A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1137: Wait for the rabbit

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Lu Maoliang jumped more than ten meters, no matter what he encountered, he would directly hit the past, even his own people would not let it go.

A few of the most elite warriors around the tribal witch joined, like a few huge arrows, the melee crowd was directly cut apart.


One face to face, a warrior under a witch was directly knocked out by Lu Maoliang's huge power, but these people had the kind of wood-covered shield in their hands. The person who was hit jumped up, but his arm was drooping obviously.

"Use a spear, don't get close." a warrior shouted.

"Bring Tengwang." A Wu yelled.

"Yes." The warriors of other tribes moved.

Lu Maoliang saw seventeen or eight people holding long spears several meters away, surrounding him, and his mouth was a green mist.

what! ! ! ! !

After a horrible cry, the warrior who was stained by the green mist immediately rotted and died.

"Come on, he is like a poisonous snake, there are countless venoms." A witch's face changed and he shouted.

Cook shook his head. Zombies are poisonous all over, and they are strong, and the skin is hard. The best thing about this thing is to attack with heavy weapons.

The spear or something is in an awkward position. It is no longer than the area where the zombies spray poison. Even if it is poked, it cannot break the defense.

But these tribal warriors didn’t know, they used their long spears to jab, these warriors also killed the red eyes. In fact, in such an environment, they were ruthless, not only when fighting, but also when hunting, sometimes they knew they were going to die. But still have to rush.

Because this is related to survival, these warriors also know that once the demon escapes, then their tribe will fall into a nightmare.

Seeing this, Cook was also a little moved, and he took out a silver crystal in his hand. This was the crystal core of a certain light system star beast, but it was not very high, about the third order.


Cook stretched out his hand and shot it hard. The silver crystal was like a bullet, directly hitting the green-haired zombie Liang who was killing other tribe warriors.

"Ah!!!" A white flame burst out of zombie Liang's body, and his green hair kept falling off, this Liang cried out miserably.

Zi Zi Zi Zi!

The whole body of the green-haired zombie was like a piece of melted pine oil. The whole body was covered with long green hair, and the shriveled muscles fell off one after another, leaving a white skeleton. In the end, even the skeleton burst into a mass of dust.

The sudden scene made the surrounding warriors retreat one after another. Seeing that the devil was gone all at once, these warriors were shocked and cheered: "Hey hey!"

"Kill!" Immediately after these warriors saw the things of the Black Goat Tribe, a great looting began, and there was a massacre.

"Cause and effect!" When Cook saw this, he couldn't help sighing. If this black goat tribe were not the black poisonous witch, then he would not come, and the ancestor spirit might not return to the earth, so other tribes would not dare to move. But those few pretending prisoners will definitely die. If they don't kill the green-haired zombies themselves, the black goat tribe may not disappear, but the chances are not high, but the price paid by other tribes is very heavy.

Cook concealed his figure and watched the men of the black goat tribe below being killed one by one, and some were arrested alive. You can imagine the fate of these people, they definitely went back to worship the ancestor spirit. It is a spirit body such as a ghost that needs to absorb the soul to strengthen itself.

Two days later, the original place of the Black Goat Tribe was covered with ashes. Dead people, damaged buildings, and things that could not be taken away were all burned. Several tribes returned with full loads. The males of the Black Goat tribe, regardless of age. , Were killed, and the blood of the black goat tribe was gone, leaving women and girls who could have children. After these girls were brought back, they would be assigned to each family, and then the boys of each family would have their own Woman.

Procreation and reproduction are the top priorities of the tribe, and everything revolves around this.

As for other tribes, in the eyes of these natives, that is food and resources, and they do not regard other tribes as the same.

Cook understands this very well, after all, civilization was born here.

"But the civilization here is very strange. Whether it is the Council of the Gods or the Primordial Plane, although the length of time varies, the progress of civilization is very fast, and it is said that it has a history of many years, but civilization still stays here. Who is hindering the development of civilization?" Cook has a huge question in his heart.

And all of this points to a specific goal, God!

"This is a silent contest. I want to see who is worthy to call a god." Cook is full of expectations. What surprises will he bring to these, or this god?

Cook followed these tribes, but still did not find the black poisonous witch, Cook muttered in his heart: "Is it wrong, this black poisonous witch has no one else?"

Whispering back to whispering, Cook is always watching the witches of a certain tribe, because this witch is the witch who took the core of the light system star. Although there are not many left, the black poisonous witch does not show up. Is it because of this?

All kinds of speculations passed through Cook's heart, without the slightest clue, but Cook might gain something as long as he stared at this thing.

Cook is very careful about his whereabouts. The Lightning Bird's eyesight is good, but the tree is huge, the mountains are undulating, and the witches here have strange abilities. Cook is not sure if anyone is staring at the target.

"White Deer Tribe?" Cook followed this tribe to a tribe more than 30 days away from the Black Goat Tribe. Nothing happened in these 30 days, but the spirit of the witch was getting better and better, of course. , The light system star core itself has the ability to heal, and some hidden wounds are naturally healed.

There was a white deer on the flagpole with a yellow background and a white deer with antlers. The people of the White Deer tribe from far away cheered.

The captured women, girls, and the people of the Bailu tribe watched them carefully like cows and sheep, and some other trophies, such as some hunting tools, tents, and fur, of course, the most was food. After all, the black goat tribe has a lot of food reserves, and winter is coming soon.

The evening was a grand celebration. In front of the huge bonfire, all the captured women of the Black Goat Tribe were taken under the flagpole. The ancestor spirit opened his mouth and spewed a little fire light. These fire lights fell into the heads of these captured women. The woman will be a member of the Yinlu tribe.

The next step was for the witch to take out a wooden staff, and the ancestral spirit opened her mouth to inhale. There were countless souls in this wooden staff being absorbed into the ancestral spirit's mouth.

Feeling satisfied, the ancestor spirit opened his mouth and spouted a little bit of aura, and did not enter the body of the witch and the warrior.

"Hey, it's just a trick to fool people, and this aura is only refreshing." Cook could see clearly from a distance and muttered in his heart.

Sure enough, those tribal warriors were shocked and immediately cheered.

Then came the women who were taken prisoners by the witches. The strong women were distributed to the strong warriors, and the little girls were distributed to the families with boys.

"It's boring, when will the black poison witch appear? I don't believe these guys are not interested in killing the green-haired zombies?" Cook muttered.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Cook felt the moonlight slowly disappear, and a cold wind blew over. In the wind, Cook felt a tyrannical force.

"Hey, I have the origin of the wind in hand." Cook flapped his wings and flew into the jungle without any sound.

On a mountain ridge, Cook saw the source of the tyrannical breath in the wind. The knights, five riding black horses. The black horses are all black and the body is like a black crocodile scale. There is also a big mouth. tooth.

"It looks like a beast?" Cook muttered in his heart.

These knights have black metal armor on their bodies. This is the first time Cook has seen metal armor on the side of the tribe.

"What's added, this armor has some meaning?" When Cook's spiritual thought moved, this armor actually interfered with his spiritual thought.

The five knights looked at the silver deer tribe in the distance, and when the moonlight above their heads was completely covered, the five began to move.

These star beast mounts jumped down from several thousand-meter-high mountains and landed on hundreds of meters of stones, then made a light jump, and then landed again, looking like a light fluttering.

"Tier 3 star beasts." Cook followed behind these knights, guessing in his heart that these star beasts were obviously from the wind system.

"Hehe." Seeing the light movements of these five knights, Cook smiled in his heart, and then the wind element started.


The five knights and their mounts just leaped up. The wind energy in these star beasts didn't listen at all, and then they fell down with their mounts, which was only a dozen meters high.

"Hehe." Cook smiled in his heart, his figure flew away in a flash, and Cook came to the periphery of the Silver Deer Tribe.

From afar, Cook saw the five knights coming out of the jungle. The mount was also limping, and there was still the chic and wishful look just now.

Five knights walked out of the jungle, came to a clearing, and checked their mounts.

"Big Brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~What's the matter?" The voices of the five knights accompanied the wind and spread to Cook's perception.

"I don't know, let's see what's wrong with the mount." The man who called the boss was also limping, apparently he did not fall lightly when he fell.

"Could it be poisoning?" the voice of another woman asked.

"Let’s take a look first. The Black Poison Witch has become too rampant recently. The local tribes under our jurisdiction have lost a lot. If this continues, we will be punished. This time the Silver Deer tribe and other tribes can easily eliminate the green-haired demon. I know what's going on." Another man said.

"Don't say so much, quickly check the mount, heal the injury, and then rush to the Silver Deer Tribe." The boss whispered.

Cook looked embarrassed and murmured to himself: "You are a sneaky look. I thought it was a black poisonous witch. Hey, what is that, the ancestor spirit did not respond."

Cook watched a black shadow enter the Silver Deer Tribe in a flash. The ancestor spirit of the Silver Deer Tribe did not move at all, and Cook followed with a flash. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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