A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1032: private trade

Mei Rui did not answer, but the information was too shocking, Song Tao and the others could hardly believe it, Xian Jue, this is Xian Jue.

Does Xian Jue have the entire world?


Many sects have fairy tactics, but the cultivation of fairy tactics requires celestial spirit energy to cultivate, and spiritual qi cannot be cultivated, so many sects of fairy tactics are useless at all, so since Cook took out the fairy tactics, and each sect did not say it. , What does this show.

First, this news is false, but Mei Rui's identity should not be lying.

Second, that is, this fairy formula can be cultivated by someone, so who can cultivate.

This is easy to infer, because it is very difficult for elders to keep secrets even if it is the head of the martial arts. The relationship between the head and the elders is mutual supervision, and the rights within the martial arts are scattered , Just as each sect’s discipline has a special elder in charge, the head cannot intervene unless it is said that the discipline elder violated the discipline or precepts.

There are other aspects. In general, the elders have the power to divide the heads, and the heads can assign tasks to each elder, but the elders below are the ones who specifically do things.

Within the martial arts, the only people who can keep secret are those who are above the head elder level, and those who are too elders or above.

If it is a real fairy formula, then the only one who can get it is the ancestors of various schools.

After silence, Song Tao sighed: "How long shall we be here?"

"Who knows, this place is too dangerous, you have to worry about it at any time." When these disciples of the school came to the prehistoric world, they were very excited.

But in the past two or three years, these sect disciples accepted sect missions, and did not accomplish much, that is, they did not gain much. Instead, they were naturally worried. This situation made these disciples a little tired of the tasks of the prehistoric world.

However, it is impossible to give up the sect mission of the Primordial World. Besides, not all disciples of the Primordial World’s martial arts can enter. After all, there are spiritual things in the Primordial World. If some disciples who are not so loyal find out. The spiritual things are sold to other sects, which is a loss for every sect.

Therefore, these core disciples are performing the tasks of the prehistoric world.

"Why don't we talk with Taoist Cook in private?" Song Tao suggested.

"What are you talking about?" Qingzhu asked when he heard this.

Song Tao looked at the people around him. These are the children who have a good relationship with his family. Song Tao said: "Frankie Cook is going to the Great World after all. Now that Friends Cook is helping us, we can also help Ku in the future. Fellow Daoist, what do you say?"

These disciples are not idiots. Hearing Song Tao said this, he knew what he was talking about.

"But where is the school?" Someone worried about the school.

"So we have to look for Daoist Cook in private. As long as Daoist Cook gives us support, then we can successfully complete the task. Now, the position within the school will be higher. Besides, this can only be regarded as our relationship with Cook. Friendship in private," Song Tao said in a low voice.

Qing Zhu and the others were really excited about this proposal, because everyone knew that if they got something in the prehistoric world, their status in the martial art would definitely rise.

"But Friends Cook can trade with us?" Mei Rui asked suspiciously.

"So you have to look for it in private. Besides, these people now may be the elders of various sects in the future. I think Daoist Cook will definitely see this, and Daoist Cook has good things in his hands. If you don't sell the interests of the sect, then our transaction with the Taoist friends of Cook is nothing." Song Tao said more obscurely.

The meaning is obvious, that is, to let Cook invest in these people. Of course, if everyone rises to a high position in the future, they must return to Cook. The purpose of the return is not to sell the interests of the sect. Of course, it depends on the price.

"Then Daoist Songtao, why don't you go and test it first?" Qing Zhu and the others are indeed very excited, because Qing Zhu and others want to cultivate, and the people in the big world are called monks, and they want to keep practicing.

Although the small world and the prehistoric world are good for the sect, they are not much good for the disciples in the refining period.

Song Tao nodded: "Well, I'll try it out."

A few days later, Songtao and Cook sat face to face. When Cook heard Songtao's intentions, he was thinking about it. But Cook asked, "Are you sure I can promise you?"

"Friend Cook, you are a smart person, and your goal is the big world. Even if we don't have much strength now, we are still very informed in terms of news." Song Tao answered Cook's words.

When Cook heard this, he nodded, admitting that Song Tao said. Of course Cook has his own abacus. As long as these core disciples don’t look for death, there is no problem in becoming an elder in the future. Even if they become the head, it is not. impossible.

This is very good for Cook's future plans. Cook asked again: "There are so many people, you are not afraid of what others say?"

"Friend Cook, we can act separately." Songtao knew that if Cook was referring to helping, what would the other sects think?

"Then if you do meritorious service, will you be placed in the small world?" Cook asked again.

"Taoist Cook has filtered out. As long as we make the contribution, we won't be in the small world. Many people will want to come. So we want to quit the small world. There is no problem at all." Song Tao lightly nodded. One sentence.

Cook understands that other families of the clan will definitely not want the disciples of a certain clan to give credit to the clan, and they must all want to make a difference.

"All right, but you'd better act alone for a while so as not to arouse others' suspicion." When Cook heard this, he knew that Song Tao and others had considered it in detail.

"Friend Cook, what are your plans?" Song Tao asked.

"In the nearest mill town to you, there is a witch doctor. The witch doctor can use various plants in the prehistoric world to configure various pills. I think if you get the formula for these pills, then it must be a sect. Great credit." Cook thought for a while and said.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Song Tao asked hesitantly when he heard that he was about to enter the town of Star Giant.

"Hehe, riches and wealth are in danger, and do you want to have a mount that can fly in the wild world, such as a smaller bird, which can help you a lot, but it can also be some flying insects." Cook Speak.

What Cook meant by saying, not asking, meant that you decided to do it yourself. If you are willing, then agree, and if you don't, then don't agree.

When Song Tao heard this, he dared not answer in person, and said, "Should I go back and discuss with them?"

"Okay." When Cook heard this, he believed Song Tao. If he was sent by the school, he would not talk about it at all, but directly agreed.

The third day. Not only Songtao came, but Qingzhu and others also came. There were as many as 26 people who were all core disciples of the school. Songtao chose disciples with good xinxing. For those with bad xinxing, Songtao didn’t. Dare to say, because if this matter is said, it will not be good for everyone. On the one hand, the sect will doubt whether the secret of the sect has been leaked. Otherwise, why did Cook agree? In addition, after being in the martial arts, this matter will also be a stain on Songtao and others. Others will say that you colluded with so-and-so at that time, so now are you also colluding with others?

With such a stain, the core things are not accessible at all within the martial art.

Cook didn't expect that there were so many people. In fact, Cook originally planned to win over these core disciples of the school, but Cook was not sure how these disciples would react, so it took two or three years.

Songtao took the initiative to come to the door. Of course, Cook had to agree. Cook also knew that once these disciples built the foundation, plus the family as the backing, there would still be great credit within the sect. , Then these disciples are not core disciples.

"Everyone is here. I will show you where we are going and a map of the places we pass. Of course, I will stop some star beasts that are above your handling level. They are small mills that you have discovered. Town, and the formula you got yourself, and you have to add a few people to these people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the few people you join will be your contribution." Cook said.

"Okay." Song Tao nodded and agreed.

"This is the place where you live. It used to be a construction factory, a place to build a platform like the Sky City. Since this kind of factory itself needs to be kept secret, it is relatively far away from where people live, but not too far away. , Everyone look carefully, what I am pointing to you is the safest road, that is, this road, all the dangerous star beasts." Cook pointed on the map, and then said.

"You start from here and follow this mountain beam. Remember, it is the mountain beam. On this mountain beam, there is a big tree like this. See if there is a group of birds living in this big tree, it is a first-order star beast. The place where yellow-billed birds build nests, yellow-billed birds have a characteristic, that is, they hatch eggs together. According to my observations, this bird's egg has just hatched and emerged from the shell within 20 days. The eyes are closed within five days after the shell. Yes, as long as you get the baby bird in your hand during this period, or get it before it hatches, then the bird is hatched by you or the first time you see you, it will be your relatives," Cook said.

"Is this for us to prepare the mount?" Qing Zhu saw the yellow-billed bird as an adult, at least three feet high, with its wings stretched out for a full ten feet.

"Yes, so you have to make time. When you come under this tree, I will scare away the adult birds. One of you proposes to go up and take a look. When you get the eggs, these adults will come back. , On the surface you are panicking, after all, under your sense, you wouldn't go that far to the mill town." Cook said here, paused to see if anyone had a problem.

"Friend Cook, can you really guarantee our safety?" Someone asked worriedly looking at the eggs as tall as a human and the huge adult birds.

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