A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1029: big guy

No matter which plane or world it is in, air defense is a problem of most concern. Flying units, no matter what world they are in, are the existence that makes the opponent a headache.

The same is true in the small world of the Council of the Gods. The knights with flying mounts are the confidants of various forces. Taking the plane of **** with many flying creatures, the flying race is also superior.

That's why this air defense weapon was introduced at the beginning. The eyes of these weapon merchants are all green, it is the light of wealth.

"Fifty thousand meters, is this true?" The height is fifty thousand meters. This can be said to be the limit of flying creatures. Of course, it is not impossible for anyone who wants to go to the starry sky. It just consumes a lot of energy. .

Flying generally at an altitude of 10,000 meters and 20,000 meters is the most labor-saving. If it is too low, it is easy to be spotted by the enemy and attacked by ground troops. If it is too high, it will consume more energy. The condition of the ground.

"Yes, and this bomb can not only be visually controlled, but it can also be attacked automatically. This involves identification. Your own flying unit needs to be equipped with this identification card and will not be attacked by this weapon. "The Mageweave Masters were very surprised by the series of tracking, locking, and other solutions proposed by Cook. After being surprised, they had to admire it. This is the president's thinking. We can't keep up.

"Can you give it a try?" President Golden Horn asked.

The magic pattern master looked at the sky, then looked at a magic crystal ball not far from the flying bomb, and said, "There are no flying creatures within 50,000 meters, and there are very small birds. It's not worth it."

"How can you tell?" Someone wondered, 50,000 meters, which requires a high altitude to see such a long distance.

"That is the same equipment. It detects the crystal ball and uses the latest magic pattern array technology. It can detect all energy fluctuations within two hundred kilometers. The energy fluctuations can be set. Now the realistic green dots on the crystal ball are the lower gods. , The yellow point is the middle god, the red point is the upper god, the silver point is the **** king, the golden point is the **** king, the black is the main god, and the white point is the lower god. The solid origin represents They are humans or humanoid creatures, the hollow ones represent wild beasts, and the solid circles represent flying creatures.” The magic pattern master brought such a group of people to a huge metal fan standing underneath, and one was placed here. Magic crystal ball one meter in diameter.

"Good thing, how much is this stuff?" Someone asked excitedly, even the Queen of Darkmoon.

"This thing is not sold separately, and this air defense system is the core. People can guide flying bombs on the crystal ball to attack the enemy. As long as the enemy is locked on it, the rest is ignored." Magewen said.

Hearing this, President Kuroba asked eagerly: "Can you give it a try?"

"What does this guild leader mean?" Although the responsible Mageweave master does not know Kuroba, he also knows that the president of the Chamber of Commerce is here today.

"I flew into the sky, do you use this to hit me?" Kuroba said directly.

Everyone around looked at the fallen angel. Cook didn't speak, but just nodded slightly. The mage master in charge saw Cook nodded slightly and immediately said: "The experiment is fine, but what if there is an accident?"

"Not afraid." Kuroba was not worried at all, the fallen angel's flight ability was very powerful.

When other chamber of commerce leaders heard this, they all expressed their willingness to take a look. After all, the fallen angels are among the flying races, which are very powerful races. It is true that this weapon can't hide from the black feathers, so it is of great value.

"Well, the president can fly at any time, and we will prepare solid flying bombs." The responsible Mageweaver said for safety reasons.

Chairman Kuroba waved his hand: "No, if it hits me, we will make fifty sets of custom."

"That is, if we hit President Black Feather, we will have 100 sets of Golden Horn Chamber of Commerce." Upon hearing this, these presidents of Golden Horn immediately promised. As for the price, they didn't ask at all.

Cook shook his head and said, "Do you know what the price of this kit is?"

"How much?" asked the Golden Horn who was closer to Cook.

"One set of 50 million high-grade **** crystals. After buying one set is not enough, you just need to buy flying bombs in the future. The most expensive thing is this detection crystal ball. The maximum detection distance can reach 1,000 kilometers."

Of course, Cook hasn't said that this thing consumes the crystal, which is also very scary.

"No problem." When the president of the Golden Horn Chamber of Commerce heard this, he wanted to say not to buy, but he couldn't say it. Isn't this a shame to Cook.

"It's not practical. There are only three or four sets. One set has a hundred flying bombs. As long as they are arranged in key positions." Cook said, shook his head, don't look at expensive things, the Magic Weave Association really can't make money. How much, Mageweave Association earns follow-up flying bombs and maintenance costs.

Of course, at this point, the defense of these lords is pinched in the hands of the Mageweave Association. The Mageweave Association will not kill you. You will be paralyzed by these weapons every minute. Of course, it is not a last resort. The Mageweave Association will not do this, because it is right. The credibility blow of the Mageweave Association is very big.

President Golden Horn heaved a sigh of relief and nodded quickly.

Kuroba said, "I'm about to start."

"You can start." The in-charge Mageweave Master nodded and said.

Kuroba flew into the air at once, almost with an afterimage. In fact, the speed with the afterimage is not very fast. This is mainly distinguished by the size of the object. A car is the same as a bird. The speed seems to be faster for birds. This is because the human eye sees something and the size of the object is very much related.

"Detect target."

"Detect target, silver level."

"Lock the target."

"Lock the target at a height of 30 meters and a distance of 20 kilometers."

"Sound explosive bomb preparation."

"The sound bomb is ready."



Inside a metal cylinder on the side, a metal pillar was ejected at once, and a flame sprayed out at an altitude of several hundred meters, and then the metal pillar flew out all at once.

"I just talked to the commander and the operator like this to confirm the order and prevent the wrong order." Cook said, seeing these rookies do not understand combat command.

"Hit the target, the target falls." Just after Cook's words, the operator in charge of the demonstration reported immediately.

"Go." When Cook heard this, he was also very interested in the power of the air defense flying bomb.

"No, I'll check it out." A dragon man heard this and said immediately, and then the dragon man flew out suddenly, turning out to be a descendant of the flying dragon.

In a few minutes, the dragon man came back carrying Black Feather. Black Feather itself is a pitch-black fallen angel, but the pitch black here is the feathers on the pitch-black wings. In fact, the skin of the fallen angel is still very fair.

But now this black feather is completely black. Just like burnt coke.

"It should be okay, it's just the fainting passed." The dragon man said, and at the same time he looked at at least hundreds of flying bombs with lingering fear.

"Sonic explosive bombs have a relatively large attack range, about five hundred meters in diameter. They mainly rely on the powerful sonic boom and the huge shock force. There is also a cloud explosive flying bomb with greater power and a burst flying bomb." The teacher immediately started to sell.

The presidents of the various chambers of commerce all stepped forward to check, and then looked sideways, joking, this black feather was a hard bone, and was reimbursed by such a flying bomb. If he fights with the enemy, I am afraid he will die many times.

"President Cook, our Golden Horn Chamber of Commerce requires ten sets and 1,000 flying bombs." Golden Horn thought of the threats faced by the Tauren clan on the demon plane, and said immediately.

"My lord, we also have ten sets of Lava Dwarf Chamber of Commerce." Lava dwarves, dwarves living on the plane of hell, also have a Chamber of Commerce.

"Don't worry, everyone, there are still good things behind." Cook said quickly.

"Give you a copy of the detailed information, and this flying bomb can be customized, not only for air defense, but also for increased range and power." Cook said to the Mageweaver in charge, while introducing it.

Many presidents know the text of the Council of Gods, and there is no way, they don't know how you do business with people in the Council of Gods.

"Earth Burrow Bomb!" The president of the Lava Dwarf Chamber of Commerce exclaimed after seeing the introduction of a bomb.

"Yes, the maximum depth of penetration reaches two hundred meters. Any defense in front of such a heavy bomb, nothing can resist, unless it is a magic pattern defense facility." The responsible magic pattern master said proudly.

Many presidents looked at each other, and some of them were not pleasing to the eye. They wanted to buy hundreds of flying bombs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and threw them directly on each other's heads.

"President Cook, it doesn't say who needs to be controlled by anyone. Is it the Mageweave Association?" After Kurowa woke up, feeling a little embarrassed, he immediately stated that he wanted to customize five sets of air defense flying bombs, or air defense missiles for short.

"No, these are just ordinary people who can control them. We are responsible for training. As for maintenance, if there is any problem within 500 years, the Mageweave Association guarantees." Cook said.

Regarding the five-hundred-year warranty period, everyone is still a little bit murmured. Five-hundred years is too short, but they didn't say anything.

"Everyone, this is the latest aircraft of the Magewein Association. It has a maximum take-off weight of 500 tons. The interior of the aircraft is eight meters high and 80 meters long. The flying speed is three times the sound." A big guy appeared in front of everyone, but Obviously this big guy is still assembling.

Many people are not very interested in this, but they are also interested. The in charge of the Mageweave Master said: "Think about it, if the opponent does not have air defense weapons, then this big guy will throw hundreds of tons of bombs on the enemy's head at a time. What is the result?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly became interested, and the lava dwarf exclaimed: "Doesn't this mean that you can throw 20 bombs."

"Yes, it can also be a gas bomb, or it can be airborne elite fighters, and this big guy's flying altitude reaches 50,000 meters, it is not easy to be found at all. Imagine hundreds of thousands of elite fighters wearing artifacts falling from the sky. What kind of role will it play to strike the enemy’s core area, or strike the enemy’s warehouses and other facilities? Even if you use it to transport goods, it is very cost-effective, and this aircraft can also be equipped with weapons, everyone. Look here, this is the weapon this big guy can equip." The head of the Mageweave Association pointed to dozens of weapons on the other side.

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