bored and began to be in a daze. When the surrounding disciples saw Cook in a daze, they thought that Cook could not understand them, so they said in more detail and worked harder. Topics like making the best bigu pill, if it’s not about increasing the output of elixir, how to manage it.

"Friend Cook, I don't know what you have learned about Ooty's cultivation?" Dao Master Lingmu saw that the fire was almost over, and asked.

After a moment, Cook said, "I still don't understand."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I can explain to you in detail, bigu pill is the first elixir in the alchemy career, or it can be said to be an introduction to pill..." The Taoist Lingmu heard Cook say this. The spirit came immediately, and he opened his mouth to popularize the importance of getting started in alchemy.

Cook resisted, and started to perfuse the Taoist Lingmu. Perhaps the Taoist Lingmu noticed Cook's perfunctoryness, and there was less time to talk later. The Fa conference lasted for two hours, and then it began to disperse.

"Daoist Cook, communicate more in the future." Taoist Spirit Wood said to Cook reluctantly.

"Definitely, definitely." Cook nodded, but he didn't care about it at all.

"Friend Heming, then I'm leaving too?" When Cook saw that everyone was gone, he said goodbye to Chief Heming.

"Friend Cook, go slowly, I still have something I want to discuss with you." I don't know that Daoist Heming pulled Cook and said.

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