A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1007: Law

"Oh, I really can't use it." Cook thought about it for a little while, and found that this fixation method could not be used at all. The fixation method uses a powerful divine mind. Interfere with the movement of vitality in the enemy's acupuncture points, so as to achieve the result of losing control of the body.

The required divine mind is very powerful. At least 36 acupuncture points must be attacked at the same time. This is the lowest, and the highest can interfere with the enemy's 360 acupuncture points.

If one acupuncture point is not disturbed, the whole concentration method fails.

Although I can’t use it now, Cook is still very happy, because this way of spreading the practice of the Great Sage is countless times simpler than self-study. If you enlighten yourself, who knows how long you will enlighten, and what you enlighten is the experience of no use. .

The teaching method of the Great Sage is similar to the inheritance memory of the God Realm. Of course, the method used by the Great Sage must be much higher than that of the God Realm.

"Oh." Cook sighed again. This fixation method has different races and different acupuncture points. In other words, if Cook wants to use the fixation method in the small world, he must first find out the acupuncture points of the gods race and the big world. What is the difference in race.

Moreover, the fixation method can only be used for people whose divine consciousness is lower than one's own. Once the enemy's divine consciousness is higher than one's own, it has no effect at all.

"Forget it." Cook sighed now and it was useless, and the use of the fixation method would be unexpected. If the enemy is vigilant, the chance of failure of the entire fixation method is very high.

The body fixation method, the tasteless spell Cook, was left aside. In Cook's view, his strength is higher than others, so he can use this kind of fixation method.

"Huh?" Cook was surprised afterwards, and there was a technique in his mind.

"Many cow skills."

"Mouse shrinks."

"Tiger Roar Power."

"The rabbit listening skills."

"Long Feigong."

"Snake power."

"Horseshoe work."


"Monkey Yuegong."

"Cock crowing."

"Dog sniffing power."

"Pig Tun Gong."

A full ten exercises, unfolding in Cook's mind are huge ghosts of various monsters, almost reaching the sky.

"This is the Dharma image!" Cook understood at once. The so-called Heaven and Earth Dharma image is to visualize these phantoms, and then transform into huge Dharma images.

This form is also the form of all the twelve great monsters, and this is also the key thing for the twelve great monsters to rank among the top twelve of the monster race. Without these techniques, these twelve monster races simply cannot be so powerful.

The power is endless.

The mouse shrinkage can be as small as gravel.

Tiger howl power, the sound of tiger howl kills the enemy invisible.

The rabbit listens to the power, you can hear the movement of thousands of miles.

Long Fei Gong, Long Ao nine days.

Snake work without a trace.

Horseshoe power, horseshoe stepping on Kyushu.

Shofar skill, the sage of shofar top.

Monkey Yuegong, one somersault is thousands of miles.

The **** crows, and the **** cries to retreat from ghosts.

The dog smells power and distinguishes 3.66 million kinds of smells.

Pig swallowing power can be swallowed in the belly.

Of course, this is the internal name of the Yaozu. On the Human Race, it is called Tuntian Gong, just like Zhu Tun Gong. The literal meaning is different, but the techniques are similar. These techniques are all from the heaven. The exact source of this is unknown.

Each of these exercises is a fascinating aspect. What fascinating aspect to comprehend and what you gain depends on your own understanding.

The great sage realized somersault cloud, one hundred and eight thousand miles.

This is the real world of law, not the power of Faxiang spreaded by the various schools of mankind, the power of nine oxen and two tigers is far behind the power of Faxiang of the demon race.

The Yaozu’s Dharma image is not only the appearance, but also the inner image that belongs to the Dharma image. As for the human’s Dharma image, it is only the appearance.

Manniu Gong, strengthens the physique, and can directly pull out a mountain at the end of cultivation.

The mouse shrinkage can shrink the body to go through the eye of the needle.

Tiger Howl, at the end of the practice, you can roar to death with a roar.

Tu listens to gong, you can hear movement tens of thousands of miles away.

Wait, each exercise has its own unique features, and the image of cultivation is even greater.

"Unexpectedly, the master actually taught me this. This **** ming technique is interesting, and it makes all the spirits. The ghosts are all fled, which seems to be a kind of spirit attack. And this pig swallowing skills...tsk." Cooke Looking at the twelve great demon pictures, each great demon picture is vivid.

Cook first came to visualize the Man Niu. The image of the Man Niu Gong is a huge green bull. The green bull does not see any muscles, but it gives people a feeling of infinite power.

"It doesn't seem to work." Cook visualized for a while, and there was no movement from the blue bull.

There is no movement, according to the big world, this is a fate

Shu Suo Gong, a big mouse is getting into a red gourd as his master and apprentice. The mouth of the red gourd is very small. The mouse has already entered with more than half of its head, leaving one eye to look at, and one missing ear. A few long beards give people a very cautious feeling.

After visualizing for a while, there was still no response, and Cook was not discouraged, so he started visualizing the next one.

After experimenting one by one, there was no response from several Phasic diagrams, and Cook became a little depressed, and visualization was very spiritual.

"Is the posture wrong?" Cook suddenly remembered a problem, that is, when visualizing certain exercises, he must have a special posture.

Then he turned back crying and looked at the first picture of a blue bull standing. Cook touched his heart and touched his hands on the ground, learning what the blue bull looked like, and then began to visualize.

"It's so comfortable!" Cook let out a long sigh, feeling that his whole body has endless strength.

"I am..." Then Cook suddenly woke up, only to find that he was standing upside down on the ground, his legs slumped in a weird posture, and his hands were resting on the ground, but they were staggered. , And five fingers, thumb and index finger close together, the other three fingers close together, showing the appearance of a cow hoof.

"Really useful?" Cook then used his mind to look at the photo, and found that the green bull's posture had changed and became the same as Cook. It looked very weird, even if humans did this action, it was very weird, let alone a head. Green cow.

"Manniu Gong, I have the power of a cow now?" Cook guessed while watching the follow-up exercises of the Manniu Gong.

"I actually practiced for three days!" Then Cook looked at the time, three days have passed.

Cook hurried out of the secret room, then sent the wisteria to the silver fox, and then returned to open the passage of the prehistoric world. After this matter was over, Cook began to deal with the affairs of the gods.

The matter of the God Realm was dealt with for a day, and then Cook rushed to the Green Hill Tribe of the Primordial World without stopping to complete the transaction, which was a time delay.

Then Cook began to store magic weapons.

"Time, it's no wonder those monks have to specialize in one discipline. I'm as busy as a dog now." Cook kept a sword fetus or a sword pill, and he also kept a broken clock.

On the one hand, he practiced the exercises inside the sword pill.

It took a day for Cook to conserve the magic weapon, and Cook didn't have any time to rest. Fortunately, Cook had a strong body, and there was nothing to do without sleeping for ten and a half months.

Moreover, it contains magical treasures. The energy consumption in Cook's body is completely wiped. Sword fetus, broken clock, and demon rope are all big energy consumers. Forget the sword fetus and broken clock Cook, master this **** The demon Socook is not only unusable, but also absorbs the most energy.

Cook took out the star core distressedly and began to recover his strength. The energy contained in the star core was very similar to the spiritual energy, and the energy in the star core would not react in the big world.

After the absorption was almost done, Cook came to the Mageweave Masters Association, the Great World Mountain Gate established by the Mageweave Masters Association, and many of them have reached a critical time. At this time, you have to rely on Cook.

"Yes, yes." Cook came to these cities in the sky and saw all kinds of magnificent buildings on them. Anyway, the gates built by the big world's big sects are just big, and they can't be gorgeous, but they can't. Big, every sect's mountain gate can be seen. One is bigger than the other. Of course, small and medium sects will not dare to be big. If you are big, then don't you put other sects in your eyes?

"Pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, rockery and ponds." Cook looked at these scenery and was still very satisfied.

"Friend Cook." Song Tao greeted Cook with a smile.

"How about it, Fellow Songtao?" Cook asked. Of course Songtao said he was not satisfied, and there was no other way. The money was taken first.

"Very good, better than I thought." Looking at the curved corridors with purple flowers on both sides, these flowers grow on vines and hang on both sides of the corridor, looking like huge curtains of purple flowers~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Of course people like Cook can see it clearly.

Cook also inspected the buildings of other mountain gates. These were built in accordance with the requirements of the schools of the Great World. Through these architectural styles, you can see the focus of these schools of practice.

Although it is difficult for others to detect, for Cook, one can see what kind of school this school is like from the layout of these schools.

Of course, what Cook can see in person is the super martial art and martial art of the big world, and the rest don't need to worry about Cook at all.

"Open the shield." Cook came to the control center of the huge platform and began to control it.

"The energy shield is activated."

"The energy delivery begins."

"The energy delivery is normal."

There is no need for extra human control on this platform, of course, thanks to Cook's identity as a wizard.

Outside the control center, hundreds of disciples of sects watched the huge shield slowly rise up, just like substantial things.

Half an hour later, the platform was buckled upside down by a protective cover that was invisible to the naked eye, like a huge bowl.

"I don't know if it is Cook who is great or the refining equipment?" a disciple asked.

"You said that Cook can bring such a huge platform back to the small world. Is it as simple as what he said?" Another disciple thought about the difficulties he and others had suffered in the prehistoric world and said.

Song Tao shook his head and said, "These things are not our concern, but if Cook wants to gain a foothold in the big world, then he must still pay."

"Does the door have any thoughts on Cook?" someone asked.

"Wait, we will know what will happen soon.

PS: Sorry, there is still something tonight, only these 3000 words are left.

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