A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1119: Routine (2)

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The two demon kings are the lowest level among the sitting demon kings. Both demon kings are wolf demon. Although the strength of the wolf demon king is not very strong, there are more wolf demon.

One Demon King got a magic weapon from the Great Sage, and the rest of the Demon King looked at this magic weapon.

The silver fox said, "Masters, this is a magic weapon for protection of opinions refined by humans, spiked shoulders."

Magic weapons such as spiked shoulder pads are not very popular in the human world, because humans like to use Taoism and magic weapons for long-range attacks. Magic weapons such as shoulder pads are used in close combat, that is, physical training. , But in the current world, physical training has declined.

"Come on." The silver fox naturally brought followers. Under the guidance of the followers, a wolf demon king equipped with a magic weapon. This magic weapon is usually hidden in the body, and the reason why the wolf demon king can be so fast Sacrifice this magic weapon, because the magic weapon used in physical cultivation generally has blood sacrifices.

"Fight!" The other Demon King also yelled, and the two Demon Kings fought with bare hands.

Boom boom boom!

The fighting methods of these two demon kings are the same as the fighting methods of most demon clan monsters, whose fist is big. Whoever has the greatest power, who is the boss, of course the Yaozu has no magic weapon?

Yes, but the monster race is refining something of its own, such as claws, horns on the head, and so on, because these things themselves are not ordinary grades, and they don’t need much crafting skills. It's just refining with demon power, it's that simple.

The two demon kings come and go, and it can be seen that the combat power of the two is basically the same. The scene is surging with demon power, but the other demon kings did not respond at all. This fluctuation in demon power was basically ignored.


The claws of the two demon kings touched each other, and the claws of this demon king were the claws of the refining own. The one-foot-long claws with a faint green light were poisonous.


The two demon kings smashed several times. The wolf demon king who was preparing for spiked shoulders accelerated, and immediately slammed into the opposite wolf demon king. The wolf demon king on the opposite side was not to be outdone, and the wolf equipped with spiked shoulders Two swarthy shoulder pads suddenly appeared on the Demon King's shoulders, and there were a few hideous spikes on the shoulder pads.

When the opposite Demon King saw this scene, his body flashed in a hurry, but the spiked shoulder guard shot out at once, hitting the opposite Demon King's body.

"Hey, fortunately I cleaned up quickly, otherwise, you will die." The Demon King equipped with spiked shoulders said with a smile.

Other demon kings didn’t react much when they saw this, but these demon kings were still very moved. You must know that the demon clan is generally a magic weapon. Although the quality of this magic weapon is not very high, for the demon king, there is better than nothing. It's much better. At a critical time, if there is one more magic weapon, then one more chance of winning.

"Dear princes, our auction house also has flying swords, heavy magic weapons, and battle armor." Silver Fox said, seeing some cold spots.

"Miss Silver Fox, does your auction house have any medicine?" A Demon King asked.

"Yes, we have all kinds of elixir in our auction house. In addition, our auction house also has its own elixir. If you have any elixir you need, we can refine it for you demon king." Silver Fox was originally. I wanted to impress these demon kings with magic treasures, but now it seems that these demon kings actually like pills.

"I don't know if there is a bone-forging pill?" The Rabbit Demon King asked.

Silver Fox heard the bone forging pill, and was a little confused. Cook eavesdropped behind and heard the Rabbit Demon King ask this, and suddenly realized: "This demon clan needs to grow bloodline to increase its cultivation. , Bone Forging Pill, which strengthens the body and tempers the blood, is what the monster race needs."

"Yes." Silver Fox communicated with Cook's spirit, and then replied.

"The price..." the Rabbit Demon King asked.

"The king, we can negotiate the price in detail later, and we also have a blood clotting pill." Although Silver Fox did not know what a blood clotting pill was, he still spoke out.

"Really?" When the sitting Demon King heard this, he couldn't sit still. Blood Coagulation Pill, what is it? Originally, Coagulation Pill was a medicine for treating injuries, mainly to accelerate the blood clotting of wounds, but blood clotting. As a healing pill, the pill itself has the effect of producing blood, and the demon clan relies on the blood, so the blood clotting pill is very helpful to increase the blood qi of the demon clan.

"Of course." Silver Fox said.

There were still a lot of medicines for physical repair, but the demand for medicines for physical repairs was not high in the market, so the number and types of medicines needed for physical repairs were not many.

The market determines the demand, and all the more intensive physical repairs will have fewer pills. Although physical repair pills can also be used for Taoist cultivation, not everyone has the huge financial resources to take all kinds of pills, and no matter what the pills, It is a three-point poison of medicine, and so is the pill.

And the Demon King asked: "So..."

"Well, about the transaction, everyone will communicate privately. This time we gather, our alliance will make a statement, should we cooperate with Bafangshan Auction House?" Dasheng interrupted and asked.

"Leader, do whatever you want," a Demon King said.

When the other Demon King heard it, his eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed: "That is, you have the final say, the lord."

The Great Sage is not a fool. What the thoughts of these demon kings are. The Great Sage does not know. Let the Great Sage be the master. It does not mean trusting the Great Sage, but if something goes wrong in the future, the Great Sage personally agrees, then it should be the Great Sage. Solve, this is the true thoughts of these demon kings.

"Okay, I'll take the lead and agree. I'll take care of anything in the future." If Silver Fox is an outsider, the Great Sage will definitely not agree. Just kidding, who knows what moths will come out, but is Silver Fox an outsider?

"I offer a glass to the leader, wine, wine." The canopy king hurriedly stood up, but the latter sentence exposed the nature of the canopy king.

"The last glass of wine, it's not easy to brew this fairy wine. Do you have any elixir, please support me more." The Great Sage said.

"No problem." Everyone suddenly agreed, and then all kinds of meat like running water, and all kinds of dishes were brought up. In the past, where these demon kings liked to eat vegetables, they all ate meat.

This is not to say that the Demon King does not like to eat vegetables, but that the consumption of the Demon King's body itself is very large. The spiritual energy contained in the dishes is not enough to consume nutrients, so they eat meat, but these vegetables that Cook makes, They are all processed, no matter the taste or the aura contained in them, they are comparable to meat.

Eating and drinking, these demon kings are very happy, but the demon clan just can't stay idle.

"Leader, Great King Niu also has a meeting. Is this going against us?" A Demon King asked through Jiu Jin.

"Actually, I think it is a good thing for King Niu to hold a meeting. If you are unhappy here, then go there. Are you right?" Dasheng answered this question with a smile.

"Cut, just the poor ghost, there are fairy wine, fairy dates, and flat peaches, let alone ginseng fruit." The Canopy King said angrily.

"Great King Canopy said well." Other demon kings applauded one after another.

This time of drinking was one day. These demon kings were drunk and dare to say anything. Of course, there were also those who wanted to tease the silver fox, just like the king of canopy, now with a dark eye circle.

This was beaten by the great sage. When the other demon kings saw this scene, they knew that the silver fox could not move. As for the area of ​​the monster race occupied by the Bafangshan auction house, no one mentioned it. Why?

This should start from within the monster clan. Everyone has divided the territory within the monster clan, and the aura on the Bafang Mountain is very scarce at all. Not to mention the big demon, the little demon looks down on it, so it’s not your own turf, who He was willing to speak, and it seemed that the Great Sage had a close relationship with Bafang Mountain.

After the banquet was over, the demon kings were carried back by their own guards one after another. Immortal wine was not an ordinary spirit wine.

Of course, the benefits of these demon kings are also real. The spiritual power in the wine has tempered the body, which is equivalent to hard cultivation for many years, especially under the premise that these demon kings have not made any progress for many years. Improvements are commendable.

At night, the Great Sage, the Silver Fox, and Cook sat together, and the two monkeys.

"Cook, the bone forging pill you said can be refined?" The Great Sage asked.

"It's not a big problem, and I still have an idea. If the comprehension fruit is added in, I guess the foundation will be improved even more." Cook replied.

"Well, in fact, I was wrong before. What the Monster Race needs is not a magic weapon, but an elixir. Although it is said that there are many elixir for the Monster Race, a single elixir is not very effective. Long-term consumption of elixir is also a problem." The Great Sage said.

Cook nodded. Everyone knows that the medicinal properties are different. Some are strong for masculine, some are soft for feminine fingers, and some have some toxicity. The pill is to use other elixir to synthesize the medicinal properties to make the medicinal properties not so strong. The pill is more exciting and effective.

"Cook, this time we are cooperating with the Monster Race Alliance, what about the human side?" Silver Fox asked with some worry.

"Yes, little brother, don't humans trouble you when that happens." The monkey was also worried.

"No, this time our Bafang Mountain stopped functioning, so many old guys are in a hurry. Of course, this time we have to take out more elixir~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and more fairy fruits... "Said this, Cook saw the Great Sage stand up and prepare to leave.

"Master, are you leaving?" Cook quickly stood up and asked.

"I'm still a little bit..." Dasheng nodded.

"Master, I don't want you to come out with the fairy fruit." Cook interrupted the Great Sage, then said, then immediately jumped away.


The Great Sage knocked on Cook's head twice, and the corners of Cook's sore mouth twitched. The Great Sage snorted coldly, "Hmph, I really have something."

Watching the Great Sage leave, Cook curled his lips, the two monkeys looked at Cook, and the big monkey asked, "Little Junior Brother, how many fairy fruits do you have?"

"Not much, this time I'm going to take three hundred flat peaches and five thousand fairy dates." Cook can't take out so many flat peaches. He wants to recover blood. Xiaohuan has planted so many flat peach trees. Waiting for a while, Hundreds of flat peach trees bear fruit, and thousands of fairy jujube trees bear fruit. In addition, although these fairy fruit trees have little demand for spirit stones, the total amount is still very large. What if Cook does not return blood? Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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