A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1161: Just do it

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"The witches have fallen, and the monks occupy the mainstream. Will it be the witches who come back and fight against the monks, causing the heavens to break?" Cook was also frightened by what he thought of. Is this stuff true?

"The time axis can only be studied from the time axis." The more Cook thinks about it, the more he feels that he has such power. The wizards on the wild world are all tall and magnificent, and those guys have ruled outer space, and the big world The monk is still rampant on the planet.

This is the problem of resources. Just like in some backward places, many people go out to work and work earlier. On the contrary, they are richer than some areas and are barely able to eat. Whoever wants to go out and be angry will wait until others make money before going out. , It is one step too late.

This is the problem of resources. The resources of the Great World are very rich. Although there are tens of millions of schools, there is no shortage of elixir, spiritual stones, and magic weapons. Therefore, the monks of the Great World did not look at it from another perspective. Space.

Of course, it's not that the monks in outer space can't go up, but can't stand the kind of intense rays, temperature, air and so on.

"Can the spacecraft of this prehistoric world fly in the big world?" The thought just scared Cook, but following the extension of this question, Cook had another thought.

Once these ideas came out, Cook couldn't help himself.

"Try it." Cook is a person who does what he wants. After all, Cook lacks wealth and time, and he does not need to ask for help. If he changes, he just does what he wants.

Cook went to Huaguo Mountain and told about the matter of picking the stars. Regardless of the reaction of the Great Sage, he condensed several hundred catties of immortal wine and ten catties of Qiongye Yuye, and then returned to the small world.

Once again in the prehistoric world, as soon as Cook showed up, Delaisi hurried to report the good news to Cook.

"Master, we have found a place, you see, this is a clear energy projection." Delaisi said.

The lord of Feixiang City was poking his lips. Now the two of them are just getting up, but the development of Feixiang City is a bit weaker, but it can’t stand the foundation of Feixiang City. After all, Feixiang City has been independent overseas for so many years, and has been found without the foundation. .

Cook looked at the energy projection. A black vine was parasitized on a big tree. If you didn't pay attention, you couldn't see clearly.

"This vine will start to move every night. Whenever it moves, the vine is covered with mucus. This mucus will attract countless crazy poisonous insects. The trees in this forest are the parasitic places of the vine. Once someone moves these Trees, countless poisonous insects will swarm up, including some poisonous insects in the record." Delaisi said.

"Well, pay attention to observation." Cook can't see the same, but instinct tells Cook that this is not a vine, but an animal.

"Master, Master, I also found it. On the sea west of Feixiang City, any flying creatures or projectiles will fail there. A piece of building debris was found on the seabed, but we can’t get close to that place. There is no buoyancy in the sea water. Our explorers rely on the ropes between each other, and they can escape from danger without adding any artificial ropes." The city lord of Flying City reported.

"Sir, this guy is obviously fooling you, that place is very dangerous." Delaisi said immediately when he heard this.

"Cut, you are fooling people. If I had your power, I wouldn't be looking for one. Master, we also found one thing. In the sea, there is a place, and there are countless floating around that place. Stone, and anyone who enters will lose control, but we haven't found the cause of these reasons for the time being." The City Master of Flying City said.

"No, you are lucky. There is the ground building of the airport transportation magnetic passage. Fortunately, you have already obtained the access permission at the airport, otherwise you would have been killed by the defense system." Cook explained.

"It turned out to be like this. I said that we saw a huge flying bird passing by, and it burst into flames. We thought we were dead." The City Lord Feixiang said.

"Funny," Delaisi said.

"Okay. Okay. Ore, I need ores to build a new round of floating fortresses, as well as rare metals, gems, etc." Cook said.

"Yes, but sir, our ore reserves are in Feixiang City?" The city lord of Feixiang City made a small calculation.

"I don't care about this, it's your own business, but I can design an underwater mining equipment." Cook shook his head, these things he would not care about, as for relocation or new bases, Cook unless his brain is sick, just In this way, the floating fortress construction base is vacant for a lot of time.

The main reason is that Cook's skills are too good. If you change to another construction wizard, two or three times slower than Cook is the lowest.

"No problem, Master."

"Sir, we must do it well." When the two heard this, they immediately became energetic.

In fact, Cook wants to build a detection spacecraft to fly in the big world. The detection spacecraft is not very large, and there are two types of detection spacecraft, manned and unmanned. After all, the smaller the detection spacecraft, the better.

Cook was also curious about what was in the ocean, and nothing could fly over it. City Lord Flying City and Delaisi came with Cook. The two of them have been dissatisfied with each other. In the view of City Lord Flying City, What is Delaisi, a family of tomb robbers, with a humble background and low strength. If he hadn't met the master first, would he have the status today? Despise it inwardly.

As for Delaixi, he believed that it was because of the addition of City Lord Flying City that his status was at stake, so the two of them were basically vying to do things now.

Of course, this is what Cook is very willing to see.

"Master, it's over there." The City Lord of Flying City actually dispatched a floating fortress to wait here.

"Not bad." Cook said without hesitation in admiration.

"Thank you, Master." The City Lord of Flying City was excited when he heard Cook's admiration.

"You don't need to prepare anything, go to the sea." Cook said.

"Master, the sea here is deep, and the pressure below..." the city lord of Flying City reminded.

Delaisi sneered and said: "Who is your husband who can do unsure things. Don't look at the world with your little person's eyes. The world in your eyes is different from yours. How does the ant understand the vision of the blue eagle?"

"You... are just a tomb thief." The City Master of Flying City was not afraid, and said with a sneer.

"You..." This is precisely Delaisi's weakness. His birth is too bad. In fact, he is born in the prehistoric world.

In fact, in any society, people pay attention to birth. The better the background, the easier it is to succeed. Take Lao Mei, the benchmark in the world, look at the rich people. The background is simple. Take Microsoft, not him. Mother, can he get an order from ibm?

Of course, occasionally there is a guy who has changed, too, and he will be blown up, as if the dish is terribly cooked.

Cook jumped straight down regardless of the presence of the two people, and the nine-fold superimposed madness was activated. This is not the case. The broken star hammer was held in his hand by Cook, and the other hand was also taken out. It was not Cook's suspicion. It was in the prehistoric world, and Cook had to be careful.

"Huh?" After Cook's whole body entered the water, he found that there was no pressure.

As soon as Cook's spiritual thought moved, he saw that the five elements water beads were exuding faint spiritual power fluctuations. This spiritual power fluctuation seemed to have something in common with water, as if Cook himself was a stream of water.

"And this effect!" Cook was surprised.

Seeing Cook sinking continuously, the City Lord of Flying City and Delaisi also followed. Both of them are powerful masters, and there is a wizard book. The wizard book can be said to be an all-weather, all-terrain prop.

But even so, when the two of them couldn't see a little light, they still felt tremendous pressure.

"If you two can't stand it, just leave." Cook sent a message to the two through the five elements water drop.

The two of them suddenly heard Cook's voice and were horrified. They couldn't figure out how to speak here or how to transmit sound through water.

"Disturbed magnetic field?" On the seabed, there are more creatures here, but none of them attacked Cook, as if Cook didn't exist at all.

However, the two people who walked not far behind Cook were constantly attacked by the surrounding sea beasts, but the two of them were powerful enough to change too much just by relying on their physical strength.

Of course, there are no powerful sea beasts here either. This place is actually in the eyes of high-level sea beasts, that is, a dangerous area, there are always in and outs, and some crawling sea beasts come out.

"Oh!" The two saw a huge sea beast swimming by Cooke. The sea beast ignored Cook and attacked the two with a big mouth full of sharp teeth. At the same time, it released a stream of water to try to attack them. , The two looked at each other and both saw each other's helplessness.

"That's it, the magnetic field is too disordered, and even my spiritual thoughts are distorted." Cook came to this area and saw dense numbers of crawling creatures of different sizes. These guys were eating a huge fish. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This fish has been crushed into a pile of rotten meat by the huge water pressure. These crawling shrimps and crabs are eating up.

Magnetic field, this is something that runs through any plane and any world. Motion sickness is because the human body is constantly affected by the magnetic field of the earth, causing the direction to be out of control. The brain's area of ​​processing direction perception is being corrected, so To be a pilot requires constant testing. If someone with motion sickness goes up and the fighter plane rolls over, it will not find a direction and it will be over.

In addition, all objects are affected by the magnetic field, but generally living on the local plane, the influence of the magnetic field is very small and almost negligible. Jet lag is also caused by this. A series of things such as biological clocks are all affected by the magnetic field. Actively influence these things.

The magnetic field disorder here directly distorts the divine mind, and Cook has seen it for the first time. These crawling creatures can't perceive Cook's existence at all.

"About a hundred meters or so, I didn't expect this flying city to actually find this area." Cook looked at it, and the area where the magnetic field is the most disturbed, there are no creatures, and the creeping creatures leave a vacuum area strangely. There is no biological corpse or anything in that area, because the powerful, turbulent and twisted magnetic field is enough to crush any living thing into primitive molecules. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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