A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1333:

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When Cook saw this scene, he said angrily: "Let's go, there are more wild beasts ahead."

"Huh." Ding retreated first, and Yue Yu Caiyi also retreated. Seeing this, Teng cut open the heart of the wild beast, and then ate the whole heart raw.

Cook shook his head as he watched, and Cook appeared hundreds of meters away when his figure flashed, and Ding and others continued to follow.

In the afternoon, Cook killed another leopard. This time everyone looked at Cook like a baby. This time he was eaten by the leopard's heart.

At night, when Ding waited for people to rest, Cook went straight on the road, not caring about what was dangerous at night.

Killed four star beasts in one night. At night, the energy activity of the star beasts is stronger, so the attack power of the star beasts is stronger, but whether it is the third-class and fourth-class beasts in the hands of Cook, they are just Once solved, even a fourth-class violent bear was beaten to death by Cook with his bare hands.

Let Ding et al. have a new understanding of Cook's strength. At noon the next day, looking at a stone mountain from a distance, Ding said, "This is the location of the tomb."

"Then take a break." Cook nodded.

The more people breathed a sigh of relief, the four of them were already full of things, all the meat of wild beasts. These guys would eat hard if they couldn't throw it away. If they couldn't eat it, then they would throw it away.

"K, you belong to the Celestial Witch Tribe?" Caiyi blinked, sat down close to Cook, and asked.

"No." Cook shook his head and pointed to the other side of him, Caiyi had to sit on the other side of the fire.

The more people started to light a fire, a lot of fires, and a barbecue, and bones. After the bones of these barren beasts were burned, the meat was gnawed clean by a few people, and even the bone marrow was knocked out and eaten.

Cook eats the meat of star beasts of this level, which has little effect, but it fills up his belly. Cook eats a lot now, low-level wild beast meat, Cook can eat as much as a hundred catties.

Looking at Cook's appetite, Ding et al. understood that they were panicking even after eating twenty or thirty catties. Caiyi looked at Cook as a nympho.

"Let's go, top." After resting for a while, in fact, it was just waiting for these people to handle the wild beast meat and hide it.

"Let's go." Several people were really worried about the wild beast meat, but for the things in front of them, nothing else was important.

The bare stone mountain is a kilometer in size and looks like a tortoise shell from a distance.

"Look, this is artificial casting. Look at the gap between the stones. It is not soil, but a material we don't know. The gap width is the same." Ding first pointed to the gap between the stones. The gaps are in the entire stone mountain, showing an unconventional grid shape.

Cook also squatted down, checked for himself, and said, "It's really not like the surrounding soil."

When he squatted down, Cook checked with his spiritual thoughts, and his spiritual thoughts could not penetrate. This made Cook a little interested. Of course, there are many things that affect the spiritual thoughts in nature, but they should not appear in this environment. under.

For example, erupting volcanoes, violent energy fluctuations, and phenomena with extreme attributes will all affect divine consciousness.

Cook turned into a lightning bird and flew up, looking down from the top, and then looking at the location and the surrounding landscape.

"It's not like a big tomb." Cook said after looking at it.

"No, it's impossible, I... I think it's the tomb, but it's dangerous inside." He spoke up, but stopped halfway through, and changed another sentence.

Cook took out the broken star hammer and said: "Then just smash it open."

"Here, there is text here." Yue Yi shouted.

Cook and Ding hurriedly flew over. On a stone slab, there were characters carved with some incomplete characters.

"Evil... Kill... Flying... Long hair." Cook read these words and shook his head. The words are very mutilated. It is not clear what it means.

"K, I feel very dangerous." said with a sudden eyelid.

When Cook heard this, he asked, "Do you have the ability to foresee?"

"Yes, I have a foreboding that there are good things down here, but it's very dangerous. I didn't think you could open this place until I saw you." Hearing Cook's question, I had to answer.

"Ding's prediction is very accurate," Cai Yi said.

Yue Ye said: "We can meet you, it's all the top predictions."

"See if there is any entrance." Cook said.

"Several people searched separately, and Cook transformed into a lightning bird and flew high in the sky.

"The entire hill was built artificially. Looking at the direction of the mountain, there shouldn't be hills, flying, and hairy? What do you mean?" Cook muttered to himself.

After searching carefully for a long time, nothing was found, Cook continued to fly high, and then found that the mountain bag was leaning on a certain mountain range, and Cook flew to the other side of the mountain range.

"Here." Cook called.

"I see it, the forest should be shorter, I guess the entrance of the cave is there." Cook pointed to the peak on the other side of the mountain, here is a canyon, after countless years of erosion, the canyon is full of rocks. On the mountainside, a forest is slightly shorter.

"Is it after planting it?" Teng asked.

"Wrong, it's because of the soil quality below. It is probably stone, not soil." Cook said, shaking his head, how could this man have no brains? After so many years, the later plants have long grown.

When Cook landed first, he could see the outline of a cave. Because of the long-term rain washing and the deepening of the canyon, the surrounding area of ​​the cave was exposed, because the cave was filled with broken stones and washed away by the rain. , The other cave wall positions are not washed away.

"It's up to you now." Cook said with a shrug.

Ding and the others looked at each other, Ding first became a giant bear, more than three meters high, the giant bear began to dig with its paws.

During this transformation, Cook felt a wave of demon power, and it was still a bit confusing, and Cook couldn’t figure out how these guys used to transform. It seems that there is only one transformation technique in the wizard, but transformation. There is no demon power fluctuation at all.

If it was the Thirty-Six Transformation of Tiangang, it didn't look like it at all.

The more he became a huge wild boar, and Teng became a pangolin-like creature, these guys took turns to move, and soon the cave was opened.

A hole eight meters high and five meters wide was exposed in front of everyone.

"This place is sealed with a demon, please don't open it, and seal it." Inside is a stone wall with clear text, just such a sentence, each of them is very big.

"It's the original, top, this must be a devil, let's not open it." Teng exclaimed.

"What are you afraid of? Fengyuan Tianwu has been dead for many years, and this sealed demon is probably dead a long time ago." He said grimly.

"Top, I also don't think we should go in. Fengyuan Tianwu is the most famous demon hunter. He has killed countless demons. Even the demon that Fengyuan can't deal with may not die yet." Caiyi also stopped him. .

The more he stood on the top side: "Since it is something left by the Fengyuan Tianwu, it must be a good thing."

"K, what do you think?" Ding looked at Cook, but Ding had no bottom in his heart.

Cook shook his head and said, "I don't know. It doesn't matter to me what you think."

Cook wants to express his opinion, but who is this original? What is a demon?

So Cook only answered like this, looking at Caiyi and Teng, and said, "You two, don't stop me. If you don't enter, just leave here."

"Top..." Cai Yi was a little worried.

Teng pulled Caiyi and said, "Caiyi, let's go."

"No...Ding." Caiyi looked at Ding and refused to pull Teng.

"Cai Yi, I want to go in, I want to become stronger, I want to enter the Sky Witch Tribe." Looking at Cai Yi, he shook his head and said.

"Well, I'll go in with you and die together." Caiyi said firmly when she heard this.

While watching Teng's depressed performance, Cook sighed in his heart. What's so good about this colorful dress. The arms have thick thighs and the thighs are like elephant legs. The double peaks on the chest are like two huge watermelons. The face is also fat.

Teng had no choice but to say: "Then go in together."

"K..." Ding looked back at Cook, Ding always felt that he needed to be with Cook to feel safe.

"Go in." Cook shook his head, then kicked towards the stone wall.


The stone wall collapsed and collapsed directly. The other four people looked at the huge stone at Cook's feet, as light as a stone.


The more I saw Cook kicked so easily, I knew that the stone didn't move.

Cook relaxed a little on top of the stone and crossed the knocked down stone wall.

Behind the stone wall is a thick stone wall. There are various strange portraits on the stone wall, and it is a certain red color paint, which gives people a feeling of horror.

"There are bones." Ding said.

On one side of the stone wall, a pile of bones was piled up there. Cook stepped forward, took a closer look, and then looked up at the stone wall.

"This person was locked in front of the rock wall and was bled, and the blood flowed into the groove along the rock wall." Cook pointed to the brown rust on the bones. There are two holes in the rock wall, and there are also holes in the holes. The rust ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is at a height of two meters. There is a groove on the ground near the stone wall. The bone is in a recessed place. The groove is connected to the recessed place. You can see blood stains in the groove. Black traces flowing through.

"There are also here." Teng also found out on the other side.

Bones, there is a skeleton every two meters on both sides of the stone wall, and a distance of one thousand meters is a thousand lives.

In front of Cook and others, there is a yellow fence with strange lines on it.

"Gold." Ding took a closer look and exclaimed.

"Yes, gold." Cook knew it already.

"Ding, let's go, this place is too dangerous, the devil with the golden seal must be extremely powerful." Cai Yi pulled the top and said.

"Nonsense, with this golden fence, we won't waste our efforts." Ding immediately retorted.

"There are still writing here." Yue Yu found the writing on the stone wall. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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