A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1150: Ancient Demon

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When Cook saw the lake below, a bead appeared in his hand, a drop of water in the five-element bead.

The huge lakes still have almost one third of the water. These lakes have a lot of water on the top and more water on the bottom, but due to the topography, there is not much, but it is definitely not less.

After taking out the Five Elements Bead, Cook's mind moved, and then he knew how to use it. Cook fell directly on his body. When the Five Elements Bead just touched the water surface, the water in the entire lake disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The altar also appeared in front of Cook's eyes. There was a big hole in the chest of the great elder of the Angel family, and a white heart was beating in the hands of the great elder.

"Haha, haha, die, when the devil returns to direct, everything will be calm." The elder screamed frantically. .

The great elder put his heart, which is the bright jade, on the altar, and countless black tentacles emerged from the altar, and the bright jade was swallowed all at once. Even the body of the great elder was swallowed. It looks like It's like being swallowed by an altar.

The altar below vibrated more and more, cracks cracked on the altar, when the whole altar split, a big hole appeared.

"Octopus?" Cook saw a few huge holes popping out of more than 100 meters. Cook guessed in his heart that Cook was ready, and the nine-fold superposition became mad. It's ready.

"Quack, finally came out, suppressed Lao Tzu for tens of thousands of years, this hatred must be reported, I want to kill all creatures." A deep voice sounded.

When the whole creature appeared, it was indeed an octopus as Cooke guessed, but the octopus was full of evil spirits.

"Demon!" When Cook saw the ancient demon god, he was actually not very surprised. The big world, the small world, and the prehistoric world did not exist independently. They existed for so many years, and it was possible to communicate with each other, but it was not before. Know it.

"A Demon King would dare to speak up here," Cook said with a sneer.

"Who are you, I am the black-headed demon king under the East China Sea Dragon Throne." The octopus looked at the suspended Cook with two eyes, and there was a palpitation of heart for no reason. The demon race does not mean that it is a fool, let alone the demon once. The demon king.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you are the ancient monster that those bird people call?

"Boy, who are you?" Octopus felt for a while, and realized that the boy in front of him was not strong enough, how could he feel palpitations, so he stretched out a tentacle and pointed at Cook.

"Hmph, did you see it." Cook took out a vellus hair and threw it away.

"Hey, this is what came out of that 旮旯." As the volley changed, the voice of the Great Sage appeared.


With a sound, the octopus suddenly retracted into the original cave, and a head was exposed. Cook didn't know why this guy got into such a small cave. This head is bigger than the cave, let alone a few. Big feet.

"Great Sage?" Octopus asked weakly.

"Come out, come out quickly, or I will fight." The Great Sage looked at the Octopus and said.

The octopus quickly crawled out again, and the whole body shrank into a ball. The Great Sage looked at Cook and said: "Is this guy I brought back to the big world, or stay here?"

"Take it back, forget it, stay here..." Cook said halfway, and suddenly heard the voice of the Great Sage.

"Fool, this guy can almost run rampant in the small world. You leave the big world, and this small world needs someone to show you. It is not convenient for us to send someone down from the Monster Race. This guy is just right." Pointed.

Cook glanced at the octopus and asked, "Can you listen to me from now on?"

"Listen, listen, what you say, King, is what you say." Octopus doesn't doubt at all, because this hair is still the magical power of the Great Sage, that is, the Dragon King of the East Sea has to open his mouth when he sees the Great Sage and treat him graciously.

"Okay, you will listen to me from now on." Cook heard the octopus say so and said immediately.

"Listen to the black servant, if you are not obedient, don't blame my grandson for killing you." A golden light appeared in the eyes of the Great Sage after speaking.

"Ahhhh, I listen, I listen." Two golden lights in his eyes cut off the two legs of the octopus directly, and the octopus wailed without daring to move.

The earth giant, the Flame Demon Lord, saw this scene, and his whole body was trembling. The head below was a big guy with three to four hundred meters long tentacle and even a kilometer long, and he was actually recovered.

At the same time, the two lords also knew that the big guy below was the ancient demon who ravaged the entire Nether in the legend.

"You two, do you know what's going on?" Cook ignored the octopus's head and asked the Lord of the Flame Demon and the Earth Giant.

The two guys didn't dare to neglect at all, and they said, Cook knows it too. It turns out that this place is not a place, and these guys just don't provoke me as long as you don't provoke me.

Cook continued to ask: "Do you know that the demon overseer here is under the demon lord?"

"Know, know, it's the subordinates of the Red Devil above." The Flame Demon Lord said quickly.

"Big black guy, are you hungry?" Cook saw the **** guy eating the corpses of the demons.

"Yes, yes. What is the Lord's order?" the octopus asked while eating his broken leg.

"Rodan, come here, and take this **** man to the Red Devil Lord's side, leaving no one behind." Cook called the captain of the brave knights who followed him and said.

"Yes." The members of the Brave Knights were not surprised at Cook's recovery of the black big man.

Cook thought for a while, then took out a flat peach and threw it to the octopus' head: "This is for you."

"Flat peach, flat peach, thank you, lord, I have some treasures here." After seeing the flat peach, the octopus could not believe his eyes, and then opened his mouth. Was spit out, like a hill.

"Take it yourself, I don't need it." Cook waved his hand and said.

"Then, King, there is something in this cave, I was hit by this thing in this ghost place." Octopus's head pulled the treasure into its stomach, and then said.

"Oh, I see." Cook felt a move. Could it be that this fellow was not lucky and was smashed in when the heaven was broken?

The **** octopus happily followed a team of brave knights out.

"Let's go." Cook then looked at the lord of the earth giant and the lord of the flame demon, and said.

"Yes, yes." The two powerful lords of the demon plane breathed a sigh of relief.

"But if someone offends both of you in the future, I hope you two will not kill you. You submit it to our Council of Gods, and we will give you a satisfactory answer." Cook said again.

"No problem, we have always been very tolerant to the members of the Council of Gods." The earth giant said.

Cook waved his hand and the two lords quickly left.

Cook looked at the deep hole and jumped down.

"Isn't this deep?" The hole is only 100 meters deep. Looking at the surrounding rock walls, it is simply melted by a powerful force, and this rock wall also carries an unusually powerful force, which has changed the stone wall for countless years. Structure, no wonder this octopus can't get out of its head.


The stone wall made a crisp sound, and Jiang Mo pestle left only a shallow trace on it, and Cook couldn't help but slap his tongue.

"What's under this?" The ground is nearly a hundred meters in diameter, and a piece of jade is exposed.

"Is this something from the fairy family?" From this jade, Cook sensed a powerful force, but this power could not be used by Cook at all, just like Cook faced a huge golden mountain, but the golden mountain was too heavy and wanted It is impossible to deduct a piece.



The ground didn't know what was going on, the change was so fierce, even the Star Breaking Hammer hit it and was bounced back.

Cook slapped his tongue. Cook was studying what the fairy family smashed inside. The Brave Knights were divided into two parts. One part took the large army and the black octopus to the territory of the Red Devil Lord, and the other part cleaned the scene. I found the entrance to the next floor, but after these players entered, they didn't come back.

"Head." A voice interrupted Cook's research.

"What's the matter?" Cook immediately went out of the hole.

"Leader, after the three teams entered, nothing happened." A team leader said.

When Cook heard this, he came to the excavated cave, which was already dry, but the traces of man-made can still be seen here.

"How long has it been?" Cook asked.

"Half an hour." The captain replied. The three teams are fully equipped and the possibility of problems is not very high.

"I'll go in and take a look." Cook didn't know what's down here, but all three teams lost contact, so it's no use for others to go in.

Cook walked along the channel of flowing water for five minutes and came to the lower level.


The strong gravity directly tore Cooke down, and Cooke couldn't have time to guard, so he was heavily smashed to the ground.

"Huh?" Cook felt like he was crushing a few big mountains~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook was mad at nine times and his strength was already very strong.

"Jie Jie, some fresh food came in again." A strange voice cried.

"Barry." It was very dark and there was no light at all, and Cook shouted quickly.

"Come on, hey, gravity here is not effective for me." After Barry came out, there was no light, only Barry's voice rang.

"Oops." Cook thought of a possibility that when gravity reaches a peak, even light will be absorbed in. This is the black hole theory.

When Cooke's mind stretched out, Cooke breathed a sigh of relief, and then Cook found that there were corpses, humans, and demon overseers everywhere.

"It's over." When Cook saw these people, he knew that they were all captured by the elders of the angel family.

"There is still breath." But when Cook saw the members of the Brave Knights, he took a closer look and found that there was still a breath. Cook moved step by step and hurried to save people. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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