A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1021: The situation of the Darkmoon Queen (Part 2)

"Speaker Cook." The angel speaker has been very upset recently. He is not as energetic as before. When he sees Cook, he greets him first.

"Mr. Speaker, please sit down." Cook looked at the angel speaker and was very happy. It is precisely because of the angel council that the angel family will have the current situation now.

The wine made from the good magic fruits was brought up by the waiter. Originally, Cook was served by maids, but Cook has been very angry recently. These maids look like they are picked by you, making Cook very upset. If you want to go, you have to be responsible. Cook is not the kind of person who doesn't recognize people, so he simply changed the waiter.

"Good drink, Speaker Cook, this time I am here, I want to give feedback to the speaker." The angel speaker himself wants Cook's help, but after all, he is an angel. I am embarrassed to speak before the crisis. of.

"Please speak." Of course, Cook knew that the angels still wanted face, and said politely.

The Angel Speaker said: "Speaker Cook, there is something wrong with the Presbyterian Church recently."

"Oh?" Of course, Cook has to show a look of interest.

"I suspect that the Presbyterian Church is carrying out some conspiracy. We saw dark elves and people from the Ice and Snow Continent at the Presbyterian Church." The Angel Speaker said.

"Dark elves, do these guys still want to make trouble?" Cook frowned when he heard this. The last time a raid by the Council of the Gods directly turned the capital of the Dark Elf Empire into ruins. Now these dark elves are still Come?

"President Cook, after all, the dark elves are a race that almost rules a world. Although the Council of the Gods taught the dark elves a lesson last time, for the dark elves, there is almost no loss, high-end combat power, and the number of troops. I haven't lost much." The angel speaker also knew about the dark elf empire, and said.

Cook nodded and said that he understood that this is like a slap in the face. In fact, the loss of others is small and the harm is not counted. However, the psychological shock is huge, but for the unruly people, even at the time. Slap in the face, then these people must figure out how to return it ten times.

"There are the swan people among the orcs, the snakes among the divine beasts, and the humans." The angel speaker continued.

After listening to Cook, he did not express his position. After all, the Angel Speaker and the Angel Presbyterian Church are deadly enemies, so Cook can’t believe what the Angel Speaker said. Of course he can’t believe it. He still has to investigate. In addition, Cook doesn’t. I hope that the Angel Council will unify the entire angel family. This does not mean that it has a relationship with Cook, but it has a relationship with the entire human race.

Although the Angel Speaker and Cook are polite. It can be said to be flattery, but how did angels treat humans before, especially humans who do not believe in the God of Light. Cook has not forgotten this.

The Angel Speaker left after chatting with Cook for a while. Cook did not express his position, and the Angel Speaker knew in his heart that the Angel Speaker came here to remind Cook.

"It looks like the Dark Elf Empire really needs a knock." Cook thought to himself.

Cook casually ordered: "Go and call Rosy."

Roxi is the daughter of the Queen of the Darkmoon Empire and Cook's maid on the plane of darkness. Roxi has been in the Council of the Gods. Roxi wants to return to her mother, but the Queen of the Darkmoon Empire only has her own empire in her heart. , Roxi is not allowed to go back at all, so Roxi has two identities, one is the Princess of the Darkmoon Empire, and the other is Cook’s maid. These two identities live well in the Council of Gods. At least there is no one who dares to bully without opening his eyes. .

"Master." Roxi is now dressed in a fashionable dress, with half of her **** exposed, but the dark elf dress itself is very sexy. According to Cook's understanding, the dark plane is Yin, and women are also Yin, so dark elf men are very Fewer, more women.

"Well, you can contact your mother and say that our Mageweave Association is going to deal with a batch of war equipment, and let her send someone to the Mageweave Association to discuss it." Cook glanced at Roxi, then said.

"Yes, Master." For Cook, Rosh had a very different mood, with expectations and awe.

"Go." Cook waved his hand when he saw Roxi dressed up as a maid, which made Cooke's fire system even more sexy.

After Roxi left, she didn’t change her clothes. Only the clothes dedicated to Cook’s maid had the mark of the Cook family on it. When walking on the street, everyone else would give way. No matter what nobleman, it was Dark Moon. The imperial princess dress, here, no ordinary person will kill you, Darkmoon Empire, I have never heard of it.

"I'm going to the Darkmoon Empire Liaison Office." Roxi went outside the building of the Council of the Gods and said directly to a guard.

"Yes, dear madam." The maid in Cook's house walked outside, and that was it. Just talk to the guard and the guard will do.

Soon an animal vehicle was rushed over and took Roxi to a destination two blocks away. The badge on the animal vehicle was a special animal vehicle badge for members of the Council of Gods. No one who didn't open his eyes would dare to stop it. .

The war between the Darkmoon Empire and the Dark Elf Empire is still going on, but the magnitude is much smaller, but even so, the Queen of the Darkmoon Empire feels that she is about to be unable to hold it. One is a huge empire that has been inherited for countless years, and the army is countless. In the hundreds of millions, the other is just a duchy territory, plus a few noble territories, and these territories used to have to pay taxes, whether it is population or equipment, the Dark Moon Empire is more than one level behind, if it is not the Dark Elf Empire Regarding the Council of the Gods, the Dark Moon Empire would have been destroyed long ago.

"Your Majesty, did Princess Roxi not follow our requirements?" The Queen of the Dark Moon Empire was not very comfortable facing the doubts of several elders.

"Roxi's identity is complicated now, so I can only take it slowly, otherwise no one would expect it." The Queen of Dark Moon was also very angry with Roxi in her heart, but there was no way she could rely on Roxi now.

"Your Majesty, I think you should still help Roxi, Princess Roxi's beauty, I don't believe that Speaker Cook is indifferent." Another elder also frowned. These elders are just the original nobles, look. When the Darkmoon Empire was established, he immediately submitted himself, so he was named the elder by the Darkmoon Queen.

The Darkmoon Queen nodded: "I know, elders, another 20,000 people have been lost on the front line. Do you think we will recruit another group?"

"Your Majesty, we have recruited millions of people in the past few years, occupying a few percent of the entire territory. Excluding the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, the rest is barely enough to maintain food and clothing, and then recruit the young people. Then we face It's not about fighting, but about eating." An elder frowned and said.

"I will personally submit an application for assistance to the Council of the Gods." The Darkmoon Queen also knew about this, so she spoke.

"The Council of the Gods will not agree, and the Council will not pass it. The assistance of the Council of the Gods is rarely carried out outside the council, unless Speaker Cook comes forward." The remaining elders shook their heads and said.

"Report to Her Majesty the Queen, and the Council of Gods will send back news." A general hurried in, presenting information with both hands.

"Quick." The Queen of Darkmoon stood up immediately after hearing this, stepped over in a few steps, and then received the information. The current Council of the Gods, a certain resolution can make a certain empire or a certain force directly collapse. Drop, this is no joke.

"Okay, okay, elders, Roxi sends back the news that the Mageweave Association has a batch of war equipment to sell to us. Elders, I have decided to enlist one million soldiers this time. I will leave the enlistment of soldiers to you, and I will go personally. The Council of Gods." Queen Darkmoon waved the scroll in her hand and said.

Several elders scrambled to read the information returned, and they were all excited after reading it.

"Princess Rosie is great." The reason why these elders turned to the Queen of Dark Moon was not for profit. If the Queen of Dark Moon continued to be like this, it cannot be ruled out that these elders finally sold the Queen of Dark Moon to the Dark Elf Empire. In the meantime, loyalty and everything are false, and only benefits are real.

Even the Darkmoon Queen thought it was Roxi's credit. It was easy for the Darkmoon Queen to go to the Council of the Gods. In the Darkmoon Empire, there is the Mageweave Association, a branch of the Pharmacy Association~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Of course, the Association of Adventurers is all over the Darkmoon Empire.

But without the permission of the Council of the Gods, it would be difficult to go to the Council of the Gods. Of course, you can forcibly enter the Council of the Gods, but it is not known what the situation is when you break into the Council of the Gods.

The Dark Moon Queen came to the Gods Mountain in the Council of Gods very low-key, and the Dark Moon Queen came directly to the liaison office of the Dark Moon Empire in the Gods Mountain.

"Roxi?" The Queen of Dark Moon looked at Roxi, her happy face suddenly became gloomy.

"Your Majesty." Roxi and the others hurriedly saluted.

"Roxi, you come in." The Queen of Dark Moon looked at Roxi, and then said, she led directly into a room. Of course, no one here dared to eavesdrop on your Majesty's conversation.

"Mother!" Roxi changed her name when getting along in private.

"Roshi, do you have nothing to do with Speaker Cook?" The Darkmoon Queen asked.

"Mother, I..." Roxi wanted to explain.

The Dark Moon Queen looked at Roxi and interrupted and said, "Roxi, do you know how many soldiers have died in the Dark Moon Empire in the past three years? There are more than six million, more than six million young fighters, of which four One million is as young as you, and more than one million are male dark elves. Over the past three years, the 50 million legions of the Dark Elf Empire have been fighting against us in turns. Now our Dark Moon Empire is almost invisible on the streets. A pedestrian, the entire Darkmoon Empire treasury is empty. If you can’t get the assistance of the Council of Gods, then your mother, my head, may be made into the Dark Moon Empire’s treasury today next year. Specimen, because I am rebellious."

"Mother, please listen to my explanation." Roxi heard this and said quickly. The sacrifices of six million people were young soldiers, and Roxi felt a lot of pain in her heart.

PS: Something was delayed. There is one more.

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