A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1163: Master Hang (1)

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"The Jade Emperor is actually equivalent to the Council of the Gods at that time. Buddhism and Taoism were the two largest at that time, and Dragon King, Demon Race, and Jade Emperor were recommended by everyone to be an official." The Great Sage said.

"Oh, that means that the fairy officials are actually negotiated by everyone?" Cook immediately understood.

"Yes, and there are too many strong men in the heavens, so the netherworld had to listen to the announcements of the heavens at that time. Many races must listen to the Jade Emperor, because the Jade Emperor itself is very powerful. This jade seal is proof that it is all. Something that everyone recognizes, and this can be said to be an innate spirit treasure. It is said that this sapphire was originally split from the chaos when Pangu opened the world, but this material must be the best immortal jade. As for the specifics, this thing can see There are not many people. Okay, I will probe first." The Great Sage nodded and said.

Cook nodded and said, "Can I see Sinna?"

"The fox woman who went to see you, Xin Na is consolidating her blood. You don't want to leave the customs within a year or a half. Your descendants, now is the time of enlightenment. Do you now understand the heavens and the earth? Gossip, do you know the yin and yang of the five elements?" The Great Sage asked angrily.

"Master, do you understand?" Cook's eyes widened.

"I don't understand, but the person I'm looking for understands. I will go directly to the human side to see that old scholar and famous, and just grab it. Those old guys of the sect have to shut their eyes when they see me. One eye." The Great Sage replied.

"Then master, you are not afraid that the old guy is dissatisfied and will make him worse?" Cook immediately became anxious, but it was my son and my daughter.

"Blindly worry, these old guys dare to think carefully, I will kill their clansmen directly." The Great Sage said irritably, as the first demon of the demon clan, there are some means.

Cook didn't feel anything wrong, nodded, and then reluctantly left.

"This kid." Seeing Cook leave, the Great Sage shook his head and looked at the jade seal in his hand, his eyes full of satisfaction.

"Big Monkey, order to go down, inform us of the Monster Race, the Monster Race Alliance Conference, I have a surprise for everyone." The Great Sage looked at the jade seal in his hand, as if seeing a big seal on the appointment book, what is authenticity, what? It's called orthodox, Lao Tzu is orthodox, you bull devil show Lao Tzu a jade seal?

"Master, Master, Princess Iron Fan is here." The monkey said when he rushed in.

"She...what is she here for?" This iron fan princess was still the sister-in-law of the Great Sage before, but when she was humiliated by the old guys in the heavens, she wanted to **** a nagging guy to learn the scriptures. In fact, she was preaching the Dharma in the world. The Demon King also jumped out. From then on, there was a huge gap between the Great Sage and the Bull Demon King. According to the Great Sage’s idea, Lao Tzu is a demon, and you are also a demon. Nima is embarrassed by her own people. Just forget those idiots like bone spirits, these guys. I don't know, the Golden Horn King is fine. After all, it's a mount. Don't you, the bull demon king, have come out to humiliate me.

As for whether the Great Sage was rude to Princess Iron Fan when he was stealing the fan, this is not clear, but according to what the monkey thought, his master is a person who must report to you. Princess Iron Fan is also quite enchanting. It is impulsive, no one can say, so Princess Iron Fan is here, and the monkey has to be polite. You must know that there is no proprietress in Huaguoshan.

"You...get off, bring her in, I'm going to see what tricks this demon girl is playing." The Great Sage saw the big monkey looking like he was drunk.

"Monkey, I want to join the Monster Race Alliance." As soon as Princess Tiefan came in, she sat next to the Great Sage, and asked the monkey who was walking behind to roll her eyes, okay, this name is here, even that nagging Ghosts only dare to speak of Wukong, not monkeys.

"What are you calling?" The Great Sage glared.

Not to mention, although this iron fan princess has three babies, her beautiful and enchanting face, white skin, and the feminine air all over her body are still quite attractive.

"Call you monkey, from the inside out, from the inside out, are there things you haven't seen or moved?" Princess Tiefan was extremely pungent and said softly.

"You...you are a rascal." The Great Sage stood up and jumped angrily.

"Huh. You came to steal the fan and turned into a fly. I'm taking a bath, dare you say you didn't watch it?" Princess Iron Fan said angrily.

"Uh..." The Great Sage was speechless, of course he had seen it.

"Huh, and you got into my stomach and tossed in it, did you still say no?" Princess Tiefan was even more pungent.

"Stop, stop, who asked you to stop me at the time." The Great Sage said immediately, and the Great Sage also knew that it was impossible to reason with women.

"Hmph, devil, you take it as I want, and you don't want to think about why this mad cow put a fan with me, I am not for you, this mad cow wants to please the old man and let me seduce the old man Endlessly, now it's alright, I turned up the old account, pity me now a woman's house..." Princess Tiefan said shyly.

As soon as the monkey heard this, he turned around and slipped away. The Great Sage quickly drank: "Come back."

"Master, I still have an urgent matter." How could the monkey come back.

"Devil, if you leave, I will immediately go out and say that Red Boy is our child. Let the mad cow come to trouble you." Princess Iron Fan saw that the Great Sage was about to leave, and immediately shouted.

"My ancestor, what are you going to do?" The Great Sage is really about to collapse, and he wants to kill. The Great Sage has not been able to kill an irrelevant person. Besides, who is this iron fan princess, he just thought it would kill him. Yes, when I do a lot of things for myself, it is estimated that the mad cow will hit the door directly.

"I want to join the Monster Race Alliance." Princess Iron Fan said.

"Okay, okay, I suggest okay." Dasheng replied perfunctorily.

"You are perfunctory me, have mercy on my innocent body, except for the mad cow, you have seen it, and you have been to places that the mad cow has never been..." Princess Iron Fan looked pitifully.

"Stop, join, join." Dasheng found that once this woman talked about something, she didn't care about other people's thoughts.

"Ten flat peaches, two ginseng fruit, ten catties of immortal dates..." This iron fan princess became more and more presumptuous.

"What do you take here?" Dasheng roared in anger.

"My house, but you are still in charge." Princess Iron Fan said.

"Ah!!!" The Great Sage rushed out and shouted up to the sky.

"Come here, wait for the princess to take a bath." Princess Iron Fan looked at the cave, nodded, and then called.

No one came in for a long time, and Princess Iron Fan looked around and saw a jar of wine.

"Qingye jade liquid, this monkey has so much jade jade liquid!" Opening the jar, Princess Iron Fan was stunned, took a long, er, and a puff of jade liquid entered Princess Iron Fan's throat.

"It doesn't seem to be in vain this time, how much benefit this monkey got when the heavens collapsed, tusk." After the Princess Tiefan sat down, she drank the Qiongye Yuye bit by bit, wondering in her heart.

After the Iron Fan Princess had a big fight with the Bull Demon King, there was no place to go. She stayed outside for a while with a few sisters who were close to each other, but these demon sisters were snobbish and let everything in and out of words. Go back on your own, who is Princess Iron Fan? How can it be possible to go back? The Bull Demon King has always been subdued by Princess Iron Fan. I am worried that now the peasants are turning over to become the masters. How can this landlord be satisfied?

There are even a few demon kings who don't know the depth, and they actually said that they are good for themselves and want to do good things with them. Who is Princess Iron Fan, how could she be regarded as those crooked melons.

In fact, Princess Iron Fan really has a good impression of the Great Sage. If nothing else, the Great Sage played the name of the Great Sage of Heaven and defeated the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals. This is the hero of all the women of the Yao Clan, if it is not shameless The old guy shot, this great sage might have succeeded, and Princess Iron Fan is here to make a disgusting mad cow. Didn't you establish a monster alliance? I want to join the monster alliance.

But when I came here, after seeing the Great Sage, some crazy things came out unconsciously, and Princess Iron Fan felt a little ashamed now.

But after seeing the Qiongye Yuye randomly placed in the Great Sage's room, Tie Shan Gong took the initiative.

A hero can make a woman tempted, but a rich hero can make a woman give up.

"My old lady lives here." Half-sounding Iron Fan Princess thought of the great sage's status today, as well as wealth, and past deeds. After comparing with the Bull Demon King, she found that the Bull Demon King was just a villain who slid his beard and patted a horse, not at all. Counted as a man.

Cook was picked up directly by the Great Sage, with a look of bewilderment. Cook was listening to the secretary's report in the small world, and then a big furry hand stretched out and grabbed Cook in.

Fortunately, Cook yelled, I'm going to the Great World, otherwise the Council of Gods may be messed up?

"Princess Iron Fan?" Cook heard the monkey speak, and the Great Sage looked at Cook.

"Yes, this demon girl is in my cave house now." The Great Sage said.

"No, Master, it's none of my business." Cook glared, you are looking for the wrong person.

"Cough cough, Junior Brother, I said, don’t you have a lot of women? You should always know what a woman thinks, how can we get this demon...the demon girl away?" The monkey immediately said, of course, as for saying this. In his heart, he still takes care of others, Cook knows in his heart.

"Master, I think we should figure out one thing first, and that is whether the iron fan princess said is true or false." Cook thought, to be honest, Cook felt that his woman was being watched by Master~www .wuxiaspot.com~ That’s not the case, but if there is one more teacher or a jealous teacher, should you feel relieved? So Cook decided to dig a hole and bury the master. Of course, his master has been a bachelor for so many years, should there be a woman who knows cold and hot?

"What's real?" The Great Sage didn't understand.

"Master, other disciples don't understand, but if this iron fan princess really treats you with all his heart, if you refuse them, isn't this hurting others?" Cook said.

"Go away, that's the woman of the Bull Demon King." The Great Sage drank angrily.

"Master, it is precisely because it is the woman of the Bull Demon King, you think, if the Bull Demon King knew that his distressed woman was always thinking of you, would you say if this was a sigh for you? The Bull Demon King still claims to be your elder brother, Unexpectedly, I jumped out on that matter. This is simply inserting a knife in your back. Since he is unkind, don’t blame me for being unrighteous, and Master, do you think it takes a woman to take the initiative to say those things. Don’t stare, let’s say first, if this woman treats you sincerely, I don’t care. If this woman comes for our fairy fruit and wine, don’t worry, the apprentice has a way.” Cook has been digging the hole, and the monkey is on the side. He also nodded, and said that Princess Tiefan's remarks, the monkey felt that this demon girl, cough cough, must be sincere. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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