A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1088: Leveling

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The extremely pure wizard language kept ringing in the control center. After Cook heard this voice, his face changed.

Cook knew about the wizards in the prehistoric world. There was no empire or prince. In the wizard information already known, the wizards' union was the largest organization, and all of them were under the jurisdiction of the union.

However, the name of the Wizarding Empire made Cook understand one thing, that is, the extraordinary nature of this fleet, and the fleet of the Prince of the Wizarding Empire made Cook worry even more.

Why? Obviously these fleets can cross the starry sky, and never knew that the so-called wizard empire appeared here, proving the strength of this fleet, because the vast starry sky is very dangerous.

The most dangerous place in the world is the starry sky, ubiquitous invisible rays, invisible high-speed meteorites, star beasts, or star explosions, and so on.

The voice of the call was repeated over and over again, and Cook didn't know how to answer. Cook looked at the authority of his Tier 3 construction wizard, and then looked at the speed of the other party, Cook was even more worried.

Cook ignored the call of the prince's fleet, and then Cook returned to the Three Principalities.

"Delaisi, prepare these materials immediately." Without thinking about it, Cook was about to attack the Tier 4 wizard.

Only by reaching the middle-level construction wizard can Cook gain greater authority over the airport. If conflict breaks out, the defense system of the airport is automatically unreliable at all.

Because automatic weapons have a logical relationship, once the opponent knows this logical relationship, for example, attacks are prioritized according to energy fluctuations and distance, then the opponent can use these priorities to fool the automatic defense system.

So what matters about war is still people, and people can adapt to changes.

The composite metal formula that the third-order construction wizard must master, as well as the manufacture of some basic components, requires a large amount of metal materials. Fortunately, the formulas of these materials are all Cooke masters, and Cook just needs to be able to make it thoroughly and skillfully. .

"It seems that the absorption of spiritual energy is not good. The world of the Council of Gods is vaguely repelling me." Cook has absorbed a lot of spiritual power in the big world, and in the small world of the Council of Gods, he feels a little different. Uncomfortable.

But in the Primordial World, there is no such feeling. Cook came to the Great World and reported the affairs of the Primordial World to the Great Sage.

"An empire built by witches?" The Great Sage was also very muttered. For the Primordial World, the Great Sage is very longing for it, because in the Great World, almost all the sages proclaimed in the prehistoric times, and most of them were witches. This is still very attractive to the Great Sage.

"Since you are a witch, be careful." The Great Sage didn't know what to say, and the Great Sage wasn't sure that the wizard was a witch.

"I see, Master." Cook nodded and said.

"No matter what it is, the fairy artifact in your hand has a certain effect." The Great Sage then exhorted.

"Yes." Cook nodded, and then left quickly. The timeline of the big world is different from other worlds.

Cook returned to the Council of the Gods, arranged a five-year plan, and memorized some magic patterns, medicine knowledge directly with memory crystals, and then Cook claimed to retreat and went directly to the prehistoric world.

On the side of the prehistoric world, Delaisi has prepared the materials. When Delaixi saw the huge floating fortress platform, she completely believed in Cook, and the Demacian family strongly supported Cook.

Delaisi thought that Cook would build a floating fortress.

The factory where the floating platform was built is cleaned out. Most of the things here are still usable. Take the furnace. There are more than a dozen furnaces. Cook can disassemble a few and assemble a few intact ones. Now Cook only has this ability. It is impossible for Cook to build a furnace himself.

However, smelting metals is not as simple as a furnace. There is also a complete set of supporting facilities, material purification, and different materials, the refining methods are different, and some need to be broken into powders, and these mixed powders are directly combined with strong heat. , And some put something first and put something later, and different materials contain different trace elements, so the steps during smelting are slightly changed, and some have to remove certain trace elements.

Therefore, it took Cook more than half a year to complete a complete set of equipment. They were all disassembled from other places and assembled.

This is also fortunate that Cook is a Tier 3 wizard, who can learn about the disassembly, assembly, and maintenance of these equipment from the wizard book.

Smelting metals is not only as simple as melting, but also quenching, and some need to release stress and so on.

Moreover, the smelted metal must meet the specifications. Sometimes a small amount of trace elements makes the metal scrap. If the hardness, toughness, ductility, etc. are not qualified, then scrap.

Delaixi also personally followed behind Cook's ass, and there were hundreds of people that Delaixi had found. These people did the same coolies, but when these people saw the huge floating platform, they were shocked.

Energetic, Cook didn't mind, Cook took some preliminary processes, such as what kind of powder the metal should be broken into, and the temperature of the furnace, and so on.

In fact, the degree of difficulty in smelting metals is not very high. As long as there is a formula, it only increases the number of smelting, but the manufacturing components are different. There are many particularities.

Even so, tens of thousands of Chinese metal formulas are enough for Cook to work hard for a while.

The huge furnace here is directly extracted from the volcanic energy in the veins of the earth, so there is no need to worry about the temperature, but when smelting metals, the procedures for heating and cooling, although Cook understands, but when you get started, you will find that it is not what you said. simple.

For example, the amount of time the powder is put in, the amount of air in the furnace, etc., have a huge impact.

It can be said that the temperature and time here are accurate to a few tenths.

And there is another point, that is, the trace elements in the materials are different, which requires Cooke to experiment one by one and make a record of the materials produced in various places.

And even in the same mining area, the smelting procedures for the materials from different veins are different. This is not a simple thing, but an airport or spacecraft, so there is no room for error.

In one sentence, this Tier 3 construction wizard is a test of hands-on ability, only time and materials are used to accumulate.

Cook also has his own advantages, that is, despite the use of materials, there is no question of how much material is used. A large amount of test data has been recorded by Cook, although Cook has a strong memory.

But Cook has a good tradition of recording data for experimentation. In Cook's view, it is the same thing to remember in mind, but when you look at the data, sometimes the problem is directly found out.

"Tens of thousands of metal materials took two years, and finally they were all completed." Cook looked at the records in the Construction Wizard Book. Cook was a little blind at the beginning, and later Cook has experience, some similar The recipe Cooke tried successively, greatly improving the progress.

Cook’s smelting record data is hundreds of thousands, and there are already more than a thousand people in the entire manufacturing base of the suspension fortress, most of which do not need Cook to do, Delaisi In the past two years, most of them have been helping Cook manage this base, but even so, Delaisi still doesn't know what it looks like in many core areas.

Moreover, Cook’s disappearance from time to time also made Delaisi feel very puzzled. Although Delaisi often guessed that Cook was alone, Delaisi had nothing to think about because Delaisi saw a group of people. The Tier 5 star beast in the sky was directly dusted by the weapons in the manufacturing base.

"The next step is to manufacture components." There are a lot of particularities in component manufacturing. The size, coating, and use environment will not pass, and the coating will be different.

And some components are very huge, it is not so simple to complete, just like there are many components used in the airport, ventilation components, energy absorption components, tension components, fastening components, life cycle components, weapon components , There are automatic maintenance components and so on, there are thousands of types, there are defense components and so on.

But fortunately, Cook doesn’t have to choose all of them. Here, Cook can choose to specialize in a certain field. There are several fields for constructing wizards, puppet constructs specializing in wizards, building component constructs specializing in wizards, and armed transport ships. Component construction wizards, there is also the airport component construction wizards, and each field is divided into details.

Faced with a huge classification system, Cook did not hesitate to choose the airport component construction wizard.

But this is also the most difficult area, because those components are too big, which means more problems.

So Cook had to repair some of the construction tools in the suspension platform manufacturing plant again. Cook was happy with this maintenance.

Airport components need puppet tools, which will work according to certain logic, which is equivalent to a robot plus a lathe, a milling machine, and so on.

Fortunately, Cook is only disassembling. Even if he disassembles and assembles, Cook can be considered a beginner in puppet construction.

And then the airport components also need to consider the construction factors, so Cook has to start building components.

The entry of these components refers to knowledge, not hands-on ability.

In another year, Cook looked at the assembled puppets. The big ones are 500 meters high and the small ones are only half a meter high. The only thing in common is that these puppets have countless arms. The first component that Cook constructed.

"These knives are the first components of my component." Cook looked at the various knives needed on the construction puppet arm. These knives have fixed sizes and requirements.

What is the most important thing about the tool? The alloy and the coating are smelted. Regardless of the small tools, as long as Cook makes all the tools qualified, then Cook is even specialized in coating.

There is no tool for making knives, because the tools to make this kind of knives also need knives, but they don't, so Cook needs to refine them himself.

Cook's mental power is strong, and there are various treasures in his body. Of course, he is not afraid, but the knife is the most core thing in the whole component manufacturing. Cook also thinks a little simpler.

"This is not the same as the magic pattern!" When Cook was refining the knives, he discovered that there are energy circuits in this prop. The function of these energy circuits is to increase the sharpness of the props, as well as hardness, toughness, and okay. The temperature of the tool is controlled, and the tool can also be repaired automatically.

In a small tool, there are as many as tens of thousands of energy circuits.

"It seems that people are small and have small benefits." Cook thought for a while and decided to restore to the appearance of a human, rather than the appearance of a person in the wild world.

When Cook became a human being, the original small knives became huge and incomparable. This time Cook was easier to handle.

"Yeah, top grade!" Cook didn't expect to succeed once. Although the spiritual energy consumption is a bit high, the energy circuit of the entire tool and the uniformity of the coating have reached the top grade.

Cook now realized the small benefits, and then Cook thought about repairing certain components, as long as they don't need to be replaced, wouldn't his little body need to be disassembled?

The knives are manufactured one by one, and then installed on the construction puppet. Hundreds of construction puppets of different sizes form a construction production space. In this space, as long as it is not specially made certain components, there are as many as several Components as small as a hundred meters or as small as a grain of rice can be manufactured.

Of course, the most important thing here is that Cook uses the original things. Among other things, the control center of these construction puppets cannot be refined by Cook. It is too complicated. At least a sixth-order construction is required. Only a wizard can make such a control center.

The huge metal block is sent into the structure space. Cook is in the control center, carefully controlling various construction puppets. Hundreds of construction puppets need to complete the production of the components within a certain period of time, and then heat it up. , Cooling that requires cooling, some metal blocks are heated first, and then the production of components must be completed within a certain time, and then after the temperature drops to a certain point, various coatings are used.

Nervous, busy, and configure various coating formulations. These coatings have powder coatings and liquid coatings. The powder coating is to directly put the metal powder at a certain temperature, so that the coating powder can penetrate into the component. Is the key, and there is the uniformity of the coating.

In addition, some components have to be engraved with energy circuits, which is another troublesome thing, and some need to be outside.

"Failed." Cook was full of confidence during the first component manufacturing, but he failed because of the temperature.

The component manufactured this time is always a component in the airport. This component needs to withstand extremely high temperatures. Therefore, the coating requires not only high temperature resistance, but also wear resistance, so it is very complicated. Cook's meaning is to get this , There is no problem with most of the components in the airport.


"Failed." After three consecutive failures, Cook had to face up to his biggest shortcoming. There were too few people. Each time it took a long time to process, causing the final coating to fail, and it was still two coatings. The coating inside the component is already relatively advanced.

"It seems to be a little big in my mind." Cook muttered, and then had to start with the simplest.

The simple Cook’s success rate is relatively high, but there is one thing Cook found that a person is really too busy. On the one hand, he needs to refine various metals, and some also require huge metal ingots, which is more time-consuming.

"Delaisi, something?" Cook asked while watching Delaisi waiting at the door.

"My lord, there is no money left." Delaisi said embarrassingly.

"No funds?" Cook asked.

"Yes, my lord, due to the huge consumption of metal materials in recent years, the price of metal materials has skyrocketed, and the benefits of miners have also skyrocketed, followed by transportation costs, so..." Delaisi explained.

"Well, you released the news, ready to auction the warning fort." Cook thought for a moment, and then said.

"Big, sir, have you succeeded in making it?" Delaisi asked excitedly, why the Demacia family invested so much, not because of the suspension of the warning fort.

"It's almost done. You can collect some deposit first, but once your news comes out, it is estimated that the price of materials will skyrocket." Cook said.

"My lord, if anyone dares to raise the price, we won't sell it to anyone." Delaisi said.

What Delaisi meant. Cook understood, and Cook nodded: "You can figure it out, but the material can't be broken."

"No problem." Delaixi assured immediately.

Afterwards, the major forces in the entire prehistoric world now have a parliamentary system. Only Feixiang City is still very secretive. The tribes are now also a parliamentary system. Not to mention the Three Principalities. As for the sage assembly, it is the parliamentary world. Large families have become weaker and weaker under the suppression of the major trade unions, but these major trade unions have also created a number of hidden power figures, the families that founded these trade unions.

However, these families can only earn legitimate interests, and can no longer monopolize like before. Because the Three Principalities have introduced anti-monopoly laws, this thing is a blow to those monopolistic families. Of course, the Demacian family got caught. Circumstances, because the Demacia family's industry has competitors. Although the opponent is relatively weak, it is not a monopoly. This phenomenon is not known to other families until later, but it is too late.

After the news that the floating fortress was going to be auctioned, a large part of the people finally knew what the Demacia family had been doing crazy purchasing materials in recent years.

As a result, not only did the price of materials not skyrocket, but various material suppliers quoted Delaisi the lowest prices. Delaisi certainly knew what was going on.

Cook is still in the floating platform manufacturing base. As long as a dog-mounted wizard has a construction space, then in theory, he can create anything.

The construction of the suspension fortress is a whole energy loop, which can not be difficult for Cook. One by one huge components are manufactured. The platform of the suspension fortress is the most complicated and is already available. The workload behind is only 20% of the entire About, and the coating is also an energy absorbing coating, which absorbs light energy and heat energy and converts it into fortress energy, which is not very complicated.

Each component is manufactured. The entire suspension burst has hundreds of thousands of components, but there are not many large-scale components, and hundreds of puppets can process hundreds of components at a time, and most of these components are It was constructed in less than a minute, and the only thing Cook smiled wryly was the consumption of knives.

Although there are puppets that build knives, the knives made by these puppets are not as good as handmade.

High-quality knives have a long use time and fast components, so Cook still uses manual refining.

With the increase of components, Cook's manipulation has become more and more skilled.

"I still have to go from easy to difficult. I control these construction puppets at more than twice the speed at the beginning. If this continues, there should be no major problems later." From the component database, I found that I controlled the construction by myself. The efficiency of puppet installation has increased, and it has increased a lot.

Within half a month, the components of a floating fortress were completed.

Each component has its own number. Originally there were construction puppets for assembling the floating fortress, but those construction puppets still need to be repaired, which takes time, so Cook simply builds his own components, of course, some people do the work.

Cook called out a number, and someone sent the components, and some large ones were delivered with some tools.

In ten days, the suspended fortress components succeeded. When the last component was placed in the proper position, Cook activated the suspended fortress. Suddenly, the components of the suspended fortress were tightly integrated, almost as a whole, stronger than welding. .

"Control center, should you give it a try?" Cook found that there was one thing missing, the control center.

The control core is said to be extremely sophisticated and the most valuable thing in the entire floating fortress.

The control core is half a meter long and ten centimeters thick. Of course, this is described in terms of weights and measures in the prehistoric world.

There are countless energy nodes on this control core~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Each energy node represents a logical function. Various buttons in the control center will be connected with this, and there are more energy circuits inside. Up to millions.

"It seems that I can only try it." Cook looked at the half-meter-long control core, and his body became smaller, but it was still nine times more frantic.

The blueprint of the control center core has been printed in Cook's mind. The manufacturing of this control center core is very complicated, but Cook will refine the artifact, and the energy circuits in the artifact are not scarce.

"There is still room for simplification." After Cook found that he became smaller, the control center core could actually be reduced in size.

But Cook didn't plan to do that. Although this could reduce his own consumption, the core of the control center was embedded in it, if it was changed. Then more things need to be changed, such as link decorations and control devices, which are more troublesome. Although these things are not very advanced things, they are a waste of time.

"I hope to succeed, otherwise the auction of the floating fortress is a joke." Cook prayed in his heart.

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