A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1222: Book of Sky Witch

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Within dozens of miles, the ancestral spirit seemed to be in full view. The huge phantom was constantly impacting, but only the golden claws were attacking. The golden claws are 20 meters high and their nails are two meters long. , Some low-strength, being caught by this claw, the whole body becomes a pile of rotten flesh, high-strength, inevitably broken hands and feet.

For a time, the Baixi tribe was surrounded by chickens, flying dogs and dogs. These people who watched did not expect that the ancestor spirits of the Baixi tribe would suddenly advance, and the power of the witches had also increased. Within the attack range of the ancestor spirits of other tribes, then It's just looking for smoke.

The warriors of the Baixi tribe also beat down the water dogs, and those who were attacked by the ancestor spirits had a face and face. Those little trash fish, the warriors of the Baixi tribe caught these weaker groups, interrupted their hands and feet, dragged them back to the tribe, and someone came to redeem them. , Then change things, no one redeems them, then kill and worship the ancestor spirits together.

When Cook saw the ancestral spirits' attack methods, his eyes lit up. He didn't expect that these ancestral spirits could attack the enemy in this way. Wouldn't it be that the souls in his own demonic pestle could also be released to attack.

"..." When Cook got this thought, a message came out from the Demon Pestle, that is, as long as Cook practiced the Sutra of Demon Subduing the Demon, he could serve the demon.

"Ghosts practice Buddhism. Lao Tzu has a beautiful wife, well-behaved children, and a lot of wives and concubines." Cook has a natural resistance to Buddhism. In his view, Buddhism is unreliable. Since everything is empty, what kind of monastery do you still build, and what do you want to persuade people to donate incense and money? Isn't it all for profit?

Of course, there are true ascetic monks in Buddhism who are self-sufficient and enlighten the Dharma. These people Cook still admire very much. As for the golden light all over the body one day, the gold came from there. To put it bluntly, they came from, those who believed everything. They are all given by empty people, and of course the Buddhist disciples who put them away are put away by the Buddhist disciples. There are still six pure roots. Cook also strongly disagrees. If people have no feelings, what they are doing is really empty.

Of course, Buddhism is powerful, and Cook can't oppose it if he wants to. It can't be beaten by others. It's not the name of a devil, and it will comfort you to abuse you, and it is also called Fu Mo.

In the evening, Cook was invited to participate in a warm celebration. Cook sat down with the witch. Only then did Cook discover that the witch was also a person. Cook asked: "Are you alone?"

"Uh, there is another disciple, but he was sent to other tribes, and he should be back in a few days." Wu stunned, then replied.

Cook nodded and didn't say anything. The people in the tribe just kept watching the mysterious Cook. No witch spoke, and no one dared to approach the witch and Cook.

As far as food is concerned, Cook thinks that some dried meat is not bad, but as for fruits, he can only say it will be good.

After eating, Wu stood up and said, "We will continue hunting tomorrow. For those who rob us of our hunting ground, interrupt their legs."

"Yes." The hundreds of tribal warriors below immediately replied.

There is no entertainment in this world. After practicing at night, Cook stood in the yard and looked at two huge moons, and a golden crow shadow fell beside him. The golden crow shadow was only one foot high, so he could not see Less than the powerful momentum during the day.

A trace of moonlight was absorbed by the Golden Crow into his body. The Golden Crow looked at Cook, and Cook also looked at the Golden Crow. Then the Golden Crow left, and Cook was inexplicable.

At night Cook slept very well. Cook hadn't slept so well for a long time. Early the next morning, after Cook woke up, he still didn't want to get up.

"It seems that this world is very special, or it is very special under the protection of ancestral spirits, subconsciously giving people a sense of security." Cook pondered for a moment and understood.

The warriors of the Baixi tribe walked into the wilderness under the gaze of the tribe. These people carried dry food on their backs, brought their bags, and went out hunting.

Wu Ye stood at the door and looked at these warriors. Wu said, "Every time I see a warrior from our tribe go out, I am very worried, because every time a warrior is injured or cannot come back."

"Everyone has everybody's way of living." Cook's emotions are not so fragile now, and there is more life and death, that's it.

It’s like a war, maybe at the beginning, your comrades in arms will fall down one by one, you will cry bitterly, you will be angry, you will get angry, after ten, eight years, for a long time, you will silently bury your comrades, and then pick you up The weapon of your comrades-in-arms, because you don't know when you will fall, it also breaks life and death.

The reincarnation of life and death cannot be changed by anyone, even the legendary saints will fall.

Even a star, or anything, will die one day, even the entire starry sky may have its own growth process.

Wu was a little surprised at Cook's answer. In fact, when Wu said this, he still took advantage of Cook. For these tribes, the things in Cook's hands are most urgently needed.

Of course, it is not that the witch has never thought about what to do with Cook, but the more he understands the big tribe, the deeper he understands the witch, the less he dared to act rashly.

A bad one is the bane of genocide.

"Hi, hi, hi." Cook hasn't done exercise for a long time. In fact, Cook's body has been tempered by energy, but the combat experience and reaction speed are not just relying on energy to temper the body. It requires constant exercise.

Bang bang bang!

The intensive noise rang on a black wooden target almost without stopping. The teenagers around were all watching Cook, but then a lame man gave him a drink.

After a full hour of exercise, Cook feels more comfortable. There are less than a hundred teenagers in this group. This is talented. More teenagers follow other untalented people to pick berries and wild vegetables. Yes, of course, the tribe distributes according to work, so there is less meat in such living distribution.

"Awesome." The lame man listened for an hour. The rhythm of the sound of the fists and feet hitting the target has not changed. This man is also an upright person and gave Cook a thumbs up.

"How are these teenagers?" Cook saw these teenagers. They were really hitting each other. Their bodies were all black and blue, but they didn't feel relaxed about each other. They still beat hard. These teenagers practiced. It is a short weapon.

"It's not bad, there are a few of them that may reach the power of five cows." The lame man said.

"The power of five cows?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"The power of the bull, the power of the tiger, the power of the bear, the power of the elephant, each of the nine levels, we small tribes, a warrior with the power of a tiger, that tribe will not decline for at least 30 years, if there is a power of a bear, then three hundred Nian will not decline. If there is an elephant's power, it will not decline for three thousand years. There must be a lot of elephant's power in your big tribe." The lame man said.

"I don't know, I am a witch." Cook said, shaking his head.

"Good witch, the status of witch is higher than our warrior." The lame man said.

"Father, it's dinner." A teenager greeted from a distance.

"Here," the lame man replied.

"Thank you, noble witch, if without you, maybe I would be dead, the tribe’s witch is not strong enough, the heir has not grown up, once we leave the protection of the witch, we will only die, these children, Except for the talented, the rest are basically dead." The lame man said to Cook.

Cook shook his head and said, "Don't thank me, that is the blessing left by your ancestors."

The lame man left. The boy who called the man to eat obviously had no talent. The simple animal skins wrapped around his waist did not look very strong.

When Cook returned to the place where he lived, several tribal girls had already brought all kinds of food. Cook can be very picky about eating, or just do whatever he wants.

Waved the girls to leave. After the girls left, the witch came in. Seeing that Cook barely moved food, he said, "There is no prey in the tribe."

"It won't matter." Cook doesn't have much ambition for the world of the witch clan. The main reason is that the witch clan gives him a very uneasy feeling. I don't know where this uneasiness comes from, but it is definitely not. A good sign.

"I have sent people to the Baisong tribe, and it is estimated that they will come in five days," the Wu of the Baixi tribe said.

"Yeah." Cook nodded and said.

Then Cook asked: "If I had a way to make your tribe the twelve tribes, what would you think?"

"Impossible." Wu immediately replied with his eyes wide open when he heard this.

"So what about the enemy of the twelve tribes?" Cook continued to ask.

"You...who are you?" the witch stood up and asked in horror.

"I have exercises and medicines here. Are you afraid of anything? For you, you have already died once, and you don’t have to be enemies of the 12 tribes. They don’t come to us for trouble. , We will not trouble them." Cook said.

"Impossible, the twelve tribes have a population of tens of thousands. Not to mention the warriors with the power of the bear, the warriors with the power of the elephant are everything, let alone the heavenly witch," Half-Hang Wu said, shaking his head.

"Hehe, I can't do things that are uncertain, and you can't do them, right?" Cook said with a smile.

"You are not a witch, it is impossible. If you are not a witch, how could there be bone-hardening pills and blood essence pills?" the witch of the Baixi tribe asked calmly.

"The number of people is not the key. There are so many tribes around here, one by one, regaining the past, how many people are needed, as for the bone quenching pills you said, I can provide you with 10,000 pills a day. I will provide you with 10,000, as well as more advanced blood-burning pills, and witchcraft." Cook took out a wizard staff from the prehistoric world and handed it to the witch of the Baixi tribe.

After seeing the staff, the witch of the Baixi tribe was stunned. He pinched the staff and closed his eyes: "Scepter, three-star scepter."

"Really?" Cook thought to himself that the wand used by this Tier 3 wizard was the three-star wand.

Cook thought for a moment and found out a wizard book. The wizard book was taken out. The wizard of the Baixi tribe almost jumped over and hugged the wizard book.

"Book of Heavenly Witch!" Wu put the book on his forehead and screamed for a while.

"This is the lowest level." Cook said.

The witch face of the Baixi tribe went black and white, and then asked: "If the Twelve-Day Witch Tribe doesn't take action against us, will we not deal with them?"

"Yes." Cook nodded.

"Then the book of witches of the day?" the witch of the Baixi tribe said.

"One hundred books, so much for you temporarily." Cook thought for a moment and said.

"One... one hundred... uh." The witch of the Baixi tribe fainted when he heard this.

Cook was dumbfounded, the ancestor spirit showed his body and looked at the wizard book and said: "The twelve great tribes of heavenly witches, twelve books of heavenly witches."

"In other words, the twelve tribes became the sky witch tribe because of the wizard book?" Cook is no wonder that the ancestor spirit can speak.

"Yes, we creatures are all enslaved by witches." The ancestor spirit continued.

Cook shook his head and said, "This is none of my business."

"Take it out, take it out, as long as you take out a hundred copies, I immediately promise you." The witch of the Baixi tribe hugged the book of the sky witch, sat up all at once, and said incoherently.

"Haha. A hundred copies scare you like this. I want to say a thousand copies. What's more, there are grades in your hand. You are grade three, and there are nine grades, and I have two. This is a ninth-level wizard book." Cook took out the fire-specialized wizard book, as well as the wind-specialized wizard book. At a glance, he knew that it was not the same level as the Baixi tribal wizard.

"..." The witch of the Baixi tribe was dumbfounded.

"Think about it first, and understand, what you are going to do, what you will do, then tell me about it, I don’t want to interfere in the affairs of your Wu clan, but I don’t want anyone to disturb me either. I’m a man of temper. No, even if it's the Twelve-Day Witch Tribe, I don't take it seriously." Cook said.

"God, are you a god?" the witch of the Baixi tribe asked.

"What?" Cook was a little confused, why is there another god?

"It is said that the book of the sky witch was passed by the gods to the twelve tribes, so the twelve big tribes have always had the book of the sky witch." The witch of the Baixi tribe said.

"Hehe, there is this wizard book, which means to speed up..." Cook said half of his words and did not say what is the most difficult thing for the people of the tribe, the speed of knowledge acquisition.

The wizard book records a large number of spells used by wizards. These spells can be taught by others without mistakes due to various circumstances, and will not be lost due to various circumstances.

Just like the witches of the Baixi tribe, according to the level of the wizard, they are probably also first-order wizards. However, this witch cannot release any spells, and has a wizard book, general wizard spells, there are more than a dozen spells, which one do you want to use? .

For these tribes, even a low-level wizard book is like an artifact.

Thinking of this, Cook grinned: "Think about it, I'm leaving now."

"Don't think about it, I'll do it." The witch of the Baixi tribe said immediately without waiting for Cook to leave.

"No more thinking about it?" Cook asked.

"I don't want to, this is a chance for our tribe to rise, but I don't think you will give other tribes the book of the sky witch?" The witch said.

"Of course not, I only recognize you, and only you, me, and it know about the Book of Heavenly Witch." Cook pointed to it, which was the ancestral spirit.

"I heard that the Book of the Sky Witch can strengthen the ancestor spirit?" The Witch of the Baixi tribe continued to ask.

"Yes, the ancestor spirit swallows other spirits, which will eventually lead to the collapse of the ancestor spirit, because other creatures have too many spirit impurities. Once this impurity accumulates for a certain period of time, the ancestor spirit will become crazy." Cook said.

Ancestral spirits are soul creatures. This tribe kills prey in front of the ancestor spirits and sacrifices to the ancestral spirits. The ancestral spirits absorb the souls of these creatures.

The reason is very simple. When the witches of the Baixi clan heard this, he slapped his head: "It's no wonder that those big tribes continue to die out because of this."

"With this Book of Heavenly Witches, it is different, and I suspect that you ancestor spirits were separated deliberately. After these ancestral spirit clones are strong, they will be taken back." Cook guessed.

The witches of the Baixi clan kept thinking about something, and Cook said, "Think about it, what to do, population, food, and if other big tribes know it, you must hide these secrets at the beginning. of."

The witch of the Baixi clan reacted and saw hundreds of bone quenching pills and rushed out.

"What about people?" The young man outside was exercising under the sun. The witch of the Baixi clan grabbed the lame man and shouted.

"I'm leaving, and I'll be back in a month." The lame man replied.

"How long has it been going?" the witch of the Baixi clan asked eagerly.

"A torch time." The tribe doesn't have any key time. A meal time, a torch time, represents time.

After Cook left, he turned into a lightning bird, and Cook thought while flying: It seems that a wizard has opened the viewing authority of the wizard book~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only under this authority can there be more People can read the content inside, so in other words, it’s not right. It’s called the inheritance space. Could it be that the prehistoric world, the wizard empire, and the wizard alliance all originated from here, so the book of heavenly witches is a little bit letting I look forward to it, and the fairy is called a witchcraft. What is the reason?

There is a lot of information in Cook's mind, but on the way, Cook was intercepted by Ding and turned into a crow. He opened his mouth and shouted: "Did you do it? You said, you guys from the Celestial Witch Tribe, do whatever they want and disrupt the tribe. Between the rules, intervene in the affairs of the tribe."

"Shut up." Cook also opened his mouth and shouted.

"I sensed that you have witchcraft on your body. You **** guys, as members of the Sky Witch tribe, actually **** things from our little tribesmen. You are nothing." This crow croaked.

Cook was very irritable. With a wave of Cook's wings, two huge wind blade storms swept towards the crow.

"Ah! It's killing." The black crow saw this scene, flashed to the side, and cried out loudly. Cook was depressed, his mind moved, and the wind blade storm continued to chase it. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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