A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1159: The secret cannot be revealed

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In fact, Penglai Island was not inherited from the Tianting era. The current Penglai Island is passed down by the Penglai Sanxian. Originally, Penglai Island was inherited by eight people.

But this time, Yunlong and Yunxia happened in the same line. As for the three ancestors of Penglai Island, they were not on Penglai Island, but went out. As for where they went, no one knew.

In fact, recently, the ancestors of various martial arts and super schools are not in the door. Where have these ancestors gone?

Kunlun Mountain, a famous Taoist mountain, Kunlun Mountain has Kunlun School, Super School, and West Queen Mother Gate, Super School, Tianji Gate, Martial Arts, but the influence is no worse than Super School, and there are hundreds of other medium-sized schools. So many.

Of course, the Kunlun Mountains are more than five million miles long from east to west and more than three million miles wide. Most of them are off the beaten track. Kunlun Mountain is also a place where elixir and spiritual materials are produced, and there are the most square cities here.

Tianjimen Catch the Star Mountain, the highest mountain in the Kunlun Mountains, here is not very aura, but there is a very famous building in the whole world, the Catch the Star Building.

Upstairs, there are thousands of powerhouses at the level of Taoist monarchs. These powerhouses gather together, stand on the upstairs and look into the distance. The sky you can see here is bigger, and you can It is obvious that the ground looks like an arc. In fact, as a monk, he knew that the ground was round, but he didn’t know it was a ball. Therefore, there are legends that the entire continent is on the back of a turtle, and the back of the turtle is flat. Is it?

Picking the stars, the ancestor of Tianjimen, the old monsters that have lived from the heavenly era to the present, in fact, not only the picking of stars, but all the old monsters participating here.

"Time exerts very little force on our bodies. It seems that our bodies have been baptized by the celestial spirit. We have survived that catastrophe, and we have lived to this day." The Xingzi said, Thousands of old guys were silent.

"But the other day I watched the stars at night, and the entire starry sky has changed a lot. This time I gather everyone together to discuss with you. There may be a catastrophe in the future." Zhexingzi continued.

"What?" When everyone heard this, they almost changed their color by the way. Everyone almost remembered the catastrophe countless years ago. Countless immortals fell, countless celestial palaces fell on the ground, and cities were destroyed one by one. The river is burned into a desert, no matter how high your cultivation level is, in the face of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, it is like flying insects, countless old guys are burned into coke by lightning, countless heaven soldiers and heaven will cry in despair.

The reincarnation was broken, the heavens were shattered, the underworld was no longer, and countless years passed, everyone was almost the same as the catastrophe that happened yesterday.

The survivors are almost all weak guys. The immortals have almost disappeared. After countless years of development, the big world has become prosperous again, but these old guys have always been frightened. The catastrophe has brought these people. It is eternal fear.

"Yes, the world is already changing, and everyone must have felt that in a certain world, there has been a huge thunder tribulation, and the immortal world may reappear." Zhexingzi said.

No one asked carefully, because the secret secret gate is like this, and you can't tell it. If you say it, you will be punished for leaking secret secrets.

"Could it be that someone repaired reincarnation?" an old guy said.

"I don’t know, but the reincarnation seems to have not yet appeared. I call everyone here, just to let everyone pay attention and see if there are any signs of heaven and earth, or other things. These may be related to the catastrophe, and maybe we can get a chance again. "Zixingzi said this, also worried.

When the old guys heard this, they were extremely worried about the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth, how could they get a glimmer of life in such a scene?

"Could it be Bafang Mountain?" an old guy asked.

"Impossible, although Bafang Mountain used to be a Tianzhu, but there is a lack of aura, it is impossible to say that it is related to the catastrophe, and the strength of the Bafang Mountain is too low to affect anything at all?" Someone replied.

"The catastrophe of heaven and earth comes from the sky. Everyone carefully looked at the starry sky. When the heavenly court collapsed, the starry sky also changed and gave birth to many clues." After the star picker said that, it was enough, and he closed his mouth tightly.

A clever one immediately looked at the starry sky carefully, and after a while, his face was shocked: "How is it possible!"

"What?" The others immediately looked at the sky carefully.

After reading it, everyone was shocked. In a certain area, there were many more faint stars twinkling and twinkling for no reason. You must know that the astrology in the starry sky has remained unchanged for countless years, only those that collapsed in the heavens. In years, such a scene appeared.

"Dear fellow daoists, from today onwards, Tianjimen will thank the guests behind closed doors and close the mountain gate." Zhexingzi said.

The rest of the old guys had no intention of staying here, one by one, they left one by one. After these old guys separated, they quickly returned to their respective schools, and then Sanxiu found that all the materials had increased in price. The pill that needs to be lined up to buy gradually increased, as well as talisman, magical implements, but the circulation of spirit stones became less and less.

"What, don't use spirit stones, use pill?" Yinhu received news from various sects and prepared to pay the bill with pill, magical instruments, and talisman.

"No, the pill is useless when we use it. We don't like the magic weapon, Fulu, what we sell is Fulu." Yinhu refused without hesitation.

Faced with Yinhu's request, these schools are in a dilemma, so the opinions of the various schools are not uniform. To know that the elixir of Bafang Mountain is the most needed thing.

Cook also knows that Cook has come to Bafang Mountain many times recently. On the one hand, it is due to the relationship with the silver fox. On the other hand, Cook is ready to slowly shift his focus, and in Bafang Mountain for one day, the small world is more than a year. So back and forth are more frequent, of course, the two monkeys are responsible for opening the channel.

"Do you know the reason?" Cook was also puzzled, when did these martial arts have such a request?

"I don't know, but it's not a sect, but they all said that when they joined together." Yinhu felt very confused.

"Then don't sell it, we won't sell one without Lingshi, cancel the auction, what kind of virtue, we sell medicine." Cook heard these sects unite, thought it was the sects united to suppress him, immediately said.

Silver Fox felt the same way, so seeing an auction, all the elixir was cancelled, only Yanshou Pill was still participating in the auction, and the starting price doubled, originally it was 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones, now it is 200,000 high-grade spiritual stones, Bafang Shanda has the posture of whether you like to buy or not.

There are not many people who know about the catastrophe of heaven and earth. This is not much for the number of sects in the big world. One hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones is not a small number. Therefore, all sects reported it at various levels, and Bafang Mountain was a transmission at a time. The scene of flying swords flying all over the sky, smashing a stone at random, it is possible to hit them, but no one dares to do so. This is a provocation to the school of messaging. If you can afford such a flying sword, the lowest is true monarch. The cultivation base may still be a Taoist monarch.

It's good if you don't want to look for death. Well, the ancestors of various sects are immediately wrong and must be misunderstood.

So these old guys whispered to each other, ready to explain to Cook.

The explanation was to pick the stars, because the other old guys were afraid that they would not be able to tell. When the stars saw Cook, a golden light flashed in his eyes, but then the stars were lost.

"Are you Cook?" The star-catcher was confused for only a moment, and then he asked.

"My ancestors, I am Cook. They sent you to grow old, what do they want to explain?" Cook asked.

"In fact, we are also forced to suffer. We find that the catastrophe of heaven and earth may still come, so we have to prepare in advance." Starstruck said.

"Oh, speaking of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, was it the time when the heaven was broken?" Cook asked.

"Exactly." Zhexingzi said.

When Cook heard this, he asked curiously: "Old ancestors, can you tell me what the **** is going on?"

"Causes. All calamities. The fairy palace fell, the lakes became deserts, the oceans became high mountains, huge flames fell from the sky, destroying cities, burning rivers..." Zhexingzi said, saying all this, and there was still a lingering fear.

When Cook heard this, he had some guesses: "Is it an alien attack? Or an asteroid impact?"

After he finished speaking, he continued: "I watched the sky at night and found some clues. This is the beginning of the catastrophe. The last time the calamity came, the sky has also changed."

"The astronomical changes, are there more stars or fewer stars?" Cook asked directly.

"Ahem. Ahem, ahem." Zhexingzi looked at Cook in astonishment, how did this man pierce the secret of heaven all at once.

"Old ancestors~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't look at me like this, the astrological changes, not more or less, what's weird about this?" Cook said with an innocent look.

Upon hearing this, Star Cultivator was taken aback, and it was really such a thing. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "You are a good boy, but you are the number one in the small world. Even those old guys took a long time to react."

"Since it is a catastrophe, it must not be less stars, but more stars somewhere, right?" Cook guessed boldly. Anyway, there are only two answers. One more star may be that some asteroids are visible in sight. Within the distance, the light reflected by the asteroid was caught by the people here.

Of course there are catastrophes, just like the extinction of the dinosaurs on the earth, that is, a large meteorite, which was not hit by an asteroid, caused the mass extinction of living things.

"The secret of the heavens cannot be revealed." Reaching the stars, feeling uncomfortable, said.

"Well, the old astrological chart, the old ancestors can always show me." Cook stepped back, in fact, for Cook, more stars are the same thing, it will definitely not come down for a while. , Is it a catastrophe, not necessarily. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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