A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1200: The miserable life of the golden horn and silver horn

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Hundreds of Dao-jun level powerhouses rushed through the Danding Sect, and the hearts of the people inside the Danding Sect had long since dispersed. After hundreds of sects, there are thousands of true princes. Behind these people, there are more sects. Jun, the true monarch is staring at him.

"Stop." The people in the secret realm of Danding Sect had to come forward. If this continues, I'm afraid that the entire cultivation world will set off a **** storm.

"Hehe, finally came out?" The side who attacked the mountain looked at the more than twenty Dao Monarchs who appeared on the opposite side. These Dao Monarchs weren't from Danding Sect at all. If you don't say anything else, you can tell by their clothes.

"What are you going to do? This is the site of the Danding Sect." A Taoist from Quanzhen Sect shouted coldly. This is the group of people who participated in chasing the Yinjiao Taoist.

"Haha, haha ​​ridiculous, you are a true sect inside Danding Sect, and you actually asked us, since you said that, call out the Danding Sect." Huashan School Chengfeng Daojun laughed, Huashan Sect is this Among the sects under the siege, Huashan is also a famous Lingshan. It is the site of Huashanmen in a radius of more than 30,000 miles. It is also a super sect. When the Huashan faction heard the news of the elixir, the ancestors came immediately and brought them. Here are seven disciples and grandchildren.

"Master Chengfeng, something happened at Dandingmen..." Quanzhen Paikong Quan Taoist said.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, we also have to enter the fairy palace, otherwise we will have a good fight to see who has higher Taoism." Chengfeng Daojun waved and interrupted.

Daojun Kongquan looked helplessly at his companions, and then said: "Well, we haven't opened the fairy palace yet, each of your sects will send one person in."

"Hmph, this is almost the same." Dozens of Dao Monarchs entered the secret realm of Danding Sect, and the rest were still waiting here.

However, it didn’t take long for more sects to rush over. Super sects. People from the sects can send representatives into the secret realm of Danding Sect. The rest of the small and medium sects have been sent away. If they don’t leave, they will prepare to be super sects. The martial arts were violently beaten, and these small and medium-sized martial arts who watched the excitement only pinched their noses and left.

Of course the news spread. The next day, more sects and super sects arrived, as well as some hidden families. What is even more exaggerated is that the immortal gates and gods also sent people.

The Taoist princes immediately united together, rejecting the immortal door, and the sect entered the Dandingmen realm, but the sacred sect, the immortal door kept saying that an old man was a member of his own sect, which made the Taoist princes annoyed. One side wanted to enter and one side wanted to block, so the two sides fought each other on the Dandingmen boundary.

As for the oldest old guys, like the ancestors of Shushan, the ancestors of Huating, etc., they also fought hard in three days, of course on the Bafang Mountain.

The Dao Sect hadn't taught the gods, and the Xian Sect refused, the old folks of Buddhism spoke, thinking that the property of the Heavenly Court should be shared by everyone.

As a result, the gods, the immortal gates, and the Taoist squirts were useless, but at this time the Demon Race Alliance stepped forward and affirmed that Buddhism’s words were reasonable. This immortal pill demon clan also has a part, and the person who guards the fairy palace is the demon clan, Silver Horn, Golden Horn is a monster.

The whole world is in chaos, it looks chaotic, but there is only one core reason, elixir!

As for the Scriptures, no one has said who this Scripture belongs to. Unless they want to die, even Buddhism dared not look at the Scriptures, or else the disaster of Buddhism is about to come.

Cook is not in the big world, but in the prehistoric world, refining tools!

Cook has mastered most of the spirit formations. In fact, these spirit formations have been summed up by the predecessors as to what suits and what kind of material, what kind of magic weapon, and what kind of magic weapon.

However, the spirit weapon above the magic weapon needs to be refined with the soul sacrifice, that is, the soul of the monster, so that the magic weapon is full of spirituality, which is the spiritual weapon. Of course, the highest refinement is the method of refining the spiritual weapon. There is no.

Even in the big world, there are fewer than 30 master refiners who can refine spiritual weapons, and the annual output is only single digits.

So the price of spiritual weapons in the big world is higher than that of fairy weapons. Why?

Because of restrictions on use, immortal artifacts do not have the spirit of immortality, so it is very difficult to use them, and spirit artifacts can be used openly, so the price of the best spirit artifacts is the highest. As for spirit treasures, innate spirit treasures, hehe, whoever is Take it out and sell it, it is a big evil pen, and it will be destroyed immediately.

"High-end magic weapon. Not bad, not bad." Cook looked at the flying sword he refined, which was also a high-end magic weapon. Cook was very satisfied. Basically, the success rate of the magic weapon made by Cook was 100%.

Of course, weapons are the easiest among all refining tools, and battle armor refining is the most difficult. There are also pill furnaces, various other magic weapons, protection magic weapons, and formation plates. These are more difficult than flying swords. Big.

How to put it, the more the effect, the more difficult the refining.

As a refiner, Cook can be said to be almighty. Why?

Because Cook's spiritual power can be converted into other attributes through the wizard model, of course, there is not such a master of refiners. There is a kind of spiritual root called the five element spiritual root.

The Five Elements spiritual root is the worst spiritual root, and it can also be said to be the best spiritual root.

The worst spiritual root is that compared to the spiritual roots eaten by others with a single attribute, your cultivation is five times more difficult than others, because all five spiritual root attributes need to be improved.

This has created time and financial needs more than others, so the owner of the Five Elements Spiritual Root, the more difficult it is to cultivate.

Even if the cultivation is successful, the spiritual root of the five elements cannot beat a single spiritual root, because magical powers need to be practiced. Others have awakened magical powers and have practiced many times. What about you, you are exhausted to catch up with the progress of others. Have time to familiarize yourself with magical powers?

Of course, when you reach a certain level of true monarch level, the five-element spirit roots will be very powerful. If one hits you five, it is not a problem at all, because the five-element spirit roots can release the spells that restrain you, and you, only Was crushed and beaten.

Cook is not the spiritual root of the five elements, it should be the spiritual root of wood, but also has the root of fire.

Fire spirit root alchemy and refining tools are much better than others. As for the origin of Cook's wind system, it is a kind of alien spirit root.

The representatives of the three major sects of the Great World God Sect, Xianmen, and Daomen sat together, staring at each other, and the Daoist Monarch said dissatisfiedly: "You despicable people, how do we say they all have some origins, you are actually threatening Our Daomen?"

"Shit, it's that you don't recognize that our immortal gates and gods also have inheritance rights to this immortal palace. For the origin, it's better to admit it earlier. You have to throw the bald donkeys and monsters of Buddhism to toss." Xianmen said. If you don't do it anymore, you have made mistakes, and you have to talk about us.

"You are already immortal gates, gods are taught, this immortal palace belongs to our Taoist gate, what's wrong?" The Taoist monarch of the Taoist gate immediately stood up.

"Then you don't let us in, keep us out, let's see if the combination of the bald donkeys and the monster clan gives you a deep lesson?" The Taoist monarch of the fairy door was even more violent and shouted. To.

"Okay, okay, now the three major sects of ours have to find a way to enter the fairy palace instead of arguing here." The Taoist priest of the gods came out to make peace.

The golden horn and the silver horn were escorted up, and the two guys were served well.

"Silver horn, golden horn, we need you two to open the fairy palace." Thousands of representatives of these schools looked at the two golden horns and silver horns.

"Yes, but let me remind you first, the immortal palace is very dangerous, and the two of us don't go in." Jin Jiao said.

"If you don't go in, is there any trap?" a Taoist monarch asked.

"Please, this is the elixir for storing the elixir. The two of us are just two handyman boys. Do you, your bull-nose pill room, allow your handymen to enter casually? If our brothers can enter, there are you What's wrong?" Yin Jiao said angrily.

"So how about the prohibition in the fairy palace?" the Taoist monarch of the fairy gate asked.

"Haha, what do you think of the Xianjia formation set by the saint, that is, the Great Sage of Heaven, was not caught by the Xianjia formation?" Jin Jiao said angrily.

"According to you, this fairy palace is just a waste?" the Taoist priest asked in disbelief.

"Of course, unless we have the token of the saint, why can't our brothers get in from the collapse of the heavens until now? If we can get in, and you are here today?" Yin Jiao replied.

But these Taoists were not idiots, and immediately asked, "The news about the fairy palace?"

"Our brothers said that you can let us go. This is the only way we know to enter the fairy palace. Of course, it is only possible." Jin Jiao said.

"There is a way?"

"Let's talk about it first."

"No, you humans have many hearts and eyes, we want you to agree first." Golden Horn and Silver Horn won't say it stupidly.

"If you don't tell it, how do we know if it is true or not?"

"This is easy. Our brothers introduced you to the fairy palace. How about you get in as you want? But there are other things, but regardless of our brothers' affairs, our brothers dare not go in anyway." Horn continued.

"That is, if you don't agree, we will kill our brothers now." Yin Jiao also said very bachelorly, what is the place of the fairy palace, if you go in privately, you will not stay.

The Taoists of the Immortal Gate, the God Sect, and the Taoist Sect communicated with them for a while, and then said, "Yes."

"You all swear an oath, otherwise we won't say it, one less will do. If anyone does something to our brothers, you must protect us." Yin Jiao said.

"It's too much, we still have to protect you?" The Taoist Lord of Shushan said irritably.

"The fairy palace, this is the fairy palace. You think that only you people are interested in flying, Buddhism, and the monster race are not eye-catching. If I were caught by these two forces, I would definitely say everything." Jin Jiao is almost threatening these Taoists.

These Dao Monarchs gritted their teeth one by one and swore an oath not to hurt the golden horn or silver horn. The golden horn and silver horn were relieved.

Yin Jiao said: "If you want to enter the fairy palace, you must have the old man's token. We found a piece of the old gentleman's token. After discussing with the person who has the token, we will disclose the news of the fairy palace."

"Bafang Mountain!" The Taoists sitting there suddenly remembered.

"So who is the ancestor?" You Daojun thought it was an ancestor.

"It's Cook." Golden Horn also knew.

"You two are telling a joke, Cook has something about the old gentleman?" These Taoists didn't believe it.

"Believe it or not, Cook has Laojun's Tai Chi Bagua furnace." Yin Jiao said.

When these Taoists heard this, they couldn't help asking: "Laojun's things, are they immortal artifacts?"

"What kind of fairy tools, the lowest is the Lingbao, if the old man used to refine the Nine Rank Golden Core, it is the innate Lingbao." Jin Jiao said angrily, with a look of contempt.

"What!" These Taoists all stood up at once.

"Impossible, how do you know that Cook has a Tai Chi gossip stove? Cook will show it to you. I think you are lying. Believe it or not, we will beat you half to death, then come over and continue fighting?" Emei sent one The ancestor said coldly.

"I also used needles and flying swords to scrape the bones." The other Taoists also didn't believe it.

Hearing this, Jin Jiao shouted loudly: "You idiots, know what a fart, our brothers have seen Lao Jun refining the elixir. The pill refining in Tai Chi Bagua furnace is different, you Do you really think that the great master of alchemy at Cook's side? Wrong, it was made by Cook with a Taiji Bagua furnace."

"You two still want to continue to deceive people. If that's the case, you’re afraid that you would have snatched it a long time ago. You still need to discuss with Cook and give me a call. Cook is just comparable to the base-building period, and you can actually use the Lingbao Pill Furnace. Alchemy?"


"Yes, full of lies." Jin Jiao Yin Jiao was severely beaten by the furious Taoist.

"Lingbao can be used during the foundation construction period. Can we use Xiantian Lingbao casually?"

"This servant is not a good thing in itself, stealing Laojun's baby, and now he lied and gave a severe lesson."

The golden horn and the silver horn were too late to explain, so they were dying. The golden horn and the silver horn were so strong that they were not weak in the Heavenly Court period. Now that they are dying, you can know that these hands-on guys started. How heavy it is.

Golden Horn, Silver Horn is sad and angry, but he can't speak yet.

"Come on, let me concoct these two guys, what kind of stuff, lies."

"That's it, don't kill it."

The golden horns and silver horns have been tortured in various ways. These Dao Monarchs left the golden horns and silver horns aside and caused these two fellows to suffer. These Dao Monarchs started talking.

"Who do you think got Laojun's token?"

"This is not easy to guess, after all, Bafang Mountain has more seniors now."

"Tsk tsk, I don't know that it is the old man who actually owns the old man's pill furnace. Tsk tsk, this is hidden deep enough."

"Even if there is, even if the seniors have it, it is useless. The pill furnace used by the old man, who has the ability to use it, might be sucked into it."

"That is, these two things that I didn't learn well actually want to divorce our relationship with Bafang Mountain."

"Fortunately, fellow Daoist is wise, he can directly see the flaws, are these two guys not good at their brains, they actually make up such a lie."

"The brains of the monster race are so good that you can expect them. These two guys are stealing things from Laojun, and they haven't been discovered yet. Moreover, these two guys are all things taken from Laojun, but they were taken away by Zhu Bajie. ."

"Just don't know how many elixir in the fairy palace?"

"It doesn't matter how much he has, but I don't have one. I'll take it as an experience. Don't forget, when the fairy palace is born, the overflowing fairy power is the most important."

"That is, how many years have not been born in the fairy palace, and the interval between the birth of those fairy palaces is getting longer and longer, but the old man's fairy palace is definitely extraordinary. I will not say anything else. The accumulated fairy power can refine one. A fairy tool is also good."

The golden horn and silver horn heard what these Taoist monks were saying, and they were in grief and anger, but the two of them couldn't move at all, because some Taoists had to teach them a few moments and put them in a certain dying breath, but Not on the verge of death.

Jin Jiao Yin Jiao scolded all the Taoists present in his heart, and was finally rescued.

Golden Horn hurriedly said: "Everyone, everybody, let's finish talking first, okay, after we say that everyone thinks we are lying, then do whatever you want, don't interrupt us."

"Say." These Taoists pricked their ears.

"Everyone understands something wrong. The Taiji Bagua furnace used by Lao Jun is not the same as your pill furnace. This is why I and Yin Jiao are fire-burning boys. Lao Jun just put the elixir needed by the pill into the pill. The furnace, and then we don’t have to worry about it. Our two brothers are responsible for burning the fire, because it takes a long time to refine the elixir, and it takes ninety-nine and eighty-one days for the nine-turn golden pill, one day in the sky, and one year on the ground. How could the old man sit there? For so long, this innate spirit treasure has its own spirituality and can automatically refine alchemy." Jin Jiao said a lot in one breath, not to mention that there is no way, it will be tortured.

"You don't mean that it was made by Cooke. Could it be that Cook can use the innate spirit treasure?" The surrounding Taoists were a little disbelief.

"Dear fellow daoists, fellow daoists, Xiantian Lingbao does not mean that it can be sacrificed. Xiantian Lingbao must take the initiative to recognize the Lord. The best spirit pills from Bafang Mountain are completely different from the best spirit pills refined by other people. If you don’t believe you can return our storage device to us, we will explain it to everyone.” Yin Jiao also said, these humans around are idiots, and they think they’re right. The kind of beating is heartbroken. The feeling of silver horn no longer wanted.

The storage magic weapon was returned to the Golden Horn. The Golden Horn took out two spirit pills and said, "This is the best spirit pills stored in our Danding Sect. You can feel the five elements and yin and yang inside. This is the Bafang Mountain. Let’s continue to feel the best-selling panacea."

These two spirit pills were immediately wrapped up by countless gods, a pill that many people didn't understand, but so many people, there are always alchemists.

"It seems that the medicinal properties are somewhat different from the five elements?" a pill master asked suspiciously.

"By the way, this has something to do with the Tai Chi Bagua furnace." Yin Jiao said immediately.

"Tai Chi Bagua furnace refines the pill. As long as you throw in the immortal medicine and keep the spiritual fire, you can automatically refine the pill. This innate spirit treasure will generate something according to the difference in the process of alchemy, and finally achieve the purpose of reconciling the five elements' yin and yang. But everyone also knows that this elixir, immortal medicine not only has the five elements, but also has medicinal properties, so the medicinal properties of the elixir are slightly different from those made by other alchemy furnaces." Explain, many people will understand.

"Are you saying that the medicinal properties are not as perfect as those refined by the pill furnace?" a pill master asked.

"Yes, the five elements have a balance between yin and yang, but the medicinal properties are not perfect. However, Tai Chi Bagua furnace also has an advantage, that is, the success rate of alchemy is 100%, and according to our current alchemy, ten pills can be refined and eaten. The twelve pills, because we are refining now, will directly discard the excess part, and lose some of the medicinal properties during the refining process. Tai Chi Bagua furnace complements the five elements with Yin and Yang, but there is no way to make up the medicinal properties. , In the end, the medicinal properties are worse, but the difference is also very small, and you can't detect it if you don't know it." Yin Jiao said.

"I'm going, doesn't that mean that Cook has countless Yanshou pills?" You Daojun exclaimed.

"It's possible." Golden Horn replied vaguely, dissatisfied with Cook's leak of the fairy palace news.

"Huh, what's the possibility? What level of elixir is needed for the best elixir, and what elixir is needed for the longevity pill. Even if Cook has a Taiji Bagua furnace, is there countless elixir?" Said.


The golden horn was immediately slapped twice, and the Taoist slapped him coldly after he finished the slap: "It's not a thing. We were almost misled by you, saying, what kind of elixir is needed for the best elixir?"

"At least fifty thousand years old." Yin Jiao immediately said when he saw the golden horn being drawn, and was pointed at his nose.

"Hmph, don't worry about it, we said that we won't kill you, it doesn't mean we can't beat you." The Taoist snorted coldly.

"Yinjiao, then do you estimate how many spirit stones it would take to refine a pot of medicine?" You Daojun asked more carefully.

"The lowest may be tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones. After all, they are innate spirit treasures. The grade of the spirit stones is too low." Yin Jiao estimated.

"Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's no wonder that Cook wants to collect the best spirit stones. That's the way it turns out."

"That is, what do I say that Cook wants so many superb spirit stones for?"

Yin Jiao continued: "Furthermore, according to Cook's strength, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to control the Tai Chi Bagua furnace. Innate spirit treasures are all equipped with spirits. These spirits are very proud. Cook wants to make alchemy and probably requires others. "

"Tsk tusk, it seems that Cook has some means to make Xiantian Lingbao recognize the Lord?" You Daojun sighed.

"Actually, it's not necessarily." Yin Jiao said, and immediately continued after seeing other people staring at him.

"Xiantian Lingbao also needs celestial aura. If the celestial qi is gone, then the spirit will fall into a deep sleep. If the time is right, you may encounter the kind of celestial spirit that is about to end. Human cooperation, although the aura in the best spirit stone is not the aura of the fairy spirit, at least the spirit will not fall into a deep sleep. Once it falls into a certain level of sleep, the spirit might also die." Yin Jiao said.

"Then Cook, this Tai Chi Bagua furnace?" You Daojun continued to ask. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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