A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1013: See who holds it

After Cook had a decision in his heart, he still didn't dare to practice rashly. Of course, Cook would not ask about Buddhism and Taoism. The only thing he could ask was the Great Sage.

"King Kong Fu Mo Jing?" After understanding Cook's purpose, the Great Sage was also thinking about something.

Cook waited quietly. For a while, the Great Sage shook his head and said: "Cook, I can't point you to this point. Although I am also a Buddha, I have not practiced any Buddhist techniques, and not only Buddhist techniques. I have never practiced the Fa, even the Taoist techniques, so I cannot give you the answer."

"Master, what should I do?" Cook asked.

"It should be impossible to practice the exercises between Buddhism and Taoism together. As for how to deal with it, this is your business." The Great Sage said.

"Then what did Master learn from Master?" Cook asked.

"Hehe, what I learned is the magical powers of immortals, but you don’t want to spread the magic of the demon clan that I taught you. It is actually a disaster for those sects, because the demon clan’s techniques are so violent that human bodies can’t bear it. , I just taught you how strong your body is," the Great Saint instructed Cook.

I didn’t get an answer from the Great Sage. Cook thought himself, this Buddhism practice is completely different from Taoism practice, let alone the practice of the demon clan, and the truth is so easy to understand, I want Comparing the changes, it is estimated that Cook will have to recite for hundreds of years. This requires a higher level of comprehension and a low level of comprehension. No amount of time is worthwhile.

Cook has no choice at all. The requirements of the various sects in the big world are too high. In his heart, Cook did not have the idea of ​​handing over the magic pestle. This is Cook's magic weapon in the prehistoric world. Without this magic pestle, Cook In the prehistoric world, there is nothing.

This matter was deadlocked, Cook did not reply to the big world's major groups, nor did the big world's major groups urge Cook.

It seemed as if nothing had happened, but the relationship between the various sects in the big world suddenly became tense.

Why, because the three sects of Buddha, God, and Immortal doubted what deal Quanzhen Taoist made with Cook, these three sects vaguely united to put pressure on Quanzhen Taoist.

As for Quanzhen Taoists, they cannot persecute Cook at all. Who knows if persecuting Cook will cause unpredictable consequences?

The three major sects here saw that the Quanzhen Taoist did not reply, and there was no movement, and I was even more dissatisfied. As for looking for Cook, the three major sects certainly thought, but what is there between Cook and Quanzhen Taoist? Agreement or tricky, if anyone takes the initiative to get together, will there be any unforeseen consequences?

Over the course of a few months, Cook discovered that the big world's big sects were actually chasing him to take out something. Cook thought about it, and his mood was relieved.

"Little Junior Brother, seeing you smile like this, is the problem solved?" The monkey asked when he watched Cook come to the big world again.

Cook has asked the Great Sage to make decisions several times, so the Great Monkey asks.

"Big brother, I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, I will also go to the sites of the four major sects, and in the prehistoric world, I have the initiative to see who is squeezing whom." Cook replied with a smile.

"Hey, what you said is very reasonable." When the monkey heard this, it really was like this.

"Big brother. I have come to refine the alchemy and the elixir you helped me collect. Have you arrived yet?" Although the small world has been in the past two years, the time of the big world is not long, and Cook is a little eager to get high-level Elixir practice.

"We have a thousand-year elixir in Huaguo Mountain, and there are many for ten thousand years. You can get as much as you want." The monkey replied.

When the monkey said that, Cook suddenly woke up, this Huaguo Mountain is the world's most spiritual mountain, how can there be no elixir?

With the elixir, there is a pill. Cook is not limited to building Jidan, there are some other medicines, healing, detoxifying, and restoring spirits. In short, as long as there is a prescription, Cook will refine it.

Cook still uses a pill furnace inlaid with spirit stones. Although such a pill furnace does not use the vitality pill furnace, such a pill furnace also has an advantage, that is, as long as the spirit is not consumed, it can continue to be refined.

Alchemy is actually a way of cultivation. Alchemy requires the harmony of Yin and Yang, and the perfect combination of spiritual energy and medicinal properties. This is the way of alchemy.

In the big world, it's not just the practice of the exercises that can achieve the Tao fruit, the formations, the talisman, and the alchemy are all possible, but the practice is much simpler than these aspects.

In addition, it consumes very little. The various materials required by the professions such as formation method, alchemy, and talisman need to be exchanged for spirit stones. As for the exercise method, you can cultivate without spirit stones and absorb the aura between heaven and earth.

There is no need to consume materials at all, or there are very few, alchemy, talisman, formation, and there is a drawback, that is, the success rate of these things cannot be guaranteed, and the success rate cannot be guaranteed, which means you need more resources. To support your own cultivation, although the resources of the entire world are very rich, for a certain person, the resources are very limited, and the resources of the world are all owned by the owner. If you want to use other people’s resources, you must take Things come out for exchange.

So Gongfa has become a way of cultivation for the masses. As for other things, it was finally called the side door.

With the increase of Cook's refining prescriptions, Cook's experience gradually began to increase. The fire attributes and the water attributes need soil attributes to neutralize. This is the so-called yin and yang reconciliation. A very vague concept, there is no accurate number, what is it depends on, it depends on experience.

"I thought that the elixir prescriptions of this big world had some flaws, but now it seems that this is the best. The elixir is different in the year, the dosage is different, the place where it grows is different, and there are slight differences, and the sun is full. The elixir produced in the same year from the shady place has different auras and medicinal properties. Even the elixir from the same area is different. Therefore, the pill has only a vague weight, not an accurate number." Cook has learned a lot in alchemy.

Even if it's the same piece of land, the veins and Qi of the earth are different, the quality of the elixir is also different.

This is why the elixir of elixir is only a vague concept, because the composition of an elixir is not only the medicinal properties, but also the spiritual energy.

This is different from the magic potions of the small world. The energy in the magic herbs of the small world is hardly lost. What should I say? The properties and energy in the magic herbs of the small world are not separated. In the magic herbs of the world, there is no distinction between yin and yang. They do exist, but they are only found in a handful of herbs, such as elemental fruits, and none at all.

Different civilizations have created different development directions, so Cook thought that magic potions and elixirs were similar in the past. But now it seems that the complexity of the elixir is much higher than that of the magic elixir. If the magic elixir is compared to iron, then the elixir is a variety of special steels, and the manufacturing cost and smelting complexity of the two are not the same.

The big world, the small world, the prehistoric world, Cook's exchanges between these worlds from time to time, the big world refines alchemy, the small world handles things, and the prehistoric world trades with giant tribes.

What reassures Cook is that the few giant tribes in the prehistoric world obviously don't want outsiders to know about Cook's existence, so even if the strength has passed more than two years, there are not more tribes in these transactions.

In two years, Cook has traded thousands of weapons to these tribes, as well as more than a dozen sets of giant armors. These things have greatly increased the strength of these tribes, and because these giant tribes deliberately concealed them, the surrounding Other giant tribes do not know that the strength of these giant tribes has increased a lot.

As for the various gates sent to the prehistoric world, there are no restrictions now, but the cost of coming and going once is not low. Of course, these transmission channels still need to be opened by someone, and the person here is Cook himself.

Cook did not give this transmission channel to others to manage, even if others already knew, Cook would not take it out.

This involves Cook’s most fundamental interest. It’s just that the opening time of this transmission channel is uncertain. When Cook is not closed, it will be opened every day. Once Cook is closed, it means that it will not be opened for ten and a half months. Sometimes One month's time.

The disciples of the various schools of the Great World have no passion in the Primordial World. They have seen the greatness of the natives of the Primordial World. What these Great World School disciples do in the Primordial World is nothing but time.

"Quanzhen Daoist ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook once again saw the clone of Quanzhen Daoist, and he felt very happy.

"Daoist Cook, haven't you thought about it?" The clone of Taoist Quanzhen asked directly.

Cook shook his head and said, "Friend Quanzhen, what do you think I should do?"

There is no way for Quanzhen Taoist avatars. Cook's practice comes from the immortal instrument descending the magic pestle, but the Taoist Quanzhen knows exactly what the practice in this Buddhist fairy instrument means to Buddhism.

The exercises contained in the immortal implements are at least immortal-level exercises. This is a practice that surpasses the heaven-level. How can Daomen watch the Buddhism obtain such exercises?

"I don't know what to do." The Taoist Quan Zhen answered with a wry smile, shaking his head.

"Then give up the prehistoric world, just treat our transaction as void?" Cook asked tentatively.

"I'm afraid not." Taoist Quanzhen shook his head and replied. There was no compromise in the words.

Cook looked at the avatar of Quanzhen Taoist: "Then I can't help it."

"What's the inheritance of Taoist friend Cooke?" Quanzhen Taoist clone asked this, and he was embarrassed. In the big world, it is very impolite to ask other people's exercises. Such people are in the eyes of others. , That is no education.

Cook opened his mouth and asked: "Are you sure to use the wizard's inheritance exchange?"

"No, no, I'm just asking." Quanzhen Taoist quickly refused. Who knows what this wizarding inheritance is all about. If it doesn't work after the transaction, wouldn't he be drowned by other Taoists' spit.

"That's not okay, that's not okay, Quanzhen Daoist, I'll listen to you now, and do what you say." When Cook heard this, he almost laughed out loud and asked about other people's exercises. Ask casually.

PS: Yesterday, Kavin today, I sat in front of the computer for a long time and wrote delete, and then come again, sorry.

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