A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1144: clue

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If the Council of the Gods has weaknesses, it is not the mountains of the gods, nor is it the stronghold of the Mageweave Association and other planes, these places are very tightly guarded.

What is the weakness of the Council of Gods? It is countless forces, temples, races, and families, these are the weakest.

"Come here, please check if there is any unusual movement in the Temple of Light recently, not in the past few years." Cook immediately ordered.

After the order was given, Cook squinted his eyes: "For a long time, I have been guarding against enemies outside, but now it seems that the inside is equally important."

Then Cook was ordered by the Brave Knights, and the detection range of the Sky City covered the entire sphere of influence of the Council of the Gods.

"I want to see what conspiracy these guys have." After everything is set up, the rest is just waiting.

There are more than hundreds of human temples in the Council of Gods, and there are countless temples such as the **** of war, the **** of magic, the goddess of wealth, and the **** of light.

The human race is different from other races, just like giant dragons only believe in dragon gods and do not believe in other gods. Angels believe in the **** of light, demons believe in the devil, and do not believe in other gods at all.

Therefore, human beings are also victims of many gods' struggles, but after Cook abbots the Council of Gods, there are fewer disputes, because once disputes occur, you can sit down and discuss, and there is the great development of the Council of Gods, which makes the temples look down on the original. What kind of interest are you competing for?

"It seems that we must change. Rapid development is impossible to continue for a long time. I am afraid that it will be a contradiction." Cook had an idea in his heart. Although Cook has decided to go to the big world, after all The Council of the Gods is now set up by Cook alone. Cook doesn't want to leave by himself, and others will destroy the Council of the Gods.

In fact, this kind of thing is common in any society. Prosperity and decline, this kind of thing is always inevitable, no matter what kind of social structure, or what kind of power, even the top power, will fall into this cycle.

Cook didn’t pay much attention to these, because in Cook’s view, the rapid development of the Council of Gods will continue for a long time, but Cook now looks back and sees that the sooner some things are dealt with, the impact on the future will be The smaller you are, you can't squander some things for the sake of development, otherwise, even if you find it then, you can't get it back.

When Cook dealt with these things, in the human world, the temple of light.

"Three elders, are these two thousand people again?" The person in charge of the registration in the Temple of Light looked at the application handed over by this elder, with some doubts.

"Hehe, you also know that all places are sending people now. The demon plane I am responsible for is in a bad environment and needs more people." The third elder smiled and explained indifferently.

"Three elders, but this is already nearly 20,000 people, although they are all low-level believers, but..." This person in charge of registration checked some data and said.

"They are voluntary." The third elder interrupted.

"Okay, but I will report this matter to the temple." The person in charge of the registration also has a bad premonition in his heart. What do these low-level believers need to do in the demon plane?

The Temple of Light has developed to this day. In fact, it is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Angels. Although the Angels are very important to the believers of the Temple of Light, they are only symbolic. Angels have no direct jurisdiction over the Temple of Light. Want to enforce this right.

But not only the high level of the temple will not agree, even the humans will not agree, because if that happens, the humans will be more chaotic.

"This is your right." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Third Elder, and then said lightly.

The person in charge took the matter down, and the third elder took the pass issued by the person in charge out of the temple.

The new rules of the Council of Gods, regardless of whether it is a collective action of more than a thousand people of any force, must issue a certificate at the respective temple and obtain a pass.

The three elders returned to their residence and came to the basement. There were rows of bookshelves in the basement and a large test bench, which was the standard configuration of the laboratory.

The three elders poured a glass of water on the test bench, then poured it in from a hole in the test bench, and then the test bench moved slowly away, and there was no sound.

After moving away, an underground passage appeared. The third elder walked into the underground passage. A few minutes later, the third elder appeared in the sewer.

The three elders walked skillfully in the sewers. The sewers seemed to be abandoned. There was no sewage, but there was a lot of garbage. As for whether there were any traps in the garbage, it was not known.

After walking for half an hour, the sewers came to an end. The Three Elders came near the stone wall and chanted a spell, and the stone wall was opened.

"Elder." Inside the stone wall was a lift with guards inside. Seeing the three elders, they immediately saluted respectfully.

The elevator didn't descend, but the guards of the elevator operated for a while, and directly opened the stone wall on the other side of the elevator, and an upward staircase appeared.

If you don't know, you think the chances of elevators are going down, and you can see how tight the guards here are.

"Elder Protector, what's the urgent matter for you to come in person?" After the three elders came out, it was a manor. You can see the workers coming in and out of the manor from time to time, as well as large wine barrels. This is a winery. The three elders came in person and asked.

"This is a pass. When I went to apply for the pass today, I was suspicious again." The third elder took out the pass and said.

"Oh, it looks like it needs to be dealt with again." The young man picked up the pass and said while looking at it.

"There are already tens of thousands of people, Envoy, when can I go to the City of Angels?" the third elder asked, with deep concern in his tone.

"It's coming soon. There will be at most half a year's time. When you go to our city of angels, you can get the blood of the gods and become a demigod bloodline. It will be easy to break through and reach the gods at that time." The young man replied.

"That's good." When the third elder heard that there was still half a year, he relaxed a lot.

"But there are still a thousand high-level believers. As long as you complete this last task, I will take you to the City of Angels." The young man said.

"A thousand people?" The three elders were a little embarrassed, to know what high-level believers were, that was the backbone of the temple.

"Well, the last batch is here." The young man nodded and said.

"Well, I need an excuse. It's best if something happens on the demon plane." The third elder hesitated, and then said.

"Impossible, what we are doing is not noticeable at all. Once it attracts the attention of the Brave Knights, the trouble will be big." The young man shook his head and said.

When the third elder heard this, he frowned and said: "If a thousand high-ranking believers want to be transferred, they must go through the temple meeting. Do you think we..."

"Who wants you to get a thousand people, one hundred, dozens of them at a time, and it is not necessarily a task. You can release some news in private. As long as these people reach the designated place, you don't need to worry about the rest. "The young man said.

When the third elder heard this, he nodded and said; "Sir Envoy is better, then I will go back and prepare."

"Go, I'll take care of the other things." The young man waved and said.

On the street of the Temple of Light, a conflict occurred later, a dwarf drunk killed a steward of the Temple of Light, and the dwarf drunk was also arrested, which looked like a very ordinary thing.

But in an inn in the city, five people gathered together. These five people were three men and two women. Three of them were dressed as adventurers and merchants. All five people were wearing cloaks.

"Today, the temple steward was killed, which caught my attention. As a result, I checked it carefully. This is the third time in ten years that this steward has been the same, and every time it conflicted with others and was killed by someone.” One of them The woman said, her voice was very hoarse, apparently changed her voice.

"Is there any other news?" The man dressed as a businessman asked. The man's facial expression was stiff and he was disguised.

"No, but in the past five years, a large number of low-level believers have traveled to the Demon Plane, and there are also many people who are passing news about the Demon Plane among the low-level believers. It is said that many low-level believers are eager to try. I want to go to the demon plane." An adventurer said.

"Oh?" The man dressed as a businessman moved in his heart.

"There is also the Temple of Light that will hold a conference recently to commend those believers who have made contributions to the Temple of Light. There are high-level and low-level believers, with more than 20,000 people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Another woman said.

"I know this. Someone has been paying close attention. If it's okay, everyone will leave in batches, but I want to know tomorrow who the three dead stewards have met on the same day." The man dressed as a businessman said.

"Yes." When the others heard this, they immediately left in batches, leaving one person in three minutes.

Below the hotel is a tavern. Although the Temple of Light does not promote drinking, there is no way. Taxes in the tavern are too high. In addition, there are many other people who do business in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Temple of Light. These people are allowed to drink. Of course not advocating it does not mean prohibiting it. Moreover, the tavern has a very good business in the Council of the Gods. Yes, because the tavern not only takes care of the liquor business, there are also hotels, restaurants, and of course other businesses, such as dancing girls, so the staff structure in the tavern is complicated and there are everyone.

After all kinds of news about the Temple of Light were collected, they were sent back to the intelligence department. After the intelligence part was analyzed, they were integrated and submitted.

"More than 20,000 low-level believers, have you come back?" Cook directly focused on the demon plane, the Temple of Light, the two lines were locked, and suspicious news appeared immediately. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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