A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1124: Retreat (1)

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"I will hire the Demon Race Alliance when I arrive." Cook said with a smile, which Cook had already considered.

The monkey nodded when he heard this. This time the Monster Race Alliance accepted the Bafang Mountain's mission to eliminate the Insect Demon Gate, secretly the result of Cook's private communication with the Great Sage, then there will be a second time.

Cook continued: "However, the chance of King Niu looking for Bafang Mountain is not very troublesome, because Bafang Mountain is not only closely related to the Monster Race Alliance, but also closely related to the four major sects of mankind. As long as King Niu is not mentally ill, he will not It will come to our troubles and allow himself more enemies to come out. On the contrary, the Bull King will find some troubles with the Demon League Little Demon King and see how the Demon League reacts."

When the Great Sage heard Cook’s words, he said, "It's very possible. But this time we will definitely not give in. As long as King Niu does not trouble us, we will not provoke him. Once he finds us Trouble, we will let King Niu know how powerful the alliance is."

"Master, I think it is necessary for us to investigate the possible targets of King Niu, and then lie in ambush, so that King Niu is beaten back before he takes a shot, and also to see if the Monster Race Alliance is what we guessed." Cook said.

The great sage waved his hand and said, "We will be upright about ambushing. Don't say anything about ambushing. This will be troublesome."

Cook didn't say anything. This is actually the biggest difference between humans and monsters. Whenever monsters encounter something, they will do it without too much consideration of gains and losses. That is, after living for a long time, they have some such thoughts.

Human beings are different. Human beings will weigh their own interests and use various methods to reduce the loss of their own interests. This is what the Yaozu said is a conspiracy.

The reason why it is called a conspiracy is mainly because the monster race really doesn't have much ability to understand in front of these methods, just can't see through it, and the consequence is that the human tactics are working.

The Great Sage looked at Cook: "Cook, you have to hurry up and practice. I found that the heavens in this world are changing. This is the first time in countless years. Maybe one day, the fairy world will reappear."

Cook sighed: "Master, I also want to come to the big world, but let’s not talk about the small world. The matter of the prehistoric world has not been finalized. The prehistoric world has become more and more complicated. Now there are more wizard empires, wizard alliances, and more. It’s because there is no way to connect the big world and the prehistoric world, otherwise I would have come long ago."

"I think what you are talking about should be the prehistoric period experienced by our great world. In the prehistoric period, the creatures of our great world are also very big." The Great Sage didn't know what to say.

Cook nodded: "Master, I will hurry up, but Master, do you have any more powerful Taoist collections?"

"Dao Fa, the earth evil transformation that I have passed to you is a profound immortal method. Don’t think the Bull Demon King and I have seventy-two changes, but my practice is deeper. The Bull Demon King is not my opponent, and The law passed to you is like the earth, this is also a profound fairy law." The Great Sage stared and said.

"No, Master, these Taoisms are very profound, but I will come to the big world in the future. I can't use them in the human world. I need to learn some powerful Taoisms in the human world." Cook said.

"Don't you have the sword pill's cultivation method?" The Great Sage heard this, even more suspicious.

"Master, the disciples just came to the big world, and they took out such things that are against the sky. I don't know how many old guys will stare at me, and Dao Fa is different, they can't deprive them." Cook said.

The great sage heard Cook’s words and nodded and said: "You kid thought well, only your baby is known to you, hum, it is estimated that a group of old guys will dismember you directly."

"Who said no, so I need a powerful Dao..." Before Cook finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Great Sage.

"A thousand catties of Qiongjiang Jade Liquid, and a thousand catties of Life Spirit Spring, I am responsible for collecting powerful Taoism for you." The Great Sage said directly.

Cook froze for a moment, then looked at the Great Sage depressed. When the Great Sage saw Cook like this, he said angrily: "Rather than looking at me like this, there are a few demonic humans in our Monster Race who can also practice Dao Fa. , I don’t have that good stuff, and they give it to me for nothing."

"Yes, Master, I didn't say no." Cook replied with bright eyes when he heard this.

"Master, I heard that the peacock clan has that five-color light?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Just do it, it's other people's magical powers, do you know the magical powers?" Hearing this, the Great Sage said angrily.

"Then Master, what kind of Taoism are you going to find for me?" Cook continued to ask with a smile on his face.

The Great Sage groaned for a moment, and said, "I think you should practice Thunder Law very well. After all, what happened last time is very helpful to your understanding of Thunder Law."

"Lei Fa, yes, but I hope the power is great..." Before Cook finished speaking, the Great Sage stood up and left.

"What I found for you is not the best. It's troublesome." The voice of the Great Sage came afterwards.

The big monkey was puzzled and asked, "Little Junior Brother, what do you have with Master?"

"Master won't let you say it." Cook looked at the monkey and said, not that Cook didn't want to say it, but the Great Sage's warning to Cook that leaking the secret is not a good thing.

The Great Sage returned soon and pointed at Cook's eyebrows: "This is the thunder method I just went to find. From now on, you will cultivate the thunder method when you refine the wine."

"Shen Xiao Wulong exterminates demons and Lei Fa?" Cook closed his eyes and saw the name of this Lei Fa.

"It is the thunder of the palm, and the five dragons are fingers without roots." The monkey said while hearing Cook's words.

When Cook heard this, he asked: "Big brother, is this thunder method powerful?"

"Little Junior Brother, don’t ask such idiot questions whether it’s good or not. Taoism, the United States and Europe, are not so powerful. Only those who have a high level of cultivation and a high level of cultivation are powerful. Any kind of Taoism is powerful. A shallow cultivation base is a fairy law That’s it, but Master’s hand is the most complete Dao Fa, and we don’t look at who our Master is..." Saying this, the monkey didn’t say anything. The Great Sage didn’t get it when the heavens collapsed. There are few good things, and he provokes a certain saint who has been **** by a demon for countless years. If you say more, you might be beaten up.

Cook nodded. In fact, Cook was still a little bit lost. After all, it's just a palm thunder. Although palm thunder is not common among human monks, it is not very rare. In fact, on the human side, the strongest in Taoism is thunder method, but this strongest still needs to be linked to the cultivation base.

Cook returned to the small world and finished the affairs of the Council of Gods. Cook ignored it for a long time in the prehistoric world. Prince Desai and the people of Delaisi were driving the spacecraft for training and running-in. As for Cook Looking for exotic treasures, this is the next step.

For the rest of the time, Cook practiced in the prehistoric world, running the unknown exercises over and over again. Although the massive amount of energy was absorbed by the wizard model, after turning around, Cook got less than 10% 1. Wuming Jianwan needs to absorb energy, Tai Chi Bagua furnace needs to absorb energy, there is also a broken bell to absorb energy, and the demon-binding cord also absorbs energy. After all kinds of energy are intercepted, Cook has not much left. .

After the exercises were operated over and over again, Cook's understanding of the exercises became deeper, but Cook never reached the first level, and he didn't know what exercises it was.

"Do you want to use a tricky method?" Cook felt that it was very difficult for him to practice this kind of fairy method to the first level, so Cook had the idea of ​​trickery.

How to make tricks, Cook’s idea is very simple. To hit the leaves dozens of kilometers away, the mind alone is not enough. Then you can calculate the accurate parabola and the required power, and then be shot out at Kenmaru At the moment, Cook also followed at full speed, so that the spiritual mind would not be broken, so as long as he hits the leaves, it is very likely to activate the first level of practice.

Of course, this is only a possibility. To calculate such data, not only test data, but also time is needed.

"Why don't you give it a try?" With this thought, Cook didn't want to practice.

"Cook, I think the cultivation should be steady." Barry hasn't spoken for a long time, and Barry is also practicing.

"Oh?" Cook let out a loud cry.

Barry said, "Cook, cultivation itself is your own business. If you come this way, it seems to be to complete the task. Even if you succeed this time, then the second time, you are sure to practice the second level of gong. law?"

Cook still didn’t speak, and Barry continued: “Cook, there are shortcuts to cultivation, but it shouldn’t be tricking. It’s meaningless for you to fool yourself like this. Cultivation should be steady step by step, and you can’t go ahead. I also know. You are under a lot of pressure, but being under pressure does not mean that you want to fool yourself."

When Cook heard Barry say this, he was shocked and said, "Barry, I know."

When Barry heard Cook say this, he didn't say anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and Cook felt that he hadn't practiced at all for a while.

"It seems that I have to retreat once. The success of the ninth-order construction wizard made me a little at a loss." Cook thought about it carefully and found that it was the success of the wizard construction wizard that made himself lost.

Thinking of retreat, Cook retreats, and Cook shut himself in the laboratory of the God Realm and began to retreat.

Cook let his heart calm down slowly, and then meditated silently on the Sutra of Demon Subduing the Demons, the exercise method in the sword pill is for killing. It is not suitable for long-term silent meditation. As for palm thunder, it is also a tyrannical thunder method, not to mention it. Suitable for meditation practice. The only useful thing is the Sutra of Demon Subduing the Demon. This Sutra of Demon Subduing the Demon is a true scripture. As for what you can understand, it depends on your personal condition, but meditation is affirmative. This one.

Cook meditated silently over and over again in the Sutra of Conquering Demons and Demons. What Cook didn't see was that the magic pestle was also flashing with Cook's meditation, as if breathing.

"Tsk tsk." The device that bound the demon was inspired by this scene, opened his eyes and sighed, and then listened carefully to Cook's sutra of subduing the demon and subduing the demon. Don't forget, the demon-binding cord can also be used to lower the demon. , It can be said that there are some things in common. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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