A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1093: Shouldn't be a liar

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Brad Shamar couldn’t believe that he was already on his way back. Brad Shamar felt that he hadn’t been in an hour since entering the airport and then coming out. Except for the walking time, in the office of the wizard Locke, Not for five minutes.

Brad Shamar felt a little depressed. When facing Cook, Brad Shamar felt that he was more nervous than facing His Majesty.

"The Ninth-tier Fire Element Wizard Book, the Ninth-tier Constructed Wizard Book, it is estimated that anyone who sees it will be nervous." Brad Shamal relieved himself.

But thinking of the two books of ninth order wizards and the powerful giant warriors, Brad Shamar couldn't relax.

"Have you seen, how is the airport defense?" Brad Shamar asked the two guards who accompanied him, who also came with orders.

"There are six main guns in the dock where we are docked, and they are multi-functional main guns. The specific model is not clear and they have been charged. There are also four warning fortresses that have also begun to be charged. And according to our statistics, we have seen a total of At the thirty-one main guns, this is still visible. There are more than 60 guard fortresses. The main guns are charged two-thirds and the guard fortresses are only half charged." The two guards answered Jean De Prince Sai, Campa, and General Penney were shocked.

"Here, General Penney, how many main guns do our fleet have?" Campa asked, looking at Penney.

"Our largest is the third-tier battleship, with a total of six main guns. Even the most advanced first-class battleship in the empire has only twelve main guns. The battleship does not care about the number of main guns, but the energy system, even if we are equipped Fifty main guns, no energy, nothing at all." Penney felt that his fleet could not break through the defense of the airport at all. If it really fought, the airport backed by a planet would definitely last longer than himself.

Prince Desai pondered for a while and said, "That is to say, there are at least 120 main guns in this airport?"

"Yes, in the initial period, due to the slow progress in building spacecraft, the airport has to take on a large part of the defense task. It can be said that sometimes the fleet also needs airport protection, but our empire has a large fleet, so the defense of the airport is just Some guard towers and a small number of main guns." Penney nodded and said.

"Brad Shamar, what rank do you think that commander is?" Campa looked at Brad Shamar and asked.

"I don't know, I don't dare to probe the other person at all." Brad Shamar said.

"So what about you?" Campa continued to ask the two guards.

One of the guards said, "The other person feels very strange to me."

"Strange?" The Desai trio looked at the guards. These guards are all elite royals, well-informed, and absolutely powerful in combat experience.

"We can see the commander, but I closed my eyes and felt that there was no other person in it. However, I did not take the initiative to probe. I can perceive the giant warriors around." The guard said.

The three looked at each other, Desai said: "You can tell your story again."

The three of them told their story in detail, and the three of Desai waved to let them leave.

General Penney said, "His Royal Highness, I think we have no chance of winning by using force."

"I just don't know the details of the opposing commander, but it is definitely not an ordinary person to have a ninth-tier built wizard book." Campa is very fond of the built wizard book in Cook's hands, but Campa is not an idiot, the highest commander of an airport Officials, even on the empire's side, are incredible powers, let alone here.

Prince Desai struggled for a while, and then asked: "General Penney, if you take out the drawings of the battleship..."

"In fact, as long as our warship enters the other side’s airport, the drawings and drawings are no longer important, because the structure will definitely be known when repairing, but it will only take some time, but we can test the other side. There is a battleship’s control center core component. There are some problems that we can take down and give them to the other party. If they can be repaired, then you must do everything possible to win them over." Penney is thinking about Desai this time. The main reason is that Penney himself did not dare to win over the library. Ke, a high-level construction wizard who can create the core components of the control center, at least rank 7 or higher, such a person, what do you mean if you want to win, is to rebel?

Even Campa didn't dare to win over Cook. Such a high-level construction wizard was the strategic power of the empire. Whoever touched him would die. Of course, the other party would win over himself, so there would be no problem.

When Campa heard Penny’s words, he nodded and said: "This is a good method, but it is necessary to repair the core components of the control center. It is estimated that the cost..."

"The expenses count for me." Prince Desai heard this and he was even more concerned.

When Prince Desai showed up at the airport with ten guards, it was already a month. Looking at the giant warrior, Prince Desai was not surprised at all. However, seeing the main gun above the dock, Prince Desai felt very stressed. Big.

Prince Desai waited for three full days at the airport before Cook appeared.

"His Royal Highness, please be forgiving, your component has a big flaw, it is an out-and-out defective product." Cook said after taking a closer look at the core component of the control center.

Prince Desai is a prince, and he has a wealth of knowledge. Prince Desai does not know much about these components, but it is not too few.

"Then sir can repair it?" Prince Desai is concerned about this.

"No." Cook said, shaking his head.

"That's really a shame." Prince Desai was a little disappointed, but he didn't show it. He just sighed, looking like it was his own loss if he didn't repair it.

Cook glanced at the Desai Prince, shook his head and said: "Such a defective product has no repair value. This thing should be decomposed again."

"But our warship does not have such a component in reserve." Prince Desai didn't know what Cook meant by saying this, so he spoke. As a prince, his joy and anger would not be shown long ago, unless he has the ability to The other side ate it to death.

"The person who makes this thing is not capable. According to the classification, this is basically a low-level core component. It is only more than 60,000 contacts. If there is a blueprint of a battleship, I can make a new one for you, but it requires Redesigning will take more time." Cook said.

The reason Cook said this was because Cook had no time, and the Great World Monster Race League had already begun immediately.

"Redesign!" Prince Desai heard this even though the city was deep. Can't help but scream.

"Of course, is this thing complicated by the core components of the airport control center?" Cook didn't lift his eyes.

"But our battleship doesn't have this thing?" Prince Desai still didn't believe what Cook said, so Prince Desai was worried about it and said.

"It's not cheap to repair this. For this product, would you like to take it out?" Cook looked at Prince Desai and asked.

"Yes, of course I do, as long as I can use it temporarily, and the drawings are not in my hands, don't think I am a prince, but the command of the fleet is not in my hands." Prince Desai heard Cook say so and began to reveal himself Situation.

Cook is not an idiot either. Hearing this, Smiling Islands: "Then how much do you see for the cost?"

Prince Desai was taken aback. According to reason, this shouldn't be the problem. Prince Desai said, "Can you give me a price?"

"One hundred standard ninth nuclei." Cook didn't understand the price, so he said.

Prince Desai blinked his eyes and said, "Yes."

"Pay the fee first." Cook also blinked his eyes. Of course Cook didn't know how big the wizarding empire was. If nothing else, just to support a prince's frigate, it would cost much, and as a prince, Even if the cost is high, the prince can still bargain. Of course, Cook also ignores his identity. In the Wizarding Empire, high-level wizards have bargains with you, the beautiful you.

Prince Desai said, "Yes, but there is room for interference in this place."

"Wait a moment." Cook opened the interference barrier in the room, and Prince Desai directly gave Cook 120 tier 9 star cores.

After Cook got the star core, he took a look and threw it into his space ring, and then Cook left.

Prince Desai watched Cook leave, a little dazed, so he left himself here?

But an hour later, Cook came back, and placed the one-meter-high control center core in front of the prince.

"Okay, you can go." Cook said with a wave.

Prince Desai was still a little confused until he returned to the landing ship. He looked at the people around him and asked, "Is that a liar?"

"His Royal Highness, I'll take a look." There are capable people around the prince~www.wuxiaspot.com~ look. "The prince nodded and said.

This person observed carefully for about an hour, and then said: "It has been repaired, but I don't know the effect."

"Impossible, I remember that repairing this thing needs to be heated before repairing, otherwise the expansion coefficient of the metal of the circuit and the overall metal will be different, and there will be gaps." Prince Desai is still in a state of confusion. Speak.

"Yes, but I did not see the gap, and looking at the other contacts of the core components, it seems that they have not been heated, as if they were cold processed. However, the cold processing of the components is a very complicated thing, and low-level components are okay, but This kind of high-precision thing is very difficult to handle cold." The person next to Prince Desai said.

Within a week, Prince Desai returned to the fleet. Penney and the others were surprised when they heard what had happened. However, the things were not repaired and they had to be tested.

"Maybe it's not a liar?" The prince watched as the fleet's constructor placed the core, and then started to activate. He was nervous for no reason, and whispered. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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