A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1155: Taoist Power (Part 1)

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Fantasy Sea City, a large-world casual repair city, is also the first city to be established in casual repairs. Fantasy Sea City was built by True Lord Fantasy Sea. The reason why True Lord Fantasy Sea was able to build Fantasy Sea City is because of Fantasy Sea. True Monarch's double monk has a close relationship with Penglai Island, and is actually the sister of the previous head.

However, the leader of Penglai Island has long since resigned, and his life is not much. As for the true monarch of Fantasy Sea, his life is still not much. As for the dual monks of the two monks, his life is also not much. .

For a hundred years, in the eyes of the monks, it was just a flick of a finger. Illusory Sea City wanted to pay Penglai Island every year, but everyone also knew how much money a market could make, so True Monarch Illusory Sea’s family was affected by the illusion. The crowded out of the other big families in Haicheng, who is behind these big families, don't need to think about it, it must be the person in charge of Penglai Island now.

However, these people have no way to come forward, because the previous head has not yet died, even if it is dead, the next successor can't do anything, that's disrespect.

Since the people of Penglai Island have no way to come forward, but the Sanxiu family has no scruples. In the past ten years, True Monarch Fantasy Sea has been squeezed out by other families in all aspects, and True Monarch Fantasy Sea also sees that he has no hope of breakthrough. Gradually shrink the power.

The feeling of being persecuted by the people he took in, True Monarch Fantasy Sea, no, Monarch Fantasy Sea Dao understands very well. The situation of Bafang Mountain is just a gamble. Originally, Master Fantasy Sea Dao wanted to take refuge in Bafang Mountain, so he was prepared. Find a backer for your own family, but now you are promoted to Daojun, as long as Penglai Island does not come forward, then these casual repair families will be beaten.

"Patriarch, are you back?" The magic sea Daoist came back very quickly, after all, there is a difference between the late stage of distraction and the late stage of Yuan Ying.

"I'm back, haven't anything happened lately?" Huanhaidao-kun shrank, looking undoubtedly the usual.

"San Guan Shi brought people here a few days ago, and I was arguing to separate the family." The steward said, San Guan Shi is the nephew of Lord Fantasy Sea Daoist, and at least he is a relative. Lord Fantasy Sea Daoist is very important to the clansman, in fact. In the big world, everything depends on the power of the family, but some people in the family don't remember well, and biting you back is even more heartbreaking.

"Is there any more?" If you were the former Mister Fantasy Sea Dao, you might be very angry, but now these people are like ants in the eyes of Mister Fantasy Sea Dao. They just want to trample to death.

"There are also the Wang family, the Li family, and the Sun family, who want to join forces to buy shares in the auction house." The butler said in a relatively small voice.

"Well, you go and inform the Wang family, the Li family, and the Sun family master that they will come to my house tomorrow to discuss the auction house. In addition, let the three butlers come together tomorrow, and ask the guardian of Penglai Island to come and be a witness. "In the world of monks, there is no mention of gentlemen's revenge. It is not too late for ten years. The monks have to fight and kill in plain terms. How can there be such a patience, of course, it is normal to not be beaten and trampled.

"Yes." When the butler heard this, he sighed in his heart, and an inexplicable sadness came out of his heart.

After the Master of Ocean Dao ordered, he returned to the cave where he was practicing. This is the place where Master of Ocean Dao and his Taoist cultivators practiced. The double monk of Master of Ocean Dao looked 30 years old, with mature charm and the aura of a true monarch. People can't help but take another look.

"I'm going to retreat to death." The Taoist couple of Huanhai Daojun is called Zhenjun Shayun, and the humanity of Penglai Island is related to the sea.

"Sha Yun. Is Big Brother going to retreat too?" Huanhai was not surprised, in fact, it was Huanhai herself who was ready to retreat.

"Yes, he wants to see you for the last time, alas!" Zhenjun Sha Yun frowned and sighed. Sha Yun didn't know the situation in Huanhai City, but the strength of these people is not weaker than that of the two of them. There will be other families.

"Madam, you don't actually need to close the dead, you look at me." The magic sea Daojun opened the protection of the cave mansion, and then said.

Feeling the coercion of Lord Huanhai Daoist, Sha Yun widened his eyes, and then yelled: "Huanhai, you, you are looking for death, you bastard, you actually use this method, we still have a thread of retreat. Vitality, you are like this, you are like this..."

"Stop, stop, stop, madam, you are wrong. I have made a serious breakthrough. If you don't believe me, look at me, am I taking that kind of medicine?" Huanhai was still taken aback for a while, then Understand, said quickly.

Only then did Sha Yun hurriedly explore with his spiritual thoughts. After a while, Sha Yun looked at Huanhai with wide eyes, "Have you eaten the elixir?"

"I ate the best spirit pill, and also ate the fairy fruit, and drank the fairy wine." Master Huanhaidao answered.

"Really?" Sha Yun didn't believe it.

Huanhai touched out the Yanshou Dan and said, "Look, I actually received an invitation that day and I was also a casual practitioner..."

"This Bafang Mountain is really as powerful as you said?" After Sha Yun listened to it, she looked at the best spirit pill and couldn't understand for a long time, how powerful is a power that has risen less than a year?

"Yes, so this time I come back, I plan to move the whole family over, and also ask the eldest brother whether he will go. According to the eldest brother's cultivation base, as long as there is a awakening **** pill, breakthrough is a breeze. You will now return to Penglai , Let the big brother leave Penglai Island. After I do it tomorrow, it will not be so easy for the big brother to leave." Huanhai said.

"I'll go back immediately, where are the descendants of the older brother?" Sha Yun asked again.

"We are in Bafang Mountain. If the people on Penglai Island are not fools, they know how to treat the offspring of Big Brother." Huanhai can see clearly in Bafang Mountain. The news on Penglai Island is relatively closed, and I don’t even know about Bafang Mountain. How many sects gathered around.

The two moved separately, and Master Huanhai watched Sha Yun leave without any feeling. As for whether or not Sha Yun's eldest brother would go, it didn't matter. Huanhai did what he wanted.

The next morning, the heads of the three families of the Wang, Li, and Sun families, as well as the two clan guests, came to the most conspicuous building in Huanhai City, where the Lord Huanhaidao lived.

When the patriarchs of these three families came to Huanhai City, they were only a casual cultivator. With the development of Huanhai City, they finally established a family. After the establishment of the family, when the life of the magic sea is approaching, these three families cannot sit I lived, and it was a small-scale shot at the beginning. The Magic Sea Daoist didn't care at the time. After all, he knew his own affairs, but these three companies were intensified, robbing the Magic Sea family of various businesses, from the initial trading market to the house closing. Rent, city guards, etc. were all participated in by the three families. This is not enough. The most famous auction house in Huanhai City is also the backbone of the Huanhai family's industry, and these three families have to participate.

When the three Patriarchs saw each other, they all smiled. Although these three are allied on the surface, they are still scammed in private, but now they must step on the ground, and then divide the spoils.

The three-manager of the Huanhai family is in charge of the auction house. Seeing that the other three patrons were also there, the face immediately turned black, and he shouted, "Patriarch, why haven't they come out?"

"The Patriarch is still in the backyard. When the guardian of Penglai Island comes, the Patriarch will come out." The steward said, this steward is the steward of the mansion of the magic sea.

"Huh." San Guan was very upset. San Guan had been controlling the auction house for many years, and the profit was very clear.

"True Monarch Blue Water, True Monarch Black Sea is here." Two Penglai Island guards came, and the guard at the door immediately shouted.

The protector of Penglai Island in Fantasy Sea City has only been stationed in the last 100 years. Of course everyone understands why.

After seeing the three Patriarchs, the two guardians didn't look good, obviously they weren't the same.

"Where's Huanhai, why don't you come out yet, what kind of airs is it?" Patriarch Wang saw this scene and drank it irritably.

"Haha, the second prince, your temper is still so impatient, I said before, your temper will suffer sooner or later." The voice of Master Huanhai Dao came, and then came out from behind.

"Liu Qingyun, the name Wang Lao Er is also yours. I am here today to get one-third of the shares in the auction house." When the Patriarch Wang heard this, he sat in a chair and drank it angrily.

"Haha, okay, where are you two?" The Lord Huanhaidao was not angry at all, and turned to ask the Li Family and Sun Family Patriarch.

"Brother Liu, our Li family only needs half of the auction house, and you can rest assured that our Li family will take care of the Liu family in Fantasy City in the future." Patriarch Li stood up and said.

"Li Heizi, you guy, I have said long ago, don't be too dark, or you will suffer." Zhenjun Huanhai said with a smile.

"Haha, are you?" The Li family asked rhetorically with a sneer.

The Patriarch of the Sun family didn’t wait for the Master of Fantasy Sea to ask, he said: “Liu Qingyun, don’t pretend, and quickly take out the shares of the auction house. The three of us let you leave Fantasy Sea City safely. If you don’t take it out, there will be consequences. Be responsible for yourself."

"Haha, Sun Dayear, I saved your life back then, are you paying me back now?" True Monarch Huanhai looked up at the sky and asked, as if desperate.

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~Liu Qingyun, I am saving your family with 227 lives. Is this not enough?" Patriarch Sun asked with a smile.

Mister Huanhai nodded, looked at the third manager and asked: "The third child, I heard that you want to separate the family, what kind of industry do you want?"

"I want an auction house." San Guan Shi is also a true monarch level powerhouse, but only in the early days of Yuan Ying.

"Very good." Mister Huanhaidao nodded, his face a little ugly.

"Penglai Island's law protector, what do you have to say?" The Magic Sea Daoist asked.

"No." The two guardians shook their heads when they saw the three Patriarchs, a total of six true monarchs.

"Okay, okay, I will make offerings to you on Penglai Island every year by Huanhai. It seems that I have fed the dogs." Master Huanhai Daoist stood up and said with a disappointed tone.

"True Monarch Huanhai, you are despising Penglai Island." The two guardians stood up suddenly, their mana surged, they drank sharply, and at the same time they sacrificed magic weapons. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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