A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1174: Calculate (on)

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"Mother." A group of half-and-half children, all children of the Bull Demon King, immediately cried when they saw Princess Iron Fan.

The Great Sage still smiled and said, "Come on, little guys, come in."

Entering the Da Sage’s cave, the Da Sage personally took out various fairy fruits to entertain this group of half-and-half children. In fact, there were only three. The rest came with these three and a half-and-a-half children. This is the underage Bull Demon King and The child of Princess Iron Fan.

"Monkey." Princess Tiefan was so angry, because this is the blood of the Bull Demon King, the Bull Demon didn't want it, and sent someone to send it here.

"It's okay, please comfort them." The Great Sage left after speaking. Princess Iron Fan watched the Great Sage leave, and she wanted to say something. She saw the three children but couldn't say anything.

In fact, the Great Sage is very depressed. I haven't seen these children. The Great Sage doesn't have any grievances in his heart, but now he has cooked rice and cooked rice.

"Master, do you have something?" Cook was directly pulled out of the small world by the Great Sage. When Cook saw the sad face of the Great Sage, he knew something had happened.

"The Bull Devil has sent three underage children." The Great Sage said.

When Cook heard this, he patted his thigh: "Master, good thing, good thing!"

"Good thing?" The Great Sage looked at Cook with a dumbfounded look. Of course, if Cook said something wrong, the Great Sage would be ready to burst into the family law.

"Master, do you feel a little grudge in your heart, and look at the three children upset?" Cook had a thought in his heart, but Cook wanted to make sense, so he asked.

"There are some." Dasheng did not deny it.

"But Master, have you ever thought about it, these three children of the Bull Demon King, under your cultivation, what will it be like to go back and grab the Bull Demon King's territory?" Cook asked.

"Huh?" Hearing Cooke's words like this, the Great Sage immediately became energetic.

"Master, do you think, this bull king has been the bull king of the bull demon clan for so many years, we have not had the opportunity to intervene, it is different now, this bull devil has a brain problem, send the handle to your hand." Cook continued Said.

The Great Sage didn't say anything, and nodded: "Go on."

"Are these three children belong to the Bull Demon clan, so that means that they can become the Demon King of the Bull Demon Clan, at least they can be divided into a territory. Master, you have to accept these three children as adoptive sons, and then I also want to announce that I will help my son to regain his possessions. What do you think the Bull Demon will react if he hears this news?" Cook said with a smile.

"Why is the righteous son?" The Great Sage pondered for a while and asked.

"Master, after all, the princess is your woman. The righteous son is more in line with the rules. Moreover, it is only natural for the righteous father to help the righteous son. There is a limit for Master to help the apprentice." Cook said.

"But these three and a half boys want to win a piece of land, I'm afraid it won't work." Dasheng shook his head and said.

"Master, you are their adoptive father. Your adoptive son has been bullied. Shouldn't your adoptive father come forward?" Cook was speechless.

"The Bull Demon King's side?" The Great Sage continued to ask.

"Master, this is an excuse. It is an excuse for you to intervene in the territory of the Bull Demon King, and you also want to make these three calf demon kings, and then let them join the Demon Race Alliance, you think, my father is the Demon Race Alliance, son It's the Demon Race Alliance. By then, things will not be yours alone. Other Demon Kings will definitely want to see the unlucky appearance of the Bull Demon King." Cook said.

"Moreover, if you don't want to see these three children, find a territory of another demon king close to the territory of the bull demon king, exchange it, and then assign it to the bull demon king. You think, what should the bull demon king do with this piece of land? If you want to grab the site, I’ll grab your son or someone else gave it to your own son. Do you think the bull devil’s reputation is bad, but if you don’t want to grab it, under the eyelids is the site of the Monster Race Alliance. You said this monster What will it feel like in the heart of the leader of the Clan League?" Cook analyzed it very clearly.

Of course, Cook doesn't mind that a woman has had several children and had several marriages. In fact, regardless of man or woman, every failed marriage causes the most damage to the woman.

Of course, the kind of women who eat, drink, bet and smoke are best not to be contaminated. Such a woman is a curse and counts as one. After the curse is over, you can just kill you.

These women whose marriages fail, as long as you treat her sincerely, then these women will do more for you and cherish them more.

"Don't tell me, I feel much better when your boy said this. I really want to see the Bull Demon King know what it is like." The words of the Great Sage by Cook said in my heart. Very comfortable.

"Furthermore, Master, I shouldn’t say something. The bull devil sent the child over, and it seems to be disgusting you. If you don’t know that you slept with his wife, you can blatantly beat his son. Is the bull devil’s brain? Sick?" Cook said with a smile.

"Nonsense." The Great Sage almost laughed when he heard this. If the Bull Demon heard this, he would be **** off.

When Cook left, Da Sage grinned and returned to the cave. She saw Princess Iron Fan and the three children, and Princess Iron Fan immediately stood up when she saw that the Lord came back.

"Sit, sit, these three boys will be my righteous sons from now on. Tomorrow I will find a few big demon kings to testify that the old cows will not raise you, I will raise you, come, one ginseng fruit per person." Three calves, don’t be happy, bull devil, you used to disgust me when I was studying the scriptures of Lao Tzu, and now the woman I sleep with you can blatantly beat your son, and use your son to disgust yourself.

"Monkey, should I send it back?" The three-and-a-half cow was shocked when the big sage took out the ginseng fruit, because it was different from the routine taught by the Cow Demon King.

"It's okay, the Bull Demon King don't want it, you will never want it, I'm not a stingy person, but let me say it first, I became a foster father, but I will beat people if I don't be obedient. It’s up to your abilities.” The Great Sage does have the idea of ​​teaching these half-and-half sons real kung fu. On the one hand, it is because of the need for three and a half sons to **** the bull demon king. In addition, the Great Sage is not that hypocritical. , Be a foster father, you must be like a foster father.

"Have you heard, call a foster father!" When Princess Tiefan heard the words of the Great Sage, she was very moved, and a kid slapped her head.

"Foster father!" The three calves had no room to resist. Looking at the ginseng fruit in their hands, they were puzzled. Didn't the father say that if the grandson beats himself, he will cry and make troubles, and then make the matter worse. Why is it different?

"Okay, boy, let your mother stay with you today." The big sage touched the heads of the three calves with a smile, feeling at ease.

The Great Sage was happy here, and the Bull Demon King was also happy. He looked at the Dragon King and said, "Haha, it’s better to think of your brains. I will send the three children over. I don’t know what this grandson monkey would think when he saw his children. ."

"Definitely not happy," the Dragon King said.

"Haha." The rest of the Demon King also laughed.

"Everyone, the silver horn has sent back news. It is the pill room of the palace, but the gold horn and silver horn can't get in. People who want to find good luck can enter, but I don't plan to find someone. Let's wait for a while. Time, and then directly look for Yinjiao, I don't believe it, after so many years, where can this immortal palace ban be so powerful, then my mixed iron rod will open the immortal palace directly." The Bull Demon King said proudly.

"The King Niu has a mixed iron rod, invincible in the vertical and horizontal direction, Xiaoxiaoxiangong will definitely be able to catch it." The king said flatly.

"Well said, I will rely on you to go with me at that time and open the fairy palace. Then the elixir will be ours, the silver horn and the golden horn will die." The Bull Demon said loudly.

"The lord is right, golden horns and silver horns are not good things either." King Peacock Ming said.

Hearing others calling him his leader, the Bull Devil's mouth burst open.

"Drink, drink." The Bull Demon raised the glass, and placed a few bananas in front of each Demon King. The Bull Demon said it was very expensive.

The meeting held by the Yaozu League this time continued in enthusiasm, and a ceremony was also held on the side of the Yaozu League.

"Everyone, these three will be the righteous sons of my grandson in the future. Their father kicked them out of the house, but my grandson is not a heartless person. Today, please come over and testify." Dasheng said.

The demon king below has a weird expression, and he muttered in his heart: "Is this great sage going crazy and raising children for others?

"Go ahead." The Great Sage sat on it.

"Foster father is on. The love beast child bows." How many minds the Mavericks have, seeing such a big battle, and Princess Tiefan's approval, only obediently follow the action.

"Hey, stand aside first." The Great Sage said with a smile.

The three calves kneel down in turn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the relationship between father and son. The Great Sage looked at the three calves and opened his mouth and said, “Don’t worry about the three of you. It should be yours. If you don’t leave, then the foster father will help you."

The words of the Great Sage made many Demon Kings feel a little bit, some of them were smart, and they immediately thought of something.

Princess Tiefan opened her mouth in astonishment. She didn't expect that the great sage had such a mind, and Princess Tiefan was a little lost in her heart. After all, this is his own child, and it feels like the great sage is using his own child.

"I now designate the three of you as Little Demon Kings, and grant each of you a territory. As for the ability to learn, it depends on your own abilities." The Great Sage took out three signs and handed them to the three calves and the three calves. I was so excited to hear that I became the Little Demon King.

And some demon kings below are also very excited, why, because the territory of the little demon king entrusted by the great sage is the original territory of his own race, the great sage used some things and promised a territory around Huaguo Mountain.

"Father Xie." The three calves are not idiots. The demon king's entrustment requires the great demon king to speak, and the great sage speaks. It is certainly not false. As for the instructions of his father, the three young The cow forgot. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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