A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1061: Desperately (below)

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"Delaisi, you are just a dog raised by others. You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me and let the people behind you come out." The elder still has the arrogance of the elder.

Delaixi said with a sneer: "Grand Elder, I came to see you for the sake of your face. If a major elder dies, a new elder will appear."

"You..." The Grand Elder was so annoyed by Delaixi's words that he couldn't say anything yet, because Delaixi was right.

What Delaisi relied on, of course, was the suspension fortress. The suspension fortress is now full of the elders of the Presbyterian Church. Most of the elders did not run away. When facing the suspension fortress, these elders were willing to resist, but fundamental Without the courage to resist, everyone knew the power of the floating fortress.

"Wait, when everyone is there, let's talk. If the talk is good, we will stop here. If the talk is not good, we will kill you first, and then continue." Delaixi interrupted with a sneer.

When the Grand Elder heard this, he shouted loudly: "Delaisi, if you do this, it will bring disaster to the entire sage continent."

"Disaster?" Delaixi asked disdainfully.

"Don't you think that for so many years in the elders, there are only the 9th-order strong, and there are those who surpass the 9th, once these surpass..." the great elder threatened loudly.

"Hehe, we even have naval guns, and we are afraid that those who surpass Tier 9 will install naval guns on the floating fortress. Let's kill one of them, and kill two of them." Delaixi laughed, not angry. Replied.

The great elder sneered: "Ignorance, do you think that the strong beyond the ninth rank will be like us?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, it's too late for you to say anything." Delaixi doesn't listen at all. Is Delaixi scared? Don't be afraid, there are people behind Delaisi, Cook's strength, and Delaixi both admire it.

When the Grand Elder heard Delaisi say this, the look on his face didn't matter, but he was very worried, wondering what kind of harsh conditions Delaisi would propose.

In two days, most of the elders were driven together by the floating fortress, and Delaisi's subordinates were not idiots enough to invite people into the fortress.

"Well, let me talk about my conditions first. We need this territory." Delaixi took out the map directly, with a dazzling line on it.

The Grand Elder stared angrily at the more than thirty elders behind Delaisi. These elders had taken refuge in Delaisi, the traitors of the Presbyterian Church, and many of them were in charge of the intelligence department.

"You kill us." Looking at the dazzling red line, how could it be possible for such a large site to be drawn out of his hand, the elder said immediately.

"Elder, please be polite. I haven't finished my words. If you want to die, you can withdraw from the negotiation." Delaixi shouted angrily.

The Grand Elder glanced bitterly at Delaisi, and then another elder said: "Delaisi, let's talk about it, what are the conditions."

"Just now it was our territorial demand. The second is to trade these elders' families for your personal freedom." Delaisi said.

"This is okay." Hearing this condition, although the elders in the Presbyterian Church wanted to kill all the traitorous families, but now, let's not say anything else, looking at the surrounding floating fortresses, all wise know how to choose.

"Third, we can sell naval guns to you, but the condition is that this negotiation must be successful. If it is unsuccessful, the negotiation will be avoided." Delaisi said.

No one dared to speak up at this moment, they all looked at the great elder, the great elder face was very dark, and he said in a deep voice, "What else?"

"Hehe, there is also that as long as the negotiation succeeds, then we will return you twenty-five floating fortresses, we just leave some self-defense." Delaisi continued with a smile.

"That's right. I also want to remind you that using these elder families to exchange your personal freedom is also on the condition that the negotiation succeeds." Delaixi looked ashamed.

After the elder heard this, he immediately understood that the condition behind this was to force himself and others to agree to the territorial demand in front of him. Another elder asked, "What if you don't agree?"

"Haha, it's okay to kill you. Put you in this place and be imprisoned forever." Delaixi chuckled and pointed to the surrounding floating fortress.

Hearing this, the faces of the elders of the entire Presbyterian Church were darkened, not too much. A floating fortress locked themselves and these people on their heads, so they would not dare to leave the designated area unless they wanted to die.

"How nice this place is. The air is good, there is wind, and there is sunshine, but you have to find food. If there is really no food, then bark, grass roots, and bugs are all edible. Anyone with adventurous experience knows." Delaixi said with a smile, Delaixi is very comfortable now, extremely comfortable.

But when the elders of the real people heard this, they looked at the desolate surroundings, if they were imprisoned here, would they be barbarians?

Seeing that the elders did not speak, Delaisi said with a smile, "I will give you one day to discuss."

Delaixi took the people away, but a floating fortress in the sky made the elders below dare not act rashly.

"Great Elder?" The other elders all looked at the Great Elder.

"Look at what I'm doing, I will never agree to this matter." The elder gritted his teeth and said. The elder gritted his teeth because he didn't dare to agree, but he couldn't agree. If you agree, you will have it forever. infamy.

"Elder, in fact, we can only be regarded as an internal division." An elder whispered.

When the other elders heard this, their hearts were also moved, but the elder did not dare to let go. Who is the elder, what status is the elder, how dare to express his position easily, as a leader, you can never surrender, courtier You can surrender, but you cannot surrender as a monarch. Although the status of the great elder is not a monarch, it is also true.

"I don't agree. If you have opinions, I also reserve my own opinions." The elder's remarks seem to disagree, but it means that if you vote to agree, I will abstain, and reservations are abstentions.

When the other elders heard this, they despised the great elder in their hearts, but no one was willing to propose a proposal. Such a proposal would be a scapegoat for themselves.

Everyone didn't speak, the great elder was actually very anxious in his heart, but the great elder couldn't say anything. If you want to talk about who doesn't want to lose freedom here, then the great elder should be number one.

"Let's not count as a proposal, we are being..." an elder asked weakly.

Excuse, this is an excuse, but the elders present know what the excuse is for, but some elders still disagree: "Anyway, this one-third of the territory is crossed out. Whoever agrees , Wait to be scolded by the younger generation."

"Then let's die here?" An elder said angrily.

"Since there is a negotiation, then we have to bargain. First of all, the territory that is set aside will be greatly reduced. In addition, as just said, we are an internal division, not a traitor." An elder suggested.

"In fact, we are not at a loss. This time we got the naval gun, which is definitely good for us in the war against the tribe." An elder said.

"I watched the people behind Delaisi want to let us go back, just for fear of infamy. Think about it, if we don't go back, then the war against the tribe will definitely be lost. Then how much will the Demacia family be killed? People scolded?" Finally an elder said the important point of this matter.

The eyes of the other elders lit up, and these elders were actually wondering in their hearts, why did Delaisi negotiate and return the floating fortress? Now when someone says it, everyone understands it, it turned out to be like this.

After finding out the reason, the members of the presbytery were confident, and an elder said: "We must take a desperate posture in negotiations, otherwise we will really become sinners this time."

"Yes, it's just a desperate posture. If Delaixi and others don't agree, we will fight it." Another elder also said.

So on the next day, after seeing the great elder, the great elder replied directly and strongly: "Delaisi, go back and tell your master that the territory can be assigned to you, but not that line, but this one. , The floating fortress must be returned to us, and the naval gun must be handed over to us to manage."

"What, did I hear it wrong?" Delaisi yelled when he heard this.

"Huh, we won't go back if we don't agree. Anyway, we are all sinners, so it's better to die here." The elder looked like you had killed me.

Delaixi slowly understood, and Delaixi said: "I will give you one more day and consider the conditions carefully. Tomorrow will be the last time. If you do this again, then I will never show up."

Just as Delaisi turned around, the butler said, "Master, since we are negotiating, let's talk."

"Yes, isn't negotiation just bargaining." An elder from the presbytery also said.

"Humph~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Delaixi and the Grand Elder sat down again.

"Here, this territory is our final bottom line..."

"Fart, such a large site, and such a few golden cities, it must be this line?"

"Go in your dreams, these are extremely remote places."

"No, not here, you must give in."

Delaisi and the elders of the Presbyterian Church competed on the map. You must know that there is a large area on the map, that is, the area of ​​more than a dozen cities, how can it not compete.

"Here, west of the Doral Mountains." The Grand Elder gritted his teeth.

"No, the Doma River is the boundary?" Of course, Delaixi knows where Cook drew. Although I don’t know where the floating fortress manufacturing base is, Delaixi knows that as long as he keeps the line drawn by Cook, he will be sure. Of course, it’s better to fight for more. After all, the debts you owe are really too big, and you can’t fight if you don’t fight hard. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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