A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1103: Constructed mining spacecraft

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"Master, Master, it's not good, Bafang Mountain was attacked by the Demon Gate." At this moment, the two monkeys rushed in and said.

"What!" Cook stood up all at once. Bafang Mountain is very important to Cook. Of course, the key is that the silver fox is there. This is the most important.

As soon as the Great Sage heard this, he immediately shouted: "Speak clearly."

"It's okay, but several demon guards were killed, and several guards of human sects were also severely injured, but a lot of auction items were taken away." The two monkeys said.

Cook quickly asked: "Where is the silver fox?"

"It's okay. Master sent a few big monsters to protect the silver fox secretly. The guy from the magic door wanted to take the silver fox together, but several big monsters joined forces to kill several, but we sent them from Huaguoshan. A lot of Xianzao, Wannian elixir and spirit stones were taken away," the two monkeys said.

When the Great Sage heard this, he said, "Cook, what do you think?"

"Master, you see that the Demon Sect is so rampant, did the Demon Race Alliance take one shot?" Cook asked.

"We have no reason to take action." The Great Sage said, the relationship between the Yaozu and Bafang Mountain is a secret.

When Cook heard this, he said: "In this way, I immediately let Bafangshan issue a reward, and then the Monster Race Alliance can be dispatched."

"Cook, there is actually no need to let us take action. There are so many schools of human beings, you should offer a reward for those schools." The Great Sage shook his head and said.

Cook said with a wry smile: "Master, I also want to issue a reward, but there are too many schools on the human side, and they may not be united. Moreover, this time the magic door guys are so accurate, it is difficult to guarantee that some schools and the magic door are secretly colluding."

"Okay, you will post the reward as soon as possible." When the Great Sage heard Cook say this, he nodded. Cook's analysis is reasonable. What kind of site is Bafang Mountain? Not only there are monster guards, but also more than a dozen super sects. The guards, such tight guards, were all taken away. If there is no problem, no one believes it.

Cook left the big world in a hurry, and then returned to the small world, and Bafangshan had already delivered the news.

Cook sent the message directly to Silver Fox, and then waited for other schools to come.

But what disappointed Cook was that none of the dozen or so super schools of humans came to say anything, and Cook was a little worried.

At Bafangshan Auction House, Silver Fox looked at this loss and felt painful. The high-grade spirit stones lost hundreds of thousands, as well as the immortal dates and the elixir of eternal life. These things are even more valuable, and there are also people’s loss.

"Go, publish this reward." Silver Fox received the news from Cook and immediately ordered. Silver Fox also knew that Cook could not come to the big world at this time.

Bafangshan Auction House issued a reward order.

Once the reward order was issued, it immediately caused a sensation, because the rewards issued by Bafangshan this time are too rich.

"Bafangshan Auction House offers a reward for the lives of all personnel who attacked Bafangshan Auction House. The reward is offered. Two peach trees for six thousand years, five thousand immortal dates, 10,000 elixir, five elements of spirit fruit. Ten thousand pieces, one medium-grade spirit vein, five hundred kilograms of life spirit tea, and a handful of immortal utensils." Inside the Bafangshan tea house, the people at the Bafangshan auction house were reading the reward order in their hands loudly.

The people below were in an uproar. Before the others could react, a big man said, "Our Demon Race Alliance took it."

Everyone was shocked when this big man spoke. Everyone who is well-informed about the formation of an alliance by the monsters knows that in fact, there are monsters in the Bafangshan auction house. Of course, these monsters have good things in their hands. It’s about the year’s elixir, so many sects will send people to pick it up here. After all, this Bafang Mountain Monster Race has nothing to say. Strictly speaking, this place also has a copy of the Monster Race, and the Bafang Mountain Auction House does not It is allowed to fight in the territory under the jurisdiction of the auction house. Once discovered, the martial arts of both parties will be restricted from participating in the auction.

"Okay." The people from Bafang Mountain handed the reward order to the big man.

That's it!

Before everyone reacted, the reward order was actually taken away, and many disciples of the school were jealous.

"Everyone, our Demon Race Alliance has decided to bloodbath the Demon Sect this time. Everyone is optimistic." Seeing the jealous look of the surrounding people, the big man immediately released his momentum.

"Demon King!"

"The Great Demon King." As soon as the momentum was released, the people around him almost peeed their pants under pressure.

The news of Bafang Mountain quickly spread to the various sects. Now those super sects guarding Bafang Mountain were beaten in the face. The reason why these super sects did not react is related to the reaction mechanism of these sects. The more important the matter is, the longer the discussion will be, because it is related to the future of the martial art, and everyone has to consider it clearly.

But in the small world, I can't find Cook anymore, and only then did those super sects know that something was wrong.

These super sects are not fools. This time the magic gate attacked with such precision and avoided the super sect's strong, obviously there are internal problems.

At this time, these super sects knew how big things happened to the guards in Bafang Mountain.

How should I put it, there are many super schools in Bafang Mountain, but these guards are not under each other, so there is a big security loophole.

"We want to see Miss Yinhu." On the Bafang Mountain side, the super-sect powerhouse has a ugly face, and the seven or eight yuan infant stage powerhouses were robbed of Bafang Mountain under the eyelids. This is not shameful enough. ?

"Sorry, Miss Silver Fox is our employer now, and we have the right to guarantee the safety of Miss Silver Fox." A big demon of the Demon Race was guarding them, and he said coldly, looking at these powerful men in the Nascent Age.

"We do have..." A strong Nascent Soul stage suppressed the anger in his heart and said.

"Who?" Behind this, a voice rang.

"General, it is these humans who want to see Miss Silver Fox." The great demon immediately replied respectfully.

The big monkey is now in Bafang Mountain. The big monkey looked at these Nascent Soul stage powerhouses and said with contempt: "You still want to see people, you are shameful enough, so many people have been robbed by the magic door, let me see, Maybe one of you colluded with the magic door?"

"What are you? Bang." A strong Nascent Soul Stage heard this and drank loudly, but before he finished speaking, he was punched and flew out by the big monkey.

The rest of the Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse immediately released magic treasures. The Monkey saw these people and said with a sneer; “Don’t invite disasters to your sect, I’m General Huaguoshan, have you heard of it, I’m a 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals? I'm not afraid. What's more, you little shrimps, let me go. We dare not leave the employer to your care until things are clear."

Hearing the domineering words of the monkey, these strong men of the Nascent Soul stage flinched. The generals of Huaguoshan and the second generals were notoriously aggressive and rebellious, and the five-color door was a precedent. The holy kills the door in one fell swoop.

"Let's go." These Nascent Soul Stage powerhouses left, but what happened here was immediately known by the other sects.

Other sects were not happy about the super sect guarding Bafang Mountain. To know the news that these sects knew, they would get more benefits than other sects.

"Have you heard that the Bafangshan auction house doesn't trust those super schools anymore."

"It goes without saying that if you look at the Bafang Mountain this time, there must be an inner ghost. If it were me, I would not believe it."

"If you can't believe it, use Yaozu?"

"Come on, Yaozu is more trustworthy than these sects. What can't these super sects do for profit?"

"Hey, this is what Bafang Mountain deserves. Who has so many good things in his hands? If I'm a super martial artist, I'll even have a pot."

This is the worst time the super school was hacked. In fact, many people flattered the super school, not to mention how many people wanted to enter the super school.

There are dozens of super martial arts that are not. The super martial arts that are not involved in the **** are also mocking the super martial arts that participate in the escort.

"Oh, isn't this the Qingcheng sect's Lingtongzi Dao brother? I heard that your sect robbed Bafang Mountain. Is there any way to get me some fairy dates..."

"Haha, Quanzhenmen did a good job this time. They actually robbed the people they were protecting. I know which bull noses are not good things."

"The scum of the seven Buddhisms, you actually colluded with the devil. You are simply the scum of Buddhism."

The super sect that participated in the **** was ridiculed by other super sects, and it was ridiculous. These super sects have not stood up and clarified, but the facts are facts, so the super sects involved are not so famous.

Later, Bafangshan issued an announcement, saying that all auctions would be stopped before things were clear.

At this time, all the schools are fried. You need to know how many schools are waiting for the spiritual tea, elixir, and flat peaches, zizhi, and five elements spiritual fruit from Bafang Mountain.

But Bafang Mountain now has Yaozu League guards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if these sects want to do something, they have to weigh it up, because the news of the Yaozu League is already clear.

There are hundreds of demon kings, nine of the twelve great demon kings are in the demon clan alliance, and the demon soldiers and demon generals are as many as 100,000. It is said that they are training. This time the battle against the demon gate is said to be the canopy king. The horse demon king and other four great demon kings personally led the team.

"Everyone, what should I do?" The head of the Quanzhen School looked at the other super schools with a black face. These super schools were the super schools that participated in the protection of Bafang Mountain.

"What else can I do? Check and find out that I want to make him regret coming to this world." The head of the Qingcheng faction is also a black face. It is obvious that there is something wrong with the inside, otherwise the magic door will not succeed in the attack.

"The key is Cook. He must be angry. We can't do anything if we can't see anyone." The head of Wudang Mountain said with a wry smile.

There is a lot of trouble in the big world, and Cook began to count the components of the armed transport ships in the prehistoric world. As for the Bafang Mountain, the great sage is involved, and Cook is not worried. Instead, Cook feels that this is an open relationship with the monster race. An opportunity for this. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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