A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1191: Extremely dangerous area

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These councillors were dumbfounded when they saw Cook jump directly down the ice lake from a high altitude. The temperature there is something that humans can bear. The humans of the ice and snow continent have arrived here, and among other things, they are ordinary god-level experts. , It will be frozen into popsicles if it is contaminated with the water of this ice lake.

Cook's body slowly fell from the sky, the huge ice lake was getting bigger and bigger in Cook's eyes. Cook's whole body was wrapped in wind elements. Cook carefully observed the bottom, remembering the city of the sky in his mind. The detected energy fluctuation map.

There are a pair of eyes under the ice lake, and the shadow of crying has long been found. Although Cook can isolate the perception, he can't really hide his figure.


Cook landed directly in this icy lake, and the surrounding ice beasts had long been staring at him. The ice elemental creatures rushed towards Cook madly, and the entire icy lake burst into waves.


With a sound, the entire ice lake where Cook landed was like a giant bomb, blowing up water columns hundreds of meters high. After these water columns contacted the air, they suddenly turned into huge ice ridges, and then fell down. Inside the ice lake.

Countless ice beast corpses slowly floated up, and the people on the sky city were surprised and uncertain.

Cook's body continued to descend, and countless ice beasts around him backed madly. Just now Cook directly used the Star Breaker to excite energy underwater. The shock of underwater energy was more severe than in the air, and countless ice beasts were directly shocked. The meat sauce is an elemental creature, and the crystal nucleus is directly shattered.

"Pure ice element." There is a film of wind element around Cook's body, which isolates the temperature in the ice lake. Cook's perception is released and he found that the ice lake is actually pure ice element.

As Cook continued to decline, the surrounding energy fluctuations became calmer. This was the first time Cook recognized this situation, and it became more and more affirming Cook's conjecture.

Thirty thousand meters is also a very dangerous depth for a god-level powerhouse. It is not the pressure of the water, but the creatures below. This is also a special extreme environment.

Cook felt that a lot of powerful creatures were staring at him in secret. These creatures did not rush out, but were quietly lurking. When Cook encountered danger or other opportunities, these lurking creatures Creatures will swarm them.

As it continued to deepen, Cook found that the surrounding ice elements were becoming less and less. When it reached more than 30,000 meters, Cook saw a red object below and released countless red lights. The ice lake without a drop of water seems to be an independent space.

Cook did not rush in. Cook had just been released by his divine mind. Cook's mind was shaken, and then Cook's nose and mouth began to bleed.

"Damn it." Cook hurriedly backed away, because just now Cook's mind seemed to have encountered a flame, and it was directly burned clean. Cook's brain was stirred up by a hot red soldering iron. Fan.

In an instant, Cook's soul was severely damaged, and Cook quickly took out a ginseng fruit and ate it, and the injured soul began to recover.

"What the hell." Cook looked over and found that there was a piece of magma under the icy lake water. In the middle of the magma, there was a dazzling bright spot, which seemed to be a huge firebird seven or eight meters high. The firebird landed on something, but it was too dazzling to see clearly.

"The cathode produces yang?" Cook muttered.

Cook took out another artifact spear and threw it far into the fiery red space. This artifact spear entered the fiery red space. It was like a candle meeting a high temperature, and it began to melt slowly, falling drop by drop. The dropped liquid dissipated in the air, leaving nothing.

"I..." Cook was completely speechless. It is foreseeable that this ice lake is definitely related to this thing.

Cook hesitated for a moment and didn't move on, because the degree of danger here is far greater than Cook's expectations, so there is no way to get in, yes!

There must be a way, after all, it's just high temperature, but Cook knows that something that can emit such a high temperature, once there is a riot or something, Cook can't bear it.

On the way back, Cook did not do anything to these main god-level ice beasts. In his view, these main god-level ice beasts were also useless to him, and his own things were enough.

"Speaker." Everyone was relieved to see Cook returned safely.

"There is nothing underneath, it's all pitch black, and it's even more extreme underneath. Only the ice emperor level can go down. There are about a hundred main **** level creatures. These creatures are very dangerous." Cook said, because Cook Don't want people who don't understand to die.

"So..." The Senator from the Ice and Snow Continent said worriedly.

"Hehe, they don't dare to come out, so they will pack up when they come out." Cook said indifferently.

Then Cook commanded the Sky City to retreat and retreat back to a place where people are populated. Cook was worried about looking at the icy lake in the distance, and he was very worried, because in Cook's eyes, once the thing at the bottom of the lake was full Power will definitely burst out, but it is also possible that the ice lake is trapping this thing, and the thing below is resisting the force of the ice lake.

In any case, it has exceeded Cook's ability level, and Cook decided to go to the big world to ask questions.

The ice and snow continent hasn't been so lively for a long time. Countless adventurers rushed over from the Council of the Gods. In the eyes of these adventurers, the ore under the ice sheet and the god-level ice beasts on the ice sheet are all points.

The ice beasts of the Ice and Snow Continent have suffered. In the past, this ice and snow continent can be said to be rampant, so they are not afraid of humans. In the eyes of these ice beasts, humans are just food.

Therefore, the first group of adventurers didn't need to find ice beasts at all. They wandered on the ice field and took the initiative to send them to the door.

These adventurers haven't had such a good thing for a long time. The last time they were on the plane of the devil, those demon creatures saw the adventurers of the Council of Gods, and it was simply swarming.

But in less than a year, these demonic creatures still swarmed up when they saw the natives of the Demon Plane, and when they saw the humans of the Council of Gods, they didn't dare to act rashly at all. So later humans hired the natives of the Demon Plane as bait, and it was another year and a half. The creatures of these demon planes are too cautious.

The adventure group gained less and less, but fortunately, the ice and snow continent opened again.

Countless adventure groups carried various weapons into the ice field, allowing the natives of the ice field to enjoy the feeling of eating meat.

Now the natives go out and stroll around, and they can pick up countless ice beast corpses. These corpses have been stripped of their fur, and they are all meat. This ice raw meat will not be damaged.

Even more straightforward as the leader party, a little bit of strength, just want to join the adventurous group.

The adventure group of the Council of Gods has all-round regulations, minimum income guarantee, wild adventure insurance, and disability insurance, etc., so that the first batch of natives to join feel that there are such good things in the world.

The vast majority of the natives of the Snow and Ice Continent like to join the Council of the Gods, because now you can pick up meat to eat when you go out, and when it is better than this, you can see the houses, yards, and roofs of the natives of the Snow and Ice Continent. , Are all kinds of meat, the big ones have ice snakes tens of meters long, and there are also huge ice bears, of course, none of them have skins.

The natives of the Ice and Snow Continent also eat cooked food. The natives here burn fossil fuels such as coal. There are no plants on the ice sheet, but there are some rare plants in some ice caves, so the people here eat some ice beasts. It was eaten raw at that time to supplement vitamins, but when water ghosts, food, and vegetables were transported to the ice and snow continent, these people began to eat in different ways.

The Council of the Gods changed the Ice and Snow Continent, and artifact weapons are no longer an extravagant hope. Non-Ice and Snow aboriginals should apply for immigration as soon as possible. These non-Ice and Snow Aboriginals are simply suffering in the Ice and Snow Continent. Those of the Ice and Snow Department in the Council of the Gods apply to live in the Ice and Snow Continent.

As for the expected ice beast riot, it did not happen at all, because according to statistics, after the Council of the Gods opened the portal of the two worlds, in the first month, a total of 30,000 ice beasts of the upper **** level were killed. Die, let alone other things, there are more than a thousand at the **** emperor level and tens of thousands at the **** king level.

In the second month, this number more than doubled, and in the third month, it reached 150,000 upper god-level ice beasts, and then declined sequentially every month, and finally maintained the number of more than 3,000 a month after a year. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But soon, it was discovered that there was an ice sea under the ice and snow continent. Some adventure groups went deep into the ice cave and obtained some strange marine life, so the ice cave was originally feared by the local natives , Has become the sweet pastry of various adventure groups. These adventure groups occupy an ice cave. The creatures in the ice sea are coming up one by one. The mouths of these adventure groups can’t be closed, and some strange minerals have been found. .

These Cooks just know. Cook sat with the Great Sage in the Great World. After hearing what Cook said, the Great Sage said: "It seems that the cathode is generating yang, otherwise it will not be the same for so many years. A stable situation has formed. If I expected it to be true, then something must have touched the ground vein."

"Then Master, do you have any impression of this extremely sun?" Cook asked.

"You should ask what are the things of Jiyang. There are many things about Jiyang, the big sun beads in the old monarch's pill furnace, the weapons used by the Golden Crow clan, and the weapons of the Phoenix clan. These are all Jiyang things. "The Great Sage said.

"By the way, I saw a known bird on something, don't you know?" Cook thought of what he had vaguely seen, and said. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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