A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1090: Expedition ship

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"Pretty!" Cook couldn't help marveling when he saw a dark spaceship.

This is a small spacecraft, which is different from the huge volume and flat body of the armed transport ship, because in the starry sky, the flat body is more conducive to avoiding some large meteorites. It just needs to adjust its posture. The other is in the starry sky. , Almost no need to consider wind resistance or anything, just consider the overall stable structure.

Moreover, the protection of the whole body shell of the armed transport spacecraft in the starry sky is the same. There is no saying that the protection on the other end is strong. The protection on the other end is weak.

The small spacecraft in front of Cook is a very beautiful streamlined structure. When Cook sees such a spacecraft, he knows that it is a spacecraft that can enter the planet.

Inside the armed transport spacecraft, there are also spacecraft that can reach the inside of the planet. These spacecraft are designed with aerodynamic fluids, because the armed transport spacecraft can only be in the starry sky. Even the gravitational circle of the planet does not dare to enter. Entering rashly, such a large spacecraft can't get rid of the huge gravity of the planet at all.

The pitch-black spaceship was like a willow leaf, full of metallic luster, and the graceful lines, full of beauty. Cook couldn't help approaching the dock.

"Tsk tsk, there are actually landing ships." Then Cook saw that there were planet landing ships in this dock. This is the most powerful weapon that wizards use to control the armed transport spacecraft to conquer countless planets. To say that the armed transport spacecraft is the starry sky. The overlord of China, then these landing ships are the roles responsible for cleaning the ground. They have heavy armors, strong energy shields, and powerful attack systems. Of course, these landing ships can’t fight for too long and consume a lot of energy. .

But the other landing ships were not as beautiful as the one Cook saw. Cook came to the front of this small spacecraft. Cook controlled the center through the airport and knew what kind of spacecraft it was.

"It's actually used for a private customized adventure." Cook muttered.

In the age of wizards, wizards have a strong adventurous spirit. Countless wizards explore countless planes through such small spaceships. Once a valuable plane is found, the huge wizard fleet will follow.


It is the eternal thinking in the minds of wizards, and there is no such thing as a win-win situation like human beings. As long as it is valuable, you can either hand it over or be killed by the wizard and **** it away.

In the information that Cook knows, the conquest of every plane by the wizard is accompanied by killing, and some planes are even killed by the wizard.

In the eyes of wizards, even lives that have no value for use will be discarded. Only valuable lives are qualified to be servants of wizards.

At that time, the wizard was so powerful and overbearing, so expedition became a shortcut for countless wizards to make a fortune. As long as a valuable plane is discovered, then the wizard and the wizard’s family will instantly gain huge prestige and wealth.

Because the wizarding guild will give rewards based on the value of the discovery plane.

"Unbelievable." Cook took a closer look at the various data of the expedition spacecraft. The expedition spacecraft needs strong survivability, so it has a high attack power. It has three main guns and no secondary guns. These main guns can adjust the energy input. The size determines the size of the attack, and the other is the speed, which can reach up to 150,000 kilometers per second. Of course, this is the limit state, usually at the cruising speed, without inputting energy, relying on strong inertia to move.

The other is the endurance ability. This spacecraft has a cyclic survival system that can provide three people with something to survive for hundreds of years, and as long as they have energy, they can survive forever.

The reason why there are three people is actually the standard equipment of the Adventure Wizard. On the one hand, it is lonely to be alone, and once this person has any physical conditions, there are other people who can control the spacecraft.

In addition, when encountering a powerful enemy, the weapon system needs one person, one person needs to fly, and one needs to observe the surrounding situation to avoid directly crashing into the black hole.

Moreover, after discovering valuable planes, one person will be left on the spacecraft as backup support, and the other two will drive the constructed puppets to the planet to check the specific situation, supported by the spacecraft’s main gun, even if it is millions of ground weapons. It's just a matter of a few shots.

Of course, this spacecraft is very valuable, and all high-order nuclei are used in it. Only high-order nuclei can support this spacecraft, because the size of the energy tank of this spacecraft is limited.

"Good stuff, it's too big." Cook shook his head and said, but Cook has a time limit in this giant state, and Cook found that although many things in this wizarding era are like things from the science fiction era, Specifically, it is indeed a wizarding civilization.

All kinds of weapons and equipment, as well as energy systems, are all kinds of wizard runes.

"Take it away." Cook put all these things away and put them directly into the natural ring.

"If I want to attack, then I will directly let the airport be scrapped." Cook planned for the worst in his heart.

And with this batch of landing ships, the Primordial Plane is not without the opportunity to counterattack.


Cook searched for the most valuable things in the entire airport, and the dock of the spacecraft docked at Cook was also locked. Unless there is a construct wizard with a higher level than Cook, this is actually a long-term relationship, resulting in the absence of this airport. The high-level construction wizard is locked, and after Cook is locked now, it will take tens of thousands of years for the airport to automatically unlock before it will fail due to lack of energy.

The Prince Desai fleet is slowly decelerating. After a month, these fleets have stopped 0.1 light-years away. Light-years in the starry sky are the unit of calculation, but the speed of these spacecrafts can reach up to 30% of the speed of light. But the general cruising speed is also up to 10%.

This location was far away from the cordon. After the five spaceships stopped, one of them accelerated towards the airport, reaching 20% ​​of the speed of light.

"Is this an idiot?" Cook wondered. You said that you have an absolute advantage and divide your forces. Is this commander an idiot.

"His Royal Highness, my thoughts are like this. Since the situation of the other party is unknown, then let's try it out first..." General Penney saw Prince Desai's doubts and said.

"General, don't you want to put those soldiers and death ground, if the opponent is very strong, then these soldiers will die, if I see, we should go together." Campa interrupted.

Penney was very dissatisfied with Campa’s interruption. He heard Campa say this and said with a smile: "Master Campa, I’m not as good as you when it comes to the power of wizards, but you are a layman if you command combat You don't want to talk about this kind of stuff that makes others laugh, and if you let us go together, do you want us to die? It doesn't matter if we die, but what about your highness?"

"Haha, in such a backward place, I doubt that there will be high-level wizards in this place." Campa's face was pale when he heard this. Penney was almost teaching Campa, and Campa followed. Counterattacked.

"Master Campa, I said you are a layman. In the face of unknown dangers, what we as commanders should consider is the survival of the entire fleet, not what we think it is. Then we need our professional commanders to do. In the future wars, everyone thought it would be enough." Penney smiled, but the smile seemed to laugh at Campa.

When Prince Desai saw that the two sides were like this again, he was about to tear his face, and immediately said: "Tutor, if the other party has a high-level wizard at that time, the mentor will have to take action."

"There is also General Penney. In terms of command, we are laymen and we don't interfere too much, but I ask for only one, and take the airport intact." Prince Desai looked at Penney.

"His Royal Highness, war is changing rapidly, and I can't guarantee it." Penney was very dissatisfied with the decision of Prince Desai and Xi Mu, so he said neither.

"Hehe, Your Highness, I'm leaving first." We are laymen with the sentence behind Prince Desai. We offended Campa again, and stood up and left with a smile.

Penney also saluted and left, but in the eyes of Prince Desai, this Penney is even more hateful than Campa. At least Campa flicks his sleeves and leaves. It's true. You Penny salutes fakely, but it is actually ?

Looking at the endless starry sky, Prince Desai returned to his residence with a gloomy face.

"His Royal Highness." Of course, there are maids in the prince's place. In fact, in the entire fleet, women account for a large part of the proportion, because it is all men who can not bear it, and senior officers and commanders can also bring family members. The Soldier Empire also encourages looking for women in the fleet, especially women in the same spacecraft, and even if you combine with women outside, as long as your job is indispensable, then your family will be drafted into the army, a spaceship, In fact, a closed society ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ needs too many people, and some positions are originally prepared for women.

"Get off." Looking at the maid, Prince Desai's anger suddenly rose, and he shouted angrily.

The maids were far away from the prince in a panic. Prince Desai came to the training room, put on training equipment, and then trained frantically. Various melee weapons continued to chop and chop training puppets one by one. The puppets will also fight back. The robotic arms are very flexible, but these robotic arms are protected.

"Dead! Dead!" Prince Desai vented frantically in the training room.

In the place where Penney lives, he heard the report from the people below, and said, "I haven't seen before that Prince Desai is a coward. In our fleet, he has to lean towards Campa."

"General, or let's take Campa..." a Penney's confidant said.

"Unless you don't want to return to the empire. Although the empire is now precarious, let alone you, it is me. In front of the empire, there is no resistance at all, otherwise you think I will take the prince so far." Said angrily. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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