A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1343: Wrong, all wrong

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"Can you use it for you? Or is it that your small world can withstand the power of the banana fan?" The Great Sage asked, squinting at Cook.

When asked by the Great Sage, Cook said with a wry smile: "I know, the fire spirit is a pure spiritual fire, and the banana fan is something with the great world and the heavens, so the small world cannot be used."

"That's right, but I guess the fire spirit may still be there." The Great Sage said.

Cook shook his head and said, "Master, this is unpredictable. If there is indeed news, and the fire spirit must not run away, otherwise, the small world will be finished."

"Isn't there no way, isn't there that Barry there? The spirit fire will swallow each other. As long as you feel the breath of your Barry, I guess the fire spirit will not be able to help it come out." The Great Sage said.

Cook nodded: "I have the same idea, but what if Barry is in danger?"

"Cook, you have too many feelings, but it's just a fire, think about it, you will have to go a long way on the road of longevity in the future, your wife, your daughter, your son, Your parents, might they keep up with you? It's impossible. Then at that time, all you have to learn is to give up, to be willing to be willing, to be willing to gain, and God is ruthless." The saint saw Cook's indecision Like, shook his head and said.

Cook was silent. Indeed, Cook also thought about this issue. Now he has a beautiful wife and a beautiful concubine, and both children. But in the future, among other things, Cook’s parents will definitely die early. Although there are medicines and water of life, But Cook, uh, parents themselves are not talented, and Cook has not seen his parents for a long time recently.

There are also their own younger siblings, their beloved women, and obedient children.

The figures of these people flashed through Cook's mind one by one. After a while, Cook woke up from his contemplation and shook his head.

"Master, I decided to find this fire spirit myself." Cook decided to go straight ahead.

"Whatever you want." Seeing the appearance of Cook just now, the great sage sighed in his heart. He is a disciple with good talent and luck, but he is a little passionate. On the way of cultivation, passion is a big obstacle, and the great sage said in his heart. , Is it to help this kid cut off love? Maybe it might ascend the holy throne?

Of course Cook didn't know what the Great Sage thought, if he knew, he didn't know how he would react.

Although the Great Sage is not a disciple of Buddhism, he is somewhat influenced by Buddhism, and he is relatively indifferent to the seven emotions and six desires. This is why the Great Sage has been single for so many years.

"Barry, you should think carefully about what I said, and I will come to you in three days." Cook did not act alone, but took another approach, which is to ask Barry what he thinks.

Barry said angrily: "Don't think about it, you still have to ask me, I am one and you are not a big deal, if you are finished, I will be finished too, you, you, you are still hypocritical Ask me, should I ask?"

Barry spoke more and more smoothly, and Cook heard this and said angrily; "I just treat you as a separate individual and don't want to force you to order."

"Let's go, I want to see what the fire spirit is, but I have a fairy weapon." Barry said with confidence.

Cook shook his head. Since Barry was going, Cook took Barry back to the small world.

The energy storehouse effectively prevented the spread of fire elemental creatures and the further melting of the ice and snow continent, and the number of abyssal creatures was also slightly contained.

However, the monitoring of the Sky City showed that the energy fluctuation is more intense in the center of the energy fluctuation.

And huge heat was radiated into the air, causing tremendous changes in the environment of the entire world. The glaciers of wizards throughout the world melted, hurricanes, rainstorms, hail and other natural disasters became more frequent.

Five sky cities are on standby, surrounding the entire ice and snow continent, and there are four sky cities in the starry sky monitoring the situation of the entire plane.

"Barry, let's go." No one saw him off, and no one knew, Cook said to Barry.

"Cook, don't we need tactics?" Barry asked. Barry felt a little guilty after seeing the energy fluctuation detected by the detection system.

"No, this kind of battle doesn't need tactics, it's endless." Cook said, rushing towards the crater where the energy fluctuates the most.

The eightfold superimposed madness has been activated, holding the broken star hammer and the falling magic pestle, and Barry is following Cook.

The falling speed was very fast, and soon Cook felt the violent high temperature jetting out from under the ground.

The huge fire elemental creatures filled this sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With Cook’s whereabouts, countless fire elemental creatures discovered Cook’s traces and flew towards Cook. Hundreds of meters long huge fire dragons, or huge fire birds with wings spread tens of meters, these Fire elemental creatures rushed towards Cook.

But once these creatures approached a distance of hundreds of meters in front of Cook, huge beams of light fell in the sky. Whether it was a huge fire dragon or a huge fire bird that was hundreds of meters long, under this beam of light, one after another burst.

This time it can be said that Cook used all his wealth, and all the star cores searched on the Primordial Plane were put into several big sky cities. With these spare energy sources, Cook dared to come down.

In addition, these sky cities are madly absorbing the heat energy of the entire plane, reducing the temperature change of the entire plane to a minimum.

The firepower of the five sky cities is full. In Cook’s eyes, there are all bursting fire elemental creatures. However, these sky cities are not the original parts of the Primordial World. They were modified by Cook, and the power is not the Primordial Plane. The fortress is powerful, and the floating warning fortress on the Primordial Plane, even if it is a Tier 9 creature, is still killing.

But not here, because the small world cannot withstand such huge energy fluctuations.

The magma is all flaming red magma. With a flash of Cook's figure, he instantly turned into a humanoid fire elemental creature. This is the second form of polymorphism. Every time the wizard level increases by one level, one type of polymorphism can be added.

What Cook deforms is the higher fire elemental creature, the fire giant.

It is said to be a fire giant, but it is actually a fire elemental creature that looks like a human. Cook plunged into the tumbling magma. There are countless fire elemental creatures in this magma, many of which are like fire dragons.

From the point of view of fire elemental creatures, magma is very common, and these fire elemental creatures are also constantly struggling.


Now in Cook’s eyes, the surroundings seem to be empty. Magma has no effect on the elemental creatures at all. Just like air, Cook sees a firebird. When his mental power moves, his whole body turns into a huge With the palm of your hand, hold the Firebird directly, and the entire fire element of the Firebird will be absorbed by Cook.

"The memory is only half a day, too low-level." Cook felt the memory of the firebird in his mind, and then shook his head, looking very funny.

"Next, Cook, I perceive it, and below, the other party also perceives me." Barry said eagerly on the side.

"Go." Cook heard this and shouted.

The magma is three-dimensional, and Cook is like a fish in the water. Inside this magma is the site of powerful elemental creatures. In this magma, Cook cannot get support and can only rely on It's myself.

"Cook, I'm scared." Barry was inside Cook's body, transmitting to Cook.

"What are you afraid of?" Cook is fearless. For so many years, Cook has experienced many battles, some of which almost died, some were victorious by conspiracy and tricks, and some were crushed by equipment.

The combat experience is extremely rich, and the fire spirit is in the eyes of Cook, and that's the case. He has a lot of killers in his hand, even if he can't beat it, as long as he draws the magma out of the magma, the squad will be over.

It really doesn't work, it's a big deal, just hit people directly, just try your best.


Far away, a thousand-meter-long fire dragon exudes powerful energy fluctuations, and the entire magma is tumbling, which is warning Cook not to approach it.

"Humph." Cook hummed coldly in his heart, and swam past regardless, the fire elemental dragon saw Cook not retreating but advancing, and rushed towards Cook.

"Boom!" With a movement, Cook's body turned into a crystal-clear flaming red spear. It was hundreds of meters long. The fire elemental dragon rushed over with its teeth and claws, and it was directly crossed by Cook. Suddenly, the magma was constantly surging by the force of the huge impact, and countless low-level elemental creatures were directly crushed and burst, even the crystal core burst.

"Bang!" Cook looked at the crystal nucleus in his hand and suddenly squeezed and burst. Cook felt the pure fire energy become part of his body.

In fact, the elemental creatures fight against the intensity of energy control. The energy of Cook's flame giant is not as large as the total energy of the fire elemental dragon.

But Cook’s tyrannical mental power directly compressed the energy he possessed and almost turned it into a solid. The fire elemental dragon, not even a liquid, although the spear that Cook transformed into is only 100 meters, no matter the hardness or the penetrating power , Are not comparable to the flame dragon.

As it shattered all the way, reaching a depth of thousands of kilometers, Cook's flame giant has successfully evolved, and his figure is more solid, looking like a liquid.

"It's over there." Cook knew that he had entered the depths of the earth veins, the temperature was getting higher and higher, and he had killed more than a dozen high-level fire elemental creatures.

Cook can now be said to be a small part of the top-level existence of fire elemental creatures. Wherever he passed, the small fish and shrimps avoided.

Cook followed Barry's instructions and swam in one direction. The magma is almost white here, which shows how high the temperature is, but the wizard's transformation technique is also very powerful, directly immune to fire damage.

Of course, this immunity also has an equivalent, not to say that it is unlimited immunity.

"Stop, this is my territory." But below, there are a lot of tyrannical fire elemental biology classes, and Cook met the same fire crystal people. This is the fire element’s own energy solidification, evolving again, and the whole body has it. Life.

Cook didn't answer at all, his whole body turned into a huge hammer, and he slammed it at the fire crystal man.

The fire crystal man was also very angry when he saw the intruder actually acted first, turning his body into a huge red crystal like an awl, and came directly towards Kukza.

"Huh." Cook was surprised, and he could see that this fire crystal man had experienced countless battles. Perhaps in a certain battle, he discovered that the awl had changed and could win faster.


Cook had a head-to-head encounter with this fire crystal man, but Cook suffered a loss, because Cook changed the hammer, this fire crystal man was an awl, and the power defense was at this point. Cook was hit and flew out. .

In the process of flying out, Cook quickly transformed into a machete, and with the help of the power of the inverted flight, a spin was cut to the Huojingren again.

The fire crystals have extremely rich combat experience. This kind of guy who relies on his own battle to obtain a territory in a harsh environment has rich actual combat experience.

Moreover, at the level of the fire crystal man, it can be said that it is almost reckless. The fire elementary creatures are constantly devouring other fire elemental creatures to strengthen themselves.

The awl of the fire crystal man turned unexpectedly, and Cook's changed scimitar was actually taken away directly by the rotating force of the rotating awl.

"Oh." Cook was also very surprised, the Huo Jingren actually knew the essentials of this rotation.

Cook's figure moved and changed again. This time Cook transformed into a long sword, which was like a fish in the magma.

The awl that the fire crystal man turned into was actually in place. What direction Cook turned, and what direction the awl was facing, Cook was a little speechless, this guy was too smart.

This Huojingren had at least experienced hundreds of thousands of battles before he could become the Huojingren, but Cook did not dare to use many methods.

Cook wasn't sure if this Huojing was a running dog of the fire spirit below. According to the law of low-level obedience to high-level, the strength of this fire crystal was much lower than that of the fire spirit.

And Cook is not eager to win, because Cook found that his state of deformation of the fire element has reached a state of concentration.

This is an upgrade mode of Transfiguration, and there is the Wizard Book that Cook's control of the fire element has reached a new level. ’

Among them, the transformation technique can reach the specialization mode, that is, after the transformation, the goal of the transformation is the same, which requires the wizard to have a thorough grasp of the entire transformation goal.

As for how it was achieved, Cook still doesn’t know. In fact, Cook has never known how this wizard book was made. Even though Cook is now a ninth-tier constructed wizard, he still has no clue about the wizard book. .

Cook is constantly changing weapons and fighting against the awl of the Huojingren. This Huojingren has quite a method of static braking. No matter what fighting form you change, he is an awl, and it is a cone. awl.

After the battle for half an hour, in general, Cook has attacked many times, but almost all of them are in a panic. This fire crystal man can be said to be an awl madman.

This presents a cone-shaped awl. Not only can it be smashed with a butt, but it can also be confronted with a tip. It can't be avoided when encountering a hammer, and it can be rotated to relieve a large part of its power.

This kind of confrontation is not suitable for overcoming strength with softness, because fire elements swallow each other, even if you turn into a big net, you can only wait for the fate of being absorbed.

"Get out of the way." Cook said for the first time, this fire crystal man has rich combat experience.

"This is my site." Huo Jingren also replied in exchange.

"I'm just crossing the road." It was not easy for the Huo Jingren to grow up to this point. Cook didn't want to expose his hole cards, so Cook tried to communicate without delay.

"Cross, are you going down?" When the Huo Jingren heard this, he was very puzzled by the information he had fed back to Cook.

"Yes." When communicating with these low-IQ creatures, you can't talk too much, just like dog training, two words are the best, after which the number of commands executed will be greatly reduced.

And one word has the highest success rate, such as sitting, getting up, walking, etc.

"Danger." Huo Jingren also tried to make a simple meaning.

Cook felt a move, and then said, "Kill that guy."

"That guy is extremely powerful." The Huo Jing Ren's answer made Cook ecstatic.

Cook still answered very simply: "Desperately kill."

"Go, kill." The fire crystal man heard Cook's words and said.

Cook was stunned, and this was done. He wanted to kill with him?

Communicating with these elemental creatures did not explain Cook's sigh of relief, but listening to the meaning of the fire crystal person, the fire spirit or other things below, these fire elemental creatures are not very much to be seen.

Cook kept thinking about it, and soon a guess was formed in Cook's mind. Cook said: "Next, my house."

"Yes, my house is also underneath, occupied, and occupied." Influenced by Cook, this Huojing person communicated very concisely. Everyone understands it, but this is a special fluctuating communication, not a speech.

"Ha, it seems right, why didn't I think about it?" Cook was excited.

"It seems that this fire spirit absorbs a large amount of fire energy, which will definitely affect other fire elements around. The low-level fire elements just wander. There is no concept of territory, but when it comes to higher elemental creatures, there is a concept of territory, so fire The higher fire element in the place where the essence is located does not have fire energy, so what is the attitude towards the culprit?

"I am careless, I am careless, these fire elements rushed out of the ground, which is equivalent to leaving the hometown. I never thought of this." Cook regretted it secretly, why didn't he think of this.

Every creature has its own growth environment. Polar bears are definitely not willing to go to Africa, and African lions will definitely not go to the Antarctic. So once polar bears appear in Africa, it is certainly not voluntary.

"More, kill." Cook went down with the Huojing people and continued.

"There is a kill." The Huo Jing people responded with information.

Along the way, Cook and this Fire Crystal met many other Fire Crystals, and then joined them together. About three hours later, Cook heard Barry speaking in his body.

"Cook, I feel it, a powerful creature." The information Barry passed to Cook gave Cook some guesses.

Here, the temperature of the magma has actually dropped a lot, Cook feels uncomfortable, and the other fire crystals around also feel a little uncomfortable.

The decrease in temperature means that the combat effectiveness of the Huojingren has decreased a lot.

"Here." The Huojingren who was with Cook, tentatively called the Huojingren No.1, this guy asked Cook to wander over.

It was another half an hour, and then the fire crystal man moved laterally.

"Wow!" When Cook's head was exposed to the air, Cook was stunned. There was a space in the depths of the planet, surrounded by flowing magma.

This space is tens of miles in size. Just now Cook guessed that if it were to go straight down, it is estimated that it would fall into such a space, but now it is in the horizontal direction and will not fall down.

"Fire crystals, the best fire crystals." Below this space, there are densely packed top grade fire crystals, the largest of which is about five meters in diameter.

"It's inside the big rock." Barry pointed out to Cook accurately.

Cook jumped into the space at once, and there were a lot of heads sticking out of the surrounding magma, almost all of them waiting for the fire crystal people, but the shapes were different, and some were even more weird. Some looked like cows and birds. All stared at Cook.

"The best fire crystals." Cook did not directly rush to the fire spirits, but rushed to the best fire crystals.

These top-grade fire crystals are not only valuable, but they are also used to restore the strength of the fire crystals. It is so possible that Cook left Heyang's things to the fire spirits.

"These **** guys don't give up!" A voice rang in the empty space.

Cook's nerves tightened suddenly, and then he continued to store the best fire crystals, which seemed to be absorbed by Cook's body, but they were actually put into the ring of nature by Cook. As for the spatial fluctuations being discovered, stop teasing, it is so strong here. The fire element fluctuates, and in Cook's body, who can detect it.

"A group of thieves, wait for the old man to leave the customs, and you must wait to look good." The voice continued, with an angry mood.

Cook quickly locked the direction of the sound, inside the largest fire crystal.

The surrounding fire crystal insects, fire crystal people, and fire crystal dragon saw Cook's movements, and immediately rushed in, madly snatching these top grade fire crystals.

"It seems that the lesson for you is not enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~town." The moment this voice sounded, Cook's figure flashed back into the magma.


Cook felt his body shook, and his almost crystallized body seemed to collapse. In the empty space, after a black shadow flashed by, countless fire crystal creatures of the level of the fire element disappeared.

"Could it be that these top-grade fire crystals were left behind by the fire-crystal human-level elemental creatures being shot to death?" Cook's eyelids twitched, and Cook finally knew how many top-grade fire crystals came from.

"What is it?" Cook muttered.

"I can feel the fairy or the spirit treasure, and this fairy or the spirit treasure is the guy we're looking for." Barry sent a message to Cook.

"Isn't it the sound in the biggest fire crystal?" Cook asked Barry in amazement.

ps: Finally rushed out, forgive me, try to get early tomorrow. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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