A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1034: Keep cooking

"Delicious, delicious, each has its own flavor." The Great Sage uses chopsticks to pick up a slice, and the Yaozu can use chopsticks. Cook only learned today that the Great Sage ate a few slices and used different dipping materials.

"I'll try it." The monkey is already anxious. You must know that it is also meat, but Cook has a smell of stewed meat this time, and there are slices thin as cicada wings and flowers of various shapes. People feel different. The big chunks of meat boiled in a pot of water that I used to eat are very rude after thinking about it.


"Little brother, I want to learn." After eating the two monkeys, the big monkey and the two monkeys really feel delicious. Every kind of dipping material is a taste. When I think of something directly in a pot before, that taste is just a word , Salty.

"It's just too little." The monkey said, looking at a dozen empty plates.

"Hey, there's more, this is pig's feet." Cook brought a pot of pig's feet. The pig's feet were bright red, and they wanted to eat them when they looked at them.

"Not bad." The Great Sage grabbed one and started chewing, admiring as he ate it.

The Monkey and the Monkey were also impatient. Of course, when Cook saw the Great Sage start eating, he was no exception. This pork leg was used to retreat.

"It smells so good, Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey." At this moment, a voice rang from outside.

"This pig head." When the Great Sage heard this voice, he knew who it was.

Cook stopped and looked at the Great Sage. The Great Sage waved his hand and said, "Don't avoid it, this pighead dare not listen to me."

"Master, I'd better avoid it." Cook didn't believe it. After all, this pig head sometimes does things, but it's not reassuring.

"Then I will send the pig's head." The Great Sage shook his head and said, taking away all the pig's feet in the basin when he left.

The big monkey gnawed a pig's foot in twos or twos. He picked up Cook and said, "Go, brother, teach me how to do it."

The big monkey and the two monkeys followed Cook, and Cook pointed to a big tripod and said, "I see, this is the brine. What you have to do is very simple. Put the meat to be cooked in it, but some have some flavor. For the meat, you need to cook the meat in another pot, otherwise it will taste, and there are pork legs like this. The larger ones can be cut with a knife, or you can run with spice water, or you can use a steel needle while cooking Bar, so the fragrance will get in."

"Then the red one?" the monkey asked.

"That's it, fried with fruit wine. Don't use soy sauce to color it. After the soy sauce is colored, the red meat will turn black if you leave it outside for a while." Cook pointed to the black thing in a bowl. In fact, the fruit wine is the best color after it is over, and it has a peculiar fragrance.

"I have packed all the spices. If you cook ten pots, change the spice bag once, don't change the water, you know?" Cook pointed to hundreds of spice bags and said.

"Understood." The monkeys and the monkeys are not idiots. After Cook has wrapped the spices, it is much simpler.

"But we also put spices when we cook, but why doesn't it taste as good as yours?" the monkey asked.

Cook said triumphantly: "If a chef cooks, there is no need to compare knives. As long as you work hard, there is nothing wrong. The taste is the test of the chef. The same seasoning, ten people have almost ten flavors, each The slight difference in the seasoning will make the taste different, and so does the spices, just like cloves with a particularly strong fragrance, with less. In addition, some spices should not be used too much. If you eat more cooked meat, you will have diarrhea. "

"Oh, I have to pay attention, so do I need to add other things when cooking?" The two monkeys asked, and put a few pieces of meat into the big cauldron.

"Second elder brother, this meat will have a low fire. The fire is big. The meat is rotten and the smell has not entered. The bones, especially the pig's feet with big bones, can be used with high fire and pig heads, like these pieces of meat , It needs a small fire, just like some birds, it doesn’t need much fire. After boiling, put it here directly, and then wait until the temperature inside is low, then boil it again, and come down several times. This bird is not only When the taste goes in, the meat will not be rotten, and the birds with rotten skin will not look good on the plate." Cook pointed out.

"Sure enough, learned." The two monkeys nodded.

After Cook gave some advice, and asked the monkeys and monkeys to test several times in person, the relatively high-end cooking skills of braised pork can be considered mastered. Of course, it is only limited to cooking meat. As for the proportion of spice packs, Cook prepare.

"Little Junior Brother, there is another way of eating you said?" The monkey and the monkey had long been thinking about Cook's other way of eating. The big pot of stewed pork that they tried several times was eaten.

"This is even simpler." As long as the hot pot is fried, it is particularly simple. Of course, there are many ways to fry hot pot ingredients. Cook uses butter. This cow was found by the monkey himself. The buffalo looked like it was also a monster, but it was very low-level. The monkey was very skilled at killing this cow and breaking it down.

Of course Cook doesn't mind, because Cook knows that this is raised by the monkey demon of Huaguo Mountain, which actually grows on the site of Huaguo Mountain. As for whether it is raised or not, then I don't know.

Cook instructed the two monkeys to treat the cow, and then Cook fried hot pot ingredients with butter.

"It's so delicious and convenient." The monkeys and the monkeys, and Cook, three guys sitting in front of a copper pot, the copper pot is made by Cook, the mandarin duck pot, but the two monkeys like it Spicy.

Of course, the dipping material is still indispensable, but the spicy flavor is generally sesame oil garlic, the other is nothing, it will affect the spicy taste.

"This beef can also be eaten in this way." The monkey used chopsticks to pick up a large piece of thin cow head, rinse it in the boiling pot, and scoop it up for dipping sauce. This taste is simply great.

"How about it, can this thing be taken out?" Cook also thinks this beef is especially delicious, better than the beef in the small world.

"Yes." The monkey and the monkey just eat, and they don't even want to say anything, because this hot pot can eat vegetarian dishes. For the monkey and the monkey ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ no one eats it at all. If the meat is too greasy and crooked, eat fruits, wherever there are vegetarian dishes.

Non-toxic mushrooms, some wild vegetables, young leaves, and tubers of some plants, Cook made a big table. These vegetables were boiled in the pot for a while, and when they were picked up, they were taken from the oil beside the pot. Come out, that taste.

In the end, Cook fryed a lot of ingredients, and the monkey and the monkey were also learning. Cook wrote the process, and the quantity of each kind was also available.

But the monkey and the monkey were not as delicious as Cook. The monkey and the monkey did not believe in evil and tried again, but the result was still the same. Of course, Cook had no time delay.

So it didn't matter, the monkey and the monkey kept thinking about it, and the last two did it several times in succession, but they didn't taste like Cook.

"You two bastards, you are stealing good things here!" The Pig Demon King broke into the monkey's cave directly, and saw that the two of them were playing with a large pot of things, which was bright and red. There was also a sub-scent, the pig demon king's saliva was about to flow down, and he said directly.

"Master." The monkey immediately shouted respectfully when seeing the Great Sage also coming.

"How is it, how is the cooking?" The Great Saint asked pretendingly.

"Master, it's done already. Would you like to try it?" said the monkey.

"I'll come, I'll come, I want to talk about food, I said second, no one dares to say first." The pig demon king's saliva has long been flowing out, the pig demon king only values ​​two things in his life, one is a woman One is for food. The fragrance here makes the Pig Demon King’s saliva secretion faster, and his strength is strong enough, so he is particularly sensitive to the fragrance.

PS: The strong wind warning information has only come now. The entire northern Sichuan is full of strong winds, and the glass is blowing and shaking. I hope that the wind will not blow tomorrow because the laptop is out of power.

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