A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1209: Plan boldly

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Cook also nodded and said: "The covenant can only say that everyone's strength is at the same level. Then this covenant has a binding effect. Compared with those sects and sects, I am nothing. Then if I reach an agreement with them, they They will counter me in turn, and if they are strong, they violate the covenant, and if they are weak, the consequences will be completely different. They will do everything for their own benefit and with appropriate excuses. "

"Understood." The two monkeys understood Cook and himself.

After chatting with Cook for a while, the two monkeys went back to their room with Cook. After returning to the room, the silver fox said in a low voice, "Cook, we found something different under the Bafang Mountain."

"Oh?" Cook nodded.

In Bafang Mountain, a huge part of the inside are people from the small world, and most of the outside are responsible for the guards of the major sects and monsters of the big world. It is this mountain guarding formation that is responsible for the people of the small world and all follow the library. Ke's loyal subordinates, of course, these people are studying very hard now and are already able to manage the formation.

Cook followed the Silver Fox to the core area of ​​Bafang Mountain. There was a natural hole in the cave itself. This was also discovered during the investigation. There were man-made traces at the entrance of the hole. Silver Fox sent someone in to check it with a calm expression.

The entrance of the cave is not very big, only two meters in diameter, but if you go down a few hundred meters, the inside will be very big. In a space tens of meters high, you can see the uniform excavation marks on the surrounding stone walls.

"Is it cut out by hand?" Cook looked at these traces and couldn't believe it.

"Yes, mountain lord," a dwarf replied.

Cook sighed and sighed. When Cook went thousands of meters deep, he saw the passages below. The person who led the way in front led Cook into a passage. After walking for half an hour, an underground lake appeared. .

"This dam was built by man, and the lake was built by man. The water passed through several culverts over there and was led away." Yinhu said.

"There are more than one hundred such underground lakes. The currents that originally gathered under Bafang Mountain were all cut off and then led to other areas. We also found these things." The silver fox took Cook to a huge area. Of caves.

Beneath a piece of ground that was opened, there was a gleaming gold nugget.

Silver Fox opened his mouth and said: "The entire area is full of this kind of huge gold nugget. Each gold nugget weighs a full ninety kilograms and is all linked by iron chains, and the sand on it can isolate divine minds."

Cook felt a little in his heart, and then asked, "Silver Fox, what do you think?"

"According to the theory of the Great World, we were the Heavenly Pillar before. May I think that the Heavenly Pillar may be another life, or it may be like a big tree. The immortal world is built on such a life body, and according to the fact that the immortal world is still At the time, there was not a lot of aura in this great world at all, that is to say, the energy of this plane was absorbed into the immortal world. This is why after the collapse of the immortal world, the world has become countless times larger. Then according to the five elements, this Jin Kemu, If the water is cut off again, this big tree-like life will slowly wither. If there is another group of immortals who continue to absorb this big tree in the fairy world, then this big tree will soon collapse." The silver fox looked at Cook, Speak.

When Cook heard Silver Fox's words, he looked at Silver Fox in surprise: "Silver Fox, your idea is established, but don't the people in the fairy world know about such a large project here?"

"We don't know this." Silver Fox said, shaking his head.

Cook's brain flashed, and then asked; "Could it be the guardian of the fairy world who is guarding this place as well?"

"Wait, I'll go to a place first." Some questions flashed through Cook's mind, and Cook left first.

After Cook went for a long time, he came back again, and there was a middle-aged man who followed. This is the Great Sage. The Great Sage came to the underground world and didn't need Cook to lead the way. After a long time around, the Great Sage sent everyone else away. .

"Awesome, awesome, the collapse of the immortal world is actually artificial." The Great Sage sighed.

"Master, what do you see?" Cook asked.

"I can see that the one hundred and eight lakes around here have not only cut off the water potential of the sky-reaching pillar, but also formed a large array of inverted yin and yang, gathering themselves here, but drawn from it. As for the gold, I don’t mean Jin Kemu, but it is used to absorb a large amount of the fairy qi in the Tongtian Pillar and then release it outside. It is amazing, amazing, digging the corner of the fairy world, I just think about it. The material is not bad. There are still formation flags in those lakes. As long as it is activated, the entire Tongtian Pillar will collapse in less than a year." Dasheng's expression was very bad.

"So is there an immortal official from the immortal world stationed here?" Cook asked.

"No, but here is the Tongtian Gate... By the way, the master of Tongtian, the Gate of Heaven, Tsk, the original dispute of Taoism, split into the gods, the gates, the gates of the gods, the gates of the gods, the gods of the gods, the gods of the gods, tuts, no I thought, I didn't expect that, the leader of the educator shamelessly bullied the minor and suppressed the Jiao. He didn't expect that the Jiao would directly raise the table, tsk tsk, tsk tsk." The great sage shook his head, and then immediately thought of it.

"Haha, haha. Haha, it's possible, it's possible, so that means at least the leader of the cult is still hiding somewhere, and the other great powers can't come out, just because the leader of the cleric is plotting himself, you must know the leader of the cult But there are Zhuxian swords, if you form a Zhuxian sword formation, then sneak attack, tsk, I'm afraid Da Luo Jinxian will be killed, I said, so many old guys, it is possible to die partly, how could all die, even me This kind of cultivation base didn’t die. Tsk tsk, it turned out that they were all in hiding, so it’s fun. My Great Sage Qitian still has some accounts left." The Great Sage knows a lot, talks to himself, and talks about it. The more excited.

"Boy Cook, the elixir, I need at least five hundred elixir, the one with strong healing power, and the jade liquid. It seems that the catastrophe of this big world will still happen. Once those old guys come forward, then the whole big world It is bound to be another **** storm, okay, okay, kid Cook, you let me be the leader, that's right, go, don't worry about it here." The Great Sage picked up Cook and left.

Cook is not stupid. When he hears the words of the Great Sage, he thinks of some myths and legends, and the ancestors are shameless. Every time the junior fights, he will be given a divine weapon, and relying on the brother of the leader of the sect, he can tell the sect. The people of Chenjiao suffered heavy deaths and injuries. Of course, the main purpose of Shujiao was to give the immortal sword to his disciples. It is estimated that the people of Shanjiao had belched a long time ago. In the end, Chanjiao also got a Fengshen, resulting in two factions of Taoism and Shenjiao.

And the heavens collapsed, what the Great Sage said was related to this, Tongtian Gate, Tongtian Pillar, Tongtian Hierarch, tusk.

"Master, you said we are..." Cook feels that the big world is too dangerous. On the one hand, the Master Tongtian was willing to hide after he lifted the table. Whether it was to avoid chasing and killing, or waiting for an opportunity to kill a few secretly, anyway, It is hidden.

And the other old guys, no matter who faces a lunatic who throws the table and has a lunatic with the sword of Zhu Xian, who dares to show his head, what happens if he is caught by the sword of Zhu Xian?

So this part of the survivors went into hiding while panicking. One side did not show up, and the others did not dare to show up. Moreover, the collapse of the sky made the old guys caught off guard, and there was no discussion. The chance to join forces made them even more afraid to show up. .

Imagine that the whole world is under the eyelids of such a group of people, and Cook feels his heart and liver are shaking.

"What are you afraid of, I'm still there, those old things, I was not an opponent before, this time, hum, the thunder tribulation of hundreds of elixir is enough to make a qualitative leap in my body, and it will be time for me to pay. "The Great Sage slapped Cook in an angry tone, and said.

"Okay, but Master, we have to pull a group of people. You think you were at a disadvantage. Now that you have a group of people, we waste some elixir and we must arm these people. Of course, you don’t have to tell the truth. You ask these guys to act on those old guys first, so that these people won't wait and see, otherwise this Monster Race Alliance will have to deal with those old guys, I'm afraid they will run away long ago." Cook whispered.

"Hey, I thought of what your kid said a long time ago, so when you practice alchemy this time, I will tell them the secret of Thunder Tribulation, and according to my guess, the reason for those old guys not moving is probably to recuperate. The fairy world collapsed, it’s impossible to say nothing. The house fell. It’s normal to kill a few people. It’s not difficult to cause serious injuries. Of course, if you are prepared, there will be nothing wrong. Tsk tsk, there is a good show, I I can't wait any longer, you kid do it hard, and then I will grab a few fairies for you to be your wives, haha." The big sage smiled, but the big sage is now brazen.

"Master, I suspect that those guys are hiding in the void, and it is only suitable to hide in an endless place like the void." Cook said in a low voice.

"No matter where you go, your strength is definitely going down anyway. You kid hurry up to refine the alchemy, the elixir, and the elixir, then go back to the small world. Don’t take your head for the time being. On the Bafang Mountain, I will help you watch. The guy will definitely check Bafang Mountain when he comes back. When the time comes, hehe." The Great Sage spent some time with Cook, thinking about the way Cook behaves in the world. Cook is weak, but he is in the big world. Those who are mixed are proud of the spring breeze. Those old guys who have been famous for countless years have to give three points of face, and the Great Sage himself is a mess, but he is actually humiliated like a dog.

After pondering the great sage, he gradually realized that the enemy must be combined vertically and horizontally, and then each one must be broken, one group is pulled, one group is beaten, and then a lot of profits are made, and there is even a pit for people to use, and then wait until it is up. Set, then like a mule and horse trapped, you have to do it without doing it.

The Great Sage’s mind is not a single thought, but millions of thoughts. As long as you think carefully about certain things, you will immediately understand.

Therefore, at this time, the Great Sage considered and dealt with problems, he was all moving in the style of Cook.

"Master, you don't have to. Take the current situation as an example. Some people are less willing to see those old guys appear than you." Cook said in a low voice.

"Who?" The Great Sage thought for a moment, but still asked without understanding.

"Four major sects, do you think, if those old guys come back, do you have to let go of the four major sects and you are used to being the boss? Who wants to be a follower, and these are not immortal, if You keep taking action to show that the strength of those old guys is not that high, then I think those old guys of the four major sects, who are not dead, will definitely take action." Cook said in a low voice.

"But you see those guys don't have gods here and holy things..." The Great Sage still didn't understand.

"Master, the gods are dead, and the holy objects are also dead. The idols will not occupy the blessed world, will not ask for cultivation resources, will not instruct others, and the holy things, I have seen so many Buddhist disciples come here, why, For supernatural powers, and everyone is a monk, what do you hope for is longevity, and that group of old guys are said to have gained longevity? You said that a group of guys who have gained the secret of longevity are not very strong, so now the group The old guy who wants to live long and wants to be crazy, what will he do for countless years of cultivation?" Cook analyzed in detail.

"Will those old guys be asked to announce it?" The Great Sage looked at Cook with horror in his heart.

"Wrong, Master, those old guys won't get any status, because once their names are correct, then those old guys can only obey orders. Once these old guys show up, then I guess it might say that these old guys will be The guy described it as an evil demon. If you take the initiative, Master, you can show that those old guys are not invincible. Master, you think, what crazy behavior will a group of guys who want to live long and want to be crazy make?" Cook said with a smile.

But the Great Sage thought that Cook's smile was too terrifying, and the Great Sage couldn't help asking: "But those guys are the big Luo Jinxian after all?"

"Master, how much strength do you think Daluo Jinxian can repent in such an environment where there is no fairy spirit? And maybe those guys are together, and don’t forget, Master, you have an elixir in your hand, those guys want To regain strength, we must use the elixir. According to my guess, the opportunity these old guys are waiting for is probably the birth of the pill room of the palace, because there is the place where the elixir of the entire immortal world has the most storage. Whoever occupies it will stand. In an invincible place." Cook continued to analyze.

"Cook, your mind, why didn't I think about it, Cook, do you want to dig holes for those old guys?" The Great Sage asked.

"Hehe. Master, there is a little thing in my red gourd. We will give him hundreds of bottles of life essence at that time. Once the palace pill is opened, hehe!" Cook thought of a group of old guys being beaten by a group of elixir spirits. Even if you don't get taken away, once these elixir become spirits run away, you will have fun.

"Gao, Gao, Cook, you kid's idea is too insidious, haha, Rank Nine Golden Core becomes a spirit, what kind of strength will it be? I don't know if it will beat Laojun fat?" bright.

"But Master, you have to plan this matter carefully. You can't let the fairy palace be born. In fact, you can pretend that someone is going to **** the fairy palace, and then reveal that not only you are watching, I don't think the fairy palace will be born in a short time. When we are ready, then we can let the old guys from the four major sects open the fairy palace by themselves." Cook said overcastly.

"Open it by yourself?" Dasheng asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple. If someone says that there is a pill of longevity in the fairy palace, you say..." Cook looked relaxed.

"Eternal Life Pill, your boy has a good idea, you wait first, let me go." When the Great Sage heard Cook's answer, his face was ashamed. It was so simple. Then he thought of what Cook said. What kind of crazy behavior will the crazy guy make once he hears this news? Of course it is to open the fairy palace, and if those old guys who are peeping at the fairy palace come forward to snatch, it is estimated that they will immediately conflict, tusk! The scene was so beautiful that the Great Sage almost had to look up to the sky and laugh.

The Great Sage came back an hour, he smiled: "It's safe. When I went there, a dozen old guys were guarded. They were beaten by me. In the end, hundreds of them came. I still talk, I will go back. ."

"Master, it's starting." Cook was about to refine the elixir.

"Let's get started, I'll look for other big monsters, and I'll be back right away." Dasheng nodded and said.

After seeing the great sage release the time barrier for himself, Cook left. Cook took out the Taiji Bagua furnace and refined the elixir in Kaihua Temple.

"Ten, let you big monsters recharge well." Cook added a hundred elixir of elixir. The recovery elixir contains the spirit of immortality, and all the elixir of recovery is used as the elixir. There are a lot of ingredients, and there are many recovery medicines. Cook only changed the elixir to the elixir of eternal life, and various immortal fruits were added.

There are ten pills of one hundred pills into pills, each of which is the size of a fist, but what Cook did not expect is that the best spirit stone is constantly being sent in like water. Cook's heart is bleeding, but he thinks of what is coming. It’s dangerous. Cook has to make logistical reserves for the Great Sage. Of course, it’s more than that. The Great Sage has these elixir. By then, he can win over the old guys with fairy tools in the hands of the four sects. The Great Sage can gather a large number of people. , To beat those old guys hard.

The great sage brought a group of powerful demon kings such as the Canopy King, the White Tiger Demon King, the Rabbit Demon King, the Rat Demon King, the Lion Demon King, and the Leopard Demon King. Some people say that the Rat Demon King is also strong and talented. Supernatural powers are useful for finding those old guys in the future.

"Leader, do you want us to be here?" The Great King Canopy always had a bad feeling and asked.

"Listen to me, it's your advantage. No matter what happens, you can't move without giving an order." The Great Sage didn't say anything, he asked.

"Leader, why do I look at the sky a little bad?" The Rat Demon King is relatively large, and this servant was thin and thin when he was not transformed. Once transformed, he is a sturdy man.

"Leader, I also think... Is this Thunder Tribulation?" The Rabbit Demon King is a female with a graceful figure, but her strength is also very powerful, because these Great Demon Kings have inherited them.

"That's right, this is Thunder Tribulation." The Great Sage bared his white teeth and said.

"What?" These demon kings were shocked and wanted to flee in a hurry.

"Let's go, don't blame me if you missed the great opportunity." The Great Sage didn't care about it, and you just left.

When the Rat Demon King heard this, his mind flashed: "Maybe the lord suffered thunder disaster the first two times...?"

"It's good to know." The Great Sage glanced at the Rat Demon King, but he didn't expect this guy to be so smart.

These demon kings were very nervous, and wanted to leave, really afraid of missing the opportunity, but if they wanted to stay, looking at the sky, it was really dangerous.

"Leader, this may be the Nine Thunder Tribulation?" The Demon King Ma asked with some worry.

"I will not force you, I have already said, if you want to leave, just leave." The Great Sage closed his eyes and said nothing.

Rumble! The whole sky is like the night, with countless layers of clouds stacked on top of each other. The original red, green, black, gold, and white clouds overlap each other, and the whole sky is like ink.

"Leader, I'm leaving first." The Great King of Canopy thought of the bad things he had done, and his figure flashed away.


At a distance of tens of feet, a thick purple thunder and lightning hit the King Canopy, and King Canopy trembled.



A series of thick buckets of lightning continued to fall, hitting these demon kings, of which the great sage suffered the most. Under the thunder catastrophe, the coats on these demon kings turned into patches of flying flowers.

"Don't use battle armor, and don't use demon power to resist." The voice of the Great Sage rang in the thunder.

"Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, I'm dying." The King of Canopy was full of smoke. Perhaps he was dissatisfied with the escape, so Lei Jie took special care of King Canopy.

Click, click, click!

The ears of the many demon kings just heard constant clicking sounds, and then a series of lightning that tore the void fell down and hit everyone.

Accompanied by thunder fire, golden fire, white light, many demon kings were covered with wounds of different sizes.

Gradually, the Demon King realized that he was recovering faster from the injury, and his body was filled with an unprecedented power, as if his strength had increased a lot.

These demon kings looked at each other. In Flash, everyone was astonished, and the rabbit demon king yelled, "Quen the bones~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quench the blood, quench the internal organs, tendons, this..."

Many demon kings felt that their bodies were being tempered by thunder and lightning. This short period of more than an hour was equivalent to the time spent practicing for hundreds of years.

Feeling the benefits of thunder and lightning, these demon kings will be happy and let the thunder and lightning raging for three full hours, when the sky lights up again.

"Brother Monkey, you are too uninteresting, why didn't you say it before?" Although the king of the canopy was pale, the demon power in his body was completely consumed. This demon power was absorbed by the body to repair the tempered body and disappear.

"That's because I didn't find a pattern. This is Qiongye Yuye. Take a sip for one person, and leave as soon as you recover. Don't let anyone know." The Great Sage took a sip and then handed it to the Horse Demon King.

"Thank you, the leader." The Demon King Ma poured a big mouthful of Qiongye Jade Liquid, feeling the recovery of the demon power, and his body was more refreshing than ever.

"It's my time, it's my time, don't finish drinking it, Lion Demon King, is it necessary for you to drink such a big mouth?" These demon kings did not ask why there was such a big thunder disaster, and left together. , There was also a protest from the King of Canopy. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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