A Unique Hunter

Chapter 252: Attacked

"Cook, this is the material for the awakening potion that the union promised you, but there are only 30 copies. You also know that the major unions are now staring at this, and there are potions. So more is difficult." You took a chance to pass a space bag to Cook, and whispered.

"Thank you, mentor!" Cook was very excited. With this potion, the combat effectiveness of his territory will at least double. Cook thought in his heart that most of the awakening potions must be used on the Frost Titan, and some will be left. Orcs, trolls, and ogres can all awaken talents. Orcs must have rituals. Auxiliary professions are indispensable. Ogres and trolls are both graces and powers, and the Morragan Desert does not have it. Rock Titan? Some must be reserved. In a blink of an eye, Cook allocated the potions.

But then Lyle asked suspiciously: "Cook, why haven't your mental power increased during this time?"

"This time is relatively busy, so..." Cook explained awkwardly.

Lyle's face became gloomy all of a sudden, and then he sighed and explained: "Cook, you now have no distinction of priority. Whether it is money or power, you are serving for cultivation. You give up cultivation like this. It was you who regretted in the end."

"Tutor, what do you say?" Cook couldn't figure it out.

"Cook, do you know that the highest in this world is the existence of gods, don't you think that level 9 is the top level? No, no, level 9 is not counted, that's just a beginner." Lyle called Cook to sit down , Said earnestly.

"What, the gods really exist?" Cook was surprised.

"Existence, the gods do exist. Now that the gods are very far away, Cook, if you have not entered the ninth level before the age of fifty, then the chance of you entering the ninth level is very small. Unless there is a miracle, it is not pure at the ninth level. If you have absorbed the elements, you need to understand the law and find the origin of the universe. Once you understand the law, you will step into the realm of legend. At this time, your life span will double. If you don’t understand the law before you are 500 years old, you will never have a chance to enter the legend. Stepping into the realm of legend, after understanding the law, mastering and releasing the power of the law is the sanctuary, and stepping into the realm of legend will reach another cosmic level, and you are wasting time now, you know, if you were thirty years old Before entering the ninth grade, life expectancy was at least 300 years longer than that before entering the ninth grade at the age of fifty, reaching as much as 800 years. However, when reaching the ninth grade at the age of fifty, the life expectancy is only 500 years, and the ninth grade at the 100-year-old. The life span is only two hundred and fifty years." Lyell explained in a low voice.

"How about twenty years old?" Cook was shocked. Now he is seventeen years old. If according to his expectation, he must reach the ninth grade at least at the age of fifty, then his life span is not lost in vain.

"At least one thousand and two hundred years, but in all planes, there are almost no such people, unless it is the reincarnation of the gods!" Lyle explained with a smile.

When Cook heard this, he immediately became worried. Although he said that he could continue to advance as long as he could absorb the elements infinitely, but he did not even want to reach the ninth level in two and a half years. Spiritual power was the biggest limit, and Cook couldn't help being discouraged. Endless, one thousand and two hundred years, Cook was dizzy thinking about it.

Cook didn't listen to the rest of the words. Cook kept thinking about how to reach level nine, grudge, no need to think about magic, let alone thinking about it, unless there are countless mental healing potions, of course this is impossible. , And no matter what quality the medicine is, it will have a drug resistance after use.

"Oh! It seems that you can only reach level 9 before you are 30 years old." Cook sighed.

"Puff! You kid dare to think, you think that level 9 is so easy to reach, and that behind every level 9 professional who doesn’t make a huge effort, how many times struggles on the death line, you think it’s as simple as absorbing the elements. If it’s that simple, according to the union’s financial resources, wouldn’t it be possible to have dozens of ninth levels? As the level rises, comprehension is the most important.” Lyle spouted a sip of tea, which is what Frost Titan likes to drink. The thing is a kind of snow moss, which has a refreshing effect, and the taste is similar to that of tea, but the fragrance of this moss is more intense, and a sip of it feels a coolness passing through the mind.

"Isn't this what I thought!" Cook was embarrassed, and Cook suddenly felt that what he was doing was quite meaningless, but at this point, Cook was not a person who gave up and gave up.

"Elders, the sacrifice will begin soon." Sam said with a smile at this time.

"Hehe, let's go, elders!" Cook got up and made a please gesture.

Hundreds of costumed dwarves wore festive costumes on a small square, and a large altar was filled with sacrifices, including wine, grain, bread, and livestock heads. A priest was using it. The dwarf was singing something loudly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The magical fireworks were released, and the sound of the whole Blackstone Town could be heard.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Cook was surprised and asked in surprise: "This magical firework has passed, where is the noise?"

"Report to the elder, the unrest in Blackstone Town, hundreds of heavily armed humans attacked everywhere and set fire." Just when Cook was puzzled, a griffon rider swooped down and reported to the elders of the bronze hammer and the elders of the wild hammer. .

"Damn it, call the soldiers to guard the wine shop!" Elder Copper Hammer jumped up and cursed, and then gave the order.

Instructor Lyle also shouted loudly: "Quickly, hold the teleportation formation, don't let the enemy take the opportunity to destroy the teleportation formation!"

"Damn, damn, there are a lot of weapons in the union, come on!" The president of the thieves' union also shouted loudly. In a blink of an eye, there was no one around Cook, only Ruta was still guarding here.

"Ruta, what do you think these people think?" Cook blinked his eyes, and couldn't figure out why someone would cause chaos in his territory, don't he know his strength.

"My lord, I don't think they know your strength!" Ruta replied with blinking eyes.

"Cook, Cook, hundreds of people are besieging your lord mansion!" Sam roared at this time.

Cook jumped up suddenly: "Damn it, Mickey is still over there!" Then he ran out like the wind.

Nissan is a squad leader of the Ceylon Empire’s Intelligence Department Action Team. This time Nissan’s task is to mess around everywhere to distract the guards, and Nissan uses the identity of the guards to attack others. Nissan did it very successfully. He attacked a medium-sized mercenary group as a guard for a while, and the regular guards who came later were suffering from the anger of the medium-sized mercenary group. Hundreds of people were fighting fiercely. Nissan took the opportunity to slip away and continued to attack along the way. , Of course, both murder and arson.

"Captain, captain, isn't that the target person?" A team member shouted at Nissan who was struggling to walk to the left or right.

"Really, Dach, you are responsible for sending the signal, and the rest follow me!" Nissan saw that Cook was only bringing a guard, and immediately ordered excitedly.

"Lord Baron, Lord Baron, it's not good, it's not good." Nissan saw Cook, rushed over, and shouted loudly as he ran, and behind him were the elite intelligence personnel of the Ceylon Empire, suddenly also loudly. Shouted, while still acting as a guard posture.

"What's going on, how about the Lord's Mansion, ah!!!" Cook asked eagerly when he saw Nissan. Although he knew that there was a perverted foodie like Phyllis Deman, no one could guarantee that there was no Lengjian. But Cook hadn't waited for Nissan's return before he was stabbed fiercely by Nissan who rushed forward.

"Take it to death!" Nissan drew out the magic sword. Nissan's magic sword has two rare gold magic arrays, sharp and piercing. This is also one of Nissan's trump cards that can survive nearly a hundred heartbeats. Cook Although taking the potion of the dragon's power, it is impossible to prevent such magic swords. Especially Nissan is a sixth-level fighter who is proficient in fighting and assassination. Cook was suddenly pierced with a big hole in his waist, and then Nissan He swung the magic sword and slashed at Cook fiercely, and the sixth-level gold element grudge broke out with all his strength.

"Puff!" Cook didn't have time to evade at all, plus the wound on his waist, he just dodged the vital part of his head, and a large cut was cut out of his shoulder, and a stream of blood spurted out.

"Dead!" Nissan saw that Cook was hit by himself twice in a row. With a turn of his wrist, his one-handed sword swept across Cook's neck.

"My lord!" Ruta reacted at this time, buying a way, Nissan's speed was too fast, and it was almost time that Ruta, who had not fought close combat with humans, reacted.

"Dang!" Nissan's confident sword slashed the metal fiercely, making a sound.

"What? Die!" Nissan was taken aback, because what his sword hit was a single-edged sword that was more than six meters long, but Nissan, who was rigorously trained, immediately reacted. The one-handed sword in his hand was extremely It pierced at an oblique angle, and the vindictiveness burst out with all strength.

"Boom!" But before Nissan's stabbing sword approached Cook's body, Nissan was hit by a huge fist for hundreds of meters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and broke through the solid wood door of a tavern.

"Ruta, kill me!" Cook poured a bottle of potion and looked at the dark wound. Cook was very angry. He was attacked by his own people in his own territory. Could Cook not be angry? Cook hurried again He searched for the detoxification potion. It was obvious that there was magic poison on the thorn sword, and Cook had smelled the rot of his muscles.

However, it seems that the effect of the antidote is not very good. Obviously, the level of the antidote is too low. Cook didn't have the energy to control Ruta at all. Instead, he quickly took out a bottle of paralysis potion and poured some directly on the wound. He took out Thunder teeth and began to scrape the rapidly decomposing meat.

"Captain, guys, it's time to dedicate your life to the empire!" When the remaining few saw Ruta's height of more than 20 meters, they did not shrink from it, but pulled out their weapons one after another, bursting out with all their strength. Dou Qi, there is a golden flame on the Dou Qi, which burns the soul and vitality in exchange for temporary strength, and the body expands in a circle.

"Ants!" Ruta looked at the several assassins who were rushing towards Cook, snorted coldly, a white light appeared in his hands, and then waved towards the group of people.

"Puff puff puff puff!" A series of dense noises, an invisible freezing gas cracked the stone slabs on the road, and quickly rushed towards several assassins.

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