A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1097: Monster Race League (4)

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What is rare is that the Demon King who likes to drink, is there facing the unlimited supply of Wannianling Wine, he actually resisted it, and there was no special drink. Of course, for all the Demon Kings gathered together, the Great Sage also got it. news.

"Cook, I don't think this Demon Race Alliance seems to be of any benefit?" The Great Sage looked at the fairy wine and spirit wine he took out today, and asked in a puzzled way.

Faced with the question of the Great Sage, Cook asked, "Master, what is the cost of a pool of divine wine?"

"No cost?" The Great Sage said.

"No, but you have also seen it. A pool of Wannianling wine can produce less than a catty of immortal wine. Do you have so many Wannianling potions to brew? Think about it. We have all brought it here. How many 10,000-year spirit wines will be brewed and how many immortal wines will be refined. If you want to drink immortal wines casually in the future, you can count on this alliance, and you see, it’s like the king of heaven. Such lackeys are actually gnawing at you, if it weren’t for the canopy king to come forward, wouldn’t you take the shot yourself, isn’t it a loss of face? In the future, you will be the leader, and the snarling king will gnaw at you again, without you having to say anything, these The Demon King still has to stand up for you, and how big the world of our Demon Race is, how many good things there are in those unknown areas, do you know, these are our turf, maybe there are fairy fruits. "Cook said.

The Great Sage was right to think about it, and asked Cook: "Is it just this benefit?"

"Of course, our monster race has become an alliance, and we naturally have to deal with humans. Then we will let the four major sects of humans send people to sign complementary violation agreements, and our elixir here is on the human side. But it's very expensive." Cook said.

"What is your kid's mind, you actually want to give the elixir of life to humans, isn't this the strength of nurturing humans?" Dasheng asked with a stare.

When Cook heard this, he immediately called out: "Master, you are not giving to humans in vain. We can let humans exchange magic weapons and magic weapons. Think about it, why our monster race is weak, but there is no magic weapons or magic weapons. what."

"Will human beings be willing?" The Great Sage asked suspiciously.

"Master, what kind of virtue human beings are. If they face foreign races, they must be united, but you have also seen that the four major sects in the great world will not be mentioned. There are also sects, all fighting each other fiercely, and our elixir is not worried. "Cook said.

"But I still haven't figured it out. Why does our Demon Race Alliance form so many demon soldiers and demon generals?" The Great Sage still didn't understand.

"Ahem, Master, haven't you ever thought about why the 100,000 heavenly soldiers came to beat you when the old guys in the heavens moved?" Cook asked boldly.

When the Great Sage heard this, he gave Cook a glance, then smacked his lips: "That's what I said."

"And Master, if you want to become a saint, you must look for the things left by those saints. These things are all treasures. If you are alone, other Demon Kings will be satisfied with you. We will form the Demon Race Alliance. , If you get something good, outsiders still want to get it. If outsiders get it, so many of us, together, we will grab all the good things. As for the internal points, can we discuss it?" Cook said Said.

"Sage, it's so easy there. Okay, I'm going. See you like this. Isn't it a woman?" The Great Sage looked at Wu Mei next to Cook and said angrily.

"Hehe, Master, go slowly." Cook smiled when he saw the Great Sage leave.

Wu Mei's realm has been stabilized, so when Cook comes to the big world, Wu Mei is with Cook.

Early the next morning, all the demon kings gathered in the hall in twos and threes. The demon king who came was a plate of bananas each.

"This..." No one doesn't know where Xianjiao is a special product, that is, a special product in the territory of the Bull Demon King, and outsiders can't see it unless they eat it.

After everyone ate a banana, they hurriedly put away the rest. Keeping these things in your hands and eating them slowly will help you cultivate even more.

"Dear demon kings, I don’t know how you thought about it last night?" The Great Sage saw this scene, and his heart was dripping blood. Although the production of bananas was very high, a tree had hundreds of bananas. There are hundreds of bananas in the spirit orchard. As for how the seeds came from, cough cough, the great sage just doesn't do those sneaky trades. If they do, who can know.

"Great Sage, we are all willing to join." The Rat Demon King stood up and said.

"Well, before joining now, if you have any questions, just ask." The Great Sage heard this and asked.

"Great Sage, what will we do when we join the Demon Race Alliance?" The Elvis King asked, this is also everyone's doubt.

"Haha, there are so many things, how about the fairy wine you drink?" The Great Sage asked.

"Okay." The demon kings below replied in unison.

"It's good, but everyone knows that this fairy wine requires a lot of elixir and high-grade spirit fruit. It can be said that the fairy wine I took out this time is the storage of our Huaguoshan for countless years. Everyone wants to drink it in the future Immortal wine, you have to collect a large number of elixir, even hundreds of thousands of elixir. Everyone knows that every demon king’s territory has a certain number of elixir, not endless. Our eyes need to see. To the depths of the wild, but we are one or two, dare to go?" The Great Sage asked.

"I understand, Great Sage." The Elvis understands.

"This is just one point, and the other thing is that we must completely delimit the boundary with humans, and we are not allowed to cross the boundary in the future. If anyone crosses the boundary, our Demon Race Alliance will definitely take action, but if we don't get some subordinates, should we rush ourselves? Train your subordinates, who has the experience of my monkey and monster clan?" The Great Sage continued.

"Great Sage, with that said, we might as well just hit the door directly." A demon king called.

"Nonsense, our monster clan is not that kind of unreasonable. Back then, we made a contract. Our monster clan will never be the kind of treachery villain, right?" Dasheng said. Shouted.

"Yes." The demon kings of the demon clan heard the great sage say this. Although they disagree in their hearts, who would stand up and say that I would be a villain?

The Great Sage heard these Demon King's answers, of course he was very happy, so he continued to ask: "If you have any questions, just ask."

"Great Sage, any decision in this Demon Race Alliance must be approved by the councilors, what if you disagree?" A Demon King asked.

"Of course it is. As the leader, I only have the right to veto, not the right to make decisions. That is to say, if I, as the leader, there will only be a veto decision on a certain decision, and no decision to make any resolution, otherwise what to make. The decision, even if it is proposed by the leader, must be agreed by everyone, and the members are not members, we will discuss later, this is just a job title." The Great Sage said, Cook provided two sets of positions, one set It is the title of the rudder master, the hall master, and the elder, and the other is the title of the councillor.

"Great Sage, what is the basis for the position here?" A Demon King asked.

"Of course it is the strength. If you want to be the leader, you must also have the strength. In addition, other positions are for everyone to come out and try." Dasheng's answer was beyond everyone's expectations.

However, in the competition for strength, there is nothing to disagree. The Great Sage sees that the Demon King below has no problem, so he asks: "Who has any opinions, if there are no opinions, everyone will vote, and then we will have a flat peach conference. ."

"No." The Demon King below immediately replied.

"Well, this is a covenant established by a demon alliance. I hope that every demon king can leave his own magic image." The Great Sage took out a large piece of jade, which is the best jade, as warm and moist as suet. There are three feet high.

The so-called magic image is just like a jade slip, but this magic image will leave the magic coercion.

The following demon kings shot their own magical images into the jade one by one, leaving images of the demon king on the surface of the jade. If they were stimulated by magic power, these images would suddenly appear.

"Okay, come here, put this jade in the middle of the square." When the Great Sage saw that all the Demon Kings had done it, he also shot a magical image. Among other things, this huge jade was in the Demon Race. That is very sacred, and the magic image is equivalent to the meaning of this person being here in person.

"Let's take the blood as an alliance and get the fairy wine." The great sage said immediately after seeing the jade being placed.

A jar of fairy wine was brought up, and then the Great Sage began, each demon king forced a little blood, and the whole wine jar dripped hundreds of drops of blood.

Then each demon king poured a glass of these fairy wine, and then the Great Sage toasted. As for the remaining fairy wine, the monkey had long been carried behind.

"Little Junior Brother, you said yes, I'll give me a jar of eighth-grade immortal wine in the future." The monkey handed the immortal wine with a lot of blood from the Demon King to Cook, and there were only two or three glasses left.

"I know." Cook quickly accepted the fairy wine, and Cook just wanted to study the blood of this monster race.

"Boom!" After a demon king drank the fairy wine, he felt his body bulge and all joints of his body burst into noise.

More than one, several lower-level Demon Kings were forced to show their bodies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other Demon Kings also closed their eyes.

"Brother Monkey, this, this fairy wine?" The Great King Canopy was the first to digest the fairy wine, shocked.

"Qingye Yuye, Great Sage, this is Qiongye Yuye!" Ma Yao Wang also digested it and shouted excitedly.

"That's right, this is Qiongye Yuye. In the future, when anyone of the Demon King wants to break through, this king can support it." The Great Sage felt a pain in his heart, but he said it according to Cook's intention.

"My Canopy King is here to propose that Da Sage, as the leader of the Monster Race Alliance, who disagrees?" Canopy King was the first to stand up and flatter.

The Horse Demon King is not to be outdone, Qiongye Yuye, this is not a fairy wine, this is a good thing that is known as a drop of living bones, the Horse Demon King drank loudly: "If anyone disagrees, pass the stage of my Lord Ma first. ."

King Canopy’s nose is crooked, and you actually grabbed Lao Tzu's words, but there is no objection from the demon king below. Instead, they agree, joking, who disagrees, there will be Qiongye Yuye in the future. For these demon kings, What are you planning? What is the little demon under your head, as long as you give Qiongye Yuye, nothing is left. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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