A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1111: Cooperation (1)

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For this question, Cook took a look at Delaisi: "There are some things that you shouldn't know, don't ask them in the future. It is not good for you, and it is not good for the Demacian family."

"Yes." When Delaisi was said by Cook, she knew immediately that she was talking too much.

Cook knows Delaisi’s ideas. It’s nothing more than Delaisi wants to go a step further and get the best battleship, but Cook’s focus is not in this prehistoric world. It’s not good to say that Cook is like this. Whether it’s going to the Wizarding Empire or the Wizarding Alliance, it will be reused. The Demacia family is not worthy of Cook’s support. Although the Demacia family supports Cooke very much, but without Cook, German The Marcia family dare not show up in the prehistoric world.

Moreover, the strength of the Demacia family cannot control the battleship. It is one thing to make this thing, but it is another thing to use and maintain. Does Cook have to spare a lot of time to train the people needed by the battleship, Cook can only say One sentence, I think too much.

Everything is two-way. Cook supports the Demacia family for his own sake. Cook does not deny that, but the Demacia family has also received a huge return. No, the Demacia family can be said to be the entire prehistoric world. A well-known big family.

Moreover, the Demacia family does not have the ability to go to the stars. If Cook supports the Demacia family, then not only will Cook have to pay more energy and things, but also the Demacia family will conflict with the wizarding empire and the wizarding alliance. , Cook has to pay even more.

So Cook said with a warning.

Watching Delaisi leave, Cook shook his head. In fact, people, sometimes need to be self-aware. People who don't know themselves are definitely not a good partner.

After Delaixi left, his heart was very frightened. Cook’s words were already a warning. Delaixi also regretted it. Delaixi was blinded by the benefits. Indeed, the huge battleship shocked Delaixi too much. Big.

After reading the airport data, Cook thought about the development of the Primordial Plane, but from Cook's understanding, although the Wizard Empire had contradictions of this kind.

Especially the internal friction is very serious, but from another aspect, an organization with internal contradictions like the Wizarding Empire is more suitable for newcomers like Cook. If it is more internally united like the Wizarding Alliance, Cook will not be able to manipulate it.

"Prince Desai, please come and talk." With a preliminary idea, Cook decided to have a good talk with Prince Desai.

As for why Cook didn't arm the prehistoric world, and then fight against the Wizarding Empire Wizard Alliance.

Still the same sentence, Cook’s focus is not here, Cook’s focus is on the big world, and Cook discovered that the Wizarding Empire and the Wizarding Alliance, and now he doesn’t care much about training. If it weren’t for the construction of battleships, spaceships need wizards. I guess wizards. Long gone.

This is actually the same as the decline of martial arts. It's true that the wizard is powerful, but it won't work when it comes to spaceships, landing ships, and floating forts.

And as a person in power, I don’t want the people’s combat effectiveness to be too sturdy, which means that it is difficult to manage.

To give a simple example, if you also raise a dog, if you raise a group of gentle dogs, then the owner will worry less. If you raise a group of dogs that tear down the house all day long, not only does the owner worry more, but also pay more. This means that most organizations do I like the relationship with the people. Of course, maybe the example is a little inappropriate, but in fact it is.

Therefore, the wizarding profession has not been greatly developed in the wizarding empire, so what about the wizarding alliance.

The Wizarding Alliance is actually the same. How did the wizards come from and cultivate. As the saying goes, the back waves push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach. Do these high-ranking wizards in power hope someone will share their rights?

This is why there are not many Tier 9 powerhouses in the Wizard Empire and Wizard Alliance.

Cook's thoughts can be said to be basically guessing at the key point. As for Cook looking for Prince Desai, on the one hand, Cook also needs to find a stronger partner, and on the other hand, Cook needs to know more about the wizarding empire. Alliance with wizards.

Prince Desai was invited by Cook. In fact, Cook said that Prince Desai arrived at the airport in three days.

It is not that the landing ship cannot reach the destination faster, but that the landing ship accelerates to the cruising state and does not need to use forward power. The greater the power now, the greater the reverse power when it stops. It increases energy consumption.

"His Royal Highness, please sit down." Cook said to Prince Desai after pouring a cup of the tree of life tea.

"Thank you Grand Master." Prince Desai was flattered and quickly picked up the crystal cup with both hands.

"Good." Even Prince Desai, a mouthful of tea from the leaves of the Tree of Life fell on his stomach, and he felt the vitality.

"My name is Rock Hill." Cook said a false name.

"Mr. Locke." Prince Desai was really flattered.

Cook looked at Prince Desai and asked with a smile, "The prince must have a lot of questions, and I also have a lot of questions. Let's open up and ask."

"Yes." Prince Desai put his posture very low.

"The prince can ask first." Cook is very satisfied with Prince Desai's attitude. People should have such self-knowledge. Although Cook's ninth-order wizard is true, Cook's magic and energy are actually three. Order only.

This is still the wizard level that Cook reached after he was baptized by thunder. In fact, Cook is very relieved of his own practice. The powerful wizard model absorbs and transforms energy, which is comparable to the big world spirit gathering formation, but Cook is for the small world. Interests have to be temporarily suppressed.

"Mr. Locke, are you a ninth-tier constructed wizard?" Prince Desai said a key question.

"Yes." Cook nodded, and opened the Construct Wizard Book.

Prince Desai saw the big nine-order words, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm finished."

"His Royal Highness, don't you ask?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Don't ask, this is enough." Prince Desai replied very excitedly.

"The prince doesn't wonder why there are no warships or spaceships on our planet, and there are no extra people surrounding this airport?" Cook asked curiously.

Prince Desai shook his head and said, "Nothing else is important. The spacecraft and the extra people are nothing rare to me."

"Smart." Cook was satisfied with Prince Desai's answer.

Cook opened his mouth and asked: "His Royal Highness, if I cooperate with you, what are the benefits?"

"Cooperation?" Prince Desai would not express his stance easily, no, to be precise, he would not express his stance easily without understanding Cook's intentions.

"Yes, cooperation, I can give all the things His Royal Highness needs, battleships, spaceships, airports, and wizard books." Cook replied.

"What does Mr. Difficult need?" Prince Desai asked suspiciously.

Cook looked at the prince with a smile: "Does the prince really think that Tier 9 is at the top?"

This answer made Prince Desai's mouth wide open in astonishment, and he asked after a long time, "Is there any more than Tier 9?"

"Of course, what I want is all kinds of rare things, plants, animals, ores, materials, and I don't need anything else." Cook nodded, in fact, what Cook wants is only helpful to the cultivation of the big world.

Since Cook suffered the thunderstorm, Cook found that the big world seems to have a pair of eyes looking at the countless creatures underneath. How do you say, the big world gives Cook a clever feeling, but in the prehistoric world, there is no such feeling. , And Cook felt that the big world should be higher than the prehistoric world, and more than a little higher.

"Yes." Prince Desai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Cook needs these things. Although Prince Desai is a prince, he is not very powerful.

Cook said with a smile: "Prince, then to our cooperation, cheers."

Cook took out fairy wine. Cook wants to see what Prince Desai means for fairy wine?

"Okay, okay." Prince Desai looked at the wine glass in his hand that was no more than a thumb. It was probably one or two drops of unknown liquid in it? When he felt his mind, he poured into his mouth, but after entering his mouth, Prince Desai's eyes widened immediately.

"Sir, you are..." Prince Desai found that he had entered the realm of a sixth-order wizard, just one drop and two drops, if there were more.

"This is obtained after tens of millions of reactions after the purification of various rare materials." Cook replied lightly.

Prince Desai didn't know whether he should believe or not believe Cook's words, and asked, "Then what do you have to say, sir?"

"How many people are there in your fleet and how many ships can you control at most?" Cook asked bluntly.

"There are probably tens of thousands of people, and no more than ten warships can be controlled, but those are from the military." Prince Desai said.

"Then you don't have a confidant in the military?" Cook asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mr. Our empire does not allow princes to contact soldiers privately. "Prince Desai replied with a wry smile.

When Cook heard this, he shrugged and said, "I want to build a fleet for you."

"Fleet!" Prince Desai was shocked. He owns a fleet?

"What's impossible?" Cook asked, looking at Prince Desai.

"Sir, how long does it take you to build a battleship?" Prince Desai heard Cook's words and asked.

"One ship a year is no problem, this is the first year, and one ship every three months in the second year is no problem." Cook said, the first year is mainly metal, and the components are all produced. As for once the assembly line starts, Smelting metal, manufacturing components, and assembling can be performed at the same time.

"This...this..." Prince Desai almost jumped up, but Prince Desai suppressed the shock in his heart and tried to digest the news he heard. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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