A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1148: Attacked

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boom! boom! boom!

There was a faint violent sound, and the sound sounded a little dull. People like the Great Elder didn’t care, because in the underground world, the sound would travel far, and in this underground world, there was no sound that day, and the magma erupted. There will be huge sounds when the stratum falls off and so on, but in the Demon Plane, the groundwater basically does not change much, because the water on the Demon Plane is basically underground, and there will be no flood if it rains.

So in this underground, volcanoes, magma, and lakes coexist, so there is thick mist above the entire Nether Canyon, most of which is water vapor.

To dry the underground lake in the underground world, countless lives depend on countless lives. No one knows what is behind the rock. Maybe it is an underground river or turbulent magma.

"I curse you demons, you will go to hell." Some believers could not bear such torture, cursing loudly.

"Jiejie, someone finally started cursing today." A demon overseer looked at the cursing of a young believer, and walked in front of the cursing young believer with a grin.

"Demons, you angels, you will be thrown into hell." The young believer was very scared, and the surrounding believers quietly stepped aside.


The demon overseer directly stretched out his hand and broke off one of the believer's arms, and blood flowed out all at once.

Crop, crop, crop.

The demon overseer stretched his head over and leaned on the believer's broken arm, and then began to **** it up, but within a few seconds, the believer's body was dry.

"Whatever you see, hurry up and work." The demon overseer tore off the believer's clothes in three to two, and put the broken arm in his mouth, biting a piece of bone and flesh, and chewing on the other. Eyes widened.

Many believers are already familiar with this scene. People here will end up in this way sooner or later. Those who are exhausted and resist the death will become food for the devil.

"God, save us." There are also some young women who are tortured to death before they die. These demons chew and bully those women.

But as long as they work obediently, these demons won't do anything, but once they are about to die, they will be extremely miserable.

Millions of believers, as well as people from other forces, are left with only one or two. Countless people are deeply regretful. Why should they believe others in the first place? Why should they believe?

But there is no regret medicine in this world. Of course, there are some people who are looking forward to the army of the Council of Gods. No one will live here for long, batch by batch, and then batch by batch will become devil food.

"No, the demon spider leader rushed over." A human expert rushed in and screamed in panic.

At any time, there are some people who squander the lives of others for profit. The great elder of the angel clan sullenly drank: "What are we asking you for? Didn't you get the war equipment?"

"Elder, no, we can't stand it anymore. This magic spider is not afraid of holy water at all. We have already lost half of our people at the intersection." This human is also a god-level powerhouse.

"Trash." A trace of disgust flashed in the eyes of the elder, and a pair of angels rushed out with a wave of his hand.

boom! boom!

Just after the group of angels left, a violent sound was made from a stone wall, and nearby human slaves fled frantically.


The entire stone wall collapsed at once, and a ten-meter-high, pitch-black giant appeared, followed by the second and third.

"Earth giant." The great elder gritted his teeth. This earth giant is an elemental creature, very difficult to deal with, but the great elder and others have already investigated, and these earth elements will not leave their territory.


In the lava river on the other side, a monster covered in flames emerged from the lava and immediately rushed to the nearby demon overseer. In the eyes of these elemental creatures, the stronger demon was the first to be treated.


The devil is worthy of being a devil, and dozens of demon overseers rushed up.


What caught the devil by surprise was that these fire elemental attacks were so neat that these demons immediately screamed: "There is the Lord of the Flame Demon."

After thousands of fire elemental creatures came out, a ten-meter high Balrog appeared with black flames all over it.

"Blazing Demon, we didn't provoke you." The great elder of the angel clan drew sharply with bright energy fluctuations all over his body.

"Hmph, despicable birdman, kill me." The flame demon sent out a spirit wave. In this gloomy underground world, what kind of angels are, and the flame demon also saw dozens of earth giants and more earth. The giant got out of the hole.

The earth giants also saw angels. These underground creatures have a natural aversion to light. As soon as the earth giants waved their hands, countless rocks shot at the group of angels. Of course, these earth giants longed for the blood of angels.

The flame demon is the same. Looking at these angels, the orders continue to be issued. The flame demon lord is a demon creature with a lord level higher than the ordinary flame demon.

The lord is the owner of a territory. On this ground, there will only be a master.

A 20-meter-high ordinary Balrog climbed out of the lava river, waving a hand of magma. These magma directly enveloped the demons on the ground. The demons on the ground are much weaker than the demons on the ground. These demons are just like the tauren. The goat head demon was driven out of the underground world by the flame demon under the ground, the earth giant.

The underground world is where the real demon planes and high-level demons fight. Succubus, dragon demon, big demon, etc. all live in the underground world.

"Roar!" On the other side, an earth giant shining with crystal light also crawled out of the hole, this earth giant was like metal inlaid with diamonds.

"Damn it, what's going on with these guys." The elders of the Angel family saw two Lord-level demons with big heads. If they are on the main plane, the elders of the Angel family are not afraid at all, but in this small underground world. , The height is within the attack range of these high-level demons.

"Three elders, five elders, you deal with the earth giants, I will kill the lords of the flame demon." The great elder of the angel family issued an order.

"Okay." The third and fifth elders nodded, but they didn't have the slightest confidence.


On the other side, in a cave, a shriveled corpse of a human was thrown out, and then a hideous green head was revealed.

"This?" Seeing this green head, where is the monster, not what is the abyss spider, the green is slimy blood, and one eye is gone.

"Ah, help. Help." Under the demon spider's abdomen, a human being was grasped by the demon spider and wailed fiercely. The bristles on the demon spider's claws were like barbs. This human pierced a pair, this human being covered in blood, howling.


When the spider saw the angels, its instinctive disgust made the spider roar at these angel spells.

A half-meter-sized demon spider rushed out of the cave, toward the stronger demons, angels, and occasionally some slaves, but that was a very small number. As every lord, he was wise. A demon lord, an abyss lord, in this narrow underground world, for the angel family, it is a nightmare.

"Cook, I know it's you, come out." The elder looked at the three lords and took a breath of air. If two lords were to be mentioned, then it might be a hard fight, but if you add an abyss spider, then run. Don’t even think about it, because when the magic spider catches its prey, it will set up nets around the sky. Although these do not cause much harm to the angels, in such a duel, even if it is 0.001 seconds, it is the speed of life and death, let alone habit. The angels with the vast sea and the sky, in such a narrow environment, can show how much fighting power.

Seeing the appearance of the Lord of the Abyss Demon Spider, the elder shook his heart, and then yelled loudly.

The third and fifth elders were obviously shocked when they heard this.

"Cook. Come out!" The elder yelled out loudly, believing that Cook was making trouble.

But the three lords didn’t wait. They commanded the slaughter of the demon overseers. These tauren and goat head overseers were rampant when facing humans, but faced with the high-ranking Balrog Lord, the subordinates of the Earth Giant Lord, It was like a lamb to be slaughtered, one by one the tauren was torn to pieces.

To be honest, the devil looks very disgusting when fighting. It's not because of other things, but because the devil has a very high physique. As long as it is not a deadly part, it can slowly recover. Therefore, when the demons fight each other, they are used to tearing their enemies into pieces. Fragments.

Human slaves threw directly into the lake. To tell the truth, the creatures of the Demon Plane were very annoying to water, and even the Balrog's men did not dare to go into the water, and the earth giants didn't say anything. Only the demon spider barely feared the water.

"Go this way, this way leads to the next floor." A believer immediately cried.

As a result, countless slaves slid down from a huge canal to the next level. This was originally a route for a group of believers to escape. It is said that the demon overseer just watched the water flow outside, and did not care where it went, so these Believers have this channel~www.wuxiaspot.com~Three angels and dozens of high-level angels were stared at by the three lords. Seeing that the number of human slaves was declining, the great elder drank: "You go Stop that group of slaves, the three of us deal with these three lords."

"Yes." Dozens of high-ranking angels flashed, they were about to intercept the human slaves.

Puff puff!

But the next moment, the magic spider silk sprayed by the sky covered the entire cave. At the top of this huge cave, tens of thousands of large and small magic spiders lurked on it. This moment finally moved.

"Holy Flame!" Seeing this scene, the elder roared, holding a long sword formed by golden flames in his hand. It was chopped and chopped out at once, becoming hundreds of meters long, and the spider silks encountered were chopped off and burned.

"Huhuhuhu." But behind the spider silk are huge fire dragons. These fire dragons meet the bullheads, and the bullheads directly turn into coke.

"Judgment!" The three elders and the five elders also acted immediately along with the great elders, and one move was the ultimate move of the angels. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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