A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1198: Forge and formation

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"It's really..." Cook didn't expect that a formation would be arranged in this natural ring.

Cook closed his eyes and felt it carefully. The room in front of him was actually a little vague in perception. If the perception is a hand, then the front is like a loach in the mud, unpredictable.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there is a master of formation here." Although Cook didn't know the formation very well, he didn't feel the formation before entering the battle. This is where the genius lies.

Cook took a closer look and found that everything in the yard looked normal from the outside. Cook tried to use his knowledge of the formation to interpret this formation, but found that he was a little high on himself.

The metaphysical knowledge of the Great World involves all aspects. If Fulu and Pills can also be used to grasp medicine according to prescriptions, then the formation is a metaphysical complex.

The formation is to be comprehensively arranged based on the terrain, mountain, water, and wind direction, instead of talking about what the formation is like, just start it. In that case, the power of the entire formation may be less than one percent.

The formation of the great world is to induce the power of heaven and earth to become the attack force of the formation, not the formation itself. It is to guide the mountain, water, terrain, yin and yang, and wind direction to become the force of the formation, so once in the formation, it is equal to It is fighting against the power of heaven and earth.

Pills, medicaments, and a prescription. These prescriptions are summarized by the predecessors, but even if the same prescription is used improperly, it can be deadly. This is why the older the Chinese medicine, the more popular it is, because With rich experience, Western medicine, as long as they are checked out, young people can also see a doctor. It is impossible to say who is good and who is bad. Without the popularization of Western medicine, many diseases cannot be treated as easily as they are now.

Fulu also has a sample of Fulu, even if there is a sample of the formation, people who don't understand can only watch it.

Cook shook his head, and with a movement of his mind, the garden in front of him disappeared and turned into a flat ground. Don't forget, this is inside Cook's natural ring.

"Haha." Cook smiled and stepped into the yard. There was no hindrance now.

However, the rabbit spirit looked at Cook at the door full of vigour. Cook did not see the rabbit spirit just now because of the formation.

The rabbit spirit is about 1.6 meters tall. Compared with Cook, it is a bit petite and exquisite, with exquisite features, but the two big fangs give people a sense of joy.

"Hey, why are you unreasonable?" When the rabbit spirit saw that Cook was about to break into the house, he immediately stopped in front of Cook.

"How unreasonable, this is my house." Cook asked with a smile.

Seeing Cook's expression like this, the rabbit spirit stepped back and said, "Why don't I know your house?"

"Well, I can also make this house disappear, just like the garden just now, believe it or not?" Cook asked with a hmm.

"You...what do you want to do?" The rabbit spirit was shocked by Cook's words and looked at Cook.

"Who did you learn the formation from?" Cook asked.

"I don't know, I can't remember many things." Rabbit Jing replied.

Cook was a little speechless, and then asked: "So what formation did you set up just now?"

"I don't know, I arranged it naturally." Yutujing still shook his head.

"Then what do you remember?" Cook continued to ask.

"I don't remember anything." This Yutujing looks like I don't know anything.

"Sister Xiaoyue." Just when Cook didn't know how to answer, he heard a voice, and there was a boy more than a foot tall in the house.

"Quickly go in..." Xiaoyue grabbed the boy and walked into the house.

Cook's eyes lit up and grabbed the boy. The boy also stared at Cook: "Strange?"

Satsuki snatched the boy, and then Cook was shocked, because there were constantly boys and girls poking out of the house, some of them were not completely transformed, and the flowers, leaves, and feet were also planted. Roots.

"Elixir of Eternal Life?" With a cry of divine thought, she found that the elixir of eternal life he had planted was inexplicably missing dozens of them, all of which were very old.

Spirits are not uncommon in the big world, but they all have some problems with their IQs. However, looking at these boys, the IQ does not seem to be low. Take the Big World Wannian Ginseng as an example, even if it turns into a spirit, as long as it is not discovered, They won't move their nests, so every time they were caught by those monsters, of course, after the monsters caught the spirits, they strangled them to death and sealed the corpses. This was the elixir of life.

Spirits are not uncommon in the big world, but spirits are those who do things by instinct. Spirits also kill and eat people. There are many types of spirits. Sophora japonicus and willow gold have low IQ, so they often kill people. .

The more advanced ones are monsters, monsters, and monsters with high IQs. They will not kill people indiscriminately, and they will hide their whereabouts.

The biggest difference between a spirit and a monster is IQ, so Cook looked at this group of boys full of spirituality, a little suspicious.

Cook picked up a spirit with a flower on its head, which looked like a jade lotus spirit.

"Who are you?" The spirit is like a girl. She has some girls. The spirit looked at Cook and asked yeah.

"I don't know who I am?" Cook didn't know what to say.

"Are you a fool?" Cook didn't know what to say when the girl said later.

At this time Xiaoyue spoke: "Will you let her go, what do we have to say?"

"Okay." Cook was embarrassed and put down the girl, knowing that the girl would hold Cook's leg and not leave.

"Huh?" Cook was shocked.

"Little Wawa, why don't you leave?" Cook asked, looking at the girl.

"You have something delicious on your body." The girl was wearing a white lotus, looking very cute, with big smart eyes and plump little hands and feet.

"Delicious?" Cook took out a low-grade spirit stone.

"Kacha, Kacha." The girl ate the lower-grade spirit stone like an ice cube.

All of a sudden, dozens of boys gathered up, dozens of big eyes, some green, some red, some purple, some green, they all looked at Cook.

Cook took out the top-grade spirit stone, dozens of boys stretched out their hands together, and Cook gave one to each, and then looked at these boys as if they were eating ice cubes, constantly biting them.

Some just stick out their tongues to lick, and lick the spirit stone just a little bit smaller.

Within a minute, the high-grade spirit stone was gone, and Cook said, "No, no more."

"Liar." Dozens of boys said Cook was a liar.

Cook is speechless, but when Cook sees these dozens of boys, his eyes turn, don’t he have no helpers in the big world? These are not all ready-made. Relatively speaking, the spirits have a lower IQ, but they need It’s better to teach better than monsters. After all, monsters have some constraints such as big monsters and bloodline constraints. This spirit does not exist. Sometimes a subordinate with a low IQ is a good subordinate, and a subordinate with a high IQ is encountered , It is indeed a headache to be a leader.

The eyes of these boys would be different if they didn't pack the book, but Xiaoyue next to him saw this scene and said, "You guys go back quickly."

"Sister Xiaoyue." Some of these boys didn't want to go back.

"Whoever doesn't go back will be beaten." As soon as Xiaoyue reached out, a black wooden bat appeared in Xiaoyue's hand, like a baseball bat.


Dozens of boys dispersed in a rush and screamed. Cook looked at the wooden stick in Satsuki's hand, somewhat familiar. Satsuki saw that Cook looked at her stick and immediately put it away.

"You chopped down my tree of life!" Obviously this wooden stick was refined into a magic weapon. Cook felt that he had become a dog, and he could not refine things yet, and this jade rabbit spirit could actually refine tools. Nima is simply the biggest joke.

"I want to learn refining tools." Cook said looking at Xiaoyue.

"But I won't..." Xiaoyue shook his head and denied.

"Then you cut down my tree, used my elixir, and I saved your life, what should you do?" Cook stared and drank.

"I really don't, I just cut off a period of sacrifice." Xiaoyue hurriedly argued.

"Impossible, show it to me." Cook didn't believe it at all.

But when Cook took a five-black wooden stick and looked at it with Divine Mind, he found that there was indeed no refining effect. Cook wondered: "How did you sacrifice?"

"Using the pill fire is the pill fire refining of the demon pill." A white jade demon pill appeared in Xiaoyue's hand, and a green flame appeared on it. Of course, Cook only took a look and was taken back by Xiaoyue.

Cook looked embarrassed and waved his hand helplessly. The demon race did have such an ability. If he could use the demon fire sacrifice to refine magic weapons, humans would not be able to do so.

Cook waved his hand and left. Cook felt that he had been hit too much. A monster can refine the weapon. As for himself, the dignified mountain master of Bafang Mountain did not know the formation method. According to the truth, the magic pattern formation, the compound magic pattern If these Cooks are proficient in the formation, the formation is also proficient.

In fact, Cook was wrong. The magic pattern and the Great World Array are not the same at all. The same is the same line composition. Can you say that someone who understands engineering drawings can understand the human acupoint vein diagram?

Not necessarily, although both are composed of lines.

The formation of the Great World pays attention to adapting measures to local conditions, and it pays attention to change, while the basic composition of the magic pattern does not change much anywhere, as long as the energy loop is clarified.

The Great World Formation is to mobilize the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, and gather the yin and yang energy as the power of the formation. Therefore, the two are completely different. The Great World Formation is changing in many ways, and it is a change of characters.

Regardless of the topography and landforms, the formation can be established without changing the topography and landforms at all, and the magic pattern must be flat or three-dimensional in order to be formed.

From the perspective of concealment, the magic pattern is not suitable for that kind of outdoor environment, but suitable for man-made buildings, the human traces are too obvious.

The big world formation is different, anytime, anywhere. The higher the understanding of the formation, the more the formation and the environment are integrated, the greater the power, the greater the chance of being trapped.

"It seems that my mind is still too stupid." Cook said with a sigh facing the Great Sage.

"You're content, no one knows how to form a formation, I won't know it." The Great Sage doesn't know what to say to people like Cook. You can use the technique of alchemy, which is enough to disregard the heroes. If you want to be proficient in the formation, you still let people live.

The great sage decided to lead Cook for a while: "Cook, there is a saying in the big world, greed is not chewed, and specialization is the best. In fact, in terms of occupation, alchemy is much more difficult than formation. Look at those sects, who are famous, alchemy masters, and those formation mages, in fact, not many people value it, because the formation method is not that simple..."

"Master, I didn't want to arrange the formation, I want to refine the weapon." Cook couldn't help but remind.

The great sage stared at Da Yanling and valued Cook: "You said refining, does refining have anything to do with formation?"

"Is it okay?" Cook asked in a daze.

"The formation of the refining device is different from the array you said. Is it good or not? The formation of the refining device is fixed, but the five elements, yin and yang, should be considered according to the material when combining. For example, the material is of the attribute of yin. You can’t use the positive, fire, and gold formations, you can only use the water and wood formations, but many formations are common, such as the gathering spirit formation, the **** control formation, and so on." The Great Sage said.

"Don't the refining device need to learn how to arrange the formation?" Cook felt a little weird.

"No, you said that the Jade Rabbit Jing's array formation can only be arranged by the formation master. It requires a lot of materials and needs to mobilize the power of heaven and earth. How simple you think, you don't think that there are so many schools in the big world. Disciple knows how to refine tools and will arrange formations. At most, they will know a little bit. On the contrary, it is easier to break the formations. I think Fengshui formations are fixed, and landscape trends are also fixed..." The Great Sage said. .

Cook slapped his head, and said, "Master, I'm leaving now."

For a long time, Cook has fallen into a misunderstanding that he thinks that refining requires an understanding of the formation method. In fact, the refining formation method is similar to the magic pattern used to refining the divine weapon, but one is to use spiritual power to enter, the other is to depict Go in.

As long as the materials are appropriate, there are many refining masters in each of the big world, of course, refining top-level spiritual weapons, which requires talent.

Cook came to Bafang Mountain and went directly to the shop opened at Shushan Gate. There were many magic weapons in it, but there were no magic weapons. This place was full of senior monks.

"Master Mountain Lord is here." The monks here saw Cook. Although Cook was weak, he had to be polite even if he saw him. The ancestors saw him. They belonged to the mountain master. , You are a janitor, you can still be bigger than the ancestor of Shushan.

"Who knows how to refine tools here?" Cook asked straightforwardly.

"Poor Dao will be one or two." The monk who was guarding the door was a Golden Core monk. Hearing Cook's words, he immediately recommended himself.

"Okay, I want to observe your refining tools, how about?" Cook threw a jade bottle to the monk and asked.

"The barrier-breaking pill, the best spirit pill." The golden pill stage monk opened the jade bottle, saw the pill, exclaimed.

To Cook's surprise, the monk actually returned the jade bottle to Cook: "Master Shan, my refining strength is low..."

"Haha, you are wrong, I just want to learn refining tools, the more elementary things are better, I don't understand the advanced ones." Cook interrupted.

The monk, who had been bleeding in his heart, immediately took the jade bottle back, and said, "Mountain Lord, please."

In the secret room of the back hall of the Shushan gate, this Jin Danian monk took out five low-grade spirit stones, pointed to the ground of the secret room and said: "Mountain Lord, this is a spiritual fire formation, but in the martial arts, it is all triggering the fire of the earth vein."

"Is the fire of the earth veins better?" Cook asked.

"No, the fire of the earth veins just doesn't need to be activated by the spirit stone. This spirit fire array consumes the spirit stone." The monk was called Lin Shan, and he didn't know the name or the dao name.

"Oh, go on." Cook nodded.

"We refine the simplest magic weapon, the Qingyun sword of the Shushan gate. The main material required for the Qingyun sword is fine iron, as well as animal bones or spirit wood. This is used as a sword handle. The Qingyun sword is a popular attribute method. Device.

First, use spirit fire to forge refined iron. When forging, use spirit stone powder to add a certain amount of spiritual power to the refined iron. The best spirit stone powder is wind spirit stone or golden spirit stone. This process is probably It takes an hour. "The real Lin Shan said.

"Then the refining device will arrange the formation?" Cook asked.

"The kind of guarding the mountain?" Lin Shan asked.

"Almost." Cook nodded.

"Master Mountain Lord, that kind of formation cannot be arranged by one person. At least one formation master is needed, and many other formation masters are needed. Moreover, it is not possible to succeed in one or two years. At least several decades, it is necessary to change the ground vein according to the situation. , Water veins, it also needs to gather energy, gather spirit, and raise energy. It is very troublesome. Even if the battle formation is arranged in the field, the number of pages needs to be surveyed in advance, the number of pages needs to be surveyed in advance, and the formation flag, formation plate and the like must be refined. , You still need to keep a line of sight, and someone needs to sit in and control the formation according to the situation." Lin Shan said.

"Then do you know the formation?" Cook asked.

"Know some, but knowing does not mean that you will be able to arrange...Oh, the mountain master lied to you that if you want to refine tools, you need to know the formation," Lin Shan reacted.

"Almost, I was originally from a small world, so I have a headache for the five elements, orientation and so on." Cook said.

"Haha, what the mountain master said is reasonable. I also have a headache when seeing those things. I have to rely on Tiangang, Earthsha, etc., but the refining device does not need to be so troublesome. The spiritual formations are fixed, but we need divine guidance to guide The spiritual formation uses spiritual power to penetrate into this magical tool, and when spiritual power penetrates into the magical tool, a spiritual formation will be formed. Once the spiritual formation is input into the spiritual element, it will stimulate the power of the magical tool." Lin Shan said.

"First of all, you must enter the spirit gathering formation. The gathering spirit formation absorbs the spirit elements in the body and gathers them together. Then, according to the control of the **** control array, the spirit elements are excited in the spirit formation, thereby inspiring the effect of the spirit formation, Qingyun Sword Mainly for flying, you need to use a floating cloud array or a skimming array, and you also need to stimulate the sword aura. This requires a wind-moving spirit array, and for sharpness, you need a gold-walking spirit array. The spirit gathering array can generally be inlaid with spirit stones on the handle. , Not only looks good, but at a critical moment, it can also stimulate the spiritual power in the spirit stone, causing the magical artifact to explode. The Qingyun sword is flying, and the sword has two major functions, so it is relatively simple." Lin Shan explained, explaining and demonstrating. .

After Cook finished reading it, it feels too simple. In fact, it is the same as refining artifacts. The artifacts use spiritual power to guide and portray formations. Here, the spiritual formations are completed directly by spiritual power, and then the spiritual formations are beaten one by one. Into the Qingyun sword embryo, the gathering spirit formation swept the air formation, sword aura formation and so on.

"I will demonstrate again." Lin Shan demonstrated again.

A few hours later, Lin Shan looked at the Qingyun sword and said, "Qingyun swords are generally not tempered with spirit spring water. Spirit spring water tempers the soft magical artifacts, and the water is Yin.

Cook carefully looked inside the magic artifact and found that there was a hollow spiritual power channel inside. Around the spiritual power channel, the originally added spiritual stone powder gathered around the spiritual power channel to form a kind of channel function. The spiritual element moved inside, gradually Achieving a certain kind of resonance and amplification effect, it will eventually become the flying form of this Qingyun sword, and it will stimulate the sword energy.

It's that simple. For the first time, Cook felt that the mixer was so simple.

"Friend Linshan, I don't know if you can trade related formations with me?" Cook asked.

"Please keep the master secret." Lin Shan took out a jade slip and handed it to Cook, and said.

"Thank you, if you have anything in the future, even if you come to me with this jade medal." Of course, Cook knew that these things are the secrets of every school, and Cook also took out a jade medal and handed it to Lin Shan.

"No, no need." Lin Shan hasn't heard of anyone who got Cook's jade medal, and he hasn't heard of anyone who owes Cook's favor. This is the first time.

Cook took a look at the jade slip and left with satisfaction, while Lin Shan gritted his teeth and returned to the second floor behind the back hall.

"Elder, Lin Shan, please see me." Taoist Lin Shan entered the elder's room. After half an hour, Lin Shan walked out easily. The barrier-breaking pill was still in Lin Shan's hand, and the jade card was also in Lin Shan's hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But giving Cook jade slips is no longer a matter of violating the rules of the door, but a matter of contributing to the school. After all, a favor of Cook is very valuable.

Cook returned to the Bafang Mountain Secret Room and set up the Spirit Fire Array with the high-grade spirit stones, crying for the first time to discover that the Great World Array is so simple.

After arranging the Spirit Fire Array, Cook took out the refined iron and began to refine it. The more refined iron was invested, the larger the shape of the refining artifact would be. The spiritual stone particles contained in the iron transform the spiritual stone particles into another form. The spiritual stone is solid and the spiritual energy is gaseous. This requires a long time for refined iron tempering, that is, to achieve extremely high toughness, just like a balloon. It looks like when filled with air and without air.

Cook had always wondered why this magical artifact became larger and smaller, but now I understand it. In fact, it is the function of the spirit stone powder particles. Cook very extravagantly used two thousand catties of refined iron and began to continuously refine it with spirit fire. The spiritual power in the spirit fire also penetrates into the refined iron, and the refined iron gradually decreases.

A puff of high-grade spiritual stone powder was added to the refined iron, and it was evenly fused together. Cook smashed his mouth: "This feels like alchemy, the temperature is not enough. This refined iron melts, and the spiritual stone powder will not Melt, it seems that the big world makes sense to say that one method can be used for all methods." Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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