A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1011: Willing (on)

Hearing Cook say this, Song Tao felt chills, and he dared not look at Cook after a glance.

What makes Songtao frustrated is that Cook's grasp of the human heart, Song Tao did not think of this when he first started, but when Cook said that Song Tao knew that these ten powerhouses at the Taoist level would always stand by Cook. Side.

Other schools don’t know. Inside the Quanzhen Sect, the ancestors did not say what Cook gave, which means that the Taoist Quanzhen acquiesced that this was a private transaction with Cook.

Cook didn’t know Song Tao’s thoughts. In fact, Cook was very proud of himself. Sometimes he couldn’t describe his pride. Cook still felt uncomfortable. Cook continued with a smile: "Humans are all selfish. No matter who they are and in what name they use, truly smart people are selfish. As for those who are selfless, they are fools who are fooled by smart people. In the eyes of these Taoists, there are only two words. Longevity! And these ten Dao Monarchs are not of the same sect, let alone united together, because if they are in collusion, what would other Dao Monarchs within these sects think?"

"Friend Cook, why can you think of so much?" Song Tao couldn't bear it and asked.

"Oh, if you don’t have enough strength, you have to use more brains. If you don’t have enough brains, then it’s done. I look beautiful now, but there are also many dangers. First of all, strength is flawed. There is no way, only to pull a bunch of people to frighten others. "Speaking of this, Cook sighed, looking helpless.

Song Tao is speechless, his mind is so good, so he has great strength...? Thinking of this, Song Tao thought of Cook’s status today, and an uncontrollable thought came out, that is, when Cook’s strength has grown to a certain stage, should the big world be under the control of this person? What?

Song Tao thinks a little bit more. Cook can think of so much. It has something to do with Cook’s status today. Cook is the Speaker of the Council of Gods. He knows that from the overall situation, he also knows to analyze from human nature, and he also knows from interests This kind of analysis can only be done from the aspect.

Vision determines thinking. It can be said that what Song Tao is in the big world is just the stratum of the sect. Even if he is a core disciple, he is exposed to cultivation aspects. As for other things, there is not much contact at all.

Cook is able to look at the relationship between the major sects of the entire world from the perspective of looking at the big world as a whole, and can also look at the relationship between each sect, and know a person who has not made progress for countless years. The mentality in my heart is flustered. Yes, the cultivation base has not improved. What does this mean, it means waiting for death.

No one who can cultivate wants to die, so after Cook took out the ginseng fruit, these Taoists could not refuse at all, even if they were to destroy a super magic door, they were still willing.

"Then Fellow Taoist Cook, where did you come from the ginseng fruit?" Song Tao still had a question that he wanted to ask for a long time.

"Haha, what did you say." Cook laughed and didn't answer directly.

Song Tao's heart moved, it's not that there is no big world of ginseng fruit, but who owns it? Everyone knows, but no one dares to go there, so how did Cook get it? What is the relationship between the two?

After Songtao returned to the mountain gate, he was still thinking about it, but Songtao still couldn't believe that Cook was related to that person?

After thinking about it for a while, Song Tao was suddenly startled: "I'm afraid that the ten Taoist monarchs are also muttering like this. No matter whether it is related or not, I am afraid that no one in the big world of Cook dares to move, unless people from a certain sect unite. ,is it possible?"

When Songtao was thinking too much, ten men, women and children were gathering together on the top of Wudang Mountain in the great world, and the lingering wind had no influence on these ten people.

"Friend Quanzhen, where did you say this kid, Cooke, come from?" Qing Chengzi asked. Qingchengzi is the ancestor of the Qingcheng Sword Sect. It was originally the same sect as the current Taoist sect in Qingcheng Mountain. However, after the heavenly court was broken, the Qingcheng Sect was divided into the Qingcheng Sword Sect and the Qingcheng Sect. The long city road, the Qingcheng Sword Sect is going to Qingchengzi.

"How do I know." Taoist Quanzhen, dressed in a blue robe, looked like an ordinary Taoist.

"Then why do you want to be the first to accept it?" The question was a court-dressed woman who looked like she was thirty years old. This is Master Fei Xianmen, who is said to be a certain female fairy in the heavenly court. I couldn't see the specific features at all. There was a white gauze on his face. Of course, the palace costumes here did not show anything, only the slender neck was exposed.

"Nonsense, I asked the kid to pay me the reward first. If the reward is not satisfied, I promised to agree, but I didn't say when to do it." Quanzhen Taoist said irritably.

Then Quanzhen Taoist even said, "You guys, who have benefited, come to question me."

"The true benefactor, it's not that we question you, but it's a matter of great importance. Ginseng fruit is everywhere in the world. Only that place has it. Can we be careless?" Grandmaster Puguang of Jinguang Temple explained.

"I can't tell you this, but according to the truth, the two should have no connection." Taoist Quanzhen also became serious when he heard this.

The real Tai Chi said, "If you want me to tell, what if it matters. Anyway, what we got is good."

"That's good, but it would be better if there is a relationship. That Lingshan is the number one Lingshan in the world, and there are many good things." The old ancestor of Shushan said with a smile.

Another woman looked very young, just like a girl. This is the Xiaoyao school. Fairy Lingyao said, "This is reasonable, but we have to keep the information secret. This ginseng fruit, I don't have too much. "

"Huh, this kid Cook is very slippery. Now other old ghosts outside are changing their methods to find out what we get. There will be old ghosts who want to see me in three days or two." Tianyuanzi Wudang Sect Patriarch, several of Wudang Sect said Jun, but only Tian Yuanzi agreed to Cook first, so he got ginseng fruit.

"Cook, this kid is not easy. Look at the few of us now, and we will not be able to support this kid in the future. It is said that the kid who committed the demon's crime in our realm was destroyed by the demon itself, for fear that we will go crazy again." Master Eight Difficulties, a Taoist-level powerhouse of the Seven Buddhas, spoke.

The fairy fairy said, "No problem, you can be crazy. Just give ginseng fruit. I don't have too much of this stuff. I used to be in the fairy world and I was not qualified to eat ginseng fruit."

"It's gone, it's gone, I'll go to retreat." The more Taoist Quanzhen listened, the more irritable he became. He was calculated by the kid, and he had to thank him.

"By the way, did you find out, Cook's women have disappeared for three small world years, where have they been? Even Cook's children have not seen it." Sancai Taoist is the patriarch of Liangyimen, Asked.

"Oh!" As soon as the words came out, the ten people immediately looked at each other.

"I can have nothing to do with Kid Cook. If there is a relationship, it will be your turn to get ginseng fruit this time?" Taoist Quanzhen saw that everyone looked at themselves and said immediately.

"You want to be beautiful, so that kid, Cook, has come to the big world?" The ancestor Shushan asked.

Everyone nodded, apparently agreeing with the words of the ancestor of the mountain, the fairy fairy asked: "But there is no vitality in this kid, Cook?"

"This is not clear, maybe there is any technique, is it related to the inheritance of wizards in the prehistoric world?" Fairy Lingyao was surprised and said.

The ten Taoist monarchs look at me and I look at you, but in the end they are all a little moved, and everyone is thinking about their own thoughts.

"Let's get in touch with everyone in the future. If there is any benefit, don't take it alone." The ten Dao Monarchs had their own thoughts, and there was nothing to say. When they dispersed, the Quanzhen Dao said.

"Definitely, definitely." Everyone said this, and then exchanged Feijian. The Feijian here is something that Feijian passed on, which is equivalent to the current QQ number, but it is contacted via a private express line.

Cook seems to be closed in the small world, but in fact, Cook came to the big world to hide for leisure. As soon as Cook arrived in the big world, the monkey said: "Little brother, yes, there are actually ten Taoist monarchs. For you to use."

"Big brother, how did you get the news?" Cook asked.

"Haha, don't you know. The **** of the Demon Sect came to us, the demon clan, and want to unite with our demon clan, these demon cubs are obviously afraid of being beaten." The monkey replied with a smile.

"What does the master mean?" Cook quickly asked.

"Master, the devil cubs still want to see Master. I saw them and fooled them." The monkey said.

Cook was puzzled: "Fool?"

"Yeah, we don't refuse. In the future, if these demon cubs are at a disadvantage to you, we will let these demon cubs know how powerful our Huaguoshan is." The monkey patted Cook on the shoulder.

"Thank you, big brother." Cook said.

"By the way, wouldn't it be ginseng fruit that you gave to the ten Taoist monks?" The monkey asked immediately.

"Yes." Cook nodded and replied, then carefully watched the monkey's reaction.

"You, you, the prodigal son, if you have some ginseng fruit, give it to me, I will find a group of big monsters to kill the blood sea demon king, even the fat pig king can please move." The monkey looked distressed. .

"Big brother, this little gift, big brother accepts." Cook took out a pearl bracelet and stuffed it into the monkey's hand.

The big monkey took the Nazhu bracelet, drew it in, and immediately said with a smile: "Okay, little brother, your business will be mine in the future."

"No rules." The Great Sage suddenly appeared in front of the two, and drank angrily.

"Master, this is what I honor you." Cook quickly took out another pearl bracelet.

"Forget...you have filial piety." The Great Sage had said nothing, but after a subconscious glance, he immediately changed his words.

The Great Sage continued: "Cook, I understand your behavior. After all, it’s not convenient to shoot for the teacher. I also heard that you want the rest of the world to support you for the teacher. I dare not say anything else, the magic door. Whoever Yaozu wants to oppose, I will solve it for you."

"Thank you, Master, don't you know that Master needs ginseng fruit trees?" Cook didn't expect that the Great Sage actually took this matter, thankful, and then asked.

"No need." The Great Sage refused very painfully. There is no other way. There are too many fairy fruit spirit grasses in Huaguo Mountain, and the spirit spring is already out of use. It will take at least a hundred years to plant the fairy grass spirit fruit again, but At that time, Huaguoshan was comparable to Xianshan.

When Cook saw the expression of the Great Sage, he asked, "Master, what about Siya and the others?"

"In the retreat, I enlightened them, and it takes time." The Great Sage said.

"Ah, thank you, Master." Cook was taken aback and enlightened. It means that you don't need to learn, and the strong can copy the exercises and experience they practiced directly to someone. It's like a student is copied by a professor. Like memory, the difficulty of learning is reduced to a minimum.

"It's only three to five months. If you are in a hurry, you can meet them." The Great Sage said.

Cook shook his head: "Forget it, I won't bother them."

Cook still wants to see West Asia and the others, but Cook knows that the comprehension period after initiation is the most taboo to be disturbed. Of course, it is three to five months for the big world, but for the small world, it is decades or hundreds of years. .

"Maybe three or five months later, I have also come to the big world." Cook comforted himself.

The Great Sage shook his head and said: "Cook. I understand part of what you do. Being able to become the leader of one party is already an incredible thing. Here, as a teacher, I want to warn you, don’t be impatient in case of trouble, and gain or lose. In between, you can grasp it yourself."

"Yes, Master." Of course, Cook knows what the world of the big world means, and the meaning of the great saint is also very obvious, that is, as long as the world can be obtained, the rest can be thrown away.

Of course, after agreeing, Cook said, "Master, I think this wild world may be parallel to the big world."

"You, your kid, thousands of worlds are much higher than ours, but the ways of heaven in each world are different. It is impossible to say that people in this world will be equally powerful in another world." To Cook, said.

Cook didn't understand, the Great Sage said, "Do you know why there are so many sects in the big world?"

"Not sure." Cook really didn't know.

"Because of the world, the big world is the real big world, and the others are small worlds. These small worlds will eventually merge into the big world. Buddhas, immortals, Taos, gods, and demons. How come they come, not the big world. There is it in itself, and there is only one in the big world, demon! The others are brought when other small worlds merge with the big world." The Great Sage said.

Cook did not hesitate to question: "How is this possible?"

"Hehe, how can't it be? To be precise, this news knows that there are not many people. I count one, because I am a spirit creature, but my appearance is similar to the monkey demon. In the end, I was considered to be the monkey demon. I am the boss, and my existence can be pushed to the birth of the great world. Do you think I should know?" The Great Sage said.

When Cook heard this, he was suddenly startled: "Then we God Realm?"

"The matter of separation, separation and recombination, who has said clearly, the sky is big and the sky, in our view, longevity, in the eyes of the sky, it is only a blink of an eye. As for which world is big and which world is small, you Compare the life expectancy. In the wild world, how long is the longest life?" The Great Sage shook his head.

Cook shook his head: "I don't know."

"Forget it, your kid is still young, so you can understand it slowly. When you come, go to the venue and have a look. If anything is wrong, just tell the monkey." The great sage waved his hand, and disappeared with a command.

The monkey saw that Cook was still thinking about it, and he said, "No matter how strong the world is, there will be a day of aging. The powerful soul is really strong. Physical cultivation is very advantageous in the early stage of cultivation, but in the later stage. , The same level of Fa cultivation can easily handle physical cultivation."

Cook agrees with this point. In the God Realm, the warrior’s early practice is very fast. The wizard is beaten in the early stage, but in the later stage, a wizard can crush a group of warriors of the same level, even if it is a god-level powerhouse. What he said was also divine art, and he rarely used combat skills.

It’s just that for Cook, who is important temporarily has no effect on Cook. In the small world, the Council of Gods, Cook is the number one, but in the big world, any disciple in the foundation building period may let Ku Ke retreats.

Cook came to Huaguoshan to obtain the understanding of the Great Sage. Now that the matter has been explained, Cook has also confessed. The Great Sage has said many things, so Cook will also leave.

Back to the small world, Cook thought carefully about what the Great Sage said, and when he reached the level of the Great Sage, there was no nonsense.

"Pros and cons, gains and losses." Cook has been carefully trying to figure out the gains and losses.

After trying to figure it out, Cook decided to take the big world side of the world.

"Dear friends, everyone prepare the jade slips, and I will take you to see the wild world." Cook summoned thousands of disciples of sects and said.

"Friend Cook, do you have anything to do?" Song Tao asked.

Cook waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter to you, you just record it, and then the rest is between me and your boss."


Cook stopped talking to these little trash fish now, and it was useless.

Everyone felt that the scenery in front of them flashed, and then they came to the wild world. These disciples were shocked. Thousands of people came here all at once. Why?

Of course Cook would not explain. Cook said, "You turn around."

After these disciples turned around, Cook began to transform into a beast soul, eightfold superimposed madness, and suddenly jumped to a height of several thousand meters.

"Come up." Cook stretched out his hand in front of the big world disciples, everyone looked at the huge boundless palm, very shocked.

"Sit down." Cook put these disciples on his shoulders. Cook used the fur of star beasts. In Cook's eyes, it is short hair, but in the eyes of the disciples of the big world, this is hundreds of meters. Hair.

A layer of energy shield wrapped Cooke, and Cook's hand appeared the fire wizard book.

The origin of the wind system was activated, and Cook flew directly into the air. The disciples of the martial arts standing on Cook's shoulders held the jade slips and were shocked.

In ten minutes, Cook came to the edge of a small town.

"This is a small town affiliated to the sages of the sages of the primordial world. The indigenous peoples of the sages of the primordial world are inside. You can see clearly." Cook's figure flashed and fell on the top of the town's highest bell tower.

Shocked, extremely shocked.

Giants thousands of meters high were walking up and down below. These giants were taller than Cook, and Cook’s voice sounded again: "This is a native, and there is a kind of giant that is higher than this. These giants are all ordinary people, and there is another kind of sage. One sage of the first level can fight two such ordinary giants. The sage of the tenth level is also the first-order real person, and can directly slaughter the town, but the real person does not belong to it. The sage association, the sage association is just a subordinate organization in the organization of real people, the star beast, which is the beast of the prehistoric world, also has one level and two levels, up to the ninety-nine level, and the tenth level is the first level."

After staying here for half an hour, Cook returned to the place of departure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then sent these disciples back to the God Realm, and these disciples returned to the great world in a swarm.

What kind of shock the news brought back by these disciples to the great sects of the big world is not known to Cook for the time being. After Cook has done these things, if he feels distressed, the loss will be too great at once. First of all, it can be exposed. Thousands of people have been sent, and the other is that Cook estimates that he will be used as a coolie a lot in the future.

Of course, these things come at a price.

"Forget it, as long as you can get one side of the world, it's worth it, so believe in the great saint once." Cook had to comfort himself in his heart.

In fact, in the remaining world of the big world, if it were not for the contradictions between the four major sects, Cook would just take anything without anyone changing it.

It is said that after the collapse of the heavenly court, the mortal world began to grow. When the four major sects, Yaozu, and Momen divided the world, Daomen was number one in the world at that time and occupied the two worlds. Of course, the immortal door and the gods were supporting Daomen Yes, because the relationship between these two sects and Daomen can be said to be the same as brothers, Daomen also let Xianmen and Shenjia two not very powerful sects get a world.

The remaining Buddhism was stronger than the gods and the immortals at that time, but at that time, the three sects of gods, immortals, and Tao were united, and the Buddhism only needed to get a share of the world.

As for why the magic gates were divided into one world, it was mainly because there were a lot of magic gates in the whole world at that time, and some of them were very secretive. When several major sects communicated privately, we can give them a world, so we can train ourselves, that’s it. The four major sects have united to issue an announcement, and the magic door in the four sects' territory will move into the remaining world within a time limit.

As for the Yaozu, facing the four major sects, it was also powerless, but afterwards, after the immortal gate and the gods grew stronger, it was another matter.

PS; Welfare 993.

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