A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1122: Monster League

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The Dragon King is not afraid of the Bull Demon King, the Dragon King is not one. The Dragon King is the leader of the Four Seas Dragon Kings, that is, there are four of the same level. Although the Bull Demon King is powerful, the four Demon Kings at the Great Demon level have no chance of winning.

"Great King Niu, I didn’t mean you, Great King Niu, we can come, which means that we have that intention, but you, look at what you do, the Great Sage will give it to all the demon kings participating in the league. Fairy date, flat peach. Of course, the Great Sage occupies the Huaguo Mountain, the first hole in the world. We are not compared with the Great Sage, but you can see what is on the table in front of us and other demon kings. Is there any spirit fruit? Is there any premium spirit wine? If you King Niu says no, my Dragon King will immediately apologize for you. You are not sincere. How can we form an alliance?" The Dragon King’s remarks are justified and well-founded. Incidentally, he attracted a group of Little Demon Kings.

Xuanwu said with a smile: "I also agree with the four-legged snake, and Niu, if you want to fight against the monster clan alliance with all your heart, then we really don't need to form an alliance. Look, just us monsters Wang, is the Great Sage’s opponent of the Demon Race Alliance? There is also to entertain us. You are a big king. It’s not the position of the leader. Let us just let you. Look at the fairy bananas you took out. To be honest, my Xuanwu didn't like you as a banana. This is a question of your Niu King's attitude. You have such a virtue right now. Who of us dares to give you command, who dares to recommend you as the leader? , If you become the leader, how can you toss us?"

After being criticized by the two Great Demon Kings one after another, King Niu's face turned a lot greener, but King Niu couldn't get angry.

King Peacock Ming said with a smile: "Big King Niu, for the two of them, they have also explained what they said. We also think the same way in my heart. Look at the great sage of others, who is so magnificent. If you want to be the leader, you have to show the truth. It’s really good. It’s not good to say that the great sage is only those big and small demon kings who take the flat peach out to smash it to follow. If the great sage doesn’t take out the fairy fruit, who wants to follow, this fairy fruit is for us old guys. No, but what about our juniors? You, the big king, are like nothing to say, just let us out, do you think we are stupid?"

"Everyone, this time it's my old bull who is wrong. Since everyone has made it clear, then I will change it." The bull devil was speechless by these demon kings. If he wanted to admit his mistake, he had to turn his face. There is already a demon clan alliance. If you turn your face with these few, you will be lonely. Although the Bull Devil is very annoyed in his heart, he still looks sincere on the surface.

When the Dragon Kings heard the Bull Demon King's words, they didn't believe it in their hearts. However, since the Bull Demon King admitted their mistakes, even on the surface, these demon kings were still very comfortable.

What is the Bull Demon King? That is the Ancient Demon King that has existed since the time of the Ancient Heavenly Court. The strength and reputation are not comparable to these Demon Kings.

Although the dragon king and the phoenix demon king existed in the heavenly court, they were not as famous as the bull demon king.

"Come here. Get a banana for every Demon King sitting here." The Bull Demon roared in pain.

However, after the Bull Demon King finished roaring, no one acted. Only then did the Bull Demon realize that the place where the banana grows was restricted by himself.

"Everyone, please use it slowly." The Bull Demon King only has to run in person, saying that the yield of bananas is actually not low, and the length is about the same as bananas, except that the whole banana is white and looks like jade, and, This banana is not meant to be eaten peeled, but eaten whole.

The Bull Demon King personally handed out a banana to each invited Demon King. In the eyes of the Bull Demon King, this is his good side, but in the eyes of these little demon kings, the Bull Demon King is still a stingy guy, and Still like a villain.

Don’t say anything else, relying on your identity as the bull demon king to personally give the little demon bananas. What does it mean? It means shame. In the demon clan, the big demon king has a natural sense of superiority to the little demon king. , You, an Ancient Demon King, personally gave the Little Demon King something. As long as your brain is a little clever, you will know that you are acting.

Of course the Bull Demon King didn't know what these little demon kings were thinking, otherwise. I'm afraid to be mad at death.

Of course, if the Bull Devil did this in the first place, then everyone would only be grateful, but he would do it when he couldn't get off the stage. In the eyes of others, it would be acting.

Several Great Demon Kings looked at each other, nodded slightly, and the Dragon King said, "Great King Niu, well, you are right to do this. My Dragon King is the first to recommend you as the leader."

"Thanks." Hearing the words of the Dragon King, the Bull Demon felt more comfortable.

"Great King Niu, I was a bit ugly just now, but I also recommend you to be the leader." Xuanwu also said.

"I have no opinion."

"me too."

These big demon kings expressed their opinions one after another, so what else the little demon kings had to say, they immediately expressed their opinions.

"Thank you for your love. In this case, I will be the leader. Don't worry, if you have any needs in the future, I will definitely go all out." The Bull Devil saw everyone agree, and his mouth broke open.

King Peacock Ming asked: "King Niu, our alliance has been established, so what are the regulations?"

"I don't have a specific plan for this, what do you think?" Niu Dawang was shrewd now, not talking about his own ideas.

The Dragon King shook his head and said, "Great King Niu, since you are inviting us, you must have ideas. You can tell us your ideas first, and we can refer to them."

"Yes." The rest of the Demon King agreed.

The Niu Devil was so comfortable in his heart, he laughed: "Don't say so much, let's celebrate first."

"Come, everyone open up to eat, open up to drink, young ones, don't bring the good wine and good food." The Bull Demon was very happy and became generous.

The little demon under the Bull Demon King delivered good wine and food like flowing water, and these demon kings were delighted to eat.

After a meal, the banana was eaten long ago. The Bull Demon King said, "Dear Demon Kings, I have some ideas. Since we all have established an alliance, we must unite together in the future. Take out a part of each of our subordinates to form the Allied Forces, let's not talk about the 100,000 people, 50,000 are always needed, right?"

"Great King Niu is right. We Dragon King will send three demon generals and three thousand demon soldiers." Dragon King said.

"We Xuanwu also dispatched three demon generals and three thousand demon soldiers." The Xuanwu clan said.

When the Bull Demon heard this, he immediately said, "Everyone, isn't it a little bit less than three thousand?"

"That's a lot, we also have dozens of demon kings here, each demon king three to five thousand, these fifty thousand people are enough." King Kong Ming said.

Although the Bull Demon King was dissatisfied, how could the strength of the subordinates of the Great Demon King and the Little Demon King be the same, the Bull Demon King said, "Then I will pay 10,000."

Hearing the words of the Bull Demon King, the following great demon kings did not increase their numbers, but decreased their numbers. King Kong Ming said, "We have three demon generals and a thousand demon soldiers."

"Ahem. Our Phoenix clan has one demon commander and five hundred demon soldiers." The Phoenix clan demon king said.

"I have three demon generals and three thousand demon soldiers," said the King of Sky.

The other big and small demon kings expressed their opinions one after another, five hundred, one thousand, five hundred, one thousand, and the demon generals were one, one, and one.

Even so, after statistics, it far exceeds 50,000 people, but what constitutes inside is simply horrible, hundreds of demon generals, tens of thousands of demon soldiers.

As for the Demon League, there are tens of thousands of demon generals and hundreds of demon kings. You heard it right. The Little Demon King of the Demon League led by the Great Sage has basically joined the alliance army.

No way, the points in the alliance army are very important. Without points, even if you have a lot of elixir. Lingguo cannot be exchanged for fairy wine, fairy dates, and even flat peaches.

And what is the point? Just like the currency issued by the alliance, it is more accurate to say that it is more valuable than the spirit stone or the elixir.

Therefore, the Bull Demon King's face was very bad, and he asked: "Then how many demon kings will join the army?"

"Our Phoenix family does not have a large population. Five hundred demon soldiers and one demon general are already the limit, but if there is something in the alliance, I will take care of it myself." The great demon king of the Phoenix family said.

The Dragon King immediately said: "Our true dragon clan can send two Little Demon Kings."

"Okay." When the Bull Demon King heard this, he immediately applauded.

"We Xuanwu dispatched one." The Xuanwu Great Demon King said. In fact, the name Xuanwu originally meant that he was the Great Demon King. If you didn't reach the strength of the Great Demon King, you couldn't call Xuanwu, or something like Spirit Turtle.

The big demon king didn't send the demon king, and the little demon king was even less interested in participating. The bull demon king counted again, and his face was ugly.

"Everyone, isn't our strength weaker?" The Bull Demon said tactfully.

"Big King Niu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Actually, I think there are a lot of people here." Dragon King said.

"But the Demon Race Alliance is very powerful?" Bull Demon King said.

The Dragon King stood up and said, "Great King Niu, we are still inferior to the Demon Alliance, but once something happens, we will definitely not sit idly by. We will definitely take action. We will simply show our weakness now. Once the Demon Alliance wants to take action, It will definitely consolidate us, and we will give them a surprise when that happens. What do you mean by Niu King?"

"What do you guys think?" Great King Niu looked at the other demon kings.

"If there is anything, we will help, after all, we are an alliance, right?" King Kongque Ming said.

"I have no opinion."

"I have no opinion." Everyone expressed their opinions.

Seeing everyone’s unanimous reaction, the Bull Demon always felt a little bad, but the specific Bull King couldn’t figure it out, so he asked, “What about the food and drink of the Allied Army?” For mobile phone users, please browse and read. Reading experience.

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